MLB 2K10 News Post

The Major League Baseball 2K10 demo is now available for 360 users. Please post your impressions here.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 281 Bahnzo @ 02/24/10 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by metal134
The strike zone is MASSIVE. Not as it is shown, but as it is called. Anything even remotley brushing the zone is called a strike.
I just watched the (second?) video that was posted in this thread..it's a two part showing an entire inning. I've also noticed this as well.

Also...pitches break the same regardless of their height in the zone. In the video the guy throws a 12-6 high in the zone, and it breaks just as much as it does when thrown low. Same happened a few pitches later with a sinker.

And a big head scratcher...There was a play with guys on first and second, and a ball was hit hard to third with the third baseman having to track to his right to field it. It carried him a bit into foul ground. The guy controlling the player seemed to want to goto second base with the throw, but instead the third baseman threw it to the shortstop!? Huh?
# 282 SeerMagicX @ 02/24/10 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by WarDawg58
So whats the overall concensus? Will you guys be buying this game or not?

Pitching interface is great, I love the defensive swing (though the swing stick is no were near as good as it was in 2k8). But there is just a ton of problems, they MAY be fixable with heavy slider adjustment. But I'm not paying $60 to see if it is.
# 283 BA2929 @ 02/24/10 03:02 AM
I'm very picky when it comes to baseball games as I played in college, so very little things usually annoy me more than others. Especially when it comes to "real" visual things and the little baseball nuances. Here are a few quick Pros and Cons from what I've seen from a few games of the demo:


1) Love the defensive swing. Really feels like I'm battling with the pitcher to get a pitch I want to swing at.
2) Batters eye. Reminds me of MVP 05's color system. Real baseball players (especially those at the MLB level) can see either the grip or the seams on the ball when it leaves the pitchers hand and is coming towards the plate. Video games can't achieve this so the Batters Eye system is probably as good as it can get.
3) Bunts. I've only done 2, but each time it felt like the Catcher had to actually make a play. In past games it has felt like a bunt is a waste of time as the catcher would be on the ball before the batter even got out of the box. Not so this year.... at least in the few attempts I've made.
4) I like the way the catcher sets up AFTER you select your location and begin your movement. I hated having to move him to the spot I wanted to throw to if I decided to go with a different pitch than the one he selected.
5) It's much easier to take pitches when batting than in previous years. I actually can tell if the ball is going to be out of the zone and it isn't a guess. Makes it much more fun to work the pitch count and really hack at something.
6) Love the new camera angle for steals at the base.
7) Swing analyzer is sweet.
8) Like the catcher view when trying to throw out a runner.

1) Why does the 95mph fastball from Joba look to have arc to it? It shouldn't. This really, really annoys me. I'm sure there will be an option to turn up pitch speed which might will help some.
2) Couldn't figure out how to change my defensive players on my own when the ball was hit into shallow OF and I was controlling an INF. Probably just a problem with me being an idiot.
3) A few times when an OF was picking up the ball on the run to fire to a base the animation had him facing the wrong direction and the ball flying opposite. Not a big deal really. As long as the ball goes to the right base I can deal with him acting like Mega Man.
4) Fielding animations seem a little jerky, but I can get over that if they respond to what I want them to do.
5) Sometimes the ball seems to fly really fast out of INFs hands no matter how fast their arm goes.

That's all for now and I'm enjoying the game so far. I'm really hoping the Franchise and My Player modes are solid. If they are, I'll ignore most of the minor things above. I'm just hoping it's playable this year. I was seriously considering buying a PS3 so I could play The Show, but I'll give this one a shot after the demo.
# 284 Steel5 @ 02/24/10 03:40 AM
Another pass of baseball this year. Looks to be improved, but still basically the same game. Unless the reviews come out and are great I'll take a closer look at the retail version.

I really thought with the 2K series that they were headed in the right direction. I thought 2K8 was a good game and a foundation for a potentially great game, but last year's game was awful, and this doesn't seem to be better enough to warrant a purchase.
# 285 Grumpykore @ 02/24/10 03:59 AM
2k Baseball is back, good job guys. (posted this on 2k form board too) but OS is where i have been for years, just don't have much to say.

WOW, I just DL the DEMO on LIVE, was in shock when the game loaded up on my screen. What a difference a year makes, OMG, I'm sure all the options are toned down for the demo, but I was almost floored by the way the graphics this year just popped.

I was the phillies, just to try out yankee stadium. All has been redone, finally some sort of scoreboard to track innings and scoring. Thank you, the adds are vabriant and seemed to be alot of variety in the pull downs while pitching.

I did not fell this way last DEMO 2k9, to me last year felt really tight. But this year the swing animations are great, the throwing and all the things I saw in my 3 inning game. Basically this is one of 2k finest jobs so far to give us baseball for the 360.

Funny the first 3 picches I throw to the Yanks where wild piches. I think the new piching scheme is tight, feels right and so does the batting this year. The animations running feel different too and the fielding to the balls. I had a pop up shot sky high and seemed forever to track it down, but i will tell you all, there was no cliiping magical ball stuff, right in the glove it went, oh yeah forget to mention it was even a backhand catch from J-Roll.

Off to the game, I gave up a 2 run monster job to TEX, off of Big Joe Blanton. The came back with one from Werth in the seats, to make it a 1 run game. Overall i'm way excited and I can not wait to see more.

One thing I noticed is 2k is not lyling when they say you have to earn your way this year.

All seemed really fluid and crisp FPS to me. Lighting was off the hook, so far of what I have seen, can't wait to play another game once I get the kids to bed.

Laters, march 2nd, should be a good day for all of us or at least me.
# 286 Checmate101 @ 02/24/10 05:31 AM
I can't hit doubles for nothing.
# 287 123crkros022410 @ 02/24/10 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by Peter_OS
I dont see the demo!!! HELP!!

Any Canadians get it?
# 288 tj1182 @ 02/24/10 06:31 AM
In the Gamespot and IGN previews, didn't they say the graphics took a step back this year? Ummm...this is the best they have looked for 2K Baseball. I'm not to crazy about the dirt patches, but other than that this game looks friggin great.

I enjoyed last years demo, but then the retail game came out and so did the massive amount of bugs. That's whats holding me back on purchasing it day one. I'm defintely gonna rent it from GF, but I'm gonna wait to read some impressions on here and see what the review sites have to say.

It's great to see a full development cycle go to good use. (So far)
# 289 Tomba @ 02/24/10 07:12 AM
Impressions on the demo

1)Meters and overlays are unobtrusive and well done
2)Game has the lighting back to a 2k7 standard
3)Framerate is very smooth off hitting into the infield or outfield
4)Hitting feels like it did in 2k7
5)Pitching never felt better and feels like a throwback to 2k7
6)Stadiums are very much improved(at least Yankee stadium) and ads look authentically placed minus the non REAL branding but the branding is done as if it's supposed to 'resemble' and not make you laugh...
7)Player body models are better than the Shows. But overall the player models look like ONLY a minor hd step up from last year face wise.
8)When fielding, players run and react TOO fast. needs to be more nuanced.
9)Field "throws' or 'throwing" is just again way too fast.
10)Baserunning looks to fast...
11)Though the framerate is solid and makes everything appear to go off without a hitch. This safeness this clarity that's been gone after makes the game's stiffness come out in it's animations. Players might animate better but they animate like robots waiting for their command line....

Overall? as a demo I can't play it....The ability to not change from the awful batting view(which might be the reason for such great framerates and a trick i did with 2k8 and 2k9 to make it play smoother) the fact that you can't edit a thing bothers me too. BUT that's what retail versions are for!

Come on March 2nd!
# 290 Flaxseed Oil @ 02/24/10 08:48 AM
After playing the Show 10 at a Best Buy Kiosk yesterday, and playing the 2k10 demo about 6 times, I can safely say that both games are improved, but that the Show still feels like a better game of baseball.

360-Only owners will have a better year.

I absolutely love the pitching in 2k10, but the game still feels like I am fighting with it too much. I actually rage-quit one of the demos after the CPU made a couple of stupid baserunning mistakes.

I will pick up 2k10 though, because I feel like the pitching is fun enough to carry a My Player career. The Show will have my regular franchise and online games though.
# 291 krazzed @ 02/24/10 08:50 AM
Is it just me, or are the bat sounds better in the demo this year than in years past?
# 292 SoMiss2000 @ 02/24/10 08:54 AM
Meh, the more I play this demo, the more I don't like it. Nothing new, don't like 2K baseball. There was 1 year I did play it alot though. Still find myself going back and playing The Show 09. Glad to see a lot of people are feeling the demo. Competition is always good for us.
# 293 Jistic @ 02/24/10 08:56 AM
Just so I'm not missing anything, we can't change anything in the demo right? Can't pick the SP, camera angle, time of day, etc.?
# 294 Flaxseed Oil @ 02/24/10 08:59 AM
Anyone else think players look too skinny? A-rod, Ryan Howard, and CC all look thin.
# 295 mwjr @ 02/24/10 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by jhoff80
What I meant was, nobody was going to play it over and over again if they like the game, in lieu of buying it. Sure, you can play the 3-inning game multiple times (and I have), but like I said, you don't get any sense of flow for the game if you can't play the middle and late innings.

Like as just one example of many, there's absolutely no way to see how stamina affects pitchers in the later innings of a game.

Keep it between only two teams, keep the only mode as quickplay, but really, to give a good impression (especially for a series that people have been iffy on for a while) you should at least give a 6 inning demo, preferably a full 9 inning game.
Best sports demo I played was NASCAR 09. That demo was unbelievably deep. You got a taste of a couple of different game modes, you were able to change some difficulties, plus a few other things. It's the way sports demos should be done.

I do like what I've seen thus far with this demo. Graphics are really good, it plays quite smoothly. I also like that there's a distinct difference between throwing with Bastardo and throwing with Pettite. But there are still so many questions. How do the sliders affect AI pitching? How does pitcher stamina function? Is that stats engine working?

So far so good, but I'm still renting and reading a ton of articles, reviews and posts before I committ $60 to it.
# 296 Tully @ 02/24/10 09:23 AM
People appear to be using rose colored glasses with MLB2K again. This game isn't much of an upgrade from last season. The CPU still swings at anything close to a strike. The same ridiculous animations are there when a pitcher throws inside to a hitter. The 'getting angry' animation is way overdone. The hesitation on turning double plays again?

Of course the large font on the jerseys(how exactly does that get through quality control). The game does look better graphically and appears to run smooth. But I played The Show at Best Buy yesterday and 2K really doesn't deserve to get people's money until they get serious about putting out a comparable product. These two games aren't even close.
# 297 ckarlic @ 02/24/10 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by Flaxseed Oil
Anyone else think players look too skinny? A-rod, Ryan Howard, and CC all look thin.
Yeah..I was thinking the same thing.

I played the Demo on my son's 360 to see what it was all about and I must say it is improved from last year. The hitting and pitching are revamped and I like the feel of it. I just don't like the laser throws the fielders make (especially the outfielders)

Im waiting to hear about the PS3 version as that is what I have. Im already getting the other game but was considering trying this one out. I think im going to rent it first.
# 298 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/24/10 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by Jistic
Just so I'm not missing anything, we can't change anything in the demo right? Can't pick the SP, camera angle, time of day, etc.?
The only thing you can change are the Control Options Jistic
# 299 Metsui @ 02/24/10 09:43 AM
Very impressed with the demo. First pitch I hit for an oppo HR with Jeter but didn't hit another.

Game is silky smooth and looks great.
# 300 dgoak @ 02/24/10 09:50 AM
Overall, it seems this is an improvement over last year, BUT that isn't saying much since last year was off the charts terrible.

On the surface it seems a lot of the issues were addressed, but then again a lot of the issues involved franchise mode...the mysterious DL saga where guys would go on the DL never to return...etc.

2k always seemed to fast to me, runners, fielders, throwing, way out of scale, which is why I think the frame rates were always an issue. the jump from hitting cam to fielding cam still isn't accurate, I find myself constantly moving players in the wrong direction to field the ball, or the CPU highlighting the wrong player. this wouldn't be a big issue if the ball didn't travel so fast you don't have time to select the correct player or to react with a player once it's selected. I think this is why it seems that you never really have FULL control over your fielders, 2k may have tried to solve this by having the cpu pick the initial movement, I've noticed a few times where I made the wrong move (moved to the left when it should have been to the right) yet the fielder didn't follow my command..seems odd.

still don't understand why there needs to be preloaded animations, mvp didn't have this, it felt natural. this feels to robotic. In a game last night a soft grounder up the middle, utley fielded the ball and instead of quick flip to rollins, proceeded to go into a throwing animation that looked as though he was trying to throw someone out at home instead of 4 feet away...this cost me the double play.

not bashing this offering, it does play better and look better, but definitely waiting to see user reviews a week or two after release to make a decision.

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