MLB 2K10 News Post

The Major League Baseball 2K10 demo is now available for 360 users. Please post your impressions here.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 261 gdavis2570 @ 02/23/10 10:41 PM
I think this game will be great, the game play was smooth for me the only thing that bugged me was on a fly ball to right field the fielder stopped and the center fielder came all the over to catch the ball. I am getting both games so i can play an AL franchise and a NL franchise
# 262 Kane182 @ 02/23/10 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
-While certainly very-much toned down, there are still some issues with physics in terms of hits. I swung late on an outside pitch (tailing away, at that) and pulled it. This only happened a couple times though and both while fooling with the classic hitting. The swing stick seemed right on.
You said exactly what I was thinking. I was so excited when I figured out classic hitting was in the demo, you could aim with the LS, and there was a one button swing, none of this contact/power nonsense. It just doesn't feel right.

I can learn to live with the swing stick, but I am a bit disappointed that it does not seem like they put hardly any effort into classic swing.

I'll probably wait for user/critic reviews because I am still suspect after buying into the hype the last 2 years.
# 263 tazbk @ 02/23/10 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by AustinOrgans

1. A.J. Burnett doesn't have a sinker.
I don't recall him having a sinker in real life. He throws two fastballs (4-seam and what can be described as a 2-seam. It has a lot of movement. This might be what you are referring to). He also throws two variations of his curveball and sometimes a change-up, but no sinker.

As for the demo, I played about 5 games now. My first game I got blown out 5-0 because I couldn't remember how to play the game. My next 3 games were 0-0 ties. I then beat the Phils 8-1 on the strength of two 3-run A-Bombs. I like the pitching. Baserunning system still sucks. Batting is still a bit quirky but I think it is a significant upgrade from last year.

As a teacher, I can equate the two available baseball games to students. On one hand you have a low A student who when they improve, it doesn't really seem that significant. On the other hand, you have a failing student who just improved about two letter grades. It's more impressive in terms of gaining points but still doesn't match the quality of the other student.

In any event, I will give this game a fair chance during the month of March and we will see how it goes from there.
# 264 mark1726 @ 02/23/10 11:06 PM
Can someone try batting using the standard "behind the pitcher" view used in real broadcasts? I bat from this view and last year in 2k9 the CPU catcher would give away location of the pitch instead of always setting up in the middle thereby making hitting easy.

Thanks, and sorry if this has been asked.
# 265 SoxFan01605 @ 02/23/10 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by mark1726
Can someone try batting using the standard "behind the pitcher" view used in real broadcasts? I bat from this view and last year in 2k9 the CPU catcher would give away location of the pitch instead of always setting up in the middle thereby making hitting easy.

Thanks, and sorry if this has been asked.
Can't change the camera in the demo.
# 266 JBucc @ 02/23/10 11:27 PM
Has there been a post of all the controls somewhere?
# 267 DirtyJerz32 @ 02/23/10 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by JBucc
Has there been a post of all the controls somewhere?
The controls are in the game. Press start, controller settings. There ya go.
# 268 JBucc @ 02/23/10 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by DirtyJerz32
The controls are in the game. Press start, controller settings. There ya go.
Huh, I thought I pressed start and didn't see anything. Maybe I should get my eyes checked.
# 269 DirtyJerz32 @ 02/23/10 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
It still concerns me that a game out of the box needs to be altered that majorly.

Time will tell.
Tell me a sports game that plays well out of the box. I don't think any sports game plays great OOTB. That's why they put sliders in sports games in the first place.
# 270 rock85 @ 02/23/10 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by JBucc
Huh, I thought I pressed start and didn't see anything. Maybe I should get my eyes checked.
Once you press start move the right stick
# 271 DirtyJerz32 @ 02/23/10 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by rock85
Once you press start move the right stick
Yup Yup.
# 272 KeMiKaL @ 02/23/10 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by JBucc
Huh, I thought I pressed start and didn't see anything. Maybe I should get my eyes checked.
once u press start u have to move the right stick like on NBA 2k10
# 273 Spanky @ 02/23/10 11:46 PM
For those with a silver account, just a reminder that you can get a 1-month free gold membership by simply creating a new gamertag and signing up for a silver account. Decline the option for a paid gold membership and it will give you a free 1-month gold trial membership.

I believe you can do three per console.

I just did like my eighth one in two years (I'm on my 3rd 360). I time it to coincide with the release of demos I want to try, since I have no interest in on-line gaming.

So it's downloading right now. Screw that waiting one week business for silver accounts.

I love sticking it to the man.
# 274 bhurst99 @ 02/23/10 11:56 PM
I am playing the demo and it seems like a big improvement on last year's mess. The pitching interface seems much better and I'm surprised how much I like the defensive swing. It was great to see AI batters taking pitches, fouling off pitches and working the count.

The animations are very smooth.

My biggest concern is that throws from the outfield reach the infield at ridiculous speeds which is going to cut down on extra base hits.

I'm struggling to recognize balls with this hitting camera but others don't seem to have that problem.

Seems too easy to make contact but that might just be because of the demo level.
# 275 WarDawg58 @ 02/23/10 11:58 PM
So whats the overall concensus? Will you guys be buying this game or not?
# 276 tj1182 @ 02/24/10 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by WarDawg58
So whats the overall concensus? Will you guys be buying this game or not?
I'm gonna rent it first.
# 277 johnnyg713 @ 02/24/10 12:58 AM
Obviously the commentary isnt there for the demo. However the one thing that kind of worries me is the presentation. What 2k9 stressed so much about was realtime presentation.. Im not too sure if its just because 2k wanted to stress gameplay in the demo but someone mention over in the 2k-forums that the demo felt a bit more hurried up. 2k9 did a decent job at slowing things down and showing a lot of cutscenes to make you feel like you were watching a game on tv. I would think 2k10 would only improve upon presentation but in the demo it seems they have taken a step back to get the player sort of "back to the action" quicker. I really hope the retail version gives us that broadcast feel.
# 278 jhoff80 @ 02/24/10 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by rock85
Once you press start move the right stick
While we're on the subject, I wish I knew the reason for them continuing to use this exceptionally stupid menu interface.

Yeah, you can get used to it, but it's so unintuitive it's like they're doing it just for the sake of being different.
# 279 econoodle @ 02/24/10 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by tazbk
I don't recall him having a sinker in real life. He throws two fastballs (4-seam and what can be described as a 2-seam. It has a lot of movement. This might be what you are referring to). He also throws two variations of his curveball and sometimes a change-up, but no sinker.

As for the demo, I played about 5 games now. My first game I got blown out 5-0 because I couldn't remember how to play the game. My next 3 games were 0-0 ties. I then beat the Phils 8-1 on the strength of two 3-run A-Bombs. I like the pitching. Baserunning system still sucks. Batting is still a bit quirky but I think it is a significant upgrade from last year.

As a teacher, I can equate the two available baseball games to students. On one hand you have a low A student who when they improve, it doesn't really seem that significant. On the other hand, you have a failing student who just improved about two letter grades. It's more impressive in terms of gaining points but still doesn't match the quality of the other student.

In any event, I will give this game a fair chance during the month of March and we will see how it goes from there.

great analogy.
ill b e going with the failing upstart student this year.
# 280 metal134 @ 02/24/10 01:16 AM
I played a couple of innings before work, but I noticed one thing present that bugged the hell out of me in 08'. The strike zone is MASSIVE. Not as it is shown, but as it is called. Anything even remotley brushing the zone is called a strike. Hopefully it was an aberration. But it took me back. I remember playing a couple of games in 08 where I pitched balls where you could fit another ball between it and the strikezone and they would be called a strike.

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