MLB 2K10 News Post

The Major League Baseball 2K10 demo is now available for 360 users. Please post your impressions here.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 301 albsur2003 @ 02/24/10 09:55 AM
I purchased MLB 2K8 and rented MLB 2K9. And I must say. 2K Baseball is definitely back. I'm still not THAT crazy about the fielding cam. But I like the new batting cam. I hope that the cameras are adjustable, which I'm sure they will be. The gameplay is the best in the series to me. It plays so well and not all herky jerky like it used to. I liked classic buttons for pitching and hitting but honestly, the pitching and hitting using the stick is so responsive in this game that I might finally switch over. The animations are really great. I struck out Ryan Howard and just the accuracy of his violent followthrough was awesome. I had to replay it. The fielding is MUCH better, I just don't really care for the camera. Even if it isn't adjustable, it's not a game killer for me. Collision detection could use work but I'm not gonna complain. In terms of the homeruns and walks, I'm sure that sliders will help out. I will say in the demo i was pleasantly surprised with the pitches the CPU would swing at and not swing at. It was almost...like real baseball. I will definitely be dropping some money on this. It's crazy to think that the release build might even be better. I stopped playing the demo because I want to go ahead and start my franchise. It was killing me.
# 302 Motown @ 02/24/10 10:10 AM
Aiight, tried this sucka out @ BB...game DID upgrade in the GFX department...looks nice, & i hope the PS3 version is close. absolutely diggin' the P/B interface...a gem there. some things that STILL errk me to no end:

The field dimensions are still too small, no grass friction to be found. you'll be hard-pressed in gettin' doubles down the line & thru the gaps imo. it also seems the player models are hunkered over a bit, & every swing is an uppercut...A level swing wasn't to be found. players are still robotic in movement. VC is headin' in the right direction...just not quite there yet. Xboxers...glad yall got a game this year.
# 303 econoodle @ 02/24/10 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by Grumpykore
2k Baseball is back, good job guys. (posted this on 2k form board too) but OS is where i have been for years, just don't have much to say.

WOW, I just DL the DEMO on LIVE, was in shock when the game loaded up on my screen. What a difference a year makes, OMG, I'm sure all the options are toned down for the demo, but I was almost floored by the way the graphics this year just popped.

I was the phillies, just to try out yankee stadium. All has been redone, finally some sort of scoreboard to track innings and scoring. Thank you, the adds are vabriant and seemed to be alot of variety in the pull downs while pitching.

I did not fell this way last DEMO 2k9, to me last year felt really tight. But this year the swing animations are great, the throwing and all the things I saw in my 3 inning game. Basically this is one of 2k finest jobs so far to give us baseball for the 360.

Funny the first 3 picches I throw to the Yanks where wild piches. I think the new piching scheme is tight, feels right and so does the batting this year. The animations running feel different too and the fielding to the balls. I had a pop up shot sky high and seemed forever to track it down, but i will tell you all, there was no cliiping magical ball stuff, right in the glove it went, oh yeah forget to mention it was even a backhand catch from J-Roll.

Off to the game, I gave up a 2 run monster job to TEX, off of Big Joe Blanton. The came back with one from Werth in the seats, to make it a 1 run game. Overall i'm way excited and I can not wait to see more.

One thing I noticed is 2k is not lyling when they say you have to earn your way this year.

All seemed really fluid and crisp FPS to me. Lighting was off the hook, so far of what I have seen, can't wait to play another game once I get the kids to bed.

Laters, march 2nd, should be a good day for all of us or at least me.

thats me! lol

this post is pretty much how i feel at this point.

coming over from MLB the pitching is a learning curve, but ill get there, thats what spring training is for !
# 304 bartolet7 @ 02/24/10 10:15 AM
Played several "games" with the demo last night. MUCH improvement in all areas compared to last year. Almost feels like a new game. Some like it and some don't but I really like the batting view. Graphics are crisp, and the colors jump out this year, not that washed out look of 2K9. Smooth framerate sure does make a difference. Audio sounds okay and will only get better with the commentary added to the presentation, which I felt was a (lone) strong point from last year.

Hard to get a real feel for overall gameplay with just 3 non-customizable innings, so time will tell on that but haven't seen any glaring problems jump out at me yet.

Looking forward to March 2. I'll be picking this one up for sure.
# 305 fishepa @ 02/24/10 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Motown
Aiight, tried this sucka out @ BB...game DID upgrade in the GFX department...looks nice, & i hope the PS3 version is close. absolutely diggin' the P/B interface...a gem there. some things that STILL errk me to no end:

The field dimensions are still too small, no grass friction to be found. you'll be hard-pressed in gettin' doubles down the line & thru the gaps imo. it also seems the player models are hunkered over a bit, & every swing is an uppercut...A level swing wasn't to be found. players are still robotic in movement. VC is headin' in the right direction...just not quite there yet. Xboxers...glad ya got a game this year.
I pretty much agree with everything you said here. The field dimensions seem WAY too small. It's hard to get a double, and there is no way possible to get a triple.

The one thing I do like is the pitching interface though.
# 306 Mediocore @ 02/24/10 10:21 AM
Much better than last year. After one game:

HR using contact swing (on a 2-0 fastball)
Pitching seems like it'll be a good challenge

No grass friction
Field dimensions
2K still has a weird affinity for dust clouds
Still awards hits on a FC -- Runner on 2B, hard hit ball to 3B... I tagged the runner out and the batter was safe at 1B. Ruled a hit.
# 307 FedEx227 @ 02/24/10 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Flaxseed Oil
Anyone else think players look too skinny? A-rod, Ryan Howard, and CC all look thin.
Absolutely. Howard is the most glaring, he looks like Carl Crawford. Not just in body type but also in his face.
# 308 Mediocore @ 02/24/10 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by FedEx227
Absolutely. Howard is the most glaring, he looks like Carl Crawford. Not just in body type but also in his face.
This is true. Especially the upper body.
# 309 FedEx227 @ 02/24/10 10:30 AM
Was anybody really able to hit any gapers?

I think I only had 1 double in the 7-8 games I played.
# 310 DirtyJerz32 @ 02/24/10 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Flaxseed Oil
Anyone else think players look too skinny? A-rod, Ryan Howard, and CC all look thin.
I think the player models look great. CC looks fat like he's supposed to. I like the player models better than the other game as of now. I'll wait to give final verdict when I play the other game.
# 311 FedEx227 @ 02/24/10 10:38 AM
I didn't have a huge complaint with CC, but Ryan Howard is the same size as Robinson Cano.
# 312 tsp120 @ 02/24/10 11:01 AM
I've been very impressed with the demo but have some negative comments (all of which have been said before)

Once the ball is in play, to me the game moves too fast. My biggest concern is the lack of doubles and triples because of this.

The CPU seems to pitch way too many strikes. Hopefully this will be adjustable with sliders and hopefully pitchers become less accurate as they tire.

CPU batters seem a little too aggressive at the plate, another thing that will hopefully be adjustable with sliders.

One thing people have been complaining about that I love is the new batting camera. I find it much more realistic to judge balls/strikes than it was in 2K9.
# 313 mkharsh33 @ 02/24/10 11:05 AM
in 2k9 i ended up toning down baserunning speed and fielding speed... personally, i have no problem with using sliders to slow the game down a bit. i think some people here are just wanting to be nitpicky. will 2k ever make a "perfect" baseball game? no. but it's not the worst game ever made. i had a lot of slider changes to MVP Baseball 05 (original xbox) and it's considered a great game (which I agree with). Slider adjustments will fix some of these things revealed here in the demo.
# 314 thornie @ 02/24/10 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by FedEx227
Was anybody really able to hit any gapers?

I think I only had 1 double in the 7-8 games I played.
I hit a double with Nick Johnson in my 3rd game. The ball was hit in the gap, but because the outfield was playing so deep it was cut off before it reached the wall... Still made it to second though. Oh an Polanco hit a triple off of me by going the other way down the line when my OF was shading him to the left.

I just want to say... "Defensive swing", where have you been all of my life. For the first time ever I am putting together gutty tough at bats. I had a 16 pitch battle with Brett Gardner, which ended in a weak pop fly to center. The most gratifying pop fly out I have ever hit in 20 years baseball video gaming.
# 315 eman33397 @ 02/24/10 11:18 AM
I had a fun time with the demo, and I really enjoyed the new hitting and pitching mechanics. I will definitely buy it.
The game looks good, and the player models are much improved.
# 316 FedEx227 @ 02/24/10 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by thornie
I hit a double with Nick Johnson in my 3rd game. The ball was hit in the gap, but because the outfield was playing so deep it was cut off before it reached the wall... Still made it to second though. Oh an Polanco hit a triple off of me by going the other way down the line when my OF was shading him to the left.
That's good to hear. Thanks!
# 317 luckeynite70 @ 02/24/10 11:37 AM
Just played the demo for about an hour and have found myself having a good time. There are some really good things that they have done this year.

-The graphics are much better than last year especially the close ups.
-The Interface is tons better giving much more info than last year.
-Game plays smoothly
-Pitch counts tremendously better than last year
-There are a good amount of jaggies especially the scoreboard, mound, and shadows (hopefully fixed in final game)
-The pickoff animation is goofy a good amount of the time, as if the runner is not far enough to slide back I'm not sure its just weird
-There is still a good amount of homeruns, but not like the slugfest 2k9 was (probably remedied with sliders)

I must say I told myself last year that I would not purchase this game first day, but now I'm contemplating a midnight trip to Walmart if not the early morning on the 2nd. I am very impressed with what they have done this year and the amount of things they have fixed, although this game may not be the best baseball sim ever, it shows me that 2k and VC are working hard to give 360 owners a solid baseball game that is worth their time. They also are going to be much more competitive with The Show on the ps3 platform, in my opinion. I have been impressed 2K keep working hard.
# 318 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/24/10 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by mkharsh33
in 2k9 i ended up toning down baserunning speed and fielding speed... personally, i have no problem with using sliders to slow the game down a bit. i think some people here are just wanting to be nitpicky. will 2k ever make a "perfect" baseball game? no. but it's not the worst game ever made. i had a lot of slider changes to MVP Baseball 05 (original xbox) and it's considered a great game (which I agree with). Slider adjustments will fix some of these things revealed here in the demo.
I totally agree with ya mkharsh, Base Running, Fielder Speed & Power are all sliders that need tweaking OTB as much as any sliders. I really hope Steve post some screens of this years sliders so we can get a sense of what were working with this year
# 319 Jistic @ 02/24/10 11:47 AM
Thanks for answering my question Joe.

bottom line us 360 users have a very playable, *gasp* even enjoyable(?)baseball game this year.

That's enough for me for now.
# 320 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/24/10 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Jistic
Thanks for answering my question Joe.

bottom line us 360 users have a very playable, *gasp* even enjoyable(?)baseball game this year.

That's enough for me for now.
NP, Jistic. Look forward to seeing what you come-up with this year around sliders..

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