MLB 2K10 News Post

The Major League Baseball 2K10 demo is now available for 360 users. Please post your impressions here.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 241 DirtyJerz32 @ 02/23/10 09:31 PM
Yankee satdium is so pretty at night!
# 242 SoxFan01605 @ 02/23/10 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Same here. LOVE the view. Can't wait to try out My Player Mode....
Ugh...I HATE the view. I can see why some people like it (it is easy to read pitches), but man...it really makes the depth-of-field look distorted for me. No biggie though as that can be changed.

The biggest thing I took away from the demo is that it really does appear the pitcher/batter duel did indeed get some love. I had several ABs that made me get that good baseball feeling that's been lacking for so long with 2K.
# 243 mkharsh33 @ 02/23/10 10:02 PM
i'm not going to download the demo...i've been reading the impressions here, and i've already pre-ordered this game. i can't drop the cash on a ps3, and since i love baseball i'm gonna get this game no matter what.

i'm also guessing this demo is not the "final" build so i'll just get the game on March 2nd and I'll probably enjoy it. 2k9 was a bad game, but i could still stomach it. if 2k10 is better (which it appears it will be) i can live with that...

appreciate everyone chiming in here and providing your insights...
# 244 Bondsfan @ 02/23/10 10:04 PM
MK, glad to hear you are getting the game. Are you planning on doing rosters like last year?
# 245 mkharsh33 @ 02/23/10 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Bondsfan
MK, glad to hear you are getting the game. Are you planning on doing rosters like last year?
thanks! i'm going to see what the word is regarding anyone else who has the 360. if Tomba does rosters he will do a MUCH better job than me.

I waited until the June 28th official 2k roster before i did mine...saved me a ton of CAPs. But I am looking forward to the release of this game, but I'd prefer to hold off on my roster update as I'm hoping 2k will add players that will no doubt need adding.

I'm also hoping that NYROCK will be getting this game, as his CAPs were very, very good.
# 246 rock85 @ 02/23/10 10:09 PM
I like the demo overall a big improvement over last year. The fielding while improved it just feels like it almost like its on auto fielding. The outfielders sometimes when throwing into the infield throw across their body(minor gripe) but looks awkward. The replays on off speed/breaking stuff all look like knuckle balls (no rotation) and i have seen some AI mishaps (may go away at higher difficulty settings) and oh my goodness please fix those swing animations
# 247 HK-47 @ 02/23/10 10:10 PM
I liked the demo a lot but, there is few things that make the game look ugly...

The jaggies! You can see them on the outer parts of the players and home plate umpire.

The base running animations... I saw two highlights of Yankee players rounding third base, and both times it looked really weird. If I remember correctly, they stopped at third base then took off for home a second later. Looked really bad, and it did not mimic how MLB players run the bases.

Another ugly base running animation...Diving back on a pick off attempt. Why does the runner dive back so fast? It looks odd.

The crowd in the outfield seats looks like it's from a PS1 game.

I saw Jimmy Rollins "snap" into his batting stance. I know me and some others were really bugged by this "snapping" in 2k9. After I saw this, I was on the lookout for more "snapping", but I didn't see anymore.
# 248 jb12780 @ 02/23/10 10:15 PM
Big improvement from last year. Kudos to 2k.
# 249 tmac55 @ 02/23/10 10:15 PM
I really have enjoyed my time with the demo. I have to give VC some credit and I hope they can fix the minor flaws. The graphics, lighting and player models are excellent this year. The pitcher vs batter battle is intense and it does give you that baseball experience with it.

Game is a huge step forward from 2k9 and I look forward to the full version and beyond.
# 250 tadoreo @ 02/23/10 10:19 PM
hmm did not like the demo as much as other people here are my main problems....
#1-During a collision at the plate the catcher drops the ball before he is hit. (has this happened to anyone else?)
#2-Still the jagged quirky animations from last game but it has gotten better
#3-NO COMMENTARY- come on 2k after last year??? Could at least give us a taste of some commentary in a demo
#4 Batting camera view
#5-Pitching camera view with CC
#6-They still have that jump then throw from the outfield (people dont do that. Do they watch baseball?
#7-No ability to change diff,cam view etc.
#1-Jennie Zelasko in the beggining
#2-Better lighting and field destruction
#3-collision detection
#4-No BULL that I saw like last year...AKA (outfielders missing the ball
#5- Great new outfield catching system
#6 Good throwing meter
#7-Gameplay seems much better

Still after the demo, I dont see me paying $60 for this game. Not after last year.
# 251 Ckhoss29 @ 02/23/10 10:19 PM
I have been loving it so far. I have had Bastardo(me) vs. Joba 2 times and one time had Vazquez(me) vs. Blanton. You can definitely the difference between pitchers. Vazquez's 12-6 is sick as hell but you can actually hit breaking pitches this year. I also tried to fire a couple down the middle and Tex hit one that might have gone through Victorino in real life. The batting has been challenging for me as I have only hit 1 home run with Ibanez. I am loving this year's edition so far.

Also noticed that at the beginning of games the field is wet like the grounds crew sprayed it down. During the game it dries out esp. around the bases
# 252 mrmorning @ 02/23/10 10:23 PM
Here's another gameplay video....Good first impression, again like many have said much improved from last year....enjoy...

# 253 Ckhoss29 @ 02/23/10 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by HK-47
I liked the demo a lot but, there is few things that make the game look ugly...

The jaggies! You can see them on the outer parts of the players and home plate umpire.

The base running animations... I saw two highlights of Yankee players rounding third base, and both times it looked really weird. If I remember correctly, they stopped at third base then took off for home a second later. Looked really bad, and it did not mimic how MLB players run the bases.

Another ugly base running animation...Diving back on a pick off attempt. Why does the runner dive back so fast? It looks odd.

The crowd in the outfield seats looks like it's from a PS1 game.

I saw Jimmy Rollins "snap" into his batting stance. I know me and some others were really bugged by this "snapping" in 2k9. After I saw this, I was on the lookout for more "snapping", but I didn't see anymore.
As for the snapping if you noticed in the gameplay vid from GI it seemed like all of the players took their time stepping in, I think it may be because of hurry up is on in the demo. It seems more rushed to get to the action.
# 254 SeerMagicX @ 02/23/10 10:23 PM
Man I don't know what game people are playing, but this game is still a mess. Sure the pitching and hitting are fun, but both were done better in 2k8.

Once the ball is in play the game gets bad. Fielding is pretty much played by the cpu. Even throwing the ball with the meter, often times the computer will choose the release point instead of you when fielding a grounder.... baffling.

The ball simply dies when it gets to the outfield. I've played exactly 15 games, not ONE ball that made it down the line or in the gap that went to the wall. In those games I got ONE double, and it was a close play. ZERO hits that went over outfielders or landed at the warning track for a hit... ZERO. Outfielders move left and right to fast, and have super cannons for arms. If the CPU didn't cut the ball off on throws home, a runner would never score from 2nd base on a single.

I for one won't be buying, and I won't be buying the show either. The show while it plays a great game of baseball, is stale and boring. Wish I could take the pitching and hitting interface from 2k and realism from the show.
# 255 Ckhoss29 @ 02/23/10 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by SeerMagicX
Man I don't know what game people are playing, but this game is still a mess. Sure the pitching and hitting are fun, but both were done better in 2k8.

Once the ball is in play the game gets bad. Fielding is pretty much played by the cpu. Even throwing the ball with the meter, often times the computer will choose the release point instead of you when fielding a grounder.... baffling.

The ball simply dies when it gets to the outfield. I've played exactly 15 games, not ONE ball that made it down the line or in the gap that went to the wall. In those games I got ONE double, and it was a close play. ZERO hits that went over outfielders or landed at the warning track for a hit... ZERO. Outfielders move left and right to fast, and have super cannons for arms. If the CPU didn't cut the ball off on throws home, a runner would never score from 2nd base on a single.

I for one won't be buying, and I won't be buying the show either. The show while it plays a great game of baseball, is stale and boring. Wish I could take the pitching and hitting interface from 2k and realism from the show.
Sliders my man sliders. Outfielders with sliders will never track down balls that should fall
# 256 mkharsh33 @ 02/23/10 10:30 PM
agreed...i saved my sliders from last year and will input them as a base and go from there. i worked extensively on them, so i'm hoping that the game will largely work from that line of thought.
# 257 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/23/10 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Ckhoss29
Sliders my man sliders. Outfielders with sliders will never track down balls that should fall

It still concerns me that a game out of the box needs to be altered that majorly.

Time will tell.
# 258 mkharsh33 @ 02/23/10 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
It still concerns me that a game out of the box needs to be altered that majorly.
...which is exactly like EVERY sports video game i've ever played.
# 259 HK-47 @ 02/23/10 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by SeerMagicX
Man I don't know what game people are playing, but this game is still a mess. Sure the pitching and hitting are fun, but both were done better in 2k8.

Once the ball is in play the game gets bad. Fielding is pretty much played by the cpu. Even throwing the ball with the meter, often times the computer will choose the release point instead of you when fielding a grounder.... baffling.

The ball simply dies when it gets to the outfield. I've played exactly 15 games, not ONE ball that made it down the line or in the gap that went to the wall. In those games I got ONE double, and it was a close play. ZERO hits that went over outfielders or landed at the warning track for a hit... ZERO. Outfielders move left and right to fast, and have super cannons for arms. If the CPU didn't cut the ball off on throws home, a runner would never score from 2nd base on a single.

I for one won't be buying, and I won't be buying the show either. The show while it plays a great game of baseball, is stale and boring. Wish I could take the pitching and hitting interface from 2k and realism from the show.

Pretty much all of what you typed can be fixed with slider tweaking. For some reason, 2k loves their default settings to have fast fielders and super slow pitch speeds.
# 260 AustinOrgans @ 02/23/10 10:39 PM
How do you make diving catches in the outfield? Whenever I hit X to dive for a ball it just preloads a throw to third base.

Some other problems:

1. A.J. Burnett doesn't have a sinker.

2. Fielding animations aren't fluid. Fielders stop on a dime if the throw isn't perfectly preloaded.

3. Baserunner flashing back to the bag on a pickoff attempt.

4. Can't watch batters step out of the box, get back into stance after each pitch. It's as if the computer automatically skips through the animations.

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