MLB 2K10 News Post

The Major League Baseball 2K10 demo is now available for 360 users. Please post your impressions here.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 jeffy777 @ 02/23/10 03:53 PM
Ronnie from 2K confirmed the demo difficulty level is only on pro, so hitting and pitching should be more of a challange on the higher difficulty levels in the full version. I've only had a chance to play one game so far, but I didn't hit a homer or give one up yet, so I was happy about that.
# 182 duke776 @ 02/23/10 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Ronnie from 2K confirmed the demo difficulty level is only on pro, so hitting and pitching should be more of a challange on the higher difficulty levels in the full version. I've only had a chance to play one game so far, but I didn't hit a homer or give one up yet, so I was happy about that.
I just got demolished 6-0 by the Yankees, I think I got one or two hits and drew a walk. Bastardo got dominated, too bad we can't sub pitchers. I think I'll be staying on pro for a little bit, I guess it goes back to how I've always been bad at videogames.

It looks like 2k took out fake throw in the field this year. That sucks, because I had an easy double play on a line drive to first but I flicked up on the right stick thinking I needed to make my fielder jump, instead he preloaded his throw to second and I couldn't stop the throw.
# 183 itbeme23 @ 02/23/10 04:05 PM
I've downloaded the demo twice now, and each time I've gotten the "disk unreadable" error on my console when I try to play it. Is anybody else experiencing this issue? More importantly, does anybody have any advice on how to get this demo working?

Figures this would happen when I was really looking forward to playing because of all the positive feedback......My luck.

# 184 kashmir28 @ 02/23/10 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
I think this is all part of an earlier build, though. If you see the newest comparison video that VC released, there's a shot of Chase field that shows it has filled out.
Hope you are right in the long run, but just watched the comparison video again and the old overall, though resized, is still used. The early Chase Field clip seems to be pre-game, all other jumbotron views have the old overall. What annoys me about it is when its in center view during at bats. It just looks so darn odd.
# 185 NeoExelor @ 02/23/10 04:16 PM
There are no words.

Seriously, the demo was amazing. Graphics and gameplay were magnificent, pitching was streamlined, fielding was good...

This will be good.
# 186 Jamin23 @ 02/23/10 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by kashmir28
Hope you are right in the long run, but just watched the comparison video again and the old overall, though resized, is still used. The early Chase Field clip seems to be pre-game, all other jumbotron views have the old overall. What annoys me about it is when its in center view during at bats. It just looks so darn odd.
I was just going to say, during other clips of the video they don't have the whole jumbo-tron covered. I also really hope in the final build they have either the whole screen covered with the stats or a different design. It would make the game look more real.
# 187 DaveDQ @ 02/23/10 04:22 PM
Apparently, 2K Ron confirmed the demo is on Pro. I'm beginning to really see the easiness in some things like stealing. I'm getting steals with little challenge. And then with pitching, batters seem to take strikes almost giving you the upper hand. In a game I played earlier today, Arod took two strikes and then swung at a high fastball. It was just too easy.
# 188 Blitzburgh @ 02/23/10 04:33 PM
2k10 is way better than 2k9 but after playing the show for 5 months straight it still feels way behind in many areas to me. I can't explain it but the over all look and play of the game just feels arcadish to me. I don't think the crowd or the stadiums are pushing any limits in the detail department either.
It is a very smooth playing game that is for sure and I have seen some really nice animations. I still don't know how fast my base runners are which really annoys me (unless I am missing something). I realize it's on pro but when pitching it feels like softball and I think the field is way to small. I only played three games but overall much improved.
# 189 ty5oke @ 02/23/10 04:34 PM
Weird play: Runner on 1st, Ibanez hits a high deep fly to left field. I missed the catch and it hits off the wall, I grab the ball and throw it to 3rd to keep runners on 1st and 2nd. My throw goes errant and bounces to the backstop. You would think Posada could step over and pick up the bouncer but he's just sitting in front of home plate watching it roll by. ARod ends up chasing it all the way to the backstop and picks it up. Meanwhile the runners make no move to advance on the errant throw.

Maybe just something weird chalked up to demo build
# 190 blackngoldfan @ 02/23/10 04:34 PM
The game plays very well. I'm happy with what I saw in the demo. I do have one small cosmetic gripe with the look of the field. Maybe, it's because of the limitaions of the demo, but other than the mound, it seems that shadows are used to give an illusion that the grass is raised. When you take a closer look, the grass and dirt are the actually the same height with shadows going down the 1st and 3rd base lines. I remember seeing someone mention that the field textures were much improved in 2k10. It is a small gripe, but everything else looks great. Hopefully the textures are better in the retail version and not reduced for better frame rate.
# 191 kashmir28 @ 02/23/10 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Pro Bowler
Has anyone made a manual diving catch or a manual slide in the demo? I know manual slides use to be mapped to the R stick and maybe i'm missing the timing window, but i'm totally lost on how to make a manual diving catch.

I've played about 4 games and i've had about 2 opprotunities in the IF and 2 in the OF and i've got nothing. I tried hitting X and got a throw to 3rd and i've tried moving the R stick and nothing. I seen a diving catch by the SS in the IF on a sharp hit ball, but it happened automatically. Again, maybe i'm not timing things correctly.
Did a couple manaul slides on steals (btw, the steal camera angle, similar to 2k7 I believe, is a nice touch). Mapped to left stick. Animation isn't as robotic as last year, though I still haven't seen a popup slide or a break up slide yet.
# 192 cubsfan203 @ 02/23/10 04:45 PM
Nice to see the positive impressions. Really wish I could give it a go, but I probably won't have time until Thursday afternoon.
# 193 Bat @ 02/23/10 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by thornie
I believe I read somewhere they were using generic CPU modeled faces instead of blank silhouettes ala MVP Baseball.

EDIT: Here you go...

Doesn't look anything like Luke French :P Still cool to have generated faces. Hope its for rookies too.

Gotta love that logo baby... Go M's.
# 194 kfarley @ 02/23/10 04:49 PM
Has anyone seen any camera cuts for homeruns? I hit a walk off with arod but nothing really happened, I wanna see if he pimps the swing at all
# 195 Wavebird99 @ 02/23/10 05:02 PM
The difference between pitchers is staggering. Halladay will dominate me, (well, still give up 4 hits, but no runs) and Bastardo will get destroyed BY me. I knocked him out of the game with a 4 run 2nd inning. Ended up winning 4-0.

I like how we can really see the difference between pitchers now.

Btw, I still dont think the presentation is that great, it feels the same from last year in between at bats, but I love the new "pitch track" or whatever it is, similar to MVP 05.
# 196 bukktown @ 02/23/10 05:10 PM
I think the gameplay is respectable. The pitchspeed is pretty slow. I would play the game if the A.I. was good. Still don't know if it is or isn't though.
# 197 Bahnzo @ 02/23/10 05:13 PM
Since I don't have the demo yet, I've been reading this whole thread and watched the video that was posted. Some impressions on those...

I really like the presentation. There are some really nice camera angles and the revamped overlays look very nice.

I also like that meatballs are finally gone. I know..they said they were last year, but they really just took the "Meatball" graphic out. They still threw the ball right down the middle to be hammered when you screwed up. It looks like this year's pitching has been improved nicely.

Overall, it looks like they are taking positive steps towards improving the game.

That said, there are some still some disturbing things. For starters, guys aren't taking walks. I know they are looking at more pitches, but reading that the majority of guys still have D walk ratings is not good. Especially when this was given to us as the reason for the problem last year.

The decision to run to third on the comebacker to the pitcher is bad. I know guys make these mistakes, but it doesn't look good to see this right off the bat. Also, Jeter's muffed double play in that same inning smells of the problem we had last year with the first baseman constantly being pulled of the base (even on perfect throws).

I'm also still skeptical that pitching is too easy. It's hard to tell from the video because the person playing was missing a lot of gestures. But other's have said that if you nail them, it pretty much goes where you aim it...which is terrible news. Realize that after pitching a few games, you'll have had 100's of times to make those gestures and in time they will become second nature and you'll have them near perfect constantly. I don't think difficulty will fix this much..it might cut down on the amount you can miss a gesture by, but once you have them down it's not going to matter. There needs to be a certain randomness to all pitches that still doesn't seem to be in this game.

Overall, it looks like an improved effort, but they still have a lot of work to do.
# 198 SoxFan01605 @ 02/23/10 05:41 PM
Well, well, well...

First, forgive me for repeating things that may have already been discussed. I know I'm late...and I only skimmed through all 25 pages.

I must say, I was left very unimpressed after seeing the game play video. I was holding out hope that the demo would show me some things to be happy about...and it certainly did.

First, to get this out of the way, no...it's not perfect or anywhere close. There are some lingering issues that anyone who's played 2K baseball will recognize right away. Also it's important to clarify that I'm making these impressions SOLELY on my experience with the demo. There are no profound insights into what the final game with slider adjustments might yield or issue that could crop up over time. That should be obvious, but I figure it bears mentioning for all of our over-analyzers here.

That aside, on with the impressions...

The Cons:

-The basic animations are still a bit jerky (though they are somewhat improved). That overall robotic look still shows up quite a bit. Running in particular looks really rough at times (still ).

-Uniform and texture issues are still there (clean helmets still look a bit rubbery and the numbers, etc have already been beat to death, but yeah...they're bad).

-While certainly very-much toned down, there are still some issues with physics in terms of hits. I swung late on an outside pitch (tailing away, at that) and pulled it. This only happened a couple times though and both while fooling with the classic hitting. The swing stick seemed right on.

-VERY minor, but the constant cuts to the dugout and all my teammates doing synchronized cheering went from mildly comical to annoying pretty fast.

-Throwing still feels a bit loose. Responsive is one thing, but it feels like hair-trigger response for the meter (this is more a preference thing, I guess...some others might like that).

-There were several instances were the AI had a clean chance for a DP and didn't take it. I've never seen them go the short way for an out either. There were also a couple of weird hitches in their throws (like collect, stop, **** arm, fire)...not sure if that was a frame-rate hiccup or an animation glitch. I only saw that a couple times though.

The Pros:

-Overall, animations look WAY better and pitching, batting, and fielding obviously all got some love. Pitching in particular looks very smooth.

-Speaking of very smooth, the game is night and day compared to 2K9 in terms of feel. EVERYTHING feels much smoother and more responsive. The hit stick (something I've not been a fan of) feels very responsive, but not in a jerky way. It just feels "right". Hard to explain, but I like it.

-Pitching has been good in terms of feel for a while IMO, but now the results seem to add up too. I actually missed some gestures (something that never happened in 2K9 unless I was WAY off) and the result was appropriate (a ball, a hanger-not a meatball though!). I actually walked a guy with Halladay trying to get the batter to chase. It seems the game is as advertised in terms of their focus here. The AI took pitches, I had some good battles, and my strikeouts felt rewarding and even earned. Good stuff!

-Fielding has improved too. No longer is the user control all over the place. Players in general seem to have more weight to how they feel and move. Players seem to gather or perform some type of realistic slow down in tracking the ball. Much improved here.

Lighting. The lighting is 100% better and really looks nice in HD. The colors pop a bit more and everything just looks less washed out than 2K9.

-Stadium looked great and they finally seem to be getting away from that more cartoony feel. I have yet to see a stadium I haven't thought looked good in the previews. On your own TV, it looks all the better!


-Visuals are hit and miss. The faces range from quite good (many of the big name Yankees looked good) to bad. I fear the long-standing 2K blank faces for lesser knowns will still be the norm.

-On my HDTV, the game looked much better than anything we've seen to this point. The game is hit or miss graphically, but it's not ugly by any means. On the PC, if I can get those numbers and color palette issues fixed, I'd say it's a solid 7 visually, maybe more.

anyway, long I know...lol..but there are far more positives than negatives for me. I went from sitting on the fence to seriously considering purchase. I rarely purchase anything day 1 (only a few games/developers have earned my trust in that regard) but it would honestly take a horrible rental experience for me to not pick this up for the PC. I'm all but sold!

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I really like the pitch and swing tracker. I liked how you could blow up the video too. Cool feature. Also, Joe Girardi looked like himself on the mound visits.
# 199 Eddie1967 @ 02/23/10 05:54 PM
WOW so many positive thoughts on MLB 2K10. That's an amazing t compared to last year.......

Pitching Interface is much more user friendly.
Crowd awareness seems better.
Lighting is terrific.
The batting view is awesome and the hitting feels much more natural.
Fielding is very much improved.
CPU batters are extremely patient so far

It really feels like a brand new game.

And to think we haven't had a chance to dive into MLB today yet.
# 200 duke776 @ 02/23/10 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Eddie1967
The batting view is awesome and the hitting feels much more natural.
Yup. When I first saw the screenshots I was very skeptical of the view, but after using it, I love it. Much easier to tell balls and strikes.

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