MLB 2K10 News Post

The Major League Baseball 2K10 demo is now available for 360 users. Please post your impressions here.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 findinghomer @ 02/23/10 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
Trevy, If you work the plate the AI will take pitches. As for the IE Menu, I didn't noticed the D-Walk Rating because I was busy observing other things.

I brought the issue of the D-Walk Rating when it pop-up in the 1st Pitching Video 2K put-out to Ronnie @ 2k & I will follow-up with him again to see if this will be a problem

but the same could be said for 2k9. when you worked the corners, that was the ONLY time ai would take a strike.in real life almost everyone holds up on a 3-0 count regardless of location.... anyhow im really glad to hear the 2k9 angles are still in there.

and i observed the walk rating right off the bat bc i felt like the ai was taking a 2k9 approach, so i thought hmmmmm i wonder if they are all D's again? sure enough... all D
# 122 findinghomer @ 02/23/10 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
Yes, I read somewhere that 2K actually makes the game.

thats why its in quotations, we are meant to believe they have changed things around... so far , (although a little better), i see same ole 2k. im not tryin to be a *****, but things they patched LAST YEAR are back... im just losing hope. might be a decent game, but so was 2k9
# 123 nadasfan @ 02/23/10 11:48 AM
Unfortunately I can't embed this video because I am at work and it never works from this computer, but here is my first gameplay video from the demo. Not terribly exciting action, as I was just getting used to the controls again, etc. but there will be more to come.


If anyone is able to embed this on the forum, please feel free to do so.
# 124 Knight165 @ 02/23/10 11:50 AM


# 125 brendanrfoley @ 02/23/10 11:51 AM
I played two quick games this morning and I am thrilled.

Every facet of this demo is an improvement over last year's game. Better still, the code in the demo is likely a month old. I imagine Visual Concepts has spent the last month fine-tuning the experience. Heck, the demo barely has any real-time presentation and the developers have said they worked to improve it.

The graphics, animation and lighting are much improved. Screens don't do the game justice; there are moments where it's beautiful. Players look great and animate well the majority of the time. Yes, there are occasional awkward transitions... but Visual Concepts covered a lot of ground between 2K9 and 2K10. Especially in the lighting department.

Fielding is significantly better than it was last year. Oh, and the slow-motion effect while throwing out a base runner trying to steal is flat-out awesome. I haven't had a single hiccup while fielding. Not one.

Some great animations are in there, too. I've seen base coaches hang their head after a big out... and I've seen them react to close calls at first. There are several different looking swings and I counted at least four different "out at first" animation routines. The god-awful robo-walk is also gone.

The defensive swing is terrific. I have struck out trying to foul a pitch off, by the way... I have also successfully lengthened the at-bat and delivered. Nothing feels better than going 0-2, battling back to 2-2 and smoking a ball into the gap. Hitting and pitching really is a "battle" this year.

I don't know how this will compare to other baseball titles. But, I do believe this will be the best title in the 2K series going all the way back to ESPN Baseball 2K4.

I woke-up hopeful this morning. Now, next week can't get here soon enough. I'm salivating.
# 126 SeerMagicX @ 02/23/10 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
I have to disagree there. I have struck out several just looking and this is with no slider adjustment. This is something they have fixed and it's obvious when you pitch correctly. After last year, and doing so much to try and fix that issue on my own, this demo shows they fixed the CPU swinging at everything issue.

I'm getting high counts and several batters looking at strikes. And that's just 3 games in.
yeah they take 3rd stikes, that's about it. I doubt real seriously I've ever thrown more than 10 pitches in an inning in 8 games.

All their walk ratings are D-, just like last year.
# 127 thornie @ 02/23/10 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by nadasfan
Unfortunately I can't embed this video because I am at work and it never works from this computer, but here is my first gameplay video from the demo. Not terribly exciting action, as I was just getting used to the controls again, etc. but there will be more to come.


If anyone is able to embed this on the forum, please feel free to do so.
That opposite field single you got with Jeter on what looked to be a defensive swing was a thing a beauty and brought a smile to my face. I've seen him do that so many times, it's not even funny. The player models are also phenomenal. The arms and shoulders are proportional, and I love the way they dig in at the batters box.

This game really does like exceptional.
# 128 findinghomer @ 02/23/10 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by SeerMagicX
yeah they take 3rd stikes, that's about it. I doubt real seriously I've ever thrown more than 10 pitches in an inning in 8 games.

All their walk ratings are D-, just like last year.
exactly AND in order to K a batter looking. it has to be almost a ball (corner nibbler). it was the same way in 2k9. i k'd people lookin in 2k9, before the patch too. big deal, its still broken. guarantee they patch it... just makes no sense that something that was patched last year, makes it into 2k10. im baffled.
# 129 teddyballgame78 @ 02/23/10 12:03 PM
why did they choose that batting angle? YUCK
# 130 brendanrfoley @ 02/23/10 12:07 PM
Hitting and pitching views are not adjustable in the demo.
# 131 nemesis04 @ 02/23/10 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by nadasfan
Unfortunately I can't embed this video because I am at work and it never works from this computer, but here is my first gameplay video from the demo. Not terribly exciting action, as I was just getting used to the controls again, etc. but there will be more to come.


If anyone is able to embed this on the forum, please feel free to do so.
Nice vid nadasfan!

The AI seems to be wacky at times to me. Having the runner take off for third on a come backer to the pitcher is a big no no. Also, on Tex's strike 3 swinging, that ball looked like it hit the dirt fiirst and he should have been running.

I really like that MVP swing analysis screen. Overall there are some nice things in the game but the AI looks like it could be a potential issue over some games played.
# 132 LBzrule @ 02/23/10 12:13 PM
Played one game before work. I liked it. Will need to play more. I didn't play 2k8 or 2k9. Gotta make sure it's not just getting back into baseball vs actually being a decent game.
# 133 brendanrfoley @ 02/23/10 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
The AI seems to be wacky at times to me. Having the runner take off for third on a come backer to the pitcher is a big no no.
I won't make excuses for 2K Sports; we all know its games have had problems. But I have seen base runners make mistakes like these. I just hope it isn't habitual in the full retail version.
# 134 nemesis04 @ 02/23/10 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by brendanrfoley
I won't make excuses for 2K Sports; we all know its games have had problems. But I have seen base runners make mistakes like these. I just hope it isn't habitual in the full retail version.
I hope so for the sake of the game but I have only watched 2 videos and have seen 2 AI head scratching incidents already.
# 135 TheRock88 @ 02/23/10 12:27 PM
Played it this morning and it was MUCH better than 2K9. Still saw one glitch/thing that looked like it might still be there from last year's game.

I was pitching and the batter hit a slow groundball and my first baseman ran to it while my pitcher ran to cover first. I threw a toss to my pitcher and instead of covering the base, he just stands there with the ball and doesn't move to either tag the base or tag the runner. Runner gets to first.
# 136 mwjr @ 02/23/10 12:29 PM
How are you guys seeing the pitching feedback?
# 137 trick02 @ 02/23/10 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by Radioactiveman
I'm pretty impressed with the demo...granted I have been the worlds biggest 2k critic and my expectations for this game were not very high (like zero expectations). But after playing the demo, I think it's worth a look. I like the pitching mechanic, hitting at first seemed a little simplistic but it works....fielding seems a tad too scripted meaning it feels like the cpu is playing defense for me which is irritating. If the game plays well online I may actually purchase it, it's officially on my radar. But I have to see more.
I agree but i would think like last year that we can turn off the computer making the first move for the ball giving the user more control.
# 138 trick02 @ 02/23/10 12:41 PM
The only problem i have had is that when i went home on a non force out the CPU slide right beside Posada and he didnt go for the tag until well after the runner was safe. I think this means, like last years game that if your going for a non force out at home plate you will have to control the catcher and run at the runner before he makes it home.
# 139 Trevytrev11 @ 02/23/10 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
I hope so for the sake of the game but I have only watched 2 videos and have seen 2 AI head scratching incidents already.
This one is a bit tricky (well, maybe not tricky, because what he should have done is obvious). The balls hit to the runners left and I can understand his initial reaction being to go to third (at least a quick jerk to third). If that ball gets by the pitcher, he's trying to score. Regardless for the pitcher to catch the ball and for him to just run right into an easy out is the part that I wish was done better...Rollins, at least should try and stay in a run down to see if he can't get Utley to second.

At the moment the ball is caught, he is closer to the bag than Jeter (though his momentum going to third) and it would have taken a perfect throw to get him at second...instead he's caught dead to rights at third.
# 140 Smitty730 @ 02/23/10 12:51 PM
The game is LIGHT YEARS ahead of last year's effort.

-Save for a wonky animation here and there, the game looks and runs beautiful.

-The graphics, especially the lighting, are wonderful.

-Gameplay-wise, everything is much improved ... but there are still signs of MLB 2K9 when trying to field groundballs. For example, I hit a ball up the middle that Jeter got to and he did that awkward on-the-run throwing animation that I've hated for years now.

-Controlling your outfielders is much, much easier. They seem to have overhauled that aspect.

-I turned a gorgeous 5-4-3 double play with Polanco-Utley-Howard. There are collisions this year!!!

-Love to see every Phillie (except for Francisco) has his own batting stance.

-I had A-ROD try to steal on me, but I gunned him out with Ruiz. As Rollins was applying the tag, the game went into slow motion mode as A-Rod was about to get called out. Not sure what I think about that.

-The lack of cutscenes and replays: Does anyone know if this was specifically done for the demo?

-Home runs might be an issue. I hit solos with Utley and Howard and a grand slam with Ibanez. I love that we no longer know it's going to be a homer. I hit a shot with Victorino and thought "That's gone" only for Gardner to haul in the catch at the wall.

-One more thing that concerns me: Pitchers covering first base on ground balls. Bastardo stopped a few feet before he got to the bag and Jeter (I think) reached safely. Reminded me of 2k9. I hope this is fixed in a patch.

9/10 for the demo.

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