NBA Live 10 News Post

SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 - Electronic Arts announced today that a playable demo of NBA LIVE 10 is now available for download on Xbox LIVE™ Marketplace for all Xbox LIVE Gold Subscribers. Play as the Orlando Magic or the Los Angeles Lakers and re-write, or relive, last year’s NBA Finals match-up. The demo will be available to Xbox LIVE Silver members and on the PLAYSTATION® Network™ on September 17th, 2009.

With a renewed focus on creating an authentic 5 on 5 basketball videogame experience, NBA LIVE 10 introduces a myriad of gameplay improvements to the long running franchise. Computer controlled players will now move and react like their real life counterparts with enhanced player A.I. (artificial intelligence), and authentic, team-specific playbooks. In addition, all new dribbling, passing and shooting systems now give users more control over individual players than ever before seen in the franchise. Gamers can now control every movement as they break down a defender on the perimeter, drive to the basket, and finish at the basket using their left or right hand. From dishing no look passes to releasing a step back shot early or late to avoid a block from a defender, NBA LIVE 10 lets you to create highlight reel plays on your terms.

NBA LIVE 10 also features significant improvements in the franchises overall presentation. Arena specific lighting and crowd behaviors, signature pre-game rituals and celebrations, evolving storylines, and an all new broadcast package are just some of the many enhancements that will ensure that NBA LIVE 10 looks and sounds like a real life NBA game.

Powered by Dynamic DNA, NBA LIVE 10 will use the latest stats, rosters and tendencies for all the players and teams in the NBA*. With data supplied by Synergy Sports Technology – the premier analytics provider for over 25 NBA teams, Dynamic DNA allows NBA LIVE 10 to provide the most authentic basketball simulation experience in a videogame to date.

For more information, please visit http://nba-live.easports.com/home.action.

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 861 The 24th Letter @ 09/14/09 11:31 PM
is that taip to yourself animation pre determined? or have there been cases where the other team has gotten the ball?
# 862 inkpimp007 @ 09/14/09 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by FadeEmAll
My thoughts exactly. I'm not saying the game sucks, but I just can't see how everyone thinks the graphics are so great on this game. Especially with all the players hunched over and there being very small differences between huge "beast " type players and skinny small frame guys. It also focues too much on dribble moves and flashy offensive plays to be true sim. In real b-ball those flashy moves occur like 4-7 times a game. In live every play is an attempt for a crossover-shake em off-drain a jumper in the face type scenario. the dmeo is nice but nothing I've seen makes me think this game will be better than an 8

I want to point out that I feel that way about both games. They both touched up some things they needed to touch up, but all this "XX is back, XXX is so much better, XXX is going to kill XXX" is unfounded.
The graphics and player models will always be up for debate, it's an artistic interpretation of real life by BOTH games so it will always be a matter of taste.

As for flashy moves happening only 4-7 times in a real game is a bit odd to compare to virtual basketball don't you think? The point is you don't have to be flash in the game if you choose to play the game with a more realistic mindset, this is how i choose to play. The nice thing about the game is the choice is yours and your failure and success will very based on how you CHOOSE to play. Don't hate the game hate the player. So would you have EA strip the game of these abilities in order to give you the 4-7 highlights [those numbers very anyway and i don't know where you are pulling them from], If that was some how possible i could guarantee you that you'd be complaining how limited the game was.

Have we gotten that jaded that we can't be excited about the improvements in this game that finally make it enjoyable. To look for perfection in any of these games is unrealistic, it's something you wont even find in reality.

Maybe I'm showing my age when I say I can appreciate this game for it's strong qualities rather than dwelling on it's imperfections. I'm not trying to come down on you for having your opinion as long as you allow use to be excited about this years version of Live.

There are just to many things this game gets right to just dismiss this game as just hype. The game delivers authentic strategic basketball in spades, wether you like the player models or not. I can't think of any time in video game history we've been able to have access to REAL NBA team playbooks, now thats saying something if we're going to knock it's sim quality.

Mark my words this game will have even stronger appeal 6 months from now.
# 863 HOLLIDAY1183 @ 09/14/09 11:37 PM
I think it may be canned... though I may have seen it happen once where Dwight tapped it and Rashard got it. Not sure...

On another note, Stan Van Gundy needs to have a short-sleeve turtleneck on, or maybe just a sweater under his jacket. But he looks weird in a full suit and tie.


Oh yeah, I kinda prefer the ball/net interaction in this game. Seems like the net has true weight. Sometimes the ball will go thru straight swish, other times it'll catch the back of the net and "catch" in the net, and others it will hit back rim or rattle in. Nice, though the misses and shots hitting the rim could use a lil more variety.
# 864 Wiffyjustus @ 09/14/09 11:41 PM
Usually demos get stale pretty fast. This one keeps me coming back. So much fun to play. Each games feels fresh and different from the last.

It seems to reward you for intelligent play, and punishes you when you try to cheese. (on all star)

Tried off ball player control. Works great, adds so much to the game. Got a nice alley from Fisher to Pau to end the half. Nice.

Rookie level is a blast if you like the easier arcade style of play without much challenge. Great for having a laugh when your mates come over.
# 865 Mintsa @ 09/14/09 11:41 PM
I dont have the demo yet (PS3 user) so please be kind when answering my question.

I know the alley oop button is now triangle (y on 360). Is it easy to do alley's ??? Can someone give a little in depth info on how they work and how easy/hard they're to pull off. Last year on 09 (especially when playing online) alley's were really easy to pull off and were kinda cheesy.

Do players always attempt a dunk or lay in ?? Will they just catch the ball, reset and gather themselves for a layup/dunk ??

Thanks ahead of time. Come thursday I will be able to answer this question myself. But if some could help out, I would appreciate it.
# 866 RayDog253 @ 09/14/09 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by Mintsa
I dont have the demo yet (PS3 user) so please be kind when answering my question.

Do players always attempt a dunk or lay in ?? Will they just catch the ball, reset and gather themselves for a layup/dunk ??
I see a lot more of this then actual successful attempts.
# 867 The 24th Letter @ 09/14/09 11:45 PM
yeah the net looks alot better........before it looked like they were shooting into a wooden basket lol i still see it sometimes this year not nearly as mch as last year
# 868 inkpimp007 @ 09/14/09 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
EA doesn't need to "realize" anything my man.

The player models discussion is an opinion. For everyone who says they don't like our player models, you get a ton of guys who do.
The player models are fine and a major upgrade from 09. There will always be room for improvement but shouldn't that always be the case.

Killer job this year!
# 869 DW3 @ 09/14/09 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by RayDog253
I see a lot more of this then actual successful attempts.

in about 40 games i have only completed 2 alley oops
# 870 annihilating247 @ 09/14/09 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by navyboy09
I have a question for mike or steph...

Is there anyway you could add this in a patch...

When we get the ball in the post could we be able to raise the ball in the air like above our head or at least arms stretched out at face level. cause i feel there are way to many steals and turnovers in the paint.

I know the right stick has moves on it but i don't think pressing up on the right stick does anything and that would be the perfect spot to add it in. Pressing up on the right stick will raise the ball away from smaller guards who want to try for the steal and would make it easier for the big to pass out when the double comes.

if anybody else thinks this is a good idea let me know or if you don't think its a good idea let me know anyway.
I have a solution for ur, and everyone else's stealing problem. When ever u see the that the defender and ur player are about to go into a collision, pull back on the anolog and reset. Stop trying to force it in. It's common sense, this is what happens in real life. The reason why EA did this is obviously to minimize scoring in the paint and scoring in general. I actually feel like this is one of the best things EA added to this years game.
# 871 Mintsa @ 09/14/09 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by lilyo06
in about 40 games i have only completed 2 alley oops
Thats good to hear. I like how the above poster said he see's the players catching and gathering more than actual alley oop attempts.

Thanks for the info guys.
# 872 HOLLIDAY1183 @ 09/14/09 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by inkpimp007
The graphics and player models will always be up for debate, it's an artistic interpretation of real life by BOTH games so it will always be a matter of taste.

As for flashy moves happening only 4-7 times in a real game is a bit odd to compare to virtual basketball don't you think? The point is you don't have to be flash in the game if you choose to play the game with a more realistic mindset, this is how i choose to play. The nice thing about the game is the choice is yours and your failure and success will very based on how you CHOOSE to play. Don't hate the game hate the player. So would you have EA strip the game of these abilities in order to give you the 4-7 highlights [those numbers very anyway and i don't know where you are pulling them from], If that was some how possible i could guarantee you that you'd be complaining how limited the game was.
I completely agree. I love 2K, still think they'll most likely pull out the chip this year, but you can't make that argument exclusive to Live. In 2K I can spin spin spin, crossover, spin stutter step stutter step and do all kinds of reckless s*** and do it IN TRAFFIC without consequence. BOTH games give you the ability to do highlight reel stuff on every possession, but it would be a prob if it REWARDED you for doing it. And Live doesn't particularly reward flashy play at all. As I said in my impressions, I been having the best time playing this with my bro all day, and tho we kinda solid with the controls, we both rarely utilize the fades, crosses and stepbacks all the time, only when appropriate. Most of the time we're running plays and moving the ball, dribbling only when there's an opening or Iso opportunity/mismatch. Live actually punishes you for being too flashy WAY more than 2K9 does.

You know what's funny? When the Combine came out, I posted in the Impressions thread, shared my impressions, commented back and forth with others. But then when I no longer had impressions on it/stopped playing, I left, and haven't posted there since. The lamest thing to me is someone sticking around in a thread just to tell people who like something that it isn't good, because THEY don't like it or something about it. SMH x1,000,000. I mean, what's the point? Spend time doing things you like, playing games YOU like, NOT trying to dampen someone's enjoyment ("someone you don't even know, never even met" -Hov on Lucky Me, Vol.1 LOL). Share your impressions constructively, but if not, LEAVE.

Ya'll lucky I ain't a mod, trust me.
# 873 RayDog253 @ 09/15/09 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by HOLLIDAY1183
Just cuz I noticed some of ya'll saying your defenders are jumping wrong at shots. Just know that animations aren't gon kick in and make plays for you here, but the control is there for you to make the plays if you think like an athlete.
I actually like this, because two players can be in the middle of a collision animation and then you can come over with another player and swat the ball out. So there's no need for an animation to get some blocks, even though it might not look as pretty, it gets the job done.
# 874 mrprice33 @ 09/15/09 12:01 AM
Cosign Holliday

To the poster who asked about alley oops, I'm 0-2 doing them. 1 bad pass and 1 gather/shot that was blocked.

This is in about 20 games.
# 875 Dmac012 @ 09/15/09 12:04 AM
i like that too
# 876 inkpimp007 @ 09/15/09 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by HOLLIDAY1183
I completely agree. I love 2K, still think they'll most likely pull out the chip this year, but you can't make that argument exclusive to Live. In 2K I can spin spin spin, crossover, spin stutter step stutter step and do all kinds of reckless s*** and do it IN TRAFFIC without consequence. BOTH games give you the ability to do highlight reel stuff on every possession, but it would be a prob if it REWARDED you for doing it. And Live doesn't particularly reward flashy play at all. As I said in my impressions, I been having the best time playing this with my bro all day, and tho we kinda solid with the controls, we both rarely utilize the fades, crosses and stepbacks all the time, only when appropriate. Most of the time we're running plays and moving the ball, dribbling only when there's an opening or Iso opportunity/mismatch. Live actually punishes you for being too flashy WAY more than 2K9 does.

You know what's funny? When the Combine came out, I posted in the Impressions thread, shared my impressions, commented back and forth with others. But then when I no longer had impressions on it/stopped playing, I left, and haven't posted there since. The lamest thing to me is someone sticking around in a thread just to tell people who like something that it isn't good, because THEY don't like it or something about it. SMH x1,000,000. I mean, what's the point? Spend time doing things you like, playing games YOU like, NOT trying to dampen someone's enjoyment ("someone you don't even know, never even met" -Hov on Lucky Me, Vol.1 LOL). Share your impressions constructively, but if not, LEAVE.

Ya'll lucky I ain't a mod, trust me.
HAHA.. I hear you. Go to pastapadre site, it's being run over by those type of people (typically 2k fans) I mean it's out of control there. This is one of the more respectful communities and no doubt why you see the EA guys here and not there.

I just can't say enough good things about this "DEMO" and it's scary to think this is just the demo as flawed version of what well get. So to be fair I won't compare it to 2K9, just wouldn't be right.
# 877 mrclutch @ 09/15/09 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by 23
Its best if you lower it by about 4 clicks or less though

It tempers down some of the animations and makes them feel even smoother
I like the speed down a few clicks myself. Like you said feels just a little smoother. Not that it was rough before.

Man this thread has got crazy big.
# 878 pepp32 @ 09/15/09 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by Tomba
Here are my impressions of the "demo"

Bullet points
Graphically this is one nice looking game. Player models GREATLY improved. has a nba live 06 vibe though
Does not flow so smooth meaning animations tend to snap-into place when you pass the ball.again has a nba live 06 feel to it.

though it's a demo. the sliders do not "click' rather slide over on to each other causing two clicks in one.

Seems like the main focus was trying to re write the game rather than optimize thus meaning some movement/animations repeat too often and for the first time. After playing madden 10 and relishing in it's pro tak system of varied animations is feels very limited here, due in part "maybe' because of this "new' approach.

Shots look and feel great. ball physics ARE improved if not more organic.
Dribbling feels and looks VERY good.

Game def. plays more sim yet feels very "safe/basic' though it makes for more strategy around the basket and farther from it for set-plays it just doesn't have the potential of having that 'real anywhere style of basketball" that can happen in real life situations because from what i've played the animations are just not there.

These are "demo" concerns though....
I co-sign everything you said. The game IS missing some key elements, but in all actuality it doesnt take away from the over all experience. I actually think that Live 11 will probably be revolutionary.....and I feel the same about Madden 11. EA has taken a much needed and long overdue new approach to programing their games and I'm liking the amount of effort their putting into their work. This game has enough things that are good about it to make it worth your while, and to me it's the steping stone toward that greatness we all be searching for in a basketball sim. It's definately a breath of fresh air and well worth a purchase.
# 879 arden_05 @ 09/15/09 12:45 AM
This demo has really surprised me thus far It's leaps an bounds better than Live 09. Here are my quick observations about the demo.


1) This game needs a faceup (on defense)/backdown (on offense) button. THIS IS NECESSARY! Without these features I don't feel like I'm really playing defense (feels like I'm floating around) and its seriously taking away from the offensive low post experience as well.


1) Gameplay is much more realistic, and feels more like a basketball sim! Added animations, dribble moves and passing are amazing and feels "right".

2) Players play like their real life counterparts, Kobe is an assassin! I was up 1 before the half, 10 seconds left and Kobe gets the ball at half court breaks me down (with dribble) to get room for a jumper does this nasty faded away with Vince Carter (me) with Pietrus (cpu) coming over to double team we both contest the shot and it was nothing but net! Straight sick, felt a squeamish feeling in my stomach, as it was my 10th loss in a row on all-star

3) Players actually look and move like human beings as the physics and player models are much improved.

4) Brighter colors and and overall detail really make it enjoyable to play.

What Needs to be Added:

1) More player interactions between teammates on the court. More celebrations after a big shot to end the half. What about players chest bumping, or high fiving more after big shots to end the half or quarter? "Liven" the game up more, pun intended.

2) Hopefully the devs add great buzzer beater team celebrations and cutscenes to make game winners more satisfying and rewarding (see Lebron's buzzer beater shot against the Magic in last years playoffs).

3) If not present mascots, dancers/cheerleaders etc. The sounds and atmosphere is improved, but take it to the next level. Make the game an experience every game, on the court and court side.

Loving it so far, might have to make a switch this year as am really impressed so far with the improvements, the game is actually fun
# 880 chadskee @ 09/15/09 12:51 AM
Sometimes I hate where my player passes it when I'm passing normally. I didn't really have that problem in 2k. I've wanted to scream a few times lol.

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