Feature Article
Staff Roundtable: How Are We Feeling About NCAA Football 12 Now?
Jayson Young: I'm amazed by how much better the retail version is compared to the demo. The gameplay in the demo felt so stale and boring that I stopped playing it after a few days, but the final build has me hooked to the point where I am staying up late just to play the darn thing.

There are still issues, such as the interactions between the offensive and defensive lines, the skating player movement and being unable to hit a ball-carrier while he's in the middle of an animation (not to mention this delicious bug), but unlike previous versions of NCAA, the game's shortcomings haven't killed the fun factor for me.

It's not going to reach the elite level of sports franchises until the commentary gets updated and the player movement, physics and animations become more lifelike, but it's still the first NCAA game this generation where the fun factor manages to overcome the game's flaws.

Jayson embraces NCAA Football 12, even if he does think it's flawed.

Bob Kollars: When the demo dropped, I could see so many minor improvements, and I knew these improvements would only be felt on a much greater level when the retail version found its way into my 360 tray. In my opinion, this is the best overall package EA has ever put out for a football game. A combination of slick graphics, stadium sounds, improved gameplay and a revamped Road To Glory mode have made this offering a much more in-depth experience. Gone are the days of suction blocking and tackling, and the new improvements to zone defense (while not perfect) are a huge step in the right direction. The one thing that I would love to have is a Spectator mode; I would love to have the ability to scout my next human opponent in an online dynasty in advance, and this mode would fill those needs. How cool would it be to watch the championship game live for your online dynasty -- that's a rhetorical question as we all know it would be mind-blowingly cool!

I am not claiming that NCAA 12 is a perfect game, just that it's the best offering to date in the form of college football. The CPU plays a smarter game on the field, and at times it even feels like you are actually playing another human opponent. If folks cannot find improvement and some enjoyment in this year's title, then the series is probably dead to them -- and said people should stop buying the product in the future. After devoting over a week's time, and well over 40 games, I'm more than content with my purchase.

Bob also has a strong desire to hold this year's title close to his bosom.

Caley Roark: I'm not the biggest college football fan, but I had seen enough press and information to preorder NCAA 12 pretty early. Then I played the demo. Largely, I wasn't impressed by it; it seemed to be just another EA football game, a formula that's becoming increasingly stale. Yes, it had better lighting and some ESPN overlays, but it still felt rather dull. I nearly cancelled my preorder.

But after a week and change, I am happy I didn't. The game plays much better than the demo, especially with the variety of new tackling animations. I love when a ball carrier is nearly knocked down, stumbles, then keeps going. It's refreshing to not know all of the tackling animations by heart, as has been the case with recent Madden titles.

I'm also interested in the coaching aspect of the Dynasty mode, and being a coordinator makes games a little quicker to squeeze in here and there. I suppose at some point I'll jump to a head coaching spot, but for now I'm happy controlling the offense. I've dabbled with Road to Glory, which is much improved from past versions I've played. I look forward to spending more time there. Overall, I'm pleasantly surprised. I wish the commentary and presentation elements were better (it's criminal that there isn't some kind of halftime recap), but I'm having a good time so far.

Caley likes the game, but he wants more than just team-specific entrances on the presentation front.

Dustin Toms: I'm not one who gets obsessed with My Player modes, but Road to Glory has made NCAA 12 one of the best purchases I have ever made for my gaming collection.

RtG has always been the best of the My Player modes in these football titles, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it was anything super special. But with this year's improvements and position battles, I have fallen in love with my University of Washington QB (I chose a mid-level school for realistic purposes). Plus the fact that you can re-create your entire senior high school season is bringing back memories I thought I had forgotten.

But outside of RtG, NCAA 12 has impressed. With many led to believe that there was no way it could make a big enough jump from NCAA 11, the surprise of opening up a much better game is well deserved for us "unfortunate" gamers. The graphics are greatly improved and Dynasty mode has been touched up.

Like others have said, this game comes with its problems. The zone coverage is still a bit iffy, and there seems to be a strange freeze bug tied to customizing your own experience, but the game is not to the point where a patch or two can't tweak everything to where it needs to be.

Like the others, Dustin can overlook some problems because the core experience keeps bringing him back.

They were honestly a bit more positive than I expected. Nevertheless, continue to chat about all facets of the game, positive and negative. And bonus points go to the ones who are actually calm and articulate during their discussions.

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Member Comments
# 1 goalie @ 07/22/11 03:44 PM
what about all the freezes? isn't that unacceptable?
# 2 Cj7298419 @ 07/22/11 03:46 PM
After seeing the roster glitch thread along with my experiences with receivers and DB's not "jockeying" for the ball....I've become more and more disappointed with this game and disappointed with EA's effort.

Even though I commend EA for putting out a decent game, I still wish I would've rented it first instead of dropping $60 bones.
# 3 MagicMan1315 @ 07/22/11 03:46 PM
In all honesty... I enjoy it alot more if I dont go online to forums and read about every little detail and problem with the game.. But after I do, I feel like not playing it. But if I dont read all the forums, then I love the game.
# 4 TDenverFan @ 07/22/11 03:48 PM
I really enjoy this game. Yes, a couple of minor bugs, but they are not anything major.
# 5 Spooky @ 07/22/11 03:49 PM
I think the game is still fine. All of the hiccups are expected at this point. Games these days have so much in them, as opposed to the old days where it was limited, so it was easy to find glitches and get them out of there before release.
# 6 blkrptnt819 @ 07/22/11 03:52 PM
Not everbody has run into these freezes. I think the level of bugs is unacceptable! But QA can't catch everything and IF they can fix this without messing up other parts this could be an all time great.
# 7 tonybologna @ 07/22/11 03:54 PM
Not happy at all! Named rosters are a must for me. The recently found bug with this area & they lack of a response from EA Sports is troubling. We should have an answer as to how this will work from a patch by now.

There's been tons of time spent on roster work. If this goes all for null, my game is going back for a return. It's as simple as that! This is the most important feature of the game for me! Having real NAMED ROSTERS is a big deal & and the bug to do with this is totally unacceptable!
# 8 I3RIS3H @ 07/22/11 04:05 PM
The new features in dynasty are virtually useless.
What's the point of even adding any of these features when they are BROKEN?!?

I feel like I'm testing a game in the alpha stage to be honest.
# 9 fcboiler87 @ 07/22/11 04:08 PM
I can't stop playing it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm infuriated with all these problems. It's ridiculous. But I still can't stop playing it.
# 10 Phobia @ 07/22/11 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by fcboiler87
I can't stop playing it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm infuriated with all these problems. It's ridiculous. But I still can't stop playing it.
Pretty much my exact thoughts
# 11 da ThRONe @ 07/22/11 04:32 PM
Just another solid game and a step closer to the ideal game from last year. The AI still needs work. Bugs which I guess we just have to accept in sports titles from here on out.

On a personal note I'm strongly disappointed you can't use named roster with RTG. How F'n hard is it to allow us to use our own rosters? Also progression is completely out of whack, having to play 5mins quarters(sometimes I wonder what goes through the dev teams mind) which sucks. Oh yeah and the play calling still leaves a lot to be desired.
# 12 SGMRock @ 07/22/11 04:37 PM
The roster thing is annoying as well as some bugs with offensive and defensive coordinator modes in Dynasty, but instead of playing Dynasty and dealing with them I decided to just play RTG until they fix them.
# 13 Gotmadskillzson @ 07/22/11 04:53 PM
Watching the how it is made, NCAA 12 tv show, I've noticed some things.

1. Their staff is way too small.

2. Not enough diversity in upper management. Seen way too many guys that look like they are in their late 40s early 50s. Need some younger blood mixed in there at the top.

3. Too many of them come from a tournament play style background. Seems like everybody that is there got in there from winning a Madden tournanment back in the 90s. It is the same way with the Game Changers, good number of them come from winning tournaments and that style of play.

4. IMO they tried to flood all aspects of the media at once and that probably wore them thin. I mean think about it, they filmed the tv show, started using Facebook a TON, interviews with ESPN, etc.

5. More testing definitely needs to be done, however they need to split it up more. Have some people looking at Game Play, another looking at dynasty, another at custom play books, another looking at RTG, another looking at coach mode, another looking at all the online parts.

6. Game is great with default rosters.........


Need more new younger blood, especially at the top. And maybe add more producers.......Have a producer for each aspect of the game, like the following:

CPU Game Play AI
Dynasty offline
Dynasty online
Custom Playbooks

Roy Harvey needs some serious help at the top. In the show he looks like he doesn't get much sleep at all. And now they want him to run NCAA and Madden at the same time, poor man, get that man some help.

Anthony White needs some help too. Somebody needs to tell him QBs needs 360 degrees of motion when scrambling. Especially when it comes to a defender coming up the middle.

When a DT or blitzer comes up the middle, the QB does one of three things.

1. Stand there
2. Go left in a straight line
3. Go right in a straight line

That is unrealistic. They need to arc away from the pressure. They don't in real life go in a straight line when they presured up the middle.

Don't know how they have it right in Madden 11 but wrong in NCAA 12.

Also DEs don't always rush to the outside of the offensive tackle all the time. They do rush to the inside shoulder of the offensive tackle too you know in real life. That needs to be represented in NCAA 12.

Also.......special teams needs to be improved. How is it we still don't have CPU punt blocks and FG blocks ? Or no bad holds on FG attempts or bad snaps on punts ?

That would be like playing MLB The Show and there was never any wild pitches, or any other error. Errors happen in sports and in every other sports game EXCEPT for Madden and NCAA.

There is no difference between a 40 awareness punter or kicker from a 93 awareness one.

People been talking about robo QBs, well hell we been suffering from Robo Kickers for years now.
# 14 TDenverFan @ 07/22/11 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by I3RIS3H
The new features in dynasty are virtually useless.
What's the point of even adding any of these features when they are BROKEN?!?

I feel like I'm testing a game in the alpha stage to be honest.
Coaching Carousel? Useless.
Recruits that come in with decent ratings? Pointless.
Starting as a coordinator? Who needs that.
Custom playbooks? Garbage.
Improved recruiting menus? Worthless.
# 15 Marcus34 @ 07/22/11 04:56 PM
This game is a joke. It's like the people at EA didn't even test the Dynasty Mode before sending it to the stores.

Just a slap in the face to the customers
# 16 SGMRock @ 07/22/11 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Gotmadskillzson
6. Game is great with default rosters.........
Accept in Dynasty your recruited players are messed up too! You recruit a one player type and once you sign them they are something else, even without editing anything on them according to people in that roster thread. I think thats a game breaker for dynasty until they fix it.
# 17 Marcus34 @ 07/22/11 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by TDenverFan
Coaching Carousel? Useless.
Recruits that come in with decent ratings? Pointless.
Starting as a coordinator? Who needs that.
Custom playbooks? Garbage.
Improved recruiting menus? Worthless.

Coaching Carousel is useless after all the coaches go to A+ Prestige
Recruits come in with decent ratings but don't even have the same tendencies as the player you recruited
Starting as a recruiter IS Cool
The custom playbooks don't work
Recruiting menus don't effect anything
# 18 bkrich83 @ 07/22/11 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by SGMRock
Accept in Dynasty your recruited players are messed up too! You recruit a one player type and once you sign them they are something else, even without editing anything on them according to people in that roster thread. I think thats a game breaker for dynasty until they fix it.
That was not my understanding. Maybe I misread though.
# 19 frankrizzo380 @ 07/22/11 05:01 PM
I just wanna know what happend to diving catches?
# 20 bkrich83 @ 07/22/11 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Marcus34
Coaching Carousel is useless after all the coaches go to A+ Prestige
Recruits come in with decent ratings but don't even have the same tendencies as the player you recruited
Starting as a recruiter IS Cool
The custom playbooks don't work
Recruiting menus don't effect anything
For some reason I have had no probs with custom playbooks.

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