NBA 2K16 News Post

After watching the NBA 2K16 gameplay enhancements video, make sure you read the gameplay blog, written by Mike Wang, Gameplay Director for NBA 2K16.

Hey 2K fans! It’s time to talk gameplay! It’s been a whirlwind year for us and the game has seen a ton of improvements. In fact, it’s tough to even name an area of the oncourt experience that didn’t get upgraded in one way or another. We’ve been playing the game til our fingers bleed and loving every minute of it. There’s a lot to cover so let’s jump right in.

First off, I want to congratulate and thank the gameplay team. This is the hardest working group of guys in the industry with an insatiable drive to be the best. No one has ever said, “ehh… that’s good enough.” We’re our own biggest critics and it’s cool to work with a team of guys who constantly strive to outperform themselves and genuinely love the game of basketball.

Like I said, there’s a lot to cover, way too much to write about in just one blog, so I’m going to try and highlight some of the things we’re proudest of in NBA 2K16.

Read More - NBA 2K16 Gameplay Blog with Mike Wang

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Member Comments
# 101 MontanaMan @ 09/02/15 05:40 PM
I love everything that was said.

Now hopefully this info will keep people from hijacking other threads whining about gameplay info.
# 102 reptilexcq @ 09/02/15 05:49 PM
If what Mike said is true....that this is the best hoop game they ever created...then i might have to start preorder now. But i want to hear about online single match. ..thats where i spend most of my time. I want to hear about the lag issue.
# 103 Taer @ 09/02/15 06:18 PM
First I'd like to thank the 2K developers for writing the diaries/blogs this year. I got so much more from the written diary than the video. I can take these and convince others in my social gaming network to give 2K a try. Thanks.

Now, my favorite quote:

... . This is, by far, the best playing hoops title we’ve ever created. It’s the most well animated, most authentic, best feeling, and most balanced 2K to date. And we’re super excited for you guys to get your hands on it!
And now a couple of responses:

Originally Posted by 23
I hope the " I think im better than what I really am so I complain about 2k when I lose because my ego can't take it cheese" is eliminated too
I bet the number one complaint this year is about Hall of Fame not being up to their standards.

Originally Posted by NINJAK2
This blog was 100 times better than that video and I loved the video! Happy to read about all the enhancements that were made on the defensive end(crowding ball handler while dribbling, physicality off ball, etc)...
Well said and quoted for emphasis. There were forced pick-ups in 2k15 - they were just difficult to trigger properly.
# 104 nova91 @ 09/02/15 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by SkillazKill
"Pump fake, draw foul shots have returned"

This is my only concern... I'm hoping Pump Fake Cheese is not back
If you, as a defender, are biting on any/every pump fake you deserve to get killed by it. If your teammates(non MC) are biting on what you feel are too many fakes, take control of them and play defense with them.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5 using tapatalk
# 105 twogotwingz3 @ 09/02/15 06:24 PM
Man I'm sure they prolly never saw my YouTube video nor my written blog on here, but from reading what Mike Wang is saying all my inquires have pretty much been answered except shoes of course but if the game plays like the way its blogged, shoes wont even matter!!
# 106 nova91 @ 09/02/15 06:28 PM
About good defenders on hot players, I'm assuming this applies to MC as well? Being able to change matchups as I needed in other modes this was never a problem, but man I gon tired of Westbrook abusing Brian Roberts in MC.

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# 107 SkillzFromThe6 @ 09/02/15 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by nova91
If you, as a defender, are biting on any/every pump fake you deserve to get killed by it. If your teammates(non MC) are biting on what you feel are too many fakes, take control of them and play defense with them.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5 using tapatalk
I have no problem guarding them.. It's usually my random teammates I will have at Park/TeamUp/2KPROAM. It will get annoying.
# 108 twogotwingz3 @ 09/02/15 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by SkillazKill
I have no problem guarding them.. It's usually my random teammates I will have at Park/TeamUp/2KPROAM. It will get annoying.
that's their fault tho..not 2k's...that's why youre not supposed to leave your feet lol
# 109 GSW @ 09/02/15 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
Ewwwww. I actually feel like layup strips are already sort of overpowered, especially on breakaways. I feel like winning the war at the point of attack is what you should be trying to do -- and where the improvements should be made first -- as once you get past someone reaching back in for a strip is such a high-risk, low-reward play much of the time.
I feel where you are coming from Chase, but I don't agree.

Are they over powered? Yes. Should it be a fail safe to prevent drives, no but you should be rewarded some what for playing help defense with a good theif.

I don't ever reach back and steal, what I do, (mostly on fast breaks) is run by and swipe, sometimes i get it, sometimes it knocks off their leg, some times it's a foul. That's real life.

What would make it more balanced is, if the offensive player had some way to "protect" the ball while driving, kind of how you can hold down triangle in madden (maybe holding down the layup button does a "protect" type move with a higher chance of missing or something, while tapping it leaves you exposed)

In any event, I think it is very realistic all things considered. Especially because I play this way in real life. I also usually, in real life get a lot of strips when people leave the ball exposed going up for their jumpers. I don't think they should tone it down maybe just add offensive mechanics to help balance it.
# 110 MavsManiac4Life @ 09/02/15 07:09 PM
This will be the best 2K without a doubt barring injuries. Giving so much that has been asked for all in one game, most games even if they were gonna give this stuff would just put in a couple of things per game.
# 111 TarHeelPhenom @ 09/02/15 07:21 PM
The only complaint i got is that 2k decided to drop this atom bomb the weekend of my wedding anniversary!! Gotta keep the priorities in order and make sure the Mrs is taken care of. BUT AS SOON AS WE GET BACK SONNNN!!!
# 112 UConcord11 @ 09/02/15 07:23 PM
Wow almost everything I've been complaining about for years now is pretty much taken care of gameplay wise. Right now it's all about the execution.

The only thing I'm still concerned about is shooting off the dribble. which only happened in 2k15 where while dribbling the animation switch to a shot was so stale and off time that it ruined almost the entire shooting experience for me.

You'll come of a pick and be wide open, hoping to go smoothly into a jumpshot, your player would just stop, turn, and his standing jumpshot animation would run. takes too much time.
# 113 strawberryshortcake @ 09/02/15 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by reptilexcq
If what Mike said is true....that this is the best hoop game they ever created...then i might have to start preorder now. But i want to hear about online single match. ..thats where i spend most of my time. I want to hear about the lag issue.
Regarding "Lag Issue"

I have never played an online 2k match nor any other game online with the exception of Street Fighter 4 and only a handful in MLB the Show 09.

2k developers and whoever is in charge of 2k network/servers can talk about online lag issues and what they have done to rectify it all they want, but real world experience will require thousands to millions of NBA 2k gamers to be online at once. I don't believe even team 2k will know how stable the online experience will be until NBA2k16 drops.

I would figure 2k network/server issues have been problematic for a long long time based on forum message boards. Even though I don't play online, for the sake of those that do, I wish 2k would do some type of investigation on dedicated multiplayer games to determine which ones has the most stable servers and joyous gamers and simply "buy" those necessary equipment considering all the money NBA2k brings in annually.

That's it. I have nothing more to add. If anyone working in IT knows anything about network/server issue, your expertise is appreciative. For the sake of NBA2k online gamers, hopefully your wish is granted this year with stability.
# 114 RipCityAndy @ 09/02/15 07:30 PM
Just can't seem to get excited this year. I was pumped for everything last year and was let down big time. I'm taking a wait and see approach.
# 115 Jrocc23 @ 09/02/15 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by twogotwingz3
that's their fault tho..not 2k's...that's why youre not supposed to leave your feet lol

I am very glad it's back in. I just hope it doesn't get called every time someone jumps in the air. Would be cool if you jumped and noticed you've made a mistake and try to avoid it. Or simply sometimes it doesn't get called.
# 116 Dr. Banner @ 09/02/15 07:47 PM
Don't want to be a Debby Downer, but every yr it seems like we get these blogs how the game such a huge change, when in reality can hardly tell the difference. So I'll wait until I play it before I praise them. And still waiting on them to fix the bad servers the past ten years.
# 117 schnakenpopanz @ 09/02/15 07:50 PM
It sounds like this will be the best offline experience in basketball we can get up to date. I criticize 2k a lot, but we can't deny their efforts and dedication.
back to topic.
responsive controls are the keys to any gameplay fun. the delay in defensive movement overpowered the offense a lot, especially online.
# 118 TalenT @ 09/02/15 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by nova91
If you, as a defender, are biting on any/every pump fake you deserve to get killed by it. If your teammates(non MC) are biting on what you feel are too many fakes, take control of them and play defense with them.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5 using tapatalk
Well said. It can't be OP or cheese if you don't jump.
# 119 Factzzz @ 09/02/15 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by twogotwingz3
Man I'm sure they prolly never saw my YouTube video nor my written blog on here, but from reading what Mike Wang is saying all my inquires have pretty much been answered except shoes of course but if the game plays like the way its blogged, shoes wont even matter!!
Shoes will always matter
# 120 youvalss @ 09/02/15 08:36 PM
Finally got to read the blog. Mike always delivers, I'm never worried. Can't wait to see gameplay videos.

Video was great to watch, the game looks so ALIVE!

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