NBA 2K16 News Post

After watching the NBA 2K16 gameplay enhancements video, make sure you read the gameplay blog, written by Mike Wang, Gameplay Director for NBA 2K16.

Hey 2K fans! It’s time to talk gameplay! It’s been a whirlwind year for us and the game has seen a ton of improvements. In fact, it’s tough to even name an area of the oncourt experience that didn’t get upgraded in one way or another. We’ve been playing the game til our fingers bleed and loving every minute of it. There’s a lot to cover so let’s jump right in.

First off, I want to congratulate and thank the gameplay team. This is the hardest working group of guys in the industry with an insatiable drive to be the best. No one has ever said, “ehh… that’s good enough.” We’re our own biggest critics and it’s cool to work with a team of guys who constantly strive to outperform themselves and genuinely love the game of basketball.

Like I said, there’s a lot to cover, way too much to write about in just one blog, so I’m going to try and highlight some of the things we’re proudest of in NBA 2K16.

Read More - NBA 2K16 Gameplay Blog with Mike Wang

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Member Comments
# 1 dmankey1 @ 09/02/15 12:06 PM
What everyone has been asking for...here you go!

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# 2 LorenzoDC @ 09/02/15 12:06 PM
Some nice footage there.

Foot planting? Physics? Post completely redone? Weight makes a difference? Redone player collisions? CPU off ball AI? Passing?

My goodness. . .
# 3 DIRK41NOWITZKI @ 09/02/15 12:23 PM
Really liked the footage they showed off and all they additions are awesome. Can't wait!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 4 Goffs @ 09/02/15 12:28 PM
Mike! You guys!
Blocking is another area that has gotten a lot of love. As a blocker, you can now choose to go up conservatively with verticality or more aggressively to try and make a bigger play on the ball. We’ve also implemented point IK, which allow blockers to track the ball in real time and react to different situations in a dynamic way. For me, swatting a shot into the stands is probably the most gratifying thing to do in NBA 2K16. The improved physics on blocks make these scenarios look great too.
This right here is all I needed! Finally ball tracking is back!

I have to ask though....what about right stick defense? Was that looked at this year? I feel right stick should be exclusively hands up and not tied to cutoff movement.
# 5 svit @ 09/02/15 12:29 PM
Uhhh... good read. But I have one concern regarding passing

New passing controls:
A/CROSS = Best Pass (gives you the best pass for the situation you’re in)
B/CIRCLE = Tap for Bounce Pass, Double Tap for Flashy Pass, Hold for dribble pitch/handoff (hold to bring the selected receiver toward the ball, release to pass or handoff if close enough)
Y/TRIANGLE = Tap for Lob/Overhead Pass, Double Tap for Alley-Oop, Hold for Lead to Basket pass (hold to make the receiver cut toward the hoop, release to pass… awesome addition!)
Right now we can manually select bounce or lob pass, but we don't have an option to manually select chest (fast) pass. Right now it's mapped to A/Cross but this button selects "Best" pass for the situation. You can end up with bounce pass or Lob/Overhead pass.

I hope in 2k17 we will see additional separation in A/Cross button.

Nevertheless very good and important improvements!
# 6 BluFu @ 09/02/15 12:30 PM
Ball tracking on blocks, long rebounds, faster passing, pump fake to draw fouls....
# 7 YungGun @ 09/02/15 12:30 PM
# 8 Jrocc23 @ 09/02/15 12:34 PM
Great news all around. Two things that would be considered small to a lot of people that I enjoyed reading is pump fake fouls are back! And also long rebounds on shot attempts.

Only thing I am concerned about is the passing controls. I loved how they were before.
# 9 XxSpiritHunterX @ 09/02/15 12:38 PM
This really is shaping up to be one of the best 2Ks. Now let's just hope the cheese has been minimized
# 10 The 24th Letter @ 09/02/15 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by Goffs
Mike! You guys!

This right here is all I needed! Finally ball tracking is back!

I have to ask though....what about right stick defense? Was that looked at this year? I feel right stick should be exclusively hands up and not tied to cutoff movement.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 11 DutchMastah7 @ 09/02/15 12:40 PM
# 12 lvnba @ 09/02/15 12:42 PM
However, the thing I love most about it is that it’s not just an aesthetic improvement. Because players aren’t able to cheat physics by sliding or radically shifting momentum it allows the flow of basketball to play out in a more natural fashion.
# 13 jbthegreat @ 09/02/15 12:46 PM
amazing work by the 2k team wow!!!!
# 14 tsbmolina @ 09/02/15 12:47 PM
10,ooo new animations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! I've died and gone to heaven.
# 15 rockchisler @ 09/02/15 12:48 PM
Is Rob Still with 2k? Havent heard his name lately
# 16 tsbmolina @ 09/02/15 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by rockchisler
Is Rob Still with 2k? Havent heard his name often.
This should answer your question. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-90hpA9kZs
# 17 Goffs @ 09/02/15 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by rockchisler
Is Rob Still with 2k? Havent heard his name often.
Now that you mention it...he's usually in a vid or two by now..

Edit: he's active on Twitter so he's around
# 18 Vni @ 09/02/15 12:51 PM
All that sounds great not gonna lie.

Pump fake, draw foul shots have returned

Can't wait to see all thoses new things in action.
# 19 YungGun @ 09/02/15 12:53 PM
I'm interested in that new 2K cam feature tbh.
# 20 clipperfan811 @ 09/02/15 12:53 PM
I love the write ups we've gotten this year, I love how major focus was given to responsive player movement and passing. I'm excited to see a newly written movement system at work.

I also love that we'll be getting a blog on play systems by Da_Czar and OG. Those guys made such a huge contribution to basketball gaming with the freelance system in 2k15. I can't wait to see how that's been expanded on for 2k16.

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