NBA 2K16 News Post

After watching the NBA 2K16 gameplay enhancements video, make sure you read the gameplay blog, written by Mike Wang, Gameplay Director for NBA 2K16.

Hey 2K fans! It’s time to talk gameplay! It’s been a whirlwind year for us and the game has seen a ton of improvements. In fact, it’s tough to even name an area of the oncourt experience that didn’t get upgraded in one way or another. We’ve been playing the game til our fingers bleed and loving every minute of it. There’s a lot to cover so let’s jump right in.

First off, I want to congratulate and thank the gameplay team. This is the hardest working group of guys in the industry with an insatiable drive to be the best. No one has ever said, “ehh… that’s good enough.” We’re our own biggest critics and it’s cool to work with a team of guys who constantly strive to outperform themselves and genuinely love the game of basketball.

Like I said, there’s a lot to cover, way too much to write about in just one blog, so I’m going to try and highlight some of the things we’re proudest of in NBA 2K16.

Read More - NBA 2K16 Gameplay Blog with Mike Wang

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Member Comments
# 81 23 @ 09/02/15 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
I'm still annoyed at some of be YouTube commentators who complained about how hard the game was when it first dropped last year....not to mention some folks around these parts....then they all turned around and said it was too easy to shoot once it was changed, lol...

The complain cheese won't go away until 2k provides a "win every game I play" option....

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Happens every year. I liked it when it first dropped, i think i started a thread not to change anything due to those complaints to no avail
# 82 Clappington @ 09/02/15 04:18 PM
I saw someone post Dwight from this last trailer(Can't find it) couldn't see it well on my phone but did they give him correct hair?
# 83 23 @ 09/02/15 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Clappington
I saw someone post Dwight from this last trailer(Can't find it) couldn't see it well on my phone but did they give him correct hair?

BTW, this blog is Fantastic
# 84 seanbarkley @ 09/02/15 04:20 PM
This all seems reeeeeally promising... More player control in defense and offense sounds like music to my ears!

Man, I have to get a hobby for my wife...
# 85 Peninc @ 09/02/15 04:21 PM
Thank God for this blog post. The video was nice but this is what I needed. Sounds like everything I've ever asked for in one game. The new pass mechanics sound fantastic. Hell, everything sounded fantastic. Let me go reach for that preorder money.
# 86 mkvulper @ 09/02/15 04:24 PM
# 87 Khaos_Kiwi @ 09/02/15 04:26 PM
I don't know if it had been mentioned, but with the new coach AI. will we see the coach place their best perimeter defender on the opposing teams best offensive player?

I know adapting defensive schemes were mentioned, but I wanted to know if this aspect would be included.
# 88 LorenzoDC @ 09/02/15 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Khaos_Kiwi
I don't know if it had been mentioned, but with the new coach AI. will we see the coach place their best perimeter defender on the opposing teams best offensive player?

I know adapting defensive schemes were mentioned, but I wanted to know if this aspect would be included.
It doesn't say, though I'm going to guess maybe yes? It does suggest play calling by coaches will be more strategic and informed, for example, coming out of time outs. If that's the case, it could mean the AI recognizes matchups to exploit on offense. And if that's the case, then maybe it also recognizes matchup issues on defense and makes adjustments.

Just speculation, but possible. Plus I remember Czar making some comment just before or after release last year when asked about matchups. He said the CPU does not recognize mismatches "this year." That was a year ago, so maybe that means they were working on it backstage and it made it into this year's game.
# 89 Sinner @ 09/02/15 04:39 PM
Wow nice read there, NBA 2k16 is looking like it's going to be a great game of basketball. Going to make these next 3 weeks or so even harder to get through.

2k has been putting in some serious work, can't wait to play this game and see how it all works out.
# 90 8KB24 @ 09/02/15 04:49 PM
So...you're saying that two of Kobe's signature moves are back in the game? Wow. Also verticality? Blocks improved? Just as Hibbert was traded to Lakers. Finally some use for that softie. Post game refined? Seeing as about 40% of my plays (I have custom playbook) are post plays I'm in heaven.

Erm...It's gonna be a really strange scene if my wife enters the room and I have a semi-boner on while watching grown men talk video game (watching it now)
# 91 DBMcGee3 @ 09/02/15 04:52 PM
I have to admit, I'm very, very impressed from what I read and saw today. Taking Mike Wang at his word, i would seem that they have made huge efforts in virtually every area of concern I had from previous versions, at least in terms of game play.

If the game is indeed more responsive, and the physics have been implemented as well as he claims, then I'll be one happy mofo. That being said, it's hard not to be a little skeptical when they start talking about several different areas that were "rebuilt from the ground up".

But overall, I was most impressed with the degree of technical detail that he went into for each area. It's one thing to say "the game is more responsive" or "there's better foot planting", but he really focused on explaining the reasons behind that stuff, which sounds pretty hard to BS.
# 92 Eman5805 @ 09/02/15 05:07 PM
Ohhhh BABY! Music to my ears.

All that's left is to hear they've overhauled the sound design too, and it's the double whammy that I've personally been begging for.

I mean the chance for long rebounds? Intelligent coaches that adjust to your playing style and a difference in the way a coach does during the season vs the playoffs.

Will this apply to minutes? Like will Pop go and rest his players for big Christmas games to the chagrin of the NBA? Could even have the commentators get a word in about it?

So much to come and I can't stop laughing.
# 93 kolkmania @ 09/02/15 05:15 PM
Quote from my post in the "NBA 2k16's Key to Succes" thread:

Personally, I don't really care for online modes like MyTeam and such. Occasionally I play some Quick Games online, but that's it. Recap shows are extras for me, gameplay is by far the most important thing.

1. Different passing animations. Some plays include hand-offs, due to the lack of this animation the play's flow stops and kills the flow of the offense. In addition I would love to see a pocket pass in combination with a sliding screener.
Check, hand-offs are there, more options to pass. Like mentioned before I am curious what happens to the Icon Passing, since that was all I used.

2. Spacing. I don't know it is because of the movement of the big men or the actual size of the court, but the help defense of the weak side is so quick. The most efficient way to defend is to put the PoE to "Protect the Paint" and manually closeout the shooters. When the shooter pulls op a three pointer, the defender is 90% of the time in his face. Due to the bumping it isn't possible to attack the closeout and slash for an lay up attempt.
Nobody mentioned a thing about the size of the actual players. But the new motion system could lead to slower defensive help from the weak side. The new dribble crowd system could lead to better slashing. We'll see about this one.

3. Players movement. I want to see an explicit difference between players like Westbrook and e.g. Hibbert, guards should be able to blast past static big men. Hell, even in transition I can't see a clear difference.
Just like the previous point, the new foot planting system should be the answer to the velocity of the players. They mentioned this one in the video for sure.

These are the three key things for succes to me. There are some little things that need to be tweaked or added:

4. Post Fadeaway, no explanation needed. Every big men that receives the ball (even near the 3-point line) fades and hits the shot. Really, really annoying.
5. Addition of tutorials. I want to be able to improve my post offense, let me train my post moves with e.g. Okafor or dribble moves with Curry.
6. Rebounding, stats are just unimportant. Every big men is able to rebound, somehow stats need to affect their rebounding skills.
7. Hop before shooting. When I choose a floppy play for Thompson or Green, I want them to shoot the ball immediately after they receive the ball without turning the shot in an impossible fader.
8. Blocks. They should occur more often and the shots need to be blocked with force, not the weak touches. Playing with Poke's sliders improves the blocking, but it still needs some tweaking in my opinion.

There are probably many other things that needs to be improved that I can't think of right now. For clarification, I loved(!!) the game this year. Played the game throughout a whole year and with the constant patching and custom sliders the game is great. I hope NBA Live gives 2K some competition this year, so they keep improving the game!
4. New post system, although I liked the old system, more flexibility is always good. Looking forward to master this skill and string some moves together Olajuwon style!
5. Not mentioned, really want it to master the new post system.
6. Long rebound, new box-out system, higher skill based, yeah baby!
7. "A bunch of new jump shot types to cover various cases to prevent weird facing and momentum pops. We’ve also given you the ability to maintain your dribble when pulling off a hop shot and tweaked shot release speeds to remove some of the delays and hitches you may have seen in the past." Guess this is it?
8. Manual control of the block intensity and (better) tracking while the ball is mid-air. Nice, blocking will be satisfying again.

Just look at this, nearly all my concerns/hopes are covered in ONE blog. I cross my fingers and hope the game will be as great as it looks. Looking forward to Czar with new play additions/freelance motion. Way to go 2K!
# 94 abcfinest @ 09/02/15 05:16 PM
I like the new additions to gameplay. But we have to criticize 2k for taking out stuff from old games then bringing it back as if its new. I'm happy with what i read. Its next gen new and improved 2k11 from what i got from the blog. Cant be mad 2k11 was my favorite 2k to date.
# 95 AJenius06 @ 09/02/15 05:18 PM
Everything on this blog sounds awesome! The physics and AI improvement are what have me slobbing, waiting to get my hands on this game.

But that's just it. No matter how good you are at using adjectives and having good enough PR to sell these improvements, nothing will make me happier than actually seeing the game being played and more importantly, playing the game.

If passing is responsive, physics are accurate and teams have their own feel... we might have the best game ever created on our hands.


Like I said, skip all of this information now -- a blog is cool... But actual footage would be better. In due time, I guess...
# 96 apollon42 @ 09/02/15 05:22 PM
The animations in this game are beautiful. It would be insane to see what they would've done with football.
# 97 Vni @ 09/02/15 05:25 PM
Theses developpers blogs are the worst man. I just want to try the game now.
# 98 mlb08 @ 09/02/15 05:30 PM
I saw great defenders on great stars, does it mean CPU use strategy and substitution more precisely now? They still haven't fixed the crowd like NBA live otherwise that would be awesome feeling. Not just playoffs the fans goes crazy, regular season in some situation happens too.
# 99 TreyIM2 @ 09/02/15 05:31 PM
Haven't gotten a chance to see the vid from earlier cuz it just would not play but reading this on train ride home almost put a tear in my eye. Lol. Just couldn't help being disappointed about not hearing about off ball contact like Live is gunna have. Previous vids showed nothing in that regard. If anything about that was in blog, I would have fully dropped a tear on this damn train. Lol. Still great stuff here. Wow.
# 100 Flightwhite24 @ 09/02/15 05:35 PM
These guys sure know how to bring it!!! After watching this I have to see a WHOLE LOT from the demo of the competition to buy 2 games. To hell with a change of pace for $60.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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