MLB 15 The Show News Post

MLB 15 The Show patch 1.03 is available now for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, which fixes quite a few offline and online issues with the game. Check out the details below and let us know what you are seeing.
  • Offline/Online - Fixed the issue causing runners to be left on base after a home run. This would happen any time a user runner went half way and was stopped when the ball went over the fence and was a called a HR
  • Offline/Online - CPU or User would attempt to advance after a high infield fly ball was caught. Defender would use a ****** throw to the next base, but it would be too slow and the runner would often be safe
  • Intentional walk exploit fixed – Calling for an intentional walk after the baserunner leads off causes the baserunner to take additional steps and getting thrown out easily.
  • Online - New Action shots for 50 players, to be seen on Player cards in Collections and Diamond Dynasty mode.
  • Online - Collections screen now save and load the last page you were on, making buying and selling cards more streamlined.
  • Online - Tuning to Online Gameplay - These fixes are all intended to stabilize online gameplay and eliminate consumer reported blue screen crashes and hangs that lead to standoffs.
  • Offline/Online - Foul/Fair ball detection in CHI White Sox - 3rd base line
  • Online - HBP/avoid and pitcher ejection issue - One user would get a HBP reaction and ejected, the other user would not resulting in a freeze.
  • Online – When defensive shifts would occur in an online game, the OSD’s were inaccurate. Fix for Defensive Positioning drop down to reflect the current defense.
  • Online/Offline - Reduce the success rate of bunts
  • Offline - Fixed retail crash while simulating through Franchise mode. Occurrences described below:
    • Crashes when simulation far in the future
    • Crash when autosaving following very specific injury sequences
    • Crash when simming through certain pinch hit appearances
    • Crash when entering the amateur draft
  • Offline - Fixed a low frequency retail crash in RTTS player editor.
  • Offline - Fenway red seat added in the right field bleachers.
  • Online - Restricting batting views for online games per Design - if user has batting view that is restricted, force batting view to catcher - don't give user restricted views for batting view
  • Online - issues with take it yourself plays at first base online have been resolved.
  • Online – Numerous online gameplay stability checks to eliminate consumer reported blue screen crashes.
  • Online - Resolving guess pitch on defensive machine and forcing offense machine to use data from defense machine
  • Offline – Changed the art of the Injured icon (Franchise/Season)
  • Online - Adding additional entitlements to the show shop, to allow for future promotional packs
  • Online/Offline – AI check that was not allowing for early moving catches
  • Offline - Fix for crowd catching flyball vs. fielder catching robbable balls - don't allow ball to attach to crowd if already attached to a player
  • Online Franchise/Diamond Dynasty – Play by Play audio code has been modified to exclude filling in career stats for Arena mode (DD) and League Mode. They get filled in for MLB season mode only. Online modes career data was incorrect.
  • Online - Adding one more minute to the online Pause menu countdown
Source - The Show Nation

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 Armor and Sword @ 05/31/15 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by PhilliesFan13
I haven't seen as many pop outs to the catcher as you have, but I do agree with the amount of broken bats. I see about 2-3 on average per game.
I have just started to keep tabs on the pop outs to catchers. I have played now...over 250 games.

Yes it is a sickness and I am ACTIVELY seeking counseling and a support group.

So it is becoming quite apparent to me it is a problem. At least in my eyes and my playing experience.

There are some warts (like every year when you play enough games) but overall the very best game in the series history. Took many steps forward. And in area's that have opened up new modes to me.

Online Franchise/Diamond Dynasty. And the main reasons are attributed to 2 things:

1) of course the connection and servers are greatly improved (still needs lot's of work to catch up to EA's online experience with Madden but a great leap this year).

2) Manual fielding. I am truly having a blast playing defense for the first time ever in this series history. It was the one area that sorely lacked for me coming over from MVP 2005. They really improved outfield play, and understanding that you need to be able to track balls properly, play balls off the wall properly. Ratings really matter in this aspect of the game. Ball parks too. For example...I hate playing at Fenway as the wall is a mother ****er to deal with now! LOL. Just like IRL.

They really nailed this area of the game and I can see even more progress going forward. So since fielding is much more intuitive, I ventured to online play and have not looked back. I still play plenty offline (where the game is platinum) but playing online franchise with Simulation Owners here at OS and building my Diamond Dynasty team has made this game virtual drugs for me. I will probably log over 500 games by the time MLB 16 comes out.

That is what the Devs want to hear.

Well done SCEA....well done.

# 222 Blzer @ 05/31/15 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by PhilliesFan13
I haven't seen as many pop outs to the catcher as you have, but I do agree with the amount of broken bats. I see about 2-3 on average per game.
There are tons of broken bats in real life, just they don't fly off the bat like they do in this game. This game needs the other kind of broken bat, where it just slightly cracks or a small piece gets chipped away.

EDIT: Case in point, there have been three broken bats in four batters in the Braves-Giants game right now, none of which shattered. (I'm on delay and just finished the top of the 3rd inning, if you'd like to know it was Aoki, Bethancourt, and Teheran).
# 223 LowerWolf @ 05/31/15 04:28 PM
One thing I'm really enjoying is the variety in games.

I've been playing this series all the way back to the PS1 days. And I always pitch really well and struggle to hit. A 5-4 game was a slugfest for me. But not anymore.

I'm in early May with the Braves and I just finished a four-game series with the Reds. First game: I'm down 10-5 with four outs to go and I rally for an 11-10 win. The crazy thing? I scored those 11 runs without hitting a single homer. Second game: Cingrani dominates me and I lose 3-0. Third game: I win 3-2 in 11 innings. Fourth game: I blast three homers and win 11-0.
# 224 Armor and Sword @ 05/31/15 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
There are tons of broken bats in real life, just they don't fly off the bat like they do in this game. This game needs the other kind of broken bat, where it just slightly cracks or a small piece gets chipped away.

EDIT: Case in point, there have been three broken bats in four batters in the Braves-Giants game right now, none of which shattered. (I'm on delay and just finished the top of the 3rd inning, if you'd like to know it was Aoki, Bethancourt, and Teheran).
Yes that is what I meant.....too many getting broken into pieces flying....but broken bats that get simply cracked are quite common.
# 225 HozAndMoose @ 05/31/15 06:55 PM
I think a lot of issue with the catcher has to do with the ball not having enough weight to it and falling to slowly. It seems like very time the catcher goes into his super fast animation to get balls in front of the plate he catches it in the air off of a bounce. When the ball is on the ground though he takes a little more time. And if the ball had more weight there would be less time for him to get to some of the pop ups as well.

I could be wrong on that as i havent really taken the time to look into it but just from playing and noticing it as it happens that seems to be one of the issues.
# 226 Bgreene01 @ 05/31/15 09:00 PM
Out of curiosity, has anyone had the CPU perform a drag bunt or bunt for a hit attempt against them since this patch has come out?

I downloaded it this weekend and have yet to see one in five games. Not a big sample size, but it got me thinking something might be up with bunt attempts.

For what it is worth, I am using the OSFM Opening Day V.1 roster and have all of my sliders set to default.

Thanks for any input.
# 227 countryboy @ 05/31/15 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Bgreene01
Out of curiosity, has anyone had the CPU perform a drag bunt or bunt for a hit attempt against them since this patch has come out?

I downloaded it this weekend and have yet to see one in five games. Not a big sample size, but it got me thinking something might be up with bunt attempts.

For what it is worth, I am using the OSFM Opening Day V.1 roster and have all of my sliders set to default.

Thanks for any input.
Yes I have. I just had Angel Pagan bunt for a hit against me in the game I just played.
# 228 Knight165 @ 05/31/15 09:58 PM
Tony Campana.....drag queen.
Three times my last series vs. Ari(carry over franchise)

# 229 jb12780 @ 06/02/15 08:39 AM
I hope for next year online franchise gets some more attention. 30 games in and the opening week paint is still there.

Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
# 230 Knight165 @ 06/02/15 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by MythicalGnome
Kind of seems they are tucking things in and not listening to fans as much anymore. Same way with the field and stadium colors and the various problems with unis. They simply don't care what is wrong realistically anymore. Oh well eh?

All I want in 16 is for the dang Twins to have a proper functioning Road jersey for the love of god.

Not true at all....not how you came to that conclusion.
But even if it were.....could you blame them?
The backhanded comments and side door attempts at calling them liars basically is making the Show forums irrelevant.
How can there be any real conversation if you're(not you in particular) not even going to start with what the devs tell you is the case?
You reap what you sow.

# 231 K_GUN @ 06/03/15 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by MythicalGnome
I don't have a problem if they are still onto the idea that they too need to continue and learn and improve in all aspects. Example: just because numbers look okay on the back of jerseys doesn't mean you stop trying to get it down just right or because you did 3d grass nicely doesn't mean everything stops.

Usually, textures artists get a decent amount of feedback from people but do their own thing. I'm fine with that and the lighting and whatever else too. "You" reap what you so is completely ridiculous line of thinking for me anyway. I don't even ask for anything but accurate jerseys atm.

Yeah, it's something they need to find a way to get done. The excuses for inaccurate jerseys are not sitting well with people anymore, it certainly is not just me. This is the ONLY MLB game out there. It's time to step up their communication with the people in the agencies that run the style guide.

I never called anyone liars so I don't have that kinda baggage on me. I just think they are not learning enough or improving enough, and this may not be the devs it could be the higher-ups in charge, as an entire organization when it comes to things like uniforms.

Are we really going to go another full year with the Yankees jerseys and the misplaced numbering? Seems like something a modder would fix within a month or two. It'd be nice just to get some feedback on why these things cannot be done, or better WHEN they WILL be done, because these are not just issues you press aside like they don't matter.

Stuff about little things like fatigue and glitches I don't care so much about. Accuracy in MLB uniforms? Yeah, I think that is pretty important when you are the only MLB game on the block. I am pretty patient too. I can wait.
since you're a man of intricate detail.....

...it's reap what you SOW......not SO
# 232 TheRealC7R @ 06/03/15 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by MythicalGnome
Stuff about little things like fatigue and glitches I don't care so much about. Accuracy in MLB uniforms? Yeah, I think that is pretty important when you are the only MLB game on the block. I am pretty patient too. I can wait.
That's the thing though. Things that you call "little" or "don't care so much about" other people do. Some people think adding the opening and closing of stadium roofs is extremely important while I do not care. Then, as a developer, you have things that you have to do and things that you'd like to do, but can't due to a lack of resources or because those things aren't a high enough priority. Sure a modder could fix your issue in a month or two, but a modder doesn't have a schedule; s/he can choose what to focus on and spend however much time is necessary while developers can't do that. If developers were to cater to every single user request, we wouldn't even have a MLB game to play.
# 233 tessl @ 06/03/15 12:48 PM
Will there be another patch or is 1.03 the final patch?
# 234 countryboy @ 06/03/15 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
Will there be another patch or is 1.03 the final patch?
There has been no mention of another patch so I'm guessing this is it
# 235 Bullit @ 06/03/15 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
There has been no mention of another patch so I'm guessing this is it
Usually Russell tells us when that is the last one. I think maybe one more in the pipeline, I was actually figuring tomorrow as they have dropped Thursday mornings, I think. If not soon, then I would agree they are done with 15 and have gone full tilt at 16.
# 236 countryboy @ 06/03/15 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
Usually Russell tells us when that is the last one. I think maybe one more in the pipeline, I was actually figuring tomorrow as they have dropped Thursday mornings, I think. If not soon, then I would agree they are done with 15 and have gone full tilt at 16.
I'm all for making the game better.

I didn't know that, thanks for getting everyone's hopes up

# 237 HustlinOwl @ 06/03/15 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
Will there be another patch or is 1.03 the final patch?
sure hope so cause Wrigley field foul ball bug is killin me http://www.operationsports.com/forum...-ball-bug.html
and for online franchise ever game is opening week also killing me
# 238 LowerWolf @ 06/03/15 02:23 PM
The last patch for MLB 14 came on July 17th, so I'm guessing - but strictly guessing - there will be one more.
# 239 Millennium @ 06/03/15 02:40 PM
Alright, that's enough everyone.

If you aren't going to post constructively on either side if the fence, don't hit the reply button.
# 240 Arizito Sports @ 06/05/15 01:21 PM
Did they fix the first career home run glitch ?

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