MLB 15 The Show News Post

MLB 15 The Show patch 1.03 is available now for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, which fixes quite a few offline and online issues with the game. Check out the details below and let us know what you are seeing.
  • Offline/Online - Fixed the issue causing runners to be left on base after a home run. This would happen any time a user runner went half way and was stopped when the ball went over the fence and was a called a HR
  • Offline/Online - CPU or User would attempt to advance after a high infield fly ball was caught. Defender would use a ****** throw to the next base, but it would be too slow and the runner would often be safe
  • Intentional walk exploit fixed – Calling for an intentional walk after the baserunner leads off causes the baserunner to take additional steps and getting thrown out easily.
  • Online - New Action shots for 50 players, to be seen on Player cards in Collections and Diamond Dynasty mode.
  • Online - Collections screen now save and load the last page you were on, making buying and selling cards more streamlined.
  • Online - Tuning to Online Gameplay - These fixes are all intended to stabilize online gameplay and eliminate consumer reported blue screen crashes and hangs that lead to standoffs.
  • Offline/Online - Foul/Fair ball detection in CHI White Sox - 3rd base line
  • Online - HBP/avoid and pitcher ejection issue - One user would get a HBP reaction and ejected, the other user would not resulting in a freeze.
  • Online – When defensive shifts would occur in an online game, the OSD’s were inaccurate. Fix for Defensive Positioning drop down to reflect the current defense.
  • Online/Offline - Reduce the success rate of bunts
  • Offline - Fixed retail crash while simulating through Franchise mode. Occurrences described below:
    • Crashes when simulation far in the future
    • Crash when autosaving following very specific injury sequences
    • Crash when simming through certain pinch hit appearances
    • Crash when entering the amateur draft
  • Offline - Fixed a low frequency retail crash in RTTS player editor.
  • Offline - Fenway red seat added in the right field bleachers.
  • Online - Restricting batting views for online games per Design - if user has batting view that is restricted, force batting view to catcher - don't give user restricted views for batting view
  • Online - issues with take it yourself plays at first base online have been resolved.
  • Online – Numerous online gameplay stability checks to eliminate consumer reported blue screen crashes.
  • Online - Resolving guess pitch on defensive machine and forcing offense machine to use data from defense machine
  • Offline – Changed the art of the Injured icon (Franchise/Season)
  • Online - Adding additional entitlements to the show shop, to allow for future promotional packs
  • Online/Offline – AI check that was not allowing for early moving catches
  • Offline - Fix for crowd catching flyball vs. fielder catching robbable balls - don't allow ball to attach to crowd if already attached to a player
  • Online Franchise/Diamond Dynasty – Play by Play audio code has been modified to exclude filling in career stats for Arena mode (DD) and League Mode. They get filled in for MLB season mode only. Online modes career data was incorrect.
  • Online - Adding one more minute to the online Pause menu countdown
Source - The Show Nation

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 thaSLAB @ 05/17/15 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Ruffy
We need to know pitch effort as well....I use classic pitching and rarely use full pitch effort with my starters. Save it for closers mostly and even then I use it rarely.

I also every year bump the starter stamina slider to combat guys being tired after 100 pitch outings in their last start.

I'd love to see if they would ever share the formula for stamina loss and stamina gain on rest.
That was why I asked what pitching interface everyone was using. That crossed my mind when there was a difference between simming and playing.

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# 182 BrianU @ 05/17/15 02:46 PM
It is very questionable why things that were not broken last year were changed for franchise mode this year. I mean it's the same mode there wasn't a huge overhaul or anything.

- Pitcher progression being broken after a handful of years causing 99 rated pitchers and underinflated batting stats.

- Pitcher stamina in playoffs

- Weather being static and not changing according to place/schedule

These are big head scratchers.
# 183 HozAndMoose @ 05/17/15 03:58 PM
Im gonna record my testing. Using quick counts Ill play game 1 with Kershaw since he has the most durability of the pitchers in the playoffs. Ill then sim games 2-4 from the calendar saving after the 3rd so i can make sure there is a game 5. After that part i will go back and enter game 2-4 and FF to the end to see if it makes a difference. Anything else i should try?
# 184 Bobhead @ 05/17/15 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
How are you guys testing this?

I've run about a half dozen post seasons now....3 man rotations(by manually skipping the 4th pitcher....wish they would allow 3 man rotations to be set) and I've had good energy replacement with most pitchers going 6/7 innings and being nearly full 5 or 6 days later. Nobody so far I've seen needed 9 days for full recovery.

I let Balt/Bos go with 4 man rotations for their series and the game 1 SP were full for game 5....Tillman and Lester with 6.0 IP in game 1.

I simmed Bal/Bos and Minn/LA and manually entered Wash/Ari and N.Y./St. L Harvey went 8.0 IP and was ready full 6 days later. I probably could have pitched him if needed in game 4 or 5.(sweep by Mets)
Gonzalez pitched 8.0 for Washington...2 days later was 50%.....

Once I entered the game....I then used the FF opiton(not end game) to sim out the rest of the game....

I am going to check how adjusting the SP fatigue slider effects this......

Perhaps they could slightly increase the energy gain per day off....but I guess I could see where they are adding to the "pressure" of playoffs and multiple games pitched late in the year with less days off.

I had a 5 man rotation when I entered the playoffs. Maybe the size of the rotation affects the rate of the recovery?

No idea.
I didn't "test" it. I only played through the playoffs on my own. All I know is that I used Matt Harvey for game 1 of the NLDS, and I made it to game 5 of the NLDS and he still was not anywhere near usable (definitely below 60%), and I was forced to use my 5th man.
There was a very noticeable drop in the speed with which pitchers recover on non-pitching days, compared to the regular season. If you don't experience this same issue, then maybe there is more to this.

Edit: I think I still have a file in the cloud that has me before the playoffs. I can go back and play around with things, and post screenshots and whatnot...

Knight... try testing it again but with 5 people in your starting rotation the entire time? The more I think about it, the more I think this is where the bug is.
# 185 HozAndMoose @ 05/17/15 07:32 PM
Alright decided against using Kershaw. I would throw 100+ pitches and he would be at like 40% energy every time.

102 pitches, Just under 20% energy left.

Energy after advancing the day to game 2. Just under 30%.

Energy after advancing to game 3 with an off day. Just under 50%. (Gaining 10% back every day??)

Energy after advancing to game 4. Just under 60%. (10% seems to be right)

Energy after advancing to game 5 with an off day. Just under 80% Scheduled to pitch.

So Strasburg gets back 10% of his energy every day. Game 1 was October 8th. Game 5 was October 15th. He would need 2 more days to get back to just under full energy.

Is it manageable yes. Raise the stamina slider and you take care of it if as long as you stay within the same pitch count as you usually would. But we shouldnt have to do that. And 10% back every day is to low. Now maybe that is just Strasburg with his 62 durability? ill try another pitcher and see how it goes.

And it was the same regardless of there being 4 or 5 guys in the rotation.
# 186 Knight165 @ 05/17/15 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
Alright decided against using Kershaw. I would throw 100+ pitches and he would be at like 40% energy every time.

102 pitches, Just under 20% energy left.

Energy after advancing the day to game 2. Just under 30%.

Energy after advancing to game 3 with an off day. Just under 50%. (Gaining 10% back every day??)

Energy after advancing to game 4. Just under 60%. (10% seems to be right)

Energy after advancing to game 5 with an off day. Just under 80% Scheduled to pitch.

So Strasburg gets back 10% of his energy every day. Game 1 was October 8th. Game 5 was October 15th. He would need 2 more days to get back to just under full energy.

Is it manageable yes. Raise the stamina slider and you take care of it if as long as you stay within the same pitch count as you usually would. But we shouldnt have to do that. And 10% back every day is to low. Now maybe that is just Strasburg with his 62 durability? ill try another pitcher and see how it goes.

And it was the same regardless of there being 4 or 5 guys in the rotation.

Yes....I'm seeing about the same things...about 10%(of bar...not remaining energy) per day off when you pitch the game.
I just did Wheeler...threw 134...HOF pulse....9 innings(forced it really...he should have been out in 7 or 8...DEFINITELY the 9th...he gave up a HR and was completely gassed for the entire 9th)
But by game 5 he was at about 60% full after being at 10% full after his pitch day. He was really spent.

I'd say....that even at 70 or 80 full...you could pitch those guys on the 4th day and be effective. Especially if you use the HUM SP stamina slider for either game 1 or the subsequent games that he doesn't get to 90 or 100% energy.

# 187 HozAndMoose @ 05/17/15 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Yes....I'm seeing about the same things...about 10%(of bar...not remaining energy) per day off when you pitch the game.
I just did Wheeler...threw 134...HOF pulse....9 innings(forced it really...he should have been out in 7 or 8...DEFINITELY the 9th...he gave up a HR and was completely gassed for the entire 9th)
But by game 5 he was at about 60% full after being at 10% full after his pitch day. He was really spent.

I'd say....that even at 70 or 80 full...you could pitch those guys on the 4th day and be effective. Especially if you use the HUM SP stamina slider for either game 1 or the subsequent games that he doesn't get to 90 or 100% energy.

Yeah you can work around it for sure. It seemed a lot worse my first time through the playoffs with Yordano Ventura. Id maybe like to see at least 15% of the bar come back every day. I assume its 20 during the regular season.
# 188 Heroesandvillains @ 05/17/15 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
Alright decided against using Kershaw. I would throw 100+ pitches and he would be at like 40% energy every time.

102 pitches, Just under 20% energy left.

Energy after advancing the day to game 2. Just under 30%.

Energy after advancing to game 3 with an off day. Just under 50%. (Gaining 10% back every day??)

Energy after advancing to game 4. Just under 60%. (10% seems to be right)

Energy after advancing to game 5 with an off day. Just under 80% Scheduled to pitch.

So Strasburg gets back 10% of his energy every day. Game 1 was October 8th. Game 5 was October 15th. He would need 2 more days to get back to just under full energy.

Is it manageable yes. Raise the stamina slider and you take care of it if as long as you stay within the same pitch count as you usually would. But we shouldnt have to do that. And 10% back every day is to low. Now maybe that is just Strasburg with his 62 durability? ill try another pitcher and see how it goes.

And it was the same regardless of there being 4 or 5 guys in the rotation.
LOL! Either I'm stupid (which is probable) or you are really just not making this easy for me.

Did you play game one (I'm assuming so) or sim it? Now, what does his energy look like on your 7 day scale after simming game one where he presumably threw around the same amount of pitches?

I want to see if playing has a disadvantage over simming.
# 189 Heroesandvillains @ 05/17/15 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
Yeah you can work around it for sure. It seemed a lot worse my first time through the playoffs with Yordano Ventura. Id maybe like to see at least 15% of the bar come back every day. I assume its 20 during the regular season.
See my post above.

Are CPU players recovering at 10% in the playoffs also? I want to know if the playing field is equal amongst human and CPU.

EDIT: I'd assume that recovery percentage is identical regardless of whether it's a user team or CPU team. I'd think it would be more likely (if there is an issue) that CPU starters going deep in games may not be losing as much stamina as human pitchers which is why I'm asking for an apples-to-apples comparison.
# 190 HozAndMoose @ 05/17/15 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Heroesandvillains
LOL! Either I'm stupid (which is probable) or you are really just not making this easy for me.

Did you play game one (I'm assuming so) or sim it? Now, what does his energy look like on your 7 day scale after simming game one where he presumably threw around the same amount of pitches?

I want to see if playing has a disadvantage over simming.
For that one i played game 1 (only pitched though) and then simmed from the calendar screen. The CPU pitchers seem to be recovering the same every day. But when you sim a game they dont seem to lose as much stamina as if you played it. Need to test it more though.


Originally Posted by Heroesandvillains
EDIT: I'd assume that recovery percentage is identical regardless of whether it's a user team or CPU team. I'd think it would be more likely (if there is an issue) that CPU starters going deep in games may not be losing as much stamina as human pitchers which is why I'm asking for an apples-to-apples comparison.
Okay they for sure get back 10% just like user teams. But im getting mixed results with how much stamina they use. Kershaw, Buchholz and Matt Cain have all started on short rest for game 4. Kershaw and Buchholz went 6 innings their first games. Cain only went 1. Id say that is fine for Cain and Kershaw. Kershaw has done that before and its just one inning for Cain. You cant see pitch counts when simming so its hard to see if they really should have been able to. 80 pitches in 6 innings is probably fine for Kershaw. 100+ for someone like Buchholz probably isnt.

Just had David Price pitch game 4 after going 8 innings and striking out 10 his first start.

Some screens

Game 1 Matt Cain went 6 IP, 5H, 0BB, 2K. And he had full energy aad pitched game 4. Energy at start of game 2.

Kershw went 6.2IP, 7H, 3BB, 5K. Had about 80% energy and didnt pitch game 4. His energy at start of game 2.

Adam Wainright went 6.1IP, 6H, 0BB, 5K. He had full energy and pitched game 4. Forgot to get his stamina after game 1 so idk how low it was.

Game 1 of ALCS Tanaka went 8IP, 3H, 2BB 16 K and had this much energy at the start of game 2

Easily could have started game 4 with 90+% energy.

Just from those few examples i think simming energy loss is a bit to light.
# 191 tony9235 @ 05/18/15 09:41 AM
any word on if the issue with offline franchises freezing and deleting was fixed with this bug???? Anyone????
# 192 Shakedowncapo @ 05/18/15 09:45 AM
Bunts are definitely NOT fixed. Me and a friend were experimenting yesterday and on 3 breaking balls and 3 high fastballs, 4 out of the 6 bunts were laid perfectly down the line on both sides.
# 193 Smooth Pancakes @ 05/18/15 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
Bunts are definitely NOT fixed. Me and a friend were experimenting yesterday and on 3 breaking balls and 3 high fastballs, 4 out of the 6 bunts were laid perfectly down the line on both sides.
Playing my RTTS career, I am so far 2-2 with two perfect bunts down the third base line. Both went parallel to the third base line and died exactly halfway between third and home plate. Both resulted in singles as my player reached base before the pitcher could get from the mound to the ball, pick it up, turn around and throw it. In fact, both times, my player was already safe by that time that the pitcher could never even get the throw off as it was already too late. Looks like I'm gonna have to house rule ban bunts in my RTTS career.
# 194 OhDaesu19 @ 05/18/15 04:38 PM
Ok we had two consecutive games crash/freeze in my online league today (four different players involved so we can't pinpoint it to one person). One game one person was streaming and the other game no one was streaming. This is now the 3rd of 4th freeze since that last patch when prior to the last patch we had zero freezes. Could this be a result of the latest patch? Anyone seeing more freezes since the latest patch came out???
# 195 HozAndMoose @ 05/18/15 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
Bunts are definitely NOT fixed. Me and a friend were experimenting yesterday and on 3 breaking balls and 3 high fastballs, 4 out of the 6 bunts were laid perfectly down the line on both sides.
So on 6 attempts 2/3 of them were successful? Thats one big sample size there.
# 196 Bobhead @ 05/18/15 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Yes....I'm seeing about the same things...about 10%(of bar...not remaining energy) per day off when you pitch the game.
I just did Wheeler...threw 134...HOF pulse....9 innings(forced it really...he should have been out in 7 or 8...DEFINITELY the 9th...he gave up a HR and was completely gassed for the entire 9th)
But by game 5 he was at about 60% full after being at 10% full after his pitch day. He was really spent.

I'd say....that even at 70 or 80 full...you could pitch those guys on the 4th day and be effective. Especially if you use the HUM SP stamina slider for either game 1 or the subsequent games that he doesn't get to 90 or 100% energy.

You mean 4th game? Pitching after literally 4 days (would be the 3rd game) is not possible, and the 4th game comes on the 6th day. That's still very wrong. Pitchers in real life have pitched on 3 days rest. All I'm asking for is to be able to pitch after 6.
# 197 Knight165 @ 05/18/15 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Bobhead
You mean 4th game? Pitching after literally 4 days (would be the 3rd game) is not possible, and the 4th game comes on the 6th day. That's still very wrong. Pitchers in real life have pitched on 3 days rest. All I'm asking for is to be able to pitch after 6.
Yes...fourth game.
Have you tried?
Because you can and still be effective without having your energy bar full.
I've been going back and checking through the past few post seasons.

Last year...even with MadBum's crazy P.S. play.....what do you think the average IP for a SP were?
It's 5.65
I think you can easily go 6 innings per start with any pitcher in games 1/4/7 if you wanted.
I'm guessing that's how SCEA gauged the fatigue and recovery for the USER.
I realize that the 5.65 average is a combo of managerial decisions and pitch performance....but there is no way SCEA can take the decision out of your hand...so they put the onus on fatigue/recovery?
That's my guess.

# 198 PhiPsi1 @ 05/20/15 10:31 PM
@All -

Just wanted to clarify one of the bugs I saw in one of these threads/posts...

So if you play at Wrigley Field...if there is foul ball even though its destined to go in the upper deck, it will magically re-appear in play for an automatic out? Basically, is it a 'boundary issue'? And does this happen on all foul balls in Wrigley?
# 199 bcruise @ 05/21/15 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by PhiPsi1
@All -

Just wanted to clarify one of the bugs I saw in one of these threads/posts...

So if you play at Wrigley Field...if there is foul ball even though its destined to go in the upper deck, it will magically re-appear in play for an automatic out? Basically, is it a 'boundary issue'? And does this happen on all foul balls in Wrigley?
It's not that simple (and if something reaches the upper deck it's not likely to trigger that bug), but yes, that's the basic idea. A fly ball that is hit into the box seat area on either side can warp back into a CPU fielder's glove if he reaches the wall and starts running in place before the ball comes down. The key is how long the ball is hit in the air and how deep into the seats it goes - it does not happen on every foul ball.

Further, if you're playing a normal game you can cancel out the bug by pausing/switching to the CPU team before its player reaches the wall. If you pull him away from the wall manually the ball will stay out of play. Once a catch animation starts it's too late, so you have to identify one of these foul balls pretty quickly.

There's no way to do this in RTTS, of course.
# 200 PhiPsi1 @ 05/21/15 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by bcruise
It's not that simple (and if something reaches the upper deck it's not likely to trigger that bug), but yes, that's the basic idea. A fly ball that is hit into the box seat area on either side can warp back into a CPU fielder's glove if he reaches the wall and starts running in place before the ball comes down. The key is how long the ball is hit in the air and how deep into the seats it goes - it does not happen on every foul ball.

Further, if you're playing a normal game you can cancel out the bug by pausing/switching to the CPU team before its player reaches the wall. If you pull him away from the wall manually the ball will stay out of play. Once a catch animation starts it's too late, so you have to identify one of these foul balls pretty quickly.

There's no way to do this in RTTS, of course.
Thanks for the info my friend....Its good that there is a 'work-around' of sorts...very peculiar that the SCEA team (even after 3 patches) has not resolved this issue....This has got to irritate the Cubs fans! They gotta deal with 'the curse' and this! What is the world coming to!!!!! I kid...I kid...

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