MLB 15 The Show News Post

The MLB 15 The Show gameplay stream is starting in a few minutes. You can click the "Spoiler Show" button below to watch it here at OS, or open a new browser and watch it. For those of you that miss out, we'll update this post with the archive when it is available on Twitch.

Some bullet points (Thanks jyoung!)

  • Dynamic shadows in each stadium that will change over the course of the season
  • Colors will also change based on the amount of sun exposure
  • Grass and dirt colors are more accurate for each stadium
  • There are way more skin tones (they used to only have 13), which means you'll get much more realistic skin on dark-toned players
  • Directional hitting lets you influence where the ball will go, even in "timing only" mode
  • Dynamic pitch breaks make each pitch type easier to recognize and closer to how the ball acts in real life
  • Quick counts will start you in the middle of an at-bat more frequently. Pitchers will always start on a 1-1 count
  • Manual cutoffs are triggered by the L1 button and will help keep singles with a runner in scoring position from turning into cheap doubles
  • Outfielders have more curved, indirect routes, and will no longer just take straight paths to the ball. This should help reduce the number of undeserved doubles and triples
  • Infielders will follow the ball better and cover bases more realistically
  • There were no changes to umpires
  • The new MLB challenge system is in place for close plays at bases
  • Lots of new catching, tagging, and throwing animations were captured; they are unique to each base
  • Baserunners will slow up now and dynamically change their run speed based on where the ball is hit
  • There is more of a separation this year between fast and and slow runners
  • Expect less warping and no more sudden, unrealistic speed boosts in all fielding animations
  • You can use analog swings with timing hitting now
  • Meter pitching is more sensitive and has more risk/reward. Missing your mark has more of a penalty, hitting your mark has more of a benefit
  • Fielding and throwing sliders are now separated into different slider categories for infield/outfield
Next week: There will be a video blog for licensed equipment and the universal rewards system.
In the future: More twitch broadcasts are coming. A "presentation" stream will be next.

UPDATE: If you missed the stream, you can watch the archive here or click the "Spoiler Show" button below.

As gameplay is being shown, let us know what you think!

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 121 DrYCeLL @ 02/05/15 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Guys....it's pointless.
Some are going to always ...always focus on the things that bother them that they feel need to be addressed and ignore any positive changes.

Keep your cookies for those that deserve them.

Knight, I love and respect all you do for the community, but my initial post highlighted both the good and the bad, and even when I continue to make my points, I am sure to mention the good that was done with this iteration that could potentially be incredible when other things are done in the future. I'd hope you aren't lumping my criticisms in with the others.
# 122 breakfastcat @ 02/05/15 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
Im gonna upload it to youtube. Ill give you a link when its done.
Thank you so very much.
# 123 RLebron12 @ 02/05/15 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by HozAndMoose
Im gonna upload it to youtube. Ill give you a link when its done.

Sweet thanks man! Appreciate it👍

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 124 OUSOONERS#1 @ 02/05/15 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
it has changed drastically since 08 and how can baseball play any different?? Also last gen was the first jump to HD, we wont ever see that type of leap again. Graphics can only go so far.

Waiting for someone to explain how baseball is supposed to look/play any different....The show already is closer then any sports game to how it's real life counterpart platys...wtf do you people expect?
It's the only baseball game on the market but I'll give the closet sport to be replicated this gen so far tie between Basketball and Soccer ..
# 125 Knight165 @ 02/05/15 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by DrYCeLL
Knight, I love and respect all you do for the community, but my initial post highlighted both the good and the bad, and even when I continue to make my points, I am sure to mention the good that was done with this iteration that could potentially be incredible when other things are done in the future. I'd hope you aren't lumping my criticisms in with the others.
Nope...(and I'm not saying that because of your love and respect! )

# 126 DrYCeLL @ 02/05/15 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
Please show me I said the game cannot be improved?? Stop putting words in my mouth I said how can it PLAy or be drastically different to people who said it looks the same Its baseball baseball plays like baseball, herp derp.
"Please explain how baseball is supported to be diff? I don't get these posts, the show closely mimics real baseball better then any game, what else can it go? You want unicorns in the outfield?"

"See these comments, and I don't understand them......Its baseball, and the show has mimic'd its sport better then anyone, how is baseball supposed to look and play any different? It is already such top quality you cannot expect big changes, it plays like baseball."

I'm sorry if I didn't quote you directly, but you are basically saying it's all but perfect as-is.
# 127 HozAndMoose @ 02/05/15 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by breakfastcat
Thank you so very much.
No problem. One of the benefits of Google fiber. Its taking longer to process than it did to upload.
# 128 MLB Bob @ 02/05/15 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by RLebron12
No it doesn't, but I watched the live stream fine on my iPhone. Does the archived version have to use flash?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
From my understanding it does, but the original did not, which explains your predicament.
# 129 Teddy_Long @ 02/05/15 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
Models = all graphics now??? Case closed.
i never said all graphics dude. i said player models were exactly the same. lol
# 130 Knight165 @ 02/05/15 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Teddy_Long
exact same graphics again.
Teddy....someone posted from your computer then!!!
You've must have been hacked!

# 131 Mrmagoo @ 02/05/15 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
See these comments, and I don't understand them......Its baseball, and the show has mimic'd its sport better then anyone, how is baseball supposed to look and play any different? It is already such top quality you cannot expect big changes, it plays like baseball.
You don't have to get it, just as I will never understand why ppl argue with other ppls opinion. Every year it's the samething. Ppl have different opinions, want different things in the game (I myself for the life of me can't believe that after 10 years of a baseball game the stats still are severely lacking, I mean of all games.. A baseball game lacking in stats... Smh) is that a legit beef to you? Point is it doesn't matter if it is or isn't, coz it is to me. Doesn't mean I think the game sucks, but it does mean that I won't purchase till its added. After all I've purchased every year till now and still don't have stats,so it's my option to purchase or not.

No doubt the show is a good game and I'm thankful for them making a game they care about and giving me 9 years of enjoyment from it. At this point it's getting somewhat boring to me, so I will pass and apparently others will for now too. But why argue what others want added or others opinions or others decisions?

I guess I don't get your decision to respond to those type of posts, but I don't have to get it either.
It is what it is.

Haven't seen the video yet but will watch it and keep up on the game and hope everyone that does purchase this year enjoys the heck out of it and thanks SCEA for your efforts on another year of baseball!
Will be looking for those stats for next year... Hope it's good!!
# 132 jlatz10 @ 02/05/15 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by Teddy_Long
we should see new body types and more realistic clothing shapes, etc.

it's the exact same models, dude

I C.C. a difference...
# 133 DrYCeLL @ 02/05/15 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
No that's not what I am saying nor can you tell me what I was saying, I am saying how can it look drastically diferent..Baseball is baseball it is going to look the same every year just like every other sport.

How is the show not supposed to look and play close the same every year??? Baseball supposed to look like table tennis?
I already told you, a few times how it can look differently. You've outright dismissed me. I love the Show, but there are things that can be done to make the game look better. I mean, I'm sure these things are coming in future iterations of the game, and when they do, I'll be here, telling you how much better I think it looks.

Note: I've given props, in this thread, to their improvements this year. I'm no blind *****(person who hates), despite how much you want me to be.
# 134 Teddy_Long @ 02/05/15 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Teddy....someone posted from your computer then!!!
You've must have been hacked!

read my second post in this thread, lol
# 135 Teddy_Long @ 02/05/15 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by Teddy_Long
same exact player models.....with some minor added details.
here, i expanded on what i meant.
# 136 HozAndMoose @ 02/05/15 08:29 PM
This thread is so gonna get closed
# 137 Mrmagoo @ 02/05/15 08:33 PM
Ok then let me say it... Same player models! There better now... Obviously it must of been what he meant since that's what he's responding too... Smh
# 138 DrYCeLL @ 02/05/15 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
I am not talking some cosmetic changes, people are saying it looks like the same game...umm yeah adding a few tweaks it will still look like the same game...it's baseball. I never once said it cannot be improved, I don't think you even understand what I am talking about. I was referring to people who complain it looks like the same game period, not just graphics.
Then I think you're talking about people that don't exist. Seems like everyone that aired a grievance had some reason or another to do so. I mean, there is validity in the statement that the game looks very similar to last year's. Yes, the colours are better and the shadows are cool, but otherwise, it looks very similar to last year's offering, when Madden made a big graphical jump, 2k did so as well, etc. I think people were expecting something to look like more than MLB 14 1/2, which is a fair criticism.
# 139 Mrmagoo @ 02/05/15 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
If your getting bored it is because baseball you find boring, not sure how else the show is supposed to make baseball any different. What ese can they do?? GEt a model girlfriend if you get MVP award?
Lol... Your a trip... Nobody can tell you what your saying (in past posts) but you can tell me why I'm getting bored with it?... Cool.
# 140 OUSOONERS#1 @ 02/05/15 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
Disagree. fifa does not mimic the realism the show does. And What does the show being the only one on the market have to do with anything? It's a top notch franchise period. 2k only disappeared a couple years ago.
The show is only baseball game on the market nothing to compare it too but to me it still has not surpassed MVP 05 as the best baseball ever made except in Graphics ..The show does do some stuff really well but they lack in many ways in my opinion ..

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