MLB 15 The Show News Post

The MLB 15 The Show gameplay stream is starting in a few minutes. You can click the "Spoiler Show" button below to watch it here at OS, or open a new browser and watch it. For those of you that miss out, we'll update this post with the archive when it is available on Twitch.

Some bullet points (Thanks jyoung!)

  • Dynamic shadows in each stadium that will change over the course of the season
  • Colors will also change based on the amount of sun exposure
  • Grass and dirt colors are more accurate for each stadium
  • There are way more skin tones (they used to only have 13), which means you'll get much more realistic skin on dark-toned players
  • Directional hitting lets you influence where the ball will go, even in "timing only" mode
  • Dynamic pitch breaks make each pitch type easier to recognize and closer to how the ball acts in real life
  • Quick counts will start you in the middle of an at-bat more frequently. Pitchers will always start on a 1-1 count
  • Manual cutoffs are triggered by the L1 button and will help keep singles with a runner in scoring position from turning into cheap doubles
  • Outfielders have more curved, indirect routes, and will no longer just take straight paths to the ball. This should help reduce the number of undeserved doubles and triples
  • Infielders will follow the ball better and cover bases more realistically
  • There were no changes to umpires
  • The new MLB challenge system is in place for close plays at bases
  • Lots of new catching, tagging, and throwing animations were captured; they are unique to each base
  • Baserunners will slow up now and dynamically change their run speed based on where the ball is hit
  • There is more of a separation this year between fast and and slow runners
  • Expect less warping and no more sudden, unrealistic speed boosts in all fielding animations
  • You can use analog swings with timing hitting now
  • Meter pitching is more sensitive and has more risk/reward. Missing your mark has more of a penalty, hitting your mark has more of a benefit
  • Fielding and throwing sliders are now separated into different slider categories for infield/outfield
Next week: There will be a video blog for licensed equipment and the universal rewards system.
In the future: More twitch broadcasts are coming. A "presentation" stream will be next.

UPDATE: If you missed the stream, you can watch the archive here or click the "Spoiler Show" button below.

As gameplay is being shown, let us know what you think!

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 61 Stroehms @ 02/05/15 05:59 PM
Maybe someone else can confirm this but I believe I saw Solarte wearing Franklin batting gloves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 62 PsychoBulk @ 02/05/15 06:01 PM
Loving the new scorebug...sleek and more professional

# 63 Knight165 @ 02/05/15 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Stroehms
Maybe someone else can confirm this but I believe I saw Solarte wearing Franklin batting gloves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think Franklin is in now....

# 64 burjeffton @ 02/05/15 06:01 PM
First off, kudos to the devs for putting themselves out there and sharing the game with us. These are the types of look-ins that give insight to the hard work they do and they're generous by giving us access and time to share.

1. Lots of nice little touches and updates so far. Love the fielder speed difference and the route AI.

2. The look of the park is great. The color and sun position is pushing these visuals into the uncanny valley.

3. Would have loved to have heard about mini-game/training gameplay, but I can't be too greedy.

4. The TOOLSHEDS commenting on the stream forced me to close the comments. That 45 minutes gave me insight as to why devs and PR people are so resistant to put themselves out there.
# 65 ShowTyme15 @ 02/05/15 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Stroehms
Maybe someone else can confirm this but I believe I saw Solarte wearing Franklin batting gloves.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There are in. Check the licensed equipment thread. I made a list of what equipment was seen on the stream.

Here's the list from the stream

Under Armour, Nike, Franklin batting gloves
Nike, Under Armour cleats
Marucci, Louisville Slugger bats
Wilson A2000 Mitts
# 66 Dillow @ 02/05/15 06:05 PM
Was there anything on Online play and if they fixed all of the issues from last year that made it unplayable (players morphing to the ball, synchronization issues, dropped games, etc)?
# 67 SVCbearcat10 @ 02/05/15 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by bowld
While everything does look better it still looks and feels like the exact same game I have been playing for years. Every year I get so hyped for this game and after I play 10-20 games it just starts to feel stale. Hopefully this year will be different but after watching this I already feel bored of it before even playing
Originally Posted by psychraider32
I kinda feel you there but I also feel like this game is basically close to topping out. It's just a great all around game and aside from little details I don't know how much better they can make it. I will buy it regardless.
Nothing will fix that. It is a baseball game made by San Diego Studios. Baseball doesn't change and they aren't going to rip out their core coding. 1) It doesn't make financial sense to and 2) it isn't broken. PS4 version of the game will be about refinement and subtle changes. Someone else will need to make a sim game to compete with this guys if you want a different feel. They still try and put forth a lot of effort year over year, so they aren't just sitting back while being the only game on the market.

If I owned a PS3, I'd probably feel the same way. Switching to a PS4 last year, I have a few years to grow tired of the game.
# 68 adh5199 @ 02/05/15 06:06 PM
I am a graphics and presentation guy. The new coloring and lighting really make daytime pop. I cant wait to see what night looks like. Can't wait for the graphics and presentation stream! I think they did a fantastic job!
# 69 Teddy_Long @ 02/05/15 06:09 PM
exact same graphics again.
# 70 joshtree14 @ 02/05/15 06:10 PM
I was hoping for a 07 to 08 kind of leap, don't get me wrong I love the show. It just seems this is the core game from 08 with a ton of tweeks
# 71 HypoLuxa13 @ 02/05/15 06:10 PM
I was very interested in what Brian had to say about pitch recognition, changing the way the different pitches looked, etc. That has always been my Achilles heel in this game, not recognizing pitches quickly enough.
# 72 cubby blue @ 02/05/15 06:13 PM
I couldn't see much improvement in graphics, but the picture I was watching on was terrible. So, I can't really say whether it was better looking or not.
# 73 Knight165 @ 02/05/15 06:14 PM
Cutch looks like he's got a necklace as well....

# 74 BrianFifaFan @ 02/05/15 06:17 PM
Take my money....
# 75 Flaxseed Oil @ 02/05/15 06:22 PM
Pitcher animations still look like garbo. Ugh.
# 76 Bruinboy @ 02/05/15 06:24 PM
Loved ... the behind the scenes look into what goes into the game. Dodger stadium looked great. Also, loved the fact more streams are to come ... weekly until the game drops. Kudos to the Devs for going the extra mile for us in putting these streams together.

Hated ... the fact the Dodgers were getting pummeled in the presentation. I understand the developmenet team works in San Diego, but I wish the Padres would have been getting smoked instead of my Dodgers.
# 77 sydrogerdavid @ 02/05/15 06:25 PM
I think some people really need to go back and play MLB 08 The Show, again.
# 78 ClarkWGrizwold @ 02/05/15 06:27 PM
I get this game every year since I only have time to really get into 1 game. The fact sheet looks good and I'm looking forward to playing it, but the the thing that drives me crazy and puts a damper on it for me and makes me stop playing it after 1 month or 2 is the weather. Every year since 07 the weather temps have been way off, every night game is cold and forces the players to wear long sleeves. I play as the Mets and live in NJ it is not 50 to 60 degrees at night in June and July. So the time spent at the beginning editing the players with arm sleeves and and bands does not show during these games. Hopefully this is finally fixed.
# 79 N51_rob @ 02/05/15 06:33 PM
Was commenting on twitter to some of the images steve posted. Wasn't even paying attention to the bats, but I saw UA batting gloves and Cleats, Nike Cleats, Wilson A2000 fielding gloves...Captured one image.
# 80 breakfastcat @ 02/05/15 06:35 PM
Loved everything I saw. The new lighting, grass colors, animations, AI, updated Dodger Stadium, etc. But they have got to get new player models in the next year or so. Jerseys look so stiff and rigid. It really sticks out at me when compared to how great everything else looks.

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