MLB 15 The Show News Post

The MLB 15 The Show gameplay stream is starting in a few minutes. You can click the "Spoiler Show" button below to watch it here at OS, or open a new browser and watch it. For those of you that miss out, we'll update this post with the archive when it is available on Twitch.

Some bullet points (Thanks jyoung!)

  • Dynamic shadows in each stadium that will change over the course of the season
  • Colors will also change based on the amount of sun exposure
  • Grass and dirt colors are more accurate for each stadium
  • There are way more skin tones (they used to only have 13), which means you'll get much more realistic skin on dark-toned players
  • Directional hitting lets you influence where the ball will go, even in "timing only" mode
  • Dynamic pitch breaks make each pitch type easier to recognize and closer to how the ball acts in real life
  • Quick counts will start you in the middle of an at-bat more frequently. Pitchers will always start on a 1-1 count
  • Manual cutoffs are triggered by the L1 button and will help keep singles with a runner in scoring position from turning into cheap doubles
  • Outfielders have more curved, indirect routes, and will no longer just take straight paths to the ball. This should help reduce the number of undeserved doubles and triples
  • Infielders will follow the ball better and cover bases more realistically
  • There were no changes to umpires
  • The new MLB challenge system is in place for close plays at bases
  • Lots of new catching, tagging, and throwing animations were captured; they are unique to each base
  • Baserunners will slow up now and dynamically change their run speed based on where the ball is hit
  • There is more of a separation this year between fast and and slow runners
  • Expect less warping and no more sudden, unrealistic speed boosts in all fielding animations
  • You can use analog swings with timing hitting now
  • Meter pitching is more sensitive and has more risk/reward. Missing your mark has more of a penalty, hitting your mark has more of a benefit
  • Fielding and throwing sliders are now separated into different slider categories for infield/outfield
Next week: There will be a video blog for licensed equipment and the universal rewards system.
In the future: More twitch broadcasts are coming. A "presentation" stream will be next.

UPDATE: If you missed the stream, you can watch the archive here or click the "Spoiler Show" button below.

As gameplay is being shown, let us know what you think!

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 101 Bullit @ 02/05/15 07:48 PM
I cant believe nobody is talking about the new Dynamic Difficulty. Now we can set the speed at how fast or slow we want it to change and adapt. Then when we feel it is perfect we can set it to 0 and it wont change anymore.

For me this is a huge thing and a serious game changer. No chasing sliders, no having a bad day and having everything change. Now I can get it right where I want it Veteran ++ for pitching and All Star +++ for hitting or whatever and then set it so it will just stay there forever!!!!!

Dream come true, for me anyway.
# 102 Shaffer26 @ 02/05/15 07:49 PM
Just preordered. Thank you guys for doing the stream, it was highly enjoyable!
# 103 TerryP @ 02/05/15 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
Shoddy effort? Your trolling, the improvements alone are numerous, go to the eye doctor if u cannot see the obvious improvements to the visuals. You don't care about gameplay at all? Gameplay is more important than graphics.
Agree 100%. My eyes are on the wrong side of 40, and it's very obvious just from the screenshots the lighting has been vastly improved. I'm sure the gameplay will be vastly improved as well, as always.
# 104 RLebron12 @ 02/05/15 07:56 PM
So I watched the stream live on my iPhone but it wasn't getting good quality, want to watch it again since its Archived but it keeps coming up error. Anyone else having this issue? Trying to watch on my iPhone 5S

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 105 DrYCeLL @ 02/05/15 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
Striving for something and expecting real human like behaviour are two different things
Not really. They're striving for the game to feel organic. That's why they mentioned pull-hitters will have a bigger early timing window than push-hitters as well as a lot of other things they've done with the franchise. And really, if we can expect non-direct routes to fly-balls, why is it such a stretch to want non-perfect carom plays when the ball takes a weird bounce? And really, it'd just be a matter of coding. A "give up on the catch, play the bounce" threshold and rating that determines when a player will realize he's beat to the wall and then set up for the bounce, and another bit of "pre-reaction" coding, that will shift the outfielder to a more accurate spot on the field to get the carom depending on how hard the ball is hit, how high on the wall it'd hit, etc.
# 106 Archie56 @ 02/05/15 08:01 PM
Just preordered the 10th Anniversary Edition! So stoked for this game! Can I hibernate till March 31?
# 107 DrYCeLL @ 02/05/15 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
See these comments, and I don't understand them......Its baseball, and the show has mimic'd its sport better then anyone, how is baseball supposed to look and play any different? It is already such top quality you cannot expect big changes, it plays like baseball.
Better cloth physics, better infield dirt, varied body types, better practice swing-into-batting stance animations(rather than the awful suction animation baseball has had since 1997), pitchers working different speeds and simply "feeling different" on the mound, removing the warp coming out of the batter's box, etc. There's a lot that can be done.
# 108 MLB Bob @ 02/05/15 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by RLebron12
So I watched the stream live on my iPhone but it wasn't getting good quality, want to watch it again since its Archived but it keeps coming up error. Anyone else having this issue? Trying to watch on my iPhone 5S

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Does iPhone 5 support flash?
# 109 Teddy_Long @ 02/05/15 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
No... It isn't.
same exact player models.....with some minor added details.
# 110 breakfastcat @ 02/05/15 08:04 PM
Is there any way to watch this on mobile or on ps4? I don't have a home computer. Is there any chance this will be uploaded to youtube?
# 111 DrYCeLL @ 02/05/15 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
Non of that will change how it looks or plays............... It will still be the "Same game" to complainers, you just proved my point.
Are you kidding me? Every player having their own body type will most definitely change how it looks. Pitchers working at different speeds and acting differently on the mound will make the game feel a lot less than the same pitcher with the same body type throwing the same pitches with a different motion. The jarring warp out of the box being eliminated would do wonders for me, and having a smooth practice swing to stance animation would liven up those batter/pitcher duels if the pitcher improvements are there too. Better cloth on jerseys would do huge things for how the game looks, especially coupled with various body types.
# 112 aguero90 @ 02/05/15 08:08 PM
I agree, how can you have major differences? Baseball is baseball, the beauty of the show is that it plays just like it should. You want crazy arcade gameplay? Go play slugfest from ps2.
# 113 Knight165 @ 02/05/15 08:09 PM
Here we go into the pit again.....

# 114 breakfastcat @ 02/05/15 08:12 PM
What's worse? People complaining about the game, or people complaining about the complainers?
# 115 RLebron12 @ 02/05/15 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by MLB Bob
Does iPhone 5 support flash?

No it doesn't, but I watched the live stream fine on my iPhone. Does the archived version have to use flash?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 116 Knight165 @ 02/05/15 08:13 PM
Guys....it's pointless.
Some are going to always ...always focus on the things that bother them that they feel need to be addressed and ignore any positive changes.

Keep your cookies for those that deserve them.

# 117 DrYCeLL @ 02/05/15 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
How is that different then new lighting, Shadows, textures??? At the end of the day the game would still largely be the same, are you kidding me?? Your saying adding body types would drastically change complaints it is the same every year??? ROFL, no, it looks and plays like baseball, other then minro tweaks, improvements don't expect to re-invent the wheel when there is no need.

All those are minor cosmetic changes , it would still look distinctively like the show and baseball. People are complaning just to complain. Sad thing is the show is as good as it gets sports gaming wise, people take it for granted,
I didn't say it was. You said it couldn't be improved. All I did was list where it could be. I mean, unique body types and cloth physics coupled with the vastly improved colour palette would make a world of difference in freshening up the overall look of the game. That's undeniable.
# 118 Teddy_Long @ 02/05/15 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
New lighting engine, textures , animations, what proof do you have did you work on the game? Are SCEA lying about the graphics improvements?
we should see new body types and more realistic clothing shapes, etc.

it's the exact same models, dude
# 119 Knight165 @ 02/05/15 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Teddy_Long
we should see new body types and more realistic pant shapes.

it's the exact same models, dude
You said exact same GRAPHICS.
They are obviously not...bra....

# 120 HozAndMoose @ 02/05/15 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by RLebron12
No it doesn't, but I watched the live stream fine on my iPhone. Does the archived version have to use flash?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Im gonna upload it to youtube. Ill give you a link when its done.

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