NBA 2K15 News Post

Da_Czar has checked in with this new NBA 2K15 video, featuring the evolution of the freelance offense.

Lyrics and beats by @SageInfinite and @_RobDavis, respectively.

Watch the video and post your thoughts.

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NBA 2K15 Videos
Member Comments
# 241 Guapo516 @ 09/27/14 01:37 PM
Anybody else read czar posts to them selves in his voice! !lol
# 242 AceDawg5 @ 09/27/14 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
For the first time we actually scouted summer league. Initially as you said there were lots of thoughts on what he would run.

Obviously there will be some differences because of personnel differences and time he had to implement his stuff.

So we snatched as much as we could from there. We gave them some of the basic triangle stuff they actually ran during summer league which was basically some pinch post action.

Then I just kind of logically expanded out from what we captured to fill out the rest of the play book.

He had a lot of thru and zipper action stuff so If he ran a thru to a fist I also gave him a thru to a post up etc.

The plan was to have an interface to allow me to add new plays post ship but there was a glitch and that didn't make it in.

Had that been the case we would have scouted preseason games to get an even more informed view of what new coaches are running.

There are teams who's freelance will switch between 3-2 and 4-1 in depending on personnel.

So the freelance can be either 3-2, 4-1, or it can be set to default which automatically switches depending on if the 4 man is a perimeter threat or not.

The Warriors are set to default.
This is possibly the best post of all time, cpu will recognize whether u have in a stretch 4 man or not and automatically change the freelance accordingly? That is basketball
# 243 Sundown @ 09/27/14 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
For the first time we actually scouted summer league. Initially as you said there were lots of thoughts on what he would run.

Obviously there will be some differences because of personnel differences and time he had to implement his stuff.

So we snatched as much as we could from there. We gave them some of the basic triangle stuff they actually ran during summer league which was basically some pinch post action.

Then I just kind of logically expanded out from what we captured to fill out the rest of the play book.

He had a lot of thru and zipper action stuff so If he ran a thru to a fist I also gave him a thru to a post up etc.

The plan was to have an interface to allow me to add new plays post ship but there was a glitch and that didn't make it in.

Had that been the case we would have scouted preseason games to get an even more informed view of what new coaches are running.

There are teams who's freelance will switch between 3-2 and 4-1 in depending on personnel.

So the freelance can be either 3-2, 4-1, or it can be set to default which automatically switches depending on if the 4 man is a perimeter threat or not.

The Warriors are set to default.
This is as great an effort as could be reasonably expected given the transition. Yes, I'd forgotten that many of the potential plays were on display in summer league. Totally awesome that you pretty much did what was possible and a bit more.

And bummer about the glitch but really impressed that was even in consideration. Post release play adjustments would be phenomenal, and it's amazing that was even on the books.
# 244 Cowboy008 @ 09/27/14 01:45 PM
I have a question but it's not about gameplay. Have they added more halftime/end of the game interviews or has that not been touched?
# 245 El_Poopador @ 09/27/14 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
The primary goal was to get it in. We can refine as we move forward from here. There is bound to be a guy you think should recover faster but the OVERALL game balance was what we were going for.

The offense has always had some form of foot planting on shifts but the defense has been free to change directions without consequence. So please give it some time before you decide whether you like it or not.

Previous games you could hold left stick full at all times and still be in two places at once. This year that won't always give you the control that you may want.

After years of being able to exactly mirror the defense's movement even when your face guarding them. It will be an adjustment to have to step back and concede a possible jumper because it is too difficult to keep some guys in front when face guarding.

For instance you now have to decide when guarding off ball and your the help defender. Do I attack the penetrator and lower his shot % or do I stay home to protect the rebound in case he misses ?

In 2k14 you could literally do both. Not so in 2k15. So it will be an adjustment that may not "feel" right when you first start playing.

Give it some time, and if after that, it still is not playing right for you, let us know.
This makes me very happy. It always drove me nuts how quickly the defense could cover ground, so hearing that closeout speeds and recovery times are toned down are huge for me.
# 246 dpower15 @ 09/27/14 01:59 PM
I hope everyone realizes that regardless of how smooth this is in year one (which it seems to be pretty dang smooth from the video and the descriptions we are getting) that the biggest thing is this is a HUGE step in the right direction for future games. This added with all the features they have worked on and brought back really do show that 2K listens to its customers, and the OS community in particular.

As a former collegiate player myself, it's nice to see that they have a guy like Czar around who really seems to understand the game on a deeper level.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
# 247 23 @ 09/27/14 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
This makes me very happy. It always drove me nuts how quickly the defense could cover ground, so hearing that closeout speeds and recovery times are toned down are huge for me.
Yep, I think that was probably apart of the goal there and while it has an affect on more than one area it seems, this is a big one, so the movement must feel different again this year.
# 248 xSABOx @ 09/27/14 02:16 PM
You telling me im gonna get some real deal triangle and not have to rig it with random plays?

You trying to COMPLETELY ruin my social life? You pull this off and I'm gonna be

No more of this...

Originally Posted by xSABOx
With the return of the triangle offense in New York and Golden State, I felt inspired to put together a few video clips of how to run the triangle offense in 2K14. Unfortunately, there isn't an actual play that will always run the play in its true form. That said, with these three plays you can still get the most of the key options.

First, I'd like to link you to a video recently put together to give you an idea on how the offense works.

We can get most plays to work the same, except the reverse post play (pass to weak side entry) because there isn't a play that creates the movement in applicable time.

96 Bulls 12 Swing Post
This is the base of the offense. The key to calling this play is it gives you the right cuts after making pass to the center. Also let's you run 3 of the options

Option 1 - entry to post IMMEDIATELY CALL QUICK ISO
1)hit the Wing cutting to basket
2)hit the baseline cutting to basket
3)take defender one on one with post player

Option 2 - pass to corner
1)shoot if wide open
2)call pick and roll
3)call pick and pop

Option 3 - pass to top
1)call pick and roll
2)call pick and pop
3)feed the ISO player and take defender one on one


This play allows me to get the two man game going while also generating the double screen on the strong side. Let the player you clear out first before you make the pass to the pinch post.

1)pick and pop with pinch post player
2)shoot with cutter if open
3)pass to player coming off double screen
4)take defender one on one from pinch post


Finally I call this play when I'm having a hard time making passes because of physical defense. It allows me to generate the same options as the first two plays. This play seems to generate the best post position for my big man to go to work. Also the triangle is generated on both sides because the weak side guard will fill either corner randomly.



1)pass to player coming off screen, feed post
2)pass to player coming off screen, shoot if open
3)pass to player coming off scren, pick and roll/pop with big man
4)pass to player in the corner, shoot if open
5)pass to player in the corner, run pick and roll/pop
6)pass to strong side post player, hit cutters
7)pass to strong side post, ISO defender

Hope you enjoyed it!
# 249 Kese86 @ 09/27/14 02:17 PM
This was a great video as usual from Da Czar, but can we see more of the User running offense against the CPU? The Spurs were CPU controlled in this video so of course it ran seamlessly, but I want to see how User controlled offense runs. Does the CPU still slip through every screen, will our A.I. teammates still not cut backdoor when being denied, and do players slide into open spots faster than in the past? Just a few things that come to mind. Thanks for the progress that has been shown so far though.
# 250 mango_prom @ 09/27/14 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
There are teams who's freelance will switch between 3-2 and 4-1 in depending on personnel.

So the freelance can be either 3-2, 4-1, or it can be set to default which automatically switches depending on if the 4 man is a perimeter threat or not.

The Warriors are set to default.
Wow, that's much deeper than I expected, just awesome. Is this the case with all CPU controlled teams? What I mean is in fantasy draft seasons or assciation with trades, free agents, drafted players, new coaches and so on...the AI actually has an option to switch freelance sets based on the players on the court? Even if it's just alternating between 3-2 and 4-1, this is such a huge difference compared to previous years.

Originally Posted by Da_Czar
After years of being able to exactly mirror the defense's movement even when your face guarding them. It will be an adjustment to have to step back and concede a possible jumper because it is too difficult to keep some guys in front when face guarding.

For instance you now have to decide when guarding off ball and your the help defender. Do I attack the penetrator and lower his shot % or do I stay home to protect the rebound in case he misses?

Does this apply to CPU controlled defenders as well? In 2k14, they could imitate everything the offensive player does, resulting in the drive spamming lost of people didn't like that much. The best solution was to reduce on ball d/def awareness sliders drastically, sacrificing rating differences for more dynamic offense. But would be cool if we don't need to do big slider changes.
The lack of CPU midrange game off the dribble was tied into this as well. There was simply no space for anything, most visible if you let the CPU guard the ball handler. Outside of the ankle breaker stumbling animation, the CPU couldn't create any space because the defender imitated every movement, so most of the time they just kind of slow danced into the paint together, lol. Judging from your video, there is more space for midrange shots, so the tendencies for pull up/stepback/etc. finally really show in game?

Oh and thanks for all the answers, it's fantastic to have devs talk that open and honest about the things their product can and more importantly can't do. Feels like a complete turnaround from previous years, impressive stuff.
# 251 Pokes404 @ 09/27/14 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88
This changes 10 man team up so much
If this works as promised, you're going to see a much better flow in Team Up games. No more defenders just aimlessly running around, pressing square, and seemingly being in three places at once.

Also, if there's a real risk of a blow-by off the bounce, and defenders have to give quicker guys a cushion, that brings the pull up jumper into the mix more than ever before.
# 252 Sinner @ 09/27/14 02:18 PM
Loving all of this...I'm needing basketball so bad right now. This game, College, Pro, all of it. Can't wait to dive into this game and see how much it's changed.
# 253 stillfeelme @ 09/27/14 02:22 PM

That Loop play is so sick where Parker ran you around multiple screens was that the CPU choosing an option or branch based off how you was playing him?

I noticed they ran another loop play you showed. So my question is there multiple loop plays or one play with multiple branching options? It looks like the same play. That action is pretty sick. They way they had you scrambling man it looked like The Heat in the finals lol basically realistic
# 254 The 24th Letter @ 09/27/14 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by El_Poopador
This makes me very happy. It always drove me nuts how quickly the defense could cover ground, so hearing that closeout speeds and recovery times are toned down are huge for me.

You can tell from the video it has been tweaked....as well as the proper spacing to make it possible...what I am wondering though, is If the recovery speed is the same for the user like it is for the CPU....factoring in the ability to turbo and all that...

Czar, just have to say again man, fantastic job...watching the Spurs 82 games a year and seeing the sets the run finally duplicated in a game is as impressive as it gets...
# 255 23 @ 09/27/14 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by xSABOx
You telling me im gonna get some real deal triangle and not have to rig it with random plays?

You trying to COMPLETELY ruin my social life? You pull this off and I'm gonna be


No more of this...
# 256 edubbs @ 09/27/14 03:36 PM

Hey Czar in regards to play execution, stability etc.... at about the 9min mark of this vid, the CPU Lebron Iso/Post Up is really well done. From the triple threat, to where he caught the ball -mid post area- to how cpu teammates cleared out, to let him work.

Well done all around, looks very realistic.

Anyways, I was hoping some of the High post plays were cleaned up some for this year.

This looks like a new or atleast improved set to me, especially in regards to spacing and execution.

Now that i've watched it a few times it looks like a low post punch play but, the clear-out combined with Lebron using the triple threat looks slick.

The user double team, triggered some decent cuts and flashes by the cpu's off ball teammates also.

If you were to guess, do you think this was a high post, or low post play?

Kinda reminded me of some of those island isolation plays that were in the game a couple of year's ago. Except those were mostly perimeter ISO's, where as this particular play was mid-post oriented ala Dirk, Melo, Lebron etc...looks good.
# 257 Superman38134 @ 09/27/14 03:57 PM
Anyone know if the AI will be using this Freelance system in MyCareer? I hope so, cause it would seriously enhance playing against the computer in that mode. And if our OWN team actually runs it...
# 258 Da_Czar @ 09/27/14 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Bearsfan1
Looks great, but that passing, man... It's gotta be fixed. It doesn't look any better than last year's game with the same floaty passes. It's the most frustrating part about the game to me. I really hope it feels differently when I play it for myself, but I am having reservations about it already.
I won't disagree with your observation but our Producer mr Bean worked extremely hard on passing this year. It is a HUGE system and he did a fantastic job with things on the back-end. That work that he did will allow him to continually refine passing moving forward.

Passing is complex because it has to interact with several systems. I know you guys just want us to speed them up with a passing speed slider but it is not that easy LOL.

He has added a slew of post entry passes and high post entry passes that allow the AI to do what it couldn't do consistently. As just one example of a lot that he added to that part of the game.

So from our standpoint passing is definitely improved but it is not something where every single pass will be perfect to illustrate the work that was done.

Only you, as you mentioned, will be able to determine if there are enough improvements for you to make it enjoyable.

Brother Bean worked extremely hard all cycle on our passing. A system that big will be a multiple year effort.

Also the work on defensive movement, balances out the force a little bit but there are no doubt situations where I wish a particular pass happened faster. Just know it was not ignored, a lot of blood sweat and tears went into that this year.
# 259 Coach2K @ 09/27/14 05:21 PM

One thing I've wondered about freelance offense is if the offensive POE in effect at the time really matters. For example, if I have feed the post selected and I'm not going there but just shooting at will would I have greater success matching my actions on offense to the POE in effect say by feeding the post and then throwing it out and then shooting at will? Basically does the POE in effect matter in the success of my shot making? Understanding of course the defense I'm facing matters.
# 260 Da_Czar @ 09/27/14 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by reptilexcq
Does voice command work with calling plays?? I know 2k14 is limited and hope they expand on that. And does it work online?
I work off the pc version fam so I wouldn't be able to test that reptilexcq

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