NBA 2K15 News Post

Da_Czar has checked in with this new NBA 2K15 video, featuring the evolution of the freelance offense.

Lyrics and beats by @SageInfinite and @_RobDavis, respectively.

Watch the video and post your thoughts.

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NBA 2K15 Videos
Member Comments
# 201 8KB24 @ 09/27/14 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by lakers24
If only that meant we could pre load the PC version sigh lol
I'd start downloading now and wouldn't be done until the release
# 202 kokoBware23 @ 09/27/14 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by 8KB24
I'd start downloading now and wouldn't be done until the release

knowing the internet in Philippines and my cable connection 5Mbps there are times being low as 3Mbps it will take soooooooo much time to complete

i really hope there is a DVD/physical copy.
# 203 Junior Moe @ 09/27/14 08:43 AM
Now this right here is what "next gen" is all about in my book. Not only looking like the real thing, but behaving and executing like the real thing too. I want smarter and more realistic AI. I want that chess match. And it's looking more and more like that's exactly what the 2K crew is striving for. I am literally out of superlatives to throw at these guys. They are just killing it!
# 204 thedream2k13 @ 09/27/14 09:44 AM
Haven't seen this mentioned but that spurs defensive rotation looking good on Westbrook
# 205 Da_Czar @ 09/27/14 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by stillfeelme
That Spurs offense is crazy can't wait to see their playbook. The CPU yours and the other team will be much better as I expected.

I also liked that Westbrook pick and roll play. They ran the same play twice without having to call for the second time. Czar is that a new feature this year?
As the pnr defense improved throughout the cycle the primary ball screen wouldn't give you much to work on.

So where it made sense, we allow you to work a bit off the first screen to score and if you don't attack or pull back we send him back for a second screen.

This is play specific. But in many cases, especially pick and fade plays I bring him back to you.

Again the intention and my main goal was not having the plays break down on you.

The down side is if you decide to pass instead of working the pnr them dudes is still like. Nope Czar said we stay in this until you shoot. So if your in a pnr and you want to pass and do something else the play is a little sticky.

There is a time out that happens but as you can see from that vid if you wanted to run pick and roll it works very well. I was able to probe and pass out and then receive that second screen.

I realize that is not ideal but the focus was play stability we will continue to look for ways to make that more responsive to all different types of players.
# 206 majestic24 @ 09/27/14 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by kokoBware23
knowing the internet in Philippines and my cable connection 5Mbps there are times being low as 3Mbps it will take soooooooo much time to complete

i really hope there is a DVD/physical copy.
Fellow Filipino here bro. Datablitz is already taking reservations with DP of 500 pesos. Release date on the 6th here, not the 7th per DB.
# 207 Da_Czar @ 09/27/14 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Vni
Can we still select 4 out 1 in 3 out 2 in and space the floor from the d pad czar ?
Yes, Those are still selectable.
# 208 Da_Czar @ 09/27/14 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by silverskier
So re we going to have the swing motion from spurs for other teams? How many plays are in this swing motions? I saw 2 minimum. Great work
The plays available depend on the set the players are in and the ball location.
# 209 Sinner @ 09/27/14 10:17 AM
@Da_Czar have to say thanks man for bringing the info and as said earlier being so transparent and forthcoming about things that aren't where you all want them and what your trying/wanting to do in the future.

It's so much easier dealing with and seeing these situations that may not quite be up to par when we're told up front about them and that you're all working to get to those goals. Also gives at least myself the utmost respect and confidence in 2k and all working on the game.

More companies should be so forward, I know there are others but wish it was the norm. I can't stand every year being told this is the best game we've done, then the next year when the new game is coming out it's then admitted that well there were problems here or there.

This is nothing against Ronnie, or LD2k because we should all know what their job is and that's to hype the game for sales. I just like having that even balance of hype and reality about the product I am getting ready to buy. Sorry to go a little off topic but wanted to put that out there. Again on all the info so far great work to you and all the guys at 2k.
# 210 Da_Czar @ 09/27/14 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Teddy_Long
czar, how is the help d? running plays is very nice but there has to be some help to open shooters. help d was nonexistent in '14, particularly once u go higher than the pro level.
I like it overall over 14. The depth of the game makes it hard to determine from just watching videos this year.

What I mean by that is we have stuff like IQ ratings that have an effect. POE which has an effect, Individual defensive settings which also have an effect. So to know how effective the help is you need to know what settings that user has on defense in all those area's and to a smaller extent who is on the floor.
# 211 angelstrout @ 09/27/14 10:29 AM
This was the best video game clip I have ever seen omg

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 212 Da_Czar @ 09/27/14 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by The Kid 24
Just curious... Do the Thunder have a unique freelance?
Unfortunately no. But their playbook is pretty accurate based off of last year.
# 213 PJBrownHeat @ 09/27/14 10:42 AM
Will you do a video about knicks offense or classic bulls?
# 214 kokoBware23 @ 09/27/14 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
I like it overall over 14. The depth of the game makes it hard to determine from just watching videos this year.

What I mean by that is we have stuff like IQ ratings that have an effect. POE which has an effect, Individual defensive settings which also have an effect. So to know how effective the help is you need to know what settings that user has on defense in all those area's and to a smaller extent who is on the floor.
OOOOOH YES! I LOVE YOU DA CZAR AND 2K team and LEFTOS and BEDS! This honesty and passion of all these guys is just........ Mindblowing

Its a great time to be alive BABY!


yeah i just read that in other forums and here about DB NBA 2K15 availability. i will not be able to get it on release day / october 6 because of money availability issue hehe. soo i will just watch and read impressions thread on release day and watch videos hehe.
# 215 Da_Czar @ 09/27/14 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Cabish
Aren't your afraid your giving up too much information and get penalized or the other company copy from all the intricate details your giving out czar lol ??
That is always a consideration I def being new to the team don't want to "get in trouble" LOL. So It is something I will be continually aware of.

My personal stance is that the more information I can give you as to what it takes to do what we did and why we did what we did then the more focused your feedback to us can be and the more of it we can get into the game when appropriate.

When community goes from pie in the sky recommendations to ok we understand there are going to need to be tradeoffs so we want this first that is when exciting things happen IMO. But obviously everyone doesn't think like I do. LOL

So it will be something I struggle with but i think I am safely in bounds so far.

Obviously there will be some things I just can't talk about or share but my hope is that guys are sharp enough to understand that when it happens and know that I am sharing as much as I can.

Some posts in this thread have let me know that is the case which is dope.
# 216 Smirkin Dirk @ 09/27/14 10:48 AM
Ideally we'd have a manual way to throw quicker passes.

I know in past games, if I ran a play, got my dude open the lengthy pass animation and slow ball trajectory would allow the defender to close.

Ive wondered why 2K dnt have a control that lets you double tap the pass button for a quick touch pass (with a high chance of fumble or throwaway). I know you can cue up a touch pass, but that rarely works,.
# 217 Da_Czar @ 09/27/14 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by Eman5805
Well, well, well.

Impressive. Next thing you'll tell me is you got the ol' elevator door play in too.
I know we put a couple in. Can't remember who has them. That screen is tricky tho... LOL. So sometimes that dude doesn't run between them but sometimes he does. Will need to write something specific to that action in future.
# 218 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 09/27/14 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by Hot Kidd
Ideally we'd have a manual way to throw quicker passes.

I know in past games, if I ran a play, got my dude open the lengthy pass animation and slow ball trajectory would allow the defender to close.

Ive wondered why 2K dnt have a control that lets you double tap the pass button for a quick touch pass (with a high chance of fumble or throwaway). I know you can cue up a touch pass, but that rarely works,.
I think he mentioned the possibility of a delay when you map more than one control on a button.
# 219 Da_Czar @ 09/27/14 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by king doe
Thanks for the video, loved it. i wonder if i played against cpu guys like
michael jordan, kobe bryant, carmelo anthony, and other dynamic scorers,
would they take shots like pull ups, step backs, floaters a little more consistanly?

like they did on nba 2k11 and nba 2k13.
I know people want to see much more of this. Because of that I would rather you see more video to determine if it is enough and consistent enough for you as a fan to be satisfied.

And then you let us know if you see any improvement and how much more you would like to see.
# 220 Smirkin Dirk @ 09/27/14 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88
I think he mentioned the possibility of a delay when you map more than one control on a button.
What does that mean?

As in, pressing the A button may do one thing in context A and something else in context B?

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