NBA 2K15 News Post

Video by Chris Smoove
on YouTube.

NBA 2K15 is rolling with a brand new look this year to MyCAREER with an all-new backstory where you will (spoiler alert) become an undrafted free agent. This year's mode begins in January instead of before the NBA season, where you will be signing on with short-term deals trying to make a team in the NBA. Another tidbit we've already known is you'll be able to scan your face into the game if you so choose, so your player will look a lot more like yourself if you want to go that route.

The big thing is that you'll be testing free agency right off of the bat, and testing different offers against one another. This is a unique take to the Career mode story, and it seems like a hopeful prospect that you'll be doing a lot of new things in this year's mode you haven't yet done.

Here's to hoping you can skip the cut scenes!

What did you think about the opening scene and the face scan technology?

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Member Comments
# 241 23 @ 09/23/14 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by da ThRONe
This was the reason I passed on 2K14 and the reason I'll pass this year. This mode should be some much more dynamic as it pertains to paths. This forced narrative kills any replay value. It's the reason I don't buy games anymore I rent because once you beat them they are essential useless to me.

There's no reason why there shouldn't be a true path to the NBA. The college license can't be that much. You should start in March Madness, then go through a combine, individual team workouts in groups and/or alone(which includes a dynamic interview process), then the draft(which should also be dynamic IMO). After you're drafted you should go play in summer league, training camp, and pre season(training camp and pre season should be every year). If they want to give some people the option to skip it and give them the right to select high draft pick, mid draft pick, low draft pick, undrafted that should be an easy short cut to add. However for me the thing that got me hooked on this mode was the emergence of what it was to be pro prospect leaving college. 2K was already making it worse and worse every year IMO now that element appears to be dead and my interest in this game dying with it.

Oh, but the face scanning looks great too bad I won't be using it this year.
Since no game at all has this nor anything close to what 2k has currently. .. I guess you won't be buying any basketball game this year then huh.
# 242 Factzzz @ 09/23/14 01:52 PM
I swear I read/heard somewhere say the storyline wasn't linear this year.
# 243 da ThRONe @ 09/23/14 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Since no game at all has this nor anything close to what 2k has currently. .. I guess you won't be buying any basketball game this year then huh.

Well I don't know what any other game has or not right now. So I can't say yes or no until I do. With this info all I can say is no to 2K15. I didn't play a basketball game at all last year so it's very likely it may be the same this year. I play videogames for fun not because I feel I'm obligated. It's becoming clearer to me I'm not 2K's target consumer. Hopefully enough people feel the way I do and 2K changes direction, or some other game designer can give me what it is I think is a quality basketball BAP mode. Otherwise I move on with my with the time I invest in basketball videogames. It'll be some what disappointing, but I won't lose any sleep over it.
# 244 23 @ 09/23/14 02:15 PM
I play basketball games to play with NBA players not a created man and then come up with all kinds of scenarios that I think should be or its a no buy ignoring the actual NBA part in the process.

That's your choice but looking at My league I think they had people like me in mind as well as many others here.

I haven't touched this mode since the first one which I had íssues with but it didn't stop me from enjoying the core game. Other modes are just gravy on top.

I'm not sure what audience you claim to belong to but I think some of these claims are wild and over dramatic these days.

Give me the Ncaa or forget the whole thing. OK then enjoy those other games or there.
# 245 pdx_24 @ 09/23/14 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Banner
I still find it unbelievable this is the mode most people play....I'll never understand that .

I love sport games because they aren't generally scripted. MyCareer is nothing more than a cheesy story line.
# 246 etched Chaos @ 09/23/14 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by pdx_24

I love sport games because they aren't generally scripted. MyCareer is nothing more than a cheesy story line.
So? 2k provides multiple modes for you to get your sports game fix, MyCareer is a single mode with a story, that story is not in anything else in NBA 2k so why does it matter?
# 247 da ThRONe @ 09/23/14 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by 23
I play basketball games to play with NBA players not a created man and then come up with all kinds of scenarios that I think should be or its a no buy ignoring the actual NBA part in the process.

That's your choice but looking at My league I think they had people like me in mind as well as many others here.

I haven't touched this mode since the first one which I had íssues with but it didn't stop me from enjoying the core game. Other modes are just gravy on top.

I'm not sure what audience you claim to belong to but I think some of these claims are wild and over dramatic these days.

Give me the Ncaa or forget the whole thing. OK then enjoy those other games or there.
It appears that you are trying too hard to judge my opinion.

1st I never said nor am I saying they have to be exactly where I think they should be in order for me the purchase the game. In fact even though they slowly axed out things that I loved I still played the mode every year since it's inception until last year when they took the mode in a completely different direction with the forced story line.

I think it's great you and other are getting what you want out of the game. It is not my place to tell anyone what they should enjoy and what they shouldn't. However what's gravy to you is the main entrée to others.

I'm a gamers who's passion now in sports games are BAP modes. I want a dynamic mode that mimics not only the path that a real athlete would have to take in order to get into the league, but fight to maintain a career/have success in that league. I won't even pretend like I a clue how many gamers fit into this target audience.
# 248 23 @ 09/23/14 02:35 PM
Apparently not as much as you say since this had never been done for one and two when summer league and the d league was there the metrics show it was hardly played and people complained it took too long to advance.

I'm not judging anyone's how they enjoy a game but if it's never been done before claiming a no buy off of that is pretty wild.

We all Want alot of things but in the realm of reality is what we deal with.

Not looking for you to buy either because my name is not ronnie2k. When the game comes out I'll be doing what I do and won't bother spending energy wondering about what you're doing with your money.
# 249 da ThRONe @ 09/23/14 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by pdx_24

I love sport games because they aren't generally scripted. MyCareer is nothing more than a cheesy story line.

MyPlayer was the most played mode before 2K switched to this story line. So clearly the storyline wasn't what drew players to the mode. Hopefully for the sake of those who dislike this current direction the storyline will be what pushes people away from MyPlayer.
# 250 Sundown @ 09/23/14 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Clappington
Um what was fake about the story mode from 2k14?
I'm referring to 2K15's undrafted storyline. If you make it to the HOF or end up as a great, it's a pretty unlikely storyline. I prefer the one that typifies them, or hell, most viable NBA players.

It's really bizarre that whoever is calling shots for this most popular mode looked at it and said, you know what people really want? LESS ACTUAL NBA. More canned stories about NOT being in the most important NBA function for a prospect!

I read a game design book once that warned of game-design-as-an-actually-aspiring/failed-writer. You are designing a game. Do not let your pet storytelling itch get in the way of people playing the game they want. This seems to be an extreme example of violating that principle.
# 251 pdx_24 @ 09/23/14 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by etched Chaos
So? 2k provides multiple modes for you to get your sports game fix, MyCareer is a single mode with a story, that story is not in anything else in NBA 2k so why does it matter?
It doesn't. I'm all for options. I just wish 2K would put more of an emphasis on what's really important: gameplay and graphics.

Having so many modes is nice and all (and it panders to more people which bring in the bottom line: $), but I'm the type that prefers quality over quantity. Give me a game with one or two modes with super gameplay and graphics over a game with dozens of modes that play decently and looks okay. I don't like gimmick in anything.
# 252 pdx_24 @ 09/23/14 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by da ThRONe
MyPlayer was the most played mode before 2K switched to this story line. So clearly the storyline wasn't what drew players to the mode. Hopefully for the sake of those who dislike this current direction the storyline will be what pushes people away from MyPlayer.
Yeah, I didn't care for MyPlayer either. MyCareer was even worse with the cheesy storylines and cutscenes. At least with MyPlayer, I could just jump in and play without all the mumble jumble.
# 253 Bornindamecca @ 09/23/14 02:48 PM
2k needs to enhance the drama that is already inherent in playing the MyCareer mode. There is drama and conflict in signing contracts, gaining the confidence of your coach and teammates, making the starting lineup, making friends, losing friends, dealing with the jealousy of aging stars, dealing with the media and many other things.

Instead of choosing such a specific story, they need a more modular tale that allows the player to explore all of the general aspects of being an NBA player. MOST people are going to wind up being superstars, so we're really talking about whether someone is a Duncan-type or a Kobe-type. An Iverson-type or a Rose-type, etc.

There needs to be more payoff in reaction to player choices and less guidance of those choices.

Imagine if someone chose the path of the laid back player, but they were on the same team as an expressive player and management bent to that guy's demands because the squeaky wheel gets the grease. This would put the conflict in the hands of the player and the "director" could hang back and push the drama that is there rather than creating it with a script.

PS: EXCELLENT job with the face capture. Since the launch of this generation, 2k has lead the pack in taking advantage of the new technology while other companies bump resolution and add a few particle effects. Kudos.
# 254 da ThRONe @ 09/23/14 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Apparently not add much add you say since this had never been done for one and two when summer Jessie and d league was there the metrics show it was hardly played and people complained it took too long to advance.

I'm not judging anyone's how they enjoy a game but if it's never been done before claiming a no buy off of that is pretty wild.

We all Want alot of things but in the realm of reality is what we deal with.

Not looking for you to buy either because my name is not ronnie2k. When the game comes out I'll be doing what I do and won't bother spending energy wondering about what you're doing with your money.

The problem is you are making assumption off of things you take away from my post. Again I clearly said it's the forced storyline that's why I'm not buying the game. Then I give my opinion on where I would like to see the mode go. Therefore you assume that my decision on passing this year's title is because you don't spend any time in college.

I can't speak to anybody's metric and I'm sure many fans didn't like all the build up to playing in the NBA. Personally I think it was because 2K didn't build the mode to make it as much about the journey as the destinations. Therefore the journey felt like a task. I feel like that can be rectified easily and players would take enjoyed out of developing their created players.
# 255 23 @ 09/23/14 02:52 PM
I'm not saying what they can or can't do. I'm saying don't come here making wild claims about how hard something shouldn't be and you aren't buying because of that and not expect a response to how it might sound.

I'm not going to keep repeating myself about it. I have no bested interest whether you enjoy our not... that's 2ks dilemma.

It's definitely not to the point where I care to play it right now.
# 256 da ThRONe @ 09/23/14 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by moonrisekingdom
The saddest thing is that Da Throne hasn't played one OUNCE of the game.

And your point is?

I follow the game every year with the same attention to what I'm looking for both before and after launch. Passing on the game was a well informed decision.
# 257 etched Chaos @ 09/23/14 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by pdx_24
It doesn't. I'm all for options. I just wish 2K would put more of an emphasis on what's really important: gameplay and graphics.

Having so many modes is nice and all (and it panders to more people which bring in the bottom line: $), but I'm the type that prefers quality over quantity. Give me a game with one or two modes with super gameplay and graphics over a game with dozens of modes that play decently and looks okay. I don't like gimmick in anything.
You do realise that the gameplay, graphics and MyCareer teams are all separate right? It's not a case of a bunch of people just being assigned a new part to do everyday, they have teams for every facet of the game. So the story in MyCareer really has little to no bearing on what the gameplay and the graphics guys do mand considering we've had MyPlayer for years now, it is an essential part of the NBA 2k experience.

MyPlayer is not a gimmick, the story is not a gimmick, it's a genuinely good mode that gets more playtime than everything else. You might want a barebones game but I have a feeling if you got that you'd then complain that it has no variety in modes. A great example of this is NHL 15, they wanted to make the graphics and gameplay look amazing, so they neutered the game modewise, guess what happened? They got ripped a new one by fans who were rightfully pissed off.
# 258 Bornindamecca @ 09/23/14 02:59 PM
The answer to the D-League(or Euro/summer league) path is to invest in it more. 2k can't just make it bootleg teams and costumes that feels like a time waster until you win MVP in the NBA. When you get to the D-League, they need a coach/GM character to connect you to the experience, the same way they would any impatient young player. Imagine getting attached to your D-League coach and teammates because you bought into the idea of making it work. Suppose winning the D-League wasn't just getting VC, but there was a special reward for paying your dues.

There are ways to make the "realistic" paths entertaining rather than tedious. One of the main problems with MyCareer is you start out as a 62(ish) rated player and it takes awhile to get to a 75 because the athletic stats are really expensive. Then when you get past that point you explode in performance going from 75 to 85 very quickly. At that point, you're really a 95 because the Awareness Attributes boost your OVR.

You grind to around the All Star Weekend, then you're MVP caliber from then on. The real NBA is the opposite. You start with most of your athleticism, but it's your skills that you work on. Usually a prospect has at least one skill that they are above average at that justifies their minutes. In this game you start out with no business on an NBA roster, but you go from roleplayer to All Star almost instantly.

Not having you get drafted is a way to artificially drag out the grind period. I'd prefer they invest more in the roleplayer period as you move from 6th man to Starter to First Option, which would ideally take about 2 mostly played seasons.
# 259 da ThRONe @ 09/23/14 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by 23
I'm not saying what they can or can't do. I'm saying don't come here making wild claims about how hard something shouldn't be and you aren't buying because of that and not expect a response to how it might sound.

I'm not going to keep repeating myself about it. I have no bested interest whether you enjoy our not... that's 2ks dilemma.

It's definitely not to the point where I care to play it right now.

What's wild about not liking the story mode? I guess this is what I'm not understanding? BAP modes are the only modes I really play anymore. Therefore if I deem a decision made by the company makes that mode unplayable why would I buy the game.

It appears from where I'm sitting you're saying enjoy the game the way I do or your opinion is "wild". Why is there any tension what so ever for someone to express an well thought out, and respectful opinion even if it's a rare one?
# 260 Sundown @ 09/23/14 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
The answer to the D-League(or Euro/summer league) path is to invest in it more. 2k can't just make it bootleg teams and costumes that feels like a time waster until you win MVP in the NBA. When you get to the D-League, they need a coach/GM character to connect you to the experience, the same way they would any impatient young player. Imagine getting attached to your D-League coach and teammates because you bought into the idea of making it work. Suppose winning the D-League wasn't just getting VC, but there was a special reward for paying your dues.

There are ways to make the "realistic" paths entertaining rather than tedious. One of the main problems with MyCareer is you start out as a 62(ish) rated player and it takes awhile to get to a 75 because the athletic stats are really expensive. Then when you get past that point you explode in performance going from 75 to 85 very quickly. At that point, you're really a 95 because the Awareness Attributes boost your OVR.

You grind to around the All Star Weekend, then you're MVP caliber from then on. The real NBA is the opposite. You start with most of your athleticism, but it's your skills that you work on. Usually a prospect has at least one skill that they are above average at that justifies their minutes. In this game you start out with no business on an NBA roster, but you go from roleplayer to All Star almost instantly.

Not having you get drafted is a way to artificially drag out the grind period. I'd prefer they invest more in the roleplayer period as you move from 6th man to Starter to First Option, which would ideally take about 2 mostly played seasons.
Good point. It's interesting that you go from being a virtual you that some of your real yous could probably beat physically-- to this generational athletic specimen overnight.

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