NBA 2K15 News Post

Video by Chris Smoove
on YouTube.

NBA 2K15 is rolling with a brand new look this year to MyCAREER with an all-new backstory where you will (spoiler alert) become an undrafted free agent. This year's mode begins in January instead of before the NBA season, where you will be signing on with short-term deals trying to make a team in the NBA. Another tidbit we've already known is you'll be able to scan your face into the game if you so choose, so your player will look a lot more like yourself if you want to go that route.

The big thing is that you'll be testing free agency right off of the bat, and testing different offers against one another. This is a unique take to the Career mode story, and it seems like a hopeful prospect that you'll be doing a lot of new things in this year's mode you haven't yet done.

Here's to hoping you can skip the cut scenes!

What did you think about the opening scene and the face scan technology?

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Member Comments
# 261 gausec @ 09/23/14 02:05 PM
Dang I think it's a cool option especially if done well, a friend of mine just got invited to the Pelicans camp and some of the other offers he had I thought would be better but after he explained it I didn't realize how much thought it took, so if they make it like that it'll be neat.
# 262 godylla @ 09/23/14 02:13 PM
Just want to double check on something quick about the face scan; is it the only option, or will we be able to choose/sculpt a face/head like in previous versions? Don't have a PS4 camera, so was wondering if I need to go get one in order to play the MyCareer mode.
# 263 23 @ 09/23/14 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by godylla
Just want to double check on something quick about the face scan; is it the only option, or will we be able to choose/sculpt a face/head like in previous versions? Don't have a PS4 camera, so was wondering if I need to go get one in order to play the MyCareer mode.
Nah you don't have to use a scanned head. It's an option
# 264 tuck243 @ 09/23/14 02:16 PM
I guess black males don't matter to 2K anymore. Year in and year out they continue to not put in a normal black hairstyle... They only go with the extreme ish like a high top fade, dreads, or braids (only Kawhi wears this). WHY THE FAWK WE CAN'T GET REGULAR HAIRSTYLES!!?? This ENTIRE game is urban driven, literally.
# 265 threattonature @ 09/23/14 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
2k needs to enhance the drama that is already inherent in playing the MyCareer mode. There is drama and conflict in signing contracts, gaining the confidence of your coach and teammates, making the starting lineup, making friends, losing friends, dealing with the jealousy of aging stars, dealing with the media and many other things.

Instead of choosing such a specific story, they need a more modular tale that allows the player to explore all of the general aspects of being an NBA player. MOST people are going to wind up being superstars, so we're really talking about whether someone is a Duncan-type or a Kobe-type. An Iverson-type or a Rose-type, etc.

There needs to be more payoff in reaction to player choices and less guidance of those choices.

Imagine if someone chose the path of the laid back player, but they were on the same team as an expressive player and management bent to that guy's demands because the squeaky wheel gets the grease. This would put the conflict in the hands of the player and the "director" could hang back and push the drama that is there rather than creating it with a script.

PS: EXCELLENT job with the face capture. Since the launch of this generation, 2k has lead the pack in taking advantage of the new technology while other companies bump resolution and add a few particle effects. Kudos.
Great post. To me the myplayer should be the flip side to the mygm. The chemistry issues the GM is dealing with at the macro level, myplayer should explore them at the micro level. Have it so that if your player is shooting too much other players start grumbling. Have personality clashes. Have it so other players get jealous at the rookie getting too much attention. Don't have it scripted but just based on things such as team chemistry.
# 266 Sundown @ 09/23/14 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by threattonature
Great post. To me the myplayer should be the flip side to the mygm. The chemistry issues the GM is dealing with at the macro level, myplayer should explore them at the micro level. Have it so that if your player is shooting too much other players start grumbling. Have personality clashes. Have it so other players get jealous at the rookie getting too much attention. Don't have it scripted but just based on things such as team chemistry.
Not only should it be part of MyGM and MyCareer-- it should be part of the game from the ground up-- what actually happens starts on court from Quick Games to Online, and trickles up all the way to MyGM and MyTeam building. It'd add challenge and fun to super team building balancing egos, playstyles, and the shots they need, and make other teams actually viable.

Now THAT would be an Ecomotion Engine.
# 267 Clappington @ 09/23/14 02:26 PM
Some of you have made it very clear you don't like the story mode and wont buy the game because of that reason, ok thats cool but why keep posting when this thread no longer pertains you, since you " arent going to buy the game".
# 268 da ThRONe @ 09/23/14 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by threattonature
Great post. To me the myplayer should be the flip side to the mygm. The chemistry issues the GM is dealing with at the macro level, myplayer should explore them at the micro level. Have it so that if your player is shooting too much other players start grumbling. Have personality clashes. Have it so other players get jealous at the rookie getting too much attention. Don't have it scripted but just based on things such as team chemistry.

I think if they add this, plus get rid of skill points/VC in a favor of a natural progression system you are taking about an outstanding mode that's could be unique every single time you play it.

I have said this on so many occasions guys physical mature very little during the season if at all. All growth in season should be skill and experience/awareness. Skill should develop through practice and the specific drills you work on should only impact the specific area said drill is designed to improve. Experience/awareness should only be gained through mins on the court whether real games or team practices.
# 269 da ThRONe @ 09/23/14 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by moonrisekingdom
That you're basing a purchase off one game-mode without knowing how the game feels and plays, and the DETALS of the MODE haven't even been REVEALED. You're an ignorant one. Really foolish.

1st no need for the personal attack. You have no idea who I am or what I know.

To the point I don't need the details if it's a forced storyline. And if for some reason it's not a forced storyline I'll be the first person to admit I jumped the gun. However this release pretty much confirms that it's a linear storyline again this year. I'm not foolish or ignorant I'm specific about what I want and what I can or can't settle for.
# 270 da ThRONe @ 09/23/14 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Clappington
Some of you have made it very clear you don't like the story mode and wont buy the game because of that reason, ok thats cool but why keep posting when this thread no longer pertains you, since you " arent going to buy the game".

Same rules apply to you. Why keep addressing people for expressing their dislike for this mode?

The developers read these forums. If we are quiet they will likely take that silence as acceptance. No to mention this is just the second day of the news most people are just seeing this.
# 271 Clappington @ 09/23/14 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by da ThRONe
Same rules apply to you. Why keep addressing people for expressing their dislike for this mode?

The developers read these forums. If we are quiet they will likely take that silence as acceptance. No to mention this is just the second day of the news most people are just seeing this.
No it doesn't apply to me? I am merely saying you aren't getting the game so why are you here? at this point 2k15 has nothing to do for you. You aren't getting the game correct? so why post in a thread that you aren't getting, it would be one thing if you was on the ropes of considering to get it but you said you aren't getting 2k15. you've already made your point but to keep going on about it is pointless and filling these threads up with your inconsequential statements.
# 272 lakers24 @ 09/23/14 02:55 PM
The problem I think a lot of gus are having is understanding this won't be an rpg with multiple paths unless they work on it for years, although now people want a new story every year with mycareer so it's not feasible. This is a basketball and I understand people not wanting linear paths, but it'll probably never be THAT detailed to have so many multiple paths.

Now what I think they can and should do is in a sense remove the story. What I mean by that is basically the story becomes non intrusive and is only used for certain occasions(like when you first start out) and from there it can branch out from a certain choice,(yes this is kind of what you guys are saying but less intricate because it's not micro managing or manufacturing drama for the hell of it) case in point what marketing deal you sign).
Because of that it needs to remove the meaningless day-to-day cutscenes "playing 2k at the crib" and have them mostly deal with behind the scenes NBA player stuff. ACTUALLY handling your endorsements vs. just having a picture etc.
# 273 LD2k @ 09/23/14 02:56 PM
Earned, not given. And balance.

This is just the beginning of your journey with your MyPLAYER.
# 274 allBthere @ 09/23/14 02:57 PM

I can't stand playing for fake teams and d-league teams where the stats don't count anyway.

MyPlayer or MyCareer is such a huge grind anyway as it is, that I'd rather not. In 2k14 I put in well over 80 hours, probably more like 100 and a) didn't have my player at all the skills I wanted until I stopped playing
b) only just barely finished a season and started a couple of games in the next one.

Since this is an annual title I would actually like to finish a career and retire with 10+ seasons. The way to do this is to cut the crap at the start with all the non-nba grinding and to allow us to not play every game (that was crazy in 2k14).

Not only that but as I have said and many others, we need to regulate our minutes. The essential feature as a band-aid is to allow us to sub off or tell the coach we're tired (which I was often and couldn't get out). The other component would be to give us SOME lee-way. So for example if Coach/GM wants me playing 41min/game, I should be able to choose between say 20-41min. So in this scenario as a STARTER maybe I have a minimum, and a maximum and I put it where I want. - is that like the real NBA? no, but it will raise my enjoyment of the game and most importantly maximize MY TIME when enjoying my hobby.

I love 2k, but if I'm stuck playing all 82 games in a season and am forced to play 41 minutes a game again, I won't be playing the mode and will skip 2k16 all-together if they do that.

That's the biggest problem I have is last year's effort didn't respect my time
# 275 etched Chaos @ 09/23/14 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by LD2k
Earned, not given. And balance.

This is just the beginning of your journey with your MyPLAYER.
Is it as constrained as the 2k14 iteration? Or will we find all this out later in the week? Cos I'm jonesing for some MyCareer details.
# 276 da ThRONe @ 09/23/14 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Clappington
No it doesn't apply to me? I am merely saying you aren't getting the game so why are you here? at this point 2k15 has nothing to do for you. You aren't getting the game correct? so why post in a thread that you aren't getting, it would be one thing if you was on the ropes of considering to get it but you said you aren't getting 2k15. you've already made your point but to keep going on about it is pointless and filling these threads up with your inconsequential statements.

This is short sighted. Yes barring something else I'm passing on 2K15, but what about 2K16, 17, 18. 19, 20 etc? This is a yearly title. If I me and enough likeminded posters here can explain to them why we don't like the mode why is it a problem so long as it's done in a constructive way? Is that not why these forums even exist? If MyCareer starts to see some slippage in usage 2K can come to these threads and have a better chance of pinpointing what it is that may be going wrong.
# 277 The 24th Letter @ 09/23/14 03:05 PM
Ugh....thread is an over dramatic mess
# 278 biatch0 @ 09/23/14 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Sundown
Good point. It's interesting that you go from being a virtual you that some of your real yous could probably beat physically-- to this generational athletic specimen overnight.
A generational...
  • 3 point shooter with max 92 3 point rating
  • Pass First PG with 92 max pass
  • Insert Specialization Here with 92 max specialization rating

But on the bright side, everyone can have an insane 95 post fadeaway and post hook...

Hope this is one of the things they "fixed" in 2k15. I'm sure I don't speak for everyone here, but while I understand the need for caps on certain stats, I find a lot of them don't really make sense (like above). Even if we're not supposed to be a generational specimen, at least have the max stats make sense... A 3 point specialist PG has a 2 stat points higher max on 3 pointers than a defensive PG?
# 279 nyk_fatboy @ 09/23/14 03:41 PM
it would be nice to have the option to NOT go undrafted and get drafted by a team as well though, but i dont mind something new for once. It's not like 2k builds up the lead to the draft correctly anyway.. the combine is not just about a scrimmage. Theirs measurements, and series of physical drills players participate in... maybe next year 2k adds that to the game. But that aint none of my buisness
# 280 I Djm @ 09/23/14 03:48 PM
What really irks me about the lack of combine and summer league is the fact they act like it can't be optional. That excuse of people saying it took too long was nothing but a cop out.

As for the story its not needed it adds nothing new. The stuff that needs to be added keeps getting ignored

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