NBA 2K15 News Post

Video by Chris Smoove
on YouTube.

NBA 2K15 is rolling with a brand new look this year to MyCAREER with an all-new backstory where you will (spoiler alert) become an undrafted free agent. This year's mode begins in January instead of before the NBA season, where you will be signing on with short-term deals trying to make a team in the NBA. Another tidbit we've already known is you'll be able to scan your face into the game if you so choose, so your player will look a lot more like yourself if you want to go that route.

The big thing is that you'll be testing free agency right off of the bat, and testing different offers against one another. This is a unique take to the Career mode story, and it seems like a hopeful prospect that you'll be doing a lot of new things in this year's mode you haven't yet done.

Here's to hoping you can skip the cut scenes!

What did you think about the opening scene and the face scan technology?

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Member Comments
# 141 OkayC @ 09/22/14 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by I Djm
I really rather not have the story for some of the reasons others dont want it. Its already bad enough teammates can barley play, now i have to be told what to do.

The ****** crowd will always outmatch us believe or not they've been wanting this mode like this for a while
where my frustration lies is, everything is about the ******s. and everyone makes it sound like the simheads are restricted to just this forum alone or something. But that couldn't be any farther from the truth, I know loads of simballers who know nothing about this place. There is a larger portion of us out there than people think(or care to realize) so why must it all be in favor of the ******s. Sim guys make up a large portion of the sales too, so why can't we at least cater to both. That can be done by making cutscenes skippable, and/or making them have no effect on your actual gameplay. cutscenes can be there for those who want them sure, but lets not act like ****** to sim ratio is 99 to 1. Because its simply not true, sim heads are basically true basketball fans. And there are loads of true basketball fans out there who play this game.
# 142 blacboy @ 09/22/14 09:47 PM
This is what being online shows them, gives them the stats of who and howmany people are playing what mode. I think the people complaining are in the vast minority, plus in the Rob Jones interview he stated how popular the mode is with online data to back him up.
# 143 kadzier @ 09/22/14 09:49 PM
Yeah if theres one Cardinal sin the 2k14 story made, it's literally altering gameplay in service of the plot. This shouldn't be in 2k15 whatsoever. Also I disagree about it being a choice between a corny story and M rated story. Cutscenes about normal stuff like going out with the team, being promoted to the starting lineup, signing shoe deals, I'm all for. Stuff like clown noses, one on one dunk tutorial sessions with Lebron, and bowing down to your made up rival after losing a stupid playground-like bet in a professional basketball game, not so much.
# 144 OkayC @ 09/22/14 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by etched Chaos
Ah I see, so because a ****** plays a mode then 2k shouldn't try and improve the mode? By your logic, they shouldn't do anything more than polish the graphics, update rosters and stick a new player on the roster, because those ******s will buy it regardless. After all, if a trailer is all it takes then why should 2k bother doing more than that?

Who cares if something wasn't asked for? I mean really, you're pissed because a mode added something you think wasn't asked for and people enjoyed it except you and a few others? Even on OS the story haters are the minority, have you been in the 2k14 MyCareer thread? For all it's cheesiness people ate it up and even today 10 months on, it's still getting good playtime.

If you have a x360 or PS3, buy the last gen version instead if the story annoys you so much, because that version is your old-fashioned MyCareer without any bells and whistles.
your first paragraph is more or less spot on(though your still not completely getting it), at the very least it saves 2k times. and just cuz you wanna try to prove me wrong, doesn't mean that my point isnt true. ******s will still buy the game story or not. if you wanna believe that or not is up to you. oh by the way, by your logic, why doesn't 2k just take out story mode, if you want it just go play 2k14. sucks when a point can go both ways, doesn't it?
# 145 I Djm @ 09/22/14 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by OkayC
where my frustration lies is, everything is about the ******s. and everyone makes it sound like the simheads are restricted to just this forum alone or something. But that couldn't be any farther from the truth, I know loads of simballers who know nothing about this place. There is a larger portion of us out there than people think(or care to realize) so why must it all be in favor of the ******s. Sim guys make up a large portion of the sales too, so why can't we at least cater to both. That can be done by making cutscenes skippable, and/or making them have no effect on your actual gameplay. cutscenes can be there for those who want them sure, but lets not act like ****** to sim ratio is 99 to 1. Because its simply not true, sim heads are basically true basketball fans. And there are loads of true basketball fans out there who play this game.
Yea i know ppl like that they just dont care to go sign up for a forum to talk about it. The story really doesnt do anything for me lol, maybe its because how 2k tends to leave stuff broken in this mode.

****** fans will always be a target because they'll go either way
# 146 kiev123 @ 09/22/14 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by etched Chaos
Also, I want to address this whole scripted games thing, it's not scripted, you get given goals, the only downside to not fulfilling those goals is that you don't get the vc, that's it (buzzer beater shot excluded). Who cares if the goal is scoring 10 points on the trot or whatever, you're not obligated to play that way. I like to complete the goals if i can but I never got particularly annoyed if i didn't, it didn't make my experience worse, it was just an incomplete goal.
Nah there is some scripting
# 147 etched Chaos @ 09/22/14 09:56 PM
I couldn't play MyCareer without the story now, I ignored the run-up to the Next-gen 2k14 version last year because I wasn't getting a PS4 until the summer. I had no idea the new MyCareer had a story, the moment I found out, it was the first purchase for me on my PS4 and was the only mode I played - the only one.

I actually feel sorry for those who hate it, it makes the mode so much more enjoyable for me and I cannot see why anyone would want the old version, with the endless grind. Who cares if it's cheesy? It's not supposed to be a serious affair, it's supposed to be fun and enjoyable so some cheesiness and silliness is expected. Seems to me some of you want Breaking Bad type quality storytelling or GTA type sandbox stuff. Which is entirely unrealistic because GTA type games take years to make and a sports game has to do their new additions in a much shorter time-frame.

Also, MyCareer is not the only thing the devs have to improve, graphics, sound, commentary, presentation, MyGM, MyTeam, online and now MyLeague these modes all need work too. If they went whole-hog on giving us a AAA RPG gamer type story then the rest would suffer and if they scrapped the story they'd lose customers.

So really for some of you, 2k cannot win, they scrap the story they get hate, they keep the story they get hate, they change the story they get hate.
# 148 I Djm @ 09/22/14 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by blacboy
This is what being online shows them, gives them the stats of who and howmany people are playing what mode. I think the people complaining are in the vast minority, plus in the Rob Jones interview he stated how popular the mode is with online data to back him up.
But those stats never said lets add a story unless they took polls. Furthermore a story should have been the last thing they added until other issues were addressed
# 149 SPRINGS03 @ 09/22/14 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by etched Chaos
Ah I see, so because a ****** plays a mode then 2k shouldn't try and improve the mode? By your logic, they shouldn't do anything more than polish the graphics, update rosters and stick a new player on the roster, because those ******s will buy it regardless. After all, if a trailer is all it takes then why should 2k bother doing more than that?

Who cares if something wasn't asked for? I mean really, you're pissed because a mode added something you think wasn't asked for and people enjoyed it except you and a few others? Even on OS the story haters are the minority, have you been in the 2k14 MyCareer thread? For all it's cheesiness people ate it up and even today 10 months on, it's still getting good playtime.

If you have a x360 or PS3, buy the last gen version instead if the story annoys you so much, because that version is your old-fashioned MyCareer without any bells and whistles.
Nooo man, you're not getting it lol. He's saying that if 2k already knows they own the ****** crowd, why would they try to make the mode more ****** friendly when they already have them? Nobody is saying they shouldn't improve the mode( don't see how a watered down story mode is an improvement) hell, there's a lot of things they could of improved that needed work in my career before adding some story mode. And that could of helped out the more sim crowd, hell people have been asking for sliders in that mode since it was introduced but that hasn't been addressed. Or smarter teammates for example. Why bring in a ****** friendly mode instead of improving some of the more core things in that mode? Nobody said they shouldn't improve the mode.

People care that it's something nobody asked for because it seems like a waste when they could of fixed different things or more important issues with the mode. I've been to the my career thread and posted in it, I'd hardly say people were just eating it up. And of course it gets playtime, people love my player mode, but since they changed it and there's no other option for my player, they have to play it. That logic doesn't work. That would be like saying, people loved mygm as much as association and liked the change because they play it all the time,despite the fact that it's the only mode they can play for that this year. It wins by default. What other mode are the my player fans gonna play?

# 150 Clappington @ 09/22/14 09:58 PM
MyCareer was the most played mode in 2k14...I wonder why, going to take a random guess and say because of the Story Mode that everyone wanted to play..yes it had flaws but none the less it was still good and better than any other mycareer. If you don't like the fact that it has this a story by all means don't play the game mode they don't force you to do it, no need to sit here and argue and complain about it on here. Better yet you could even buy the game on last gen where there is no story mode.
# 151 etched Chaos @ 09/22/14 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by kiev123
Nah there is some scripting
I know about that, hence the buzzer beater shot excluded in the brackets. It's one facet of the game that is genuinely scripted and honestly that's fine, it happens very rarely and as such isn't a big deal. I mean who wouldn't want the glory of winning a game on the final shot?
# 152 OkayC @ 09/22/14 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Clappington
MyCareer was the most played mode in 2k14...I wonder why, going to take a random guess and say because of the Story Mode that everyone wanted to play..yes it had flaws but none the less it was still good and better than any other mycareer. If you don't like the fact that it has this a story by all means don't play the game mode they don't force you to do it, no need to sit here and argue and complain about it on here.
This is the last time im gonna say it. Mycareer was the most played mode in the last 3 2ks
# 153 OkayC @ 09/22/14 10:02 PM
You know what, im done here. this is going no where, and people still aint even fully getting the point(which admittedly was lost a few posts ago)
# 154 Clappington @ 09/22/14 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by OkayC
This is the last time im gonna say it. Mycareer was the most played mode in the last 3 2ks
Thats funny because if i'm not mistaken Didn't Rob Jones just say 1st time ever MyCareer was the most played game mode? Guess you would know something a Dev wouldn't... that makes sense lol.
# 155 jadert @ 09/22/14 10:02 PM
The more modes (variety) 2K adds....the more complaints lol.

People complain about "facescan" having inaccurate heads and hair lol. Nevermind that the face is on point.

Overall I think the depth that the 2K team goes into for the creation of these modes is outstanding and unprecedented. As a sportsgamer, its hard to find another sports game with the amount of in depth modes that 2K has; both online and offline. I don't think there is enough time in the year to fully engage into each mode. Should make for a fun basketball season
# 156 SPRINGS03 @ 09/22/14 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by OkayC
This is the last time im gonna say it. Mycareer was the most played mode in the last 3 2ks
Yeah, i guess people forgot about this somehow lol.
# 157 kiev123 @ 09/22/14 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by etched Chaos
I know about that, hence the buzzer beater shot excluded in the brackets. It's one facet of the game that is genuinely scripted and honestly that's fine, it happens very rarely and as such isn't a big deal. I mean who wouldn't want the glory of winning a game on the final shot?
The glory is nice when you're going back and forth in a close game not when your team is dragged back from blowing out a team just to create drama IMO.
# 158 Taer @ 09/22/14 10:06 PM
I need more details before I can decide if this is a good direction or not.

Addressing the selection quandary ( forcing hi-jinx to get to the team of your choice) and perhaps the unrealistic 1st year progression problems is a great first step.

We don't know if rotational, positional and statistical issues are addressed however.

Leftos confirmed that many of the key ai improvements are included in the MyCareer - things like the off-season progression and the improved team building ai are confirmed to be in this year's iteration.

Things not yet addressed which concern me still include the: "Hero-Ball" mentality of goals and the unrealistic progression standards some gamers seem to prefer.

I don't want to end up having more 50 point games then every other NBA player combined. I get so disappointed when all the world treats me like Michael Jordan 6-months into a season instead of Jeremy Lin. I get so tired of needing to match Oscar Robinson triple double feats every game in order to avoid what seems like forced scripted results in multiple games.

Please give me more details so I can see this potential improvement is true and not a mirage.
# 159 kadzier @ 09/22/14 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by etched Chaos
I know about that, hence the buzzer beater shot excluded in the brackets. It's one facet of the game that is genuinely scripted and honestly that's fine, it happens very rarely and as such isn't a big deal. I mean who wouldn't want the glory of winning a game on the final shot?
there's also the game where you're scripted to miss two free throws just to get a cutscene about it after. And to answer your question, I only want the glory of the final shot if it happens organically. The obvious scripted nature of the event totally kills it for me.
# 160 etched Chaos @ 09/22/14 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by SPRINGS03
Nooo man, you're not getting it lol. He's saying that if 2k already knows they own the ****** crowd, why would they try to make the mode more ****** friendly when they already have them? Nobody is saying they shouldn't improve the mode( don't see how a watered down story mode is an improvement) hell, there's a lot of things they could of improved that needed work in my career before adding some story mode. And that could of helped out the more sim crowd, hell people have been asking for sliders in that mode since it was introduced but that hasn't been addressed. Or smarter teammates for example. Why bring in a ****** friendly mode instead of improving some of the more core things in that mode? Nobody said they shouldn't improve the mode.

People care that it's something nobody asked for because it seems like a waste when they could of fixed different things or more important issues with the mode. I've been to the my career thread and posted in it, I'd hardly say people were just eating it up. And of course it gets playtime, people love my player mode, but since they changed it and there's no other option for my player, they have to play it. That logic doesn't work. That would be like saying, people loved mygm as much as association and liked the change because they play it all the time,despite the fact that it's the only mode they can play for that this year. It wins by default. What other mode are the my player fans gonna play?

Right, I'm going to condense the main reason why adding a story over the little improvements was the right move:

It sold games - I have no doubt in my mind that the story was a big factor on the Next-Gen success, after all the last-gen version was already out with it's own MyPlayer, why would ******s need to go big for the next-gen version if MyPlayer is their bread and butter?

The whole ******s are already sold argument holds no weight and here's why - There are millions upon millions of ****** gamers, a small selection of them will be sold by a flashy trailer, but the rest? The rest need something to buy the game and unfortunately sports games are a niche market, lucrative but still a niche.

The big games invariably have a grand story, something epic, RPG's are huge moneymakers and there's a ton of ****** gamers who love their story modes. By adding one to NBA 2k the devs are opening up a whole new revenue stream, one that wouldn't happen if they do those little improvements first. After all they only have a year to make their games, they need to pick and choose their improvements carefully because they don't have the time to do it all.

Now, here's a secret, ******s aren't the ones who will buy the game at midnight on release day, those are the hardcore fans, the sort who frequent OS and make wishlists and scrutinise everything. Alot of those hardcore fans would buy NBA 2k regardless of what changes, they're the ones who just need a flashy trailer to be sold.

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