Madden NFL 15 News Post

Madden NFL 15 is now available in stores. Be sure to read our review if you haven't gotten the game. If you have, leave your own impressions of your first play sessions in the comments below!

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 321 The JareBear @ 08/27/14 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I'm all about All Madden right now.
Just feels better. More tense as far as having to concentrate on every play etc..
FG's aren't auto etc..
Just seems like every time I play All Madden the games seem more natural.
I know the CPU gets a "boost" but doesn't seem nearly as bad as previous Maddens.

Playing week 2 now vs Jags.
I do really look the way defenders jump routes on all-madden, really keeps you honest
# 322 Skyboxer @ 08/27/14 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by The JareBear
I do really look the way defenders jump routes on all-madden, really keeps you honest
Yep. Overall I just feel All Madden plays better.
Will post my stats after this game. Currently 7-7
# 323 LowerWolf @ 08/27/14 08:44 PM
Is there any way that last year's Zoom camera can be patched in? That's the only thing really holding me back from loving this game. I can't quite get comfortable on either the new Zoom or the Standard camera (I'm going to keep trying though).
# 324 Gotmadskillzson @ 08/27/14 08:58 PM
I wonder how much of an effect game speed is having on game play and CPU AI. Because on normal speed I am not having the same type of stats or experiences people are having on slow speed. One would think none, but hey it is Madden, totally unrelated things always seem to have some sort of weird unexpected connection.

Anyway....This year I don't care for night games. Night games just look off this year in some stadiums. Defensive backs tackling ability needs to be lowered. They have way too many solo tackles up high on running backs that out weigh them. I would like them to go for the legs a lot more, instead of tackling up high.

And Madden so add some sort of a big running back dragging a smaller defender for a few yards type of animation. They use to have this animation in NCAA 11, haven't seen it since then.

Play sense needs to be tweaked. There are times when I see ball carriers, whether it be the QB or RB run into the back of their own blocker and get tangled up for a few seconds. There are also times where the ball carrier would run directly into a defender, despite all the wide open space they have to the left and right of that solo defender 4 yards in front of them.

Pass interference needs to be added ASAP. I am having way too many WRs clothes lined by defenders while the ball is in the air and no flag. Hell the only flag I ever saw so far was false start. And please fix the brain dead CPU AI when it comes to punt returns. As it stands now, I don't fear any punt returner because I know the CPU AI will just run head 1st directly into my defender.
# 325 Quint75 @ 08/27/14 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by RexDEAFootball
The CFM stats issue is being worked on as we speak. I have total faith the team down in Austin will get this resolved. Appreciate the feedback, really happy you guys are enjoying the game.
Rex, this is great but the biggest issue to me is will the stats repair fix the player progression problem? In other words, I can live with the stats being a bit off, but when it causes problems like franchise QBs to be switching teams all over the league or guys like Ben Rothlisberger to be 3rd string QBs, that is just too much. So I guess I am asking: will the patch fix these issues as well?

# 326 The JareBear @ 08/27/14 09:06 PM
Skillz what seems different about your experience on normal speed? I wouldn't be surprised if there is an effect, honestly. With Madden it's always possible
# 327 tha_show256 @ 08/27/14 09:11 PM
Played a few more games today, and man I LOVE this game. It just feels right! Not perfect, but it is the best Madden to date!
# 328 Hockeynut99 @ 08/27/14 09:29 PM
I had an amazing game on all pro setting. I am loving this game! Way to step up your game EA!
# 329 Swamp Swagger @ 08/27/14 09:49 PM
Man they need to slow the no huddle way the heck down. The CPU will hike the ball before you even see the on field screen lol
# 330 Gotmadskillzson @ 08/27/14 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by The JareBear
Skillz what seems different about your experience on normal speed? I wouldn't be surprised if there is an effect, honestly. With Madden it's always possible
Well after reading this rather long thread, I noticed the pattern of people who play on normal seeing one set stats and results, then people who play on slow see something different.

One example is the CPU throw accuracy.

On normal, I dropped it down to 40 and I am seeing percentages down in the 50s and 60s for the CPU. While on default it was in the upper 70s to mid 80s for completion percentage.

But then I am seeing people who play on slow speed have to drop it down to the teens and 20s to see throw inaccuracies.

Another example is that people who play on normal speed tend to agree there is something wrong with run blocking on default sliders and most had to increase it.

But people who play on slow speed say run blocking is too good and they actually lowered it by quite a bit.

Then you have those who see a lot of sacks by the CPU on slow speed, where as on normal speed, I don't see that many sacks against the CPU when I'm not controlling a defensive lineman.

And to totally make things screwy... I noticed it yesterday that depending on what camera you use, the CPU AI plays totally different. When I just use the regular zoom cam, CPU has a very hard time running the ball. But if I switch to the defensive point of view, the CPU AI ball carriers get mighty big holes and they tend to run for a hell of a lot of yards.
# 331 Darkeus @ 08/27/14 09:59 PM
It is pretty good this year. But the penalties being broken and the stats being messed up kind of kill the experience a little. A little too arcade-like. The game play is pretty dang good on the field and then something happens that just kills the experience a bit.

Also, are challenges broken? In situations I should be able to challenge (like disputing the spot of the ball) it will not let me.

Rough around the edges but has a lot of potential.
# 332 bartolet7 @ 08/27/14 10:02 PM
Having a blast with this game. Sure, gameplay has a few oddities here and there but they aren't detracting me from having fun with it. You actually have to read the defense if you want to move the ball. The days of flinging it up are gone. Also finding that I gotta mix up my playcalling or the D shuts you down pretty quick.

Still in the honeymoon phase but can't get over the upgrade in presentation over M25. All adds to the immersion, which has always been lacking in Madden. Commentary is meh and gets repetitive, but I tend to tune that out over time anyway. Oh, and the fade outs between quarters and the ad coming back from commercial break between 1st and 2nd qtr. Nice touch. The crowd sounds are excellent (finally). Road games feel like road games. Just played a game on the road with KC in Denver and the immersive environment was actually intimidating. Love that.

One other note: Totally convinced that penalty sliders have a definite affect on gameplay. Out of the box and all set at 50, I was seeing very few (if any) penalties so raised them all to 100 and figured I'd work backward if any issues arose. Immediately my running game all of a sudden went completely to nothing over the next several games. My O Line wouldn't hold blocks and my RBs were getting smashed every time they carried the ball. Avg'd about 1 ypc. Lowered clipping and holding back to 50 and the running game returned to normal (4-5ypc.) and holes in the line started appearing again. Facemasks and roughing the passer calls also skyrocketed, so I've lowered each of them back to 52 and those calls seem to be in line now. If having a realistic running game means I don't see holding or clipping calls, so be it.

All in all, best Madden in years. Damn, I just wish NCAA could have stuck around and gotten the next gen treatment. Oh well.
# 333 Quint75 @ 08/27/14 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by bartolet7
All in all, best Madden in years. Damn, I just wish NCAA could have stuck around and gotten the next gen treatment. Oh well.
Amen and Amen! Getting teary eyed just thinking about it...
# 334 johnnyg713 @ 08/27/14 10:20 PM
Gameplay-wise, this is the best football game ever made IMO. If you don't know the game of football, you won't be good at this game. This team has really done a great job this year when it comes to implementing the X's and O's. I love seeing the defense actually react to the play.

With that said, animations still aren't quite there for me yet. Madden 15 has laid down the foundation for future maddens to be truly great games.
# 335 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 08/27/14 10:28 PM
QB SIGNATURE STANCES need to be patched! They're still in the game when you go to edit a player but for some reason they are not triggering during games. If they can fix this as well as clean up the excessive morphing/player clipping (players walking through other players on the field) post play, the game would be great. A lot of the other issues I can manage with sliders for the most part. Overall the post play interactions need to be smoothed out. It's really the only thing hampering my experience right now.
# 336 Mos1ted @ 08/27/14 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
QB SIGNATURE STANCES need to be patched! They're still in the game when you go to edit a player but for some reason they are not triggering during games. If they can fix this as well as clean up the excessive morphing/player clipping (players walking through other players on the field) post play, the game would be great. A lot of the other issues I can manage with sliders for the most part. Overall the post play interactions need to be smoothed out. It's really the only thing hampering my experience right now.
One of the EA guys here on the board said that it was a bug and that it will be fixed in an upcoming patch.
# 337 AceFan84 @ 08/27/14 10:44 PM
I know it isn't perfect but man I am really enjoying this game so far! I didn't buy last year's game and have in general been disatisfied with the series for years but something just feels better this year. The presentation is nice, graphics are amazing, even the animations seem to be a little better. The AI is better (especially defense) and I really like the skills challenges. I don't know how other sports games haven't done something similar to this, it actually TEACHES you football concepts......AMAZING!

If they can patch some of the big issues like franchise progression/stats, player stamina/subs, and the AWFUL playcalling then this may end up being one of the best football games ever. And for a Madden that's really saying something.
# 338 havoc00 @ 08/27/14 10:51 PM
last few maddens I was tired of within hours no joke and traded them in within the month of purchase, so I was skeptical of this. But after all the positivity I picked it up and the game is just legit fun game play wise. Well done hope they build off this and dont stray in typical EA fashion
# 339 Skyboxer @ 08/27/14 11:40 PM
OMG... So been working on All Madden sliders and was close ( I think)
Then realized my main settings had changed to All pro but All Madden sliders I loaded were still in. So now I have no idea where it happened at Lol..

So... back to the drawing board.

Also hate that when you start a CFM you can import sliders but not things like Sub/In numbers.
# 340 mt8732 @ 08/28/14 12:29 AM
I don't see where this is the greatest football game ever. I'm a long time ea supporter hell I still have hope for NBA live. This game is horrible in every sense. There are no broken tackles the o line basically is non existent and every db is deon sanders. I see why there was no demo. I watched clay Matthews run stride for stride with Randall Cobb on a fly route in practice today. I'm so done with this game. Going back tomorrow. This is next gen I shouldn't have to slider this game to death like NCAA 14.

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