Madden NFL 15 News Post

Madden NFL 15 is now available in stores. Be sure to read our review if you haven't gotten the game. If you have, leave your own impressions of your first play sessions in the comments below!

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 261 Bdubb @ 08/27/14 12:08 PM
Haven't played madden in a few years so this is my first football video game action in a while. This game is beautiful, and so far so good. The gameplay itself was fun online, I had a good time slinging it all over the field with Rodgers in an online game, like i was 18/21 with 3 TDs and a rushing TD by Rodgers.

Total Package 3/5 so far for me because of small issues like Sim stats in season. I'll still play because the game itself is fun. Add in updated rosters, a patch, a good slider set and Madden score will go a little bit higher. Lucky I haven't had this happen to me yet Lol http://www.barstoolsports.com/m/dmv/...ecuted-for-it/
# 262 ObviouslyConnor @ 08/27/14 12:16 PM
Thought I would give my input here. First impressions, I am fairly impressed with the game so far. The defensive changes are awesome. It feels like you are actually achieving something. I was playing as the Bucs against the Jets and they were on the 1 yard line and 3 straight plays I stopped them with the new defensive pass rushing moves. It felt great when it happened. Defense is actually fun to play. Being able to change the camera angle on the fly is cool as well. You can actually feel weight on the players now. There is a huge difference between running with Doug Martin and Steven Jackson. The graphics are way better then 25. Overall I'm really liking the game so far. I've only played about 3 full games as of now and haven't dipped into franchise yet. Only gripe as of right now is the play calling menu like everyone else.
# 263 blackceasar @ 08/27/14 12:18 PM
So this is coming from an old school sports gamer from way back in the times of Moses lol. J/k. But what I'm about to say is coming from someone who still uses 2k5 as sort of a measuring stick for certain things about Madden.

First off, this is NOT a port of Madden 25 next gen. It looks, feels, plays and sounds (sounds to a degree) like a different game. The Graphics are pretty sick. I'm a bigtime coach mode guy and I used to do it from the broadcast cam (for years now), but I've found the game looks best when you play from one of the more zoomed in cameras because you can see the detail of everything and when a play is ran the camera follows the action closely so from the time to ball is snapped until the end of the play the game just looks so dam good.

Animations are pretty good. I think its still going to take a little time for EA to perfect the animations and physics. I'm not complaining though because until its perfected (and It might never be in a football game) your choice will be to have what we have now which is physics based contact with hits, tackling, etc and live with the times where your dude just looks like he's a pinball going through bumpers.. OR go back to the non physics canned animations with no variance in what happens during a play... remember those? Yeah I do to. I don't want to go back there either. I'll take this over that and just hope EA sports devotes some time to further refining it every year.

First of all, I didn't break down and get a legit headset until last week (for Diablo 3) and I have to tell all of you.. if you don't have one, get one. Even if you have 7.1 set up in your room, I still hear and pick up things through the headset that I don't get from the home theatre system. With that said, sounds are good but the commentary is, well.. its what you got last year for the most part. Im curious as to how much time they get with Nance and Boomer in the booth to do the recordings for stuff because if they have limited time with them, I say just get some good voice actors that will spend the time needed to really get commentary and in-game storytelling right. I don't think having some real life celebs in the booth help sell the game anyways. Again, EA needs to look at NBA2k and even EA's own NHL franchise and take notes. I will say though that some things have been added to have a bit of storytelling in game from them, but its still not at the level you will get from other sports titles that are just lightyears ahead of Madden in this department. I will say this though that you don't get that much of in Madden 25, the crowd volume and amount of cheering will change depending on the game situation. It just feels much better this year.


As far as online goes (I've played about 6 ultimate team games) it feels a lot better. I did not fully understand the power of playing one defender in player lock until about game 3. I started learning what good defensive sets there were to call on people and once I called the right play, I would switch to a DE or LB, flip the camera and soley focus on terrorizing opponents. Playing like this online made me feel like my own Jadeveon Clowney. Even if you don't get the sack, there is a sense of pure satisfaction when you have rattled the QB so bad coming after him he throws a pick to one of your other defenders.

Overall the gameplay is considerably better (even without the new defensive stuff). I can't go super into detail here because I haven't applied any sliders to my game yet.. AND when I'm not playing online, I'm in pure coach mode anyways.

I already touch a bit on this when it comes to the sound so I will back off the commentary there. Presentation received a shot in the arm. Now I wouldn't call it a super HGH Barry Bonds record breaking shot in the arm, but its still improved. EA is FINALLY after 10000 years is on the right track when it comes to what I call "in game storytelling" What I mean is the little things that you see and hear during a game that enchances the experience of that game. There are more stat overlays that come up to call out certain players numbers during the game and this time around its not just about the QB. Also at times you will get a mini-recap cutaway in game about how good or bad a team has been today at a specific area (running the ball, passing, defense etc) accompanied by a couple of replays. This made me smile because these things happened during the game and not at halftime. Speaking of halftime, I think EA is starting to understand what we are looking for. I have to underline "starting" though because it's just that, a "start". We actually now have someone describing the half and the key plays ala NBA2k series. It's not as deep as 2K but consider it a poor man's version of it. It's something to build on, and I HOPE they build on it for next year and not just keep it as is and consider it "done". Another thing I noticed that I liked in my CCM was the commentators would call out both teams upcoming matchups for the next few weeks, accompanied by a graphics overlay of those teams and their win/loss record. I'm only 3 games in with my Raiders franchise so I don't know if they will start talking about playoff implications with this or not. It's EA so I doubt it lol.. but again, its something new they now have in the game that they can build on. *fingers crossed*

I actually like the gameplanning stuff for every week. It's deeper than people think if you really start breaking it down. What I LOVE about this though is how it affects the draft. Let me explain.. remember in the past two years how you might get an 80 or 84 OVR rookie in the first round only to find 5 seaons in, his OVR hasnt moved, or maybe even declined? Well you know that trait some of us overlook that's called "development"? Because of being able to focus on certain players during the week through gameplanning you wont feel bad about not getting that first RB off the board only to wind up with a 4th round RB with a 70 OVR because you see that his development though is off the charts. So in ways, this feature affects the draft, in a good way. It wasn't until my third game in my franchise with the Raiders that I saw the coaches in gameplanning call out something specific about the Patriots (who was my next opponent). They said "With Derrell Revis, The Patriots have one of the strongest pass defenses in the league, we should really focus on getting our starting WR's ready for this game". Its these little things that EA is starting to realize that while little, go a LONG way into franchise immersion and keeps you wanting to play multiple seasons.

It's the best Madden EA Sports has put out since Madden 92. It's a much MUCH bigger leap from 25 to 15, than 25 old gen was to 25 next gen. It's truly EA's FIRST next get version of Madden. I can't talk about bugs and glitches because Ive only played a few online games and 3 games into my Raiders franchise. I give the game a solid 8.5/10 BASED ON MY TIME WITH IT SO FAR. This number could go up with finding little things along the way through my season, or it could go down by discovery of unpatchable bugs or issues but right now as it stands 8.5/10 is my score. My advice to EA is this... This is the game that's going to get alot of us that are super critical of you back on your good side. This doesn't mean to think your job is done though (for example, don't think because we now have a halftime show that your job is done in that area.. it could be a lot better, etc). Just ride this wave of NON-COMPLACENCY and carry it on into next year's game.



1. Find a way to bring a real NFL draft presentation to the game and the things leading up to that. Give us the option as a player to go to the combine and after each session lets see what the experts are saying bout our stock via twitter, etc. Lets get Adam Shcefter and Mel Kiper up in this piece.

2. Lets get press conferences after the game ala NBA 2k. No I don't think you need the whole story fluff they have in that game, but it would be cool to have you answer a few questions after each game and have that affect your team/teammates. Heck lets get them before the game as well. Remember that year Chad Johnson had his list of DB's he was going up against? Not literally THAT, but id love to get some of that RPG feel into this and have it effect what your team thinks of you... AND your coach (maybe you get benched for a quarter for comments, etc).

3. STEAL THIS FROM MLB THE SHOW... Give us an option to turn injuries for our own player on and off. Very few players make it through a 10,12, 15 year career without missing a game or two. Sure some people won't want to do that, but some of us love the challenge and adversity.

1. What team you go to as a coach should have an owner factor worked in (like NBA2k). Some owners are hands off while some are very hands on. Imagine if you're the new coach of the Dallas Cowboys and you've been scouting a much needed DB in the first round but Jerry Jones is in love with the nubmer 1. WR in this year's draft. What if he gave you some things he'd "like" to see happen in the draft and wether or not you draft well, or find a way to accomplish some of this stuff will have an impact on your standing with the owner. could you imagine having to find a way to trade up (when you dont really want to ) to get a player Jones really likes?

2. Pre and Post game press conferences.

3. Bring position battles back and have them mean something.

4. Bring holdouts back.

5. Give people the option to turn these on or off.
# 264 tuck243 @ 08/27/14 12:40 PM
Few things...


1.) The presentation and graphics are pretty damn cool. The players' bodies actually look real now.

2.) The throws also feel like you're throwing the ball and you can tell the difference in QBs.

3.) The defensive cameras need to stay in the Madden franchise forever. DON'T TAKE IT OUT NEXT YEAR AND GIVE US IT 3 YEARS FROM NOW LIKE ITS A NEW FEATURE.

4.) The cone defense tackle is helpful and doesn't mean you will actually make the tackle which is good.

The Bad:

1.) I have a GREAT TV... Got everything you want in a TV... I say this because playing this game on my TV is CRAZY, BUT that's only during the day time. During night games this game changes to an Xbox 360 looking game. Basically what I'm trying to say is "It sucks during night games!!"...

2.) I've read on these forums that ratings matter now for the o-line, but Idk about that one. I'm a QB for the Raiders in CFM (I created a 99 guy for SNG) and I can barely get 60% of my passes completed. If the defense rush 3 I don't have a lot of time to get off. If they blitz everyone my receivers don't get enough separation to throw the pass on a slant. They get what looks like enough, but the DB's or linebackers step in front of the pass I lead them with majority of the time. You have to take sacks or throw the ball away a lot now. That's fine, but I want it to be a little realistic as DB's and LB's aren't that damn good on slants or dump passes... I shouldn't have to throw dump passes every possession and that only works within the first 2-3 seconds of a play.

3.) Speaking of o-line... They are still dumb as hell... The Madden team managed to get the defensive line better, but forgot all about the o-line. You still have linemen with no immediate responsibilities loafing around the line. I see no double teams on 2 or 3 rushers sometimes. There's no way mediocre d-linemen should be able to rush 2 ppl and get in the QB face.

4.) Also calling audibles is not worth it on this game vs. the CPU. Change your offense to a run play instead of pass and the defense automatically send another player in the box. Switch it back to pass and they move out the box... Basically they know EXACTLY what play you going to run when you audible...

5.) On the flip side of throwing slant routes for your receiver vs. man to man defense, the CPU can hit that ALL DAY on your defense.

Conclusion: This Madden is probably the best one to date and I'm really not the guy who complains about catch animations and such... That's nitpicking IMO.. The issue I have year in and year out is line play. Enough is enough, they can't get this right at all. The current engine they have is obviously broken and they can't fix the offensive line woes. This is a major flaw and dictates what happens with the rest of the game. No matter what QB, RB, or WR you have, it will be a long a$$ day if your linemen can't block 2 ppl... This is basic football, I don't care about what Megatron is doing out there if I can't get 3 seconds in the pocket.

Maybe this game needs sliders to be better... IDK, but playing on All-Madden or All-Pro isn't delightful at all. All I do is spam 3-4 yard passes and wait until I see bump coverage on the outside and throw through the small opening that was created. I don't think I'm trash in this game either, I try to use different plays and not go to the same money play all the time. Which is hard as hell to do because only a few plays work on this game currently.
# 265 kb0731 @ 08/27/14 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
% is a tad high but I can deal with that. Just uploaded a full(almost) game.

Made a couple slight adjustments and will probably leave it at that and move on.

Yea just watched the game. What accuracy do you have the CPU qb at?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 266 Postman17 @ 08/27/14 01:03 PM
You are absolutely correct. these things are still happening online. I played a couple of guy online who are doing this online with success. Its not a happening as much but its still there. The Wr make catches with so many defenders around them is really the worse.
# 267 Postman17 @ 08/27/14 01:06 PM
He is very correct in what he is talking about. Contain is a joke. it doesn't work like it should. And screen plays are the new money plays. Wr catching passes with 3 defenders around is also a joke.
# 268 tessl @ 08/27/14 01:40 PM
I don't have 15 yet. Question - I read a preview saying tackling has been changed so now the defensive player just has to be in the area, not actually make contact.

How is this implemented? I use coach mode and I didn't see anything wrong with last year's tackling.
# 269 l8knight1 @ 08/27/14 01:45 PM
I am not a 2k guy by ANY means, I'm a big Madden fan, so tear me apart on my post based on that knowledge. Also, I am enjoying the game and labbing extensively. Trying to hit a few unique points here is all.

I posted a few impressions already, but my very first impression of the game, the one that was important to me, was that they changed zoom camera, and I was not happy. Was it sacrificed because of presentation changes?

Gameplay is hard, I have no problem with that unless it continues to be hard to the point where it is not exciting. Everyone talks about how 'fast' the game is. I found it painfully slow and am currently playing on fast to compare. I will likely to back to 'normal' as that will be online play speed.

Tackling feels like it's controlled by the computer.

I liked the Madden 25 physics, but that is not to say I do not like many elements of 15 physics, especially animations.

Someone else was talking about unique quarterback styles. They are in attributes screen just like 25, but they are not showing up like they did so beautifully in 25, as I find most qb's throwing motion is the same. Was this sacrificed because of new player models?

There always seems to be two steps forward and one step back with the evolution of this game. Why is there always something good taken away?
# 270 sportyguyfl31 @ 08/27/14 02:07 PM
Will post a video here(if that's okay), talking about gameplay impressions using a full game vs the CPU as the backdrop. If it's not...nevermind

I lost to the CPU on default All Pro,which hasn't happened in about 20 years, and it was for legit football reasons by the CPU.

Needs a patch and there are some rough edges that need to be sanded down. Despite that, it renders every previous version of the game unplayable
# 271 Hockeynut99 @ 08/27/14 02:19 PM
That is how it should be. You should have a hard time beating the Seahawks. Unless you play a great game against them and get some turnovers you shouldn't beat them. That is what I love about this year's game.
# 272 DLaren @ 08/27/14 02:23 PM
None of my 'money-plays' work anymore...

# 273 booker21 @ 08/27/14 02:27 PM
After several games i can say that this game is really really good. So far the best madden imo.
My only BIG problem is CPU QB taking sacks instead of throwing the ball away or trying to do something else.

I hope EA Patch this and the sims stats and i`m in heaven (without breaking anything)

I tried setting PB slider to 100 for the CPU and is still the same thing, it seems the QB decided to get sack no matter what.
# 274 booker21 @ 08/27/14 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Mos1ted
I lowered the CPU QB Accuracy slider (and human slider) to 10, and now I'm getting much more realistic completion percentages. Even against an top tier quarterback like Andrew Luck, I can still hold him to a sub-65 completion percentage. This is on All-Pro. He still lights me up, but it's now in a realistic fashion. In one half against me, he was like 12 for 19 with 2 TDS and 1 INT.
I^m playing at 4, yes 4 and to me is perfect. but then again i play with the no switch rule.
bad QB are around 50-60 while elite qb are around 60 to 75

all default QB at 4 for both sides. love it!
# 275 elbos2k @ 08/27/14 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by kenlovin
Defense is great, music is really good. I stayed up until 3 last night just playing the skills trainer. I applaud the madden team for the work they have done with the skills trainer. It actually made me a better madden player. I knew the football strategy stuff but the tackling and controlling linebackers, as well as user catching tutorials made me way better. This game so far is really good from a gameplay standpoint.
This! Also spent 3 hours on Skills Trainer and I might have to change the difficulty...
# 276 nate1986 @ 08/27/14 02:45 PM
My one complaint about madden is CPU QBs being too accurate I played against Matt Cassel and somehow managed a 75 to 80 percent completion rating, not even guys like Tom Brady or Peyton Manning are that accurate and they are elite QBs
# 277 RexDEAFootball @ 08/27/14 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by l8knight1

Someone else was talking about unique quarterback styles. They are in attributes screen just like 25, but they are not showing up like they did so beautifully in 25, as I find most qb's throwing motion is the same. Was this sacrificed because of new player models?

There always seems to be two steps forward and one step back with the evolution of this game. Why is there always something good taken away?
It is a bug and not intentional. It will be addressed in the first patch.
# 278 jp7588 @ 08/27/14 03:12 PM
I am really liking this game so far. It has been a VERY long time since I've actually enjoyed playing a Madden game. Typically, I can barely force myself through the first couple games of a franchise and I end up simming everything. I don't think that will be the case this year. I'm not going to go talk about the well-documented issues with the sim stats and progression/regression. Those are obviously hugely disappointing and hopefully they get fixed.

Aside from the CFM issues, this game is pretty dang awesome on the field. It's visually stunning compared to last year. I usually scoff at the people who say "pics/videos don't do it justice", but that is 100% true this year. I couldn't see the improvements over 25 from watching videos before I played the game. The more I see, the more I like. Lots of detail, lots of accurate faces, great lighting (except for at night). The game looks great.

The gameplay is also dramatically improved in a lot of ways. I have encountered a few annoyances, but the overall package is so much better than it's been in a very long time. I've been playing on All-Pro - 10 Min. qtrs - QB accuracy turned down to 45 for HUM/CPU and run blocking up to 55 for HUM/CPU. So far I'm 3-1 in a Bills CFM (Lost to Chicago. Beat MIA, SD & HOU)

-Weight and momentum feel better than I ever remember in Madden.

-The tackling physics engine (Infinity? I can't remember.) feels like its been improved quite a bit. I see a lot less bizarre, weird tripping and morphing type of stuff than I have in the past. It's not perfect, but it's pretty good.

-Tackling, in general, is showing more variety than ever. I'm seeing a lot of good-looking, fluid animations that I've never seen before.

-Also, maybe it's just a coincidence, but I'm seeing more position-appropriate tackles than I ever remember. I've had a couple times when I've reverted back to my old hit-sticking ways with a CB head-on against an RB and I'm learning that I should stop doing that. On the offensive side, I've only played with the Cowboys (1 game) and Bills (4 games). Playing with Dez, and against Alshon Jefferey, I noticed them making CBs look like children at times with the ball in their hands. Shrugging off tacklers and fighting for extra YAC. It hasn't been over-powered, but you can definitely see the difference between those guys and the average WR.

-Also, I'm seeing a big difference in style between the Bills' two RBs. Spiller is obviously blazing fast and a great receiving threat while Jackson is a more all-around type back. The difference in speed is obviously noticeable but, the difference in strength/trucking is very apparent as well (Jackson-79 Spiller-56). Neither have been trucking linemen or LBs, but if I get into the open field with Jackson and a CB in front of him, the CB is going to have a hard time bringing him down. At the very least, he's falling forward for extra yards. With Spiller, I'm not getting blasted by CBs, but I'm not able to run right through them either. He's more of a finesse player and I feel that I really have to keep that in mind with him.

-The O-line/D-line interactions look better than ever. I haven't focused too much on them, but they look good at a glance. You can see much more of a "fight" going on as opposed to two guys slow-dancing like they're in middle school.

-O-line and D-line ratings seem to matter quite a bit. I picked the Bills for my CFM partly because I wanted to see how their D-line performed. I've played some bad O-lines so far (CHI, MIA, SD & HOU), and they've dominated accordingly. I've had two games where Dareus and M. Williams were lining up across from guys ranked below 70 and they just mopped the floor with them. Williams was exploding off the edge and Dareus was getting all the push he wanted. Then, when they'd double team Dareus, Hughes and K. Williams were causing havoc on the other side. Needless to say, I didn't have the same success in my game with Dallas...

-The QB accuracy range mechanic is pretty neat, although I haven't seen it show up too much. The first time I did was in a pretty cool (to me) situation with Romo. I pump faked and quickly, like before the pump fake animation completed, pressed the pass button (I spazzed out because of the blitz) and Romo sailed the ball over Witten's head on like a 5-8 yard crossing route. I was worried about it just being random but, every time I've seen it, it has been in situations that make sense (QB on the run, under pressure, etc.)

-I'm seeing a pretty good variety in the CPUs playcalling. I'm also noticing the better skill position players standing out above the rest. Matt Forte and Arian Foster both put up YPCs that were at, or right below 5. Ryan Matthews was averaging like 2.5 against me until he got hurt and Moreno had just under 4. As for WRs, Jeffery is the only one in particular that has stood out, but Mike Wallace and Malcolm Floyd made some plays. Fitzpatrick wouldn't throw the ball down field to A. Johnson and Marshall was hurt when I played the Bears.

-I really don't like the new play-calling screen. Not a huge deal. I'm sure I'll get used to it.

-Commentary is as dull as ever. I really wish they'd drop the real-life announcers and hire a couple voice actors that they can have around more often and will really take the job seriously (not that Nantz and Simms don't, but I just can't imagine they're super emotionally invested in how they sound in the game). I'm sure Jim and Phil have busy schedules. Just bring in a couple of unknowns with talent and pay them to work with the sound guys year-round. Nobody is buying/not buying based on whether or not CBS announcers are in the game. I just really don't think we're ever going to see a breakthrough in sports gaming commentary unless we have voice talent that can put in a lot more time with the devs.

-The two big ones for me have to do with CPU QB play and I think they may be somewhat related. First, the CPU quarterbacks are taking a RIDICULOUS amount of sacks. I know, "turn up the pass blocking sliders blah blah"... That's not the problem. If Mario Williams or Marcel Dareus are lined up across a 68 and 65 OVR RT and RG, they SHOULD be in the backfield almost every play. The problem is that the CPU doesn't seem to do much to adjust to the constant pressure I've put on. In my games so far I've had: @CHI-6 sacks(Cutler slipped out of like 4 more though). VS Miami-9 sacks, VS SD-15 SACKS(Fluker is awful against the pass rush) and @HOU-9 sacks.

Out of the 39 sacks I've racked up over the first four games, I'd say less than half came from the QBs blindside. A majority of them are coming right at them. They should be seeing them and doing something about it. Instead, they're usually just standing there and getting rocked... Unless they're doing that R-stick thing to slip out of them. They're also doing nothing over the course of the game to adjust. I think I hit my 10th sack on Rivers midway through the 3rd. You'd think they'd start calling some 3-step drops, getting the ball out quicker, loading up the right side. Nope. Just kept taking the hits. In fact, they were down by one score with 1:30 left with the ball. The game ended on two consecutive sacks from Mario Williams. It's like they always decide that it's better to take the sack than throw the ball, which leads me to my second issue...

-QB accuracy. I'll probably turn this slider down a bit more when I get home (had it on 45 from game 1) but, like the pass blocking, I'm concerned this issue doesn't have as much to do with that slider as just general flawed CPU QB logic. In each game so far, CPU QBs have finished with completion percentages between 75-85. I'm seeing stat lines like 14/17 132 yds 0 TD 1 INT 9 sacks. High completion percentage but low point production because they're playing super conservatively. It seems like there are only 2 likely scenarios when a CPU QB drops back: 1. Throw the ball 0-5 yards down the field to what looks like an open checkdown guy. 2. Nobody open? Take a sack. I've only had 2 INTs and both were on really short routes (like 3-yard hitches, I think) that my DBs just jumped in front of.

Cutler was a slight exception. He did have a pretty high completion percentage (18/24) and he did throw almost exclusively short passes but, he did get some good YAC production out of Alshon and he completed the only real downfield shot anyone's tried against me yet (a streak to Josh Morgan). He ended up with like 270 yards, 2 TDs and a win.

My take on the situation is this: The problems I'm seeing won't necessarily be solved in a realistic fashion by lowering QB accuracy or upping their pass blocking. Completion percentages are so high partly because QBs are RARELY throwing the ball to anyone who isn't within 10 yards of the LOS. Also, they're taking sacks instead of throwing the ball away/throwing a rushed, inaccurate pass. Any QB can go 14/17 for 115 yards if he's just going to throw hitches, drags, passes to the flats and take sacks all day.

If the CPU would start throwing the ball instead of just taking sacks, in addition to taking more shots down the field, I'd see lower completion percentages and higher production out of the elite QBs who can hit those deep throws. As it is now, I really haven't noticed much difference at all between the QBs I've played against (Cutler, Tannehill, Rivers, Fitzpatrick). The main differences have been made by the skill players around these guys. Forte and Foster ran the ball well and helped sustain drives for their teams. Alshon Jeffery and Mike Wallace got some YAC for their QBs. Aside from that, it was all short passes and sacks for everybody.

I am only 4 games in so maybe it's all going to even out. I LOVE the way dominant D-linemen are killing awful O-linemen and getting pressure on the QB. I would hate to have to nerf the pass rush and QB accuracy when it seems like we just need quarterbacks to react more realistically to pressure and start taking shots downfield.

P.S. The only reason I rambled about those last two cons for so long is because they're, literally, the only issues that have stood out to me gameplay-wise. My games have still been close, hard-fought and exciting for the most part. After that whole "come at me 2Kbro" E3 situation I told myself I would not buy Madden this year. That kinda rubbed me the wrong way and It's been a long time since I've even enjoyed Madden anyways ('06 on xbox, probably). I caved because of the positive impressions and, after like 6 hours with it, I'm pretty happy that I did. This game is pretty, fun and is as solid a football sim as we've ever seen (on the field, at least). I can't wait to jump back into it.
# 279 JHeyBraves @ 08/27/14 03:16 PM
My impressions after about 3 hours

Coach Stick - Love this. How did I never read about this leading up to release? Really cool for locating matchup advantages.

Skills Trainer - I spent a few hours in this before going to the main menu for the first time. I wanted to learn all of the new controls but found myself spending more time with the football concepts. I liked all the lessons about reading defenses, where the weak spots are and how to exploit them. Very useful.

Graphics - Best of any Madden to date. I haven't played a night game yet but I hear they are bad.

Halftime Show - Glad to finally have one. It isn’t overly impressive but it is something. However, I feel like they picked the worst possible camera angles for the highlights.

Camera angles - Changing them on the fly with the d-pad is awesome. I love this feature. I really like the cameras behind the defense.

Stat Overlays - These look great. My only complaint is they should remain on screen for a few more seconds. They go away too quickly.

Running Game - Feels more organic to me. I never ran into the O-line like I used to. Eddie Lacy was a bowling ball and always fell forward.

Psychic Defenders - I feel like this is still in. I saw a few DB’s facing the opposite direction when I threw the ball but they knew exactly where it was headed and could break up the pass before it arrived.

Penalties - non-existent on default

This is a really fun game on the field. If they can get franchise fixed, this game will stay in my PS4 all season long.
# 280 Mr.Zip @ 08/27/14 03:17 PM
the one thing i hate is that there are NO PENALTIES being called, its rediculous that there is no P.I. calls something has to be done about this or i will not be playing this too much longer. i know you can change it but not for online players H2H. smh other than that im pleased with the game i guess.

the way the game is being called in real life NFL there is no excuse for this. I played 6 online ranked games and had one P.I. called for 4 yards and one clipping penalty. ARE YOU SERIOUS MADDEN IN TODAYS NFL their is a flag thrown every 5-10 snaps on avg.

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