Madden NFL 15 is now available in stores. Be sure to read our review if you haven't gotten the game. If you have, leave your own impressions of your first play sessions in the comments below!
I'd have to say EA Sports did a lot of things right. I've only played one play now game but so far I am very impressed with graphics on PS4. Game looks amazing, player models look great, I had a fun game even though it was a blow out but I played on Pro just to get used to the features and stuff.
I don't like the big in your face play calling menu and I am a huge CCM offline fan. Waiting for EA to patch that before I start a CCM (if it's coming within the next few weeks). I won't start without the game 1 rosters anyways which are only two weeks away. Again, I hate scheme's and wish we could get rid of them, really messes things up when I try and run a realistic CCM.
Well anyways I can't wait to learn more about the game but I'm happy with some of the stuff EA fixed from previous versions, even little things like player stats in their card menu is really important to me.
I simmed two seasons with the Pats and Tom Brady didn't retire. I don't think Manning did either which is kinda cool because I see them both playing for at least two more years unlike last years Madden when they peaced out of the NFL. I don't know if they come back a few years later to give it one more go, God I hope not, hope that was removed.
But anyways I am happy with this years Madden so far and I hope many believe it's not just another "roster update" over last years.
The same problem with coach mode still exists in Madden 15. The human controlled QB will not scramble on their own. So for all the coach mode players out there, keep that in mind, you will have to scramble yourself when you see heat is coming.
Other then that, coach mode in broadcast camera view is gorgeous. Almost like watching a real game on tv. And yeah there seems to be an issue at time with the CPU QB taking sacks on screens. They keep backing up without throwing the ball. I literally just watched Kap back up 25 yards and get sacked on a screen play because he wouldn't throw the ball, he kept going backwards.
Has anybody here created a good set of sliders for All Pro? I have the game on slow speed and 0 speed threshold. I'd like to get the run game to come alive more than it has, tried putting run block at 85 and it's still like it being on 50 with just a few more 5-8 yard gains. Thanks fellas. So far though I'm really into this Madden unlike the past few versions, this one is a huge improvement.
Long time lurker on the boards from the first iteration of Madden. Madden is what brought me here. Big student of the game. Have tried my hand at all the iterations of the game thru the years. I play in the broadcast view. All Pro with some slider tweaks (lower pass accur, increase cpu run game, and their pass rash...and so forth.) I don't play online..well, rarely. I am all about offline franchise. I control all 32 teams. And play the games of my choosing each week. Could be any of them. Could be all of them at the end of a season. I am all about game play. Stats? Yeah, thats kind of beat for sim heads, but that's just not my bag.
This is the best this game has ever been. Is it a product of just being further into the tech, and the marginal improvements we beg for each year? Possibly.
But there is a lot of great things I am seeing. One, and I hate using this the organic feel to the game. Last year, things felt very scripted. This year, with the motion of the player, the weight of them...which has long been over due, the use of the rag doll physics ala backbraker which really seems to be amp'ed up from 25...the game has an entirely new feel on offense and defense. There are little things like having a bulky LB just blow up a line on a run play that was not there last year. The way the RB can bounce off defenders doesn't look preconceived. Try finally taking a 270 lb full back lumbering into the open field head on against a 180lb CB and we are finally seeing the results that should happen most of the time. The momentum of the players is really shining so far in what I have seen in my first 5 games.
A couple of the games I played...teams really played true to their real life tendencies. Seahawks and Marshon completely dominated me with Green Bay with their running game. He ended up with like 175 yards on 24 carries...all earned. The cpu running game is a thing of beauty and it doesn't take completely destroying other aspects of the game with sliders to make it happen. A little disappointing in the lack of penalties, but that might be something the devs can fix. Next the Falcons used great balance to beat me playing as the Saints. Thats the diversity I want to see in a football game. Is it just early playing...maybe?
Overall...great job by EA. This feels like a game they worked on and polished. Yes, some things need to be worked on...but I can finally feel that we have a game worthy of the NFL.
I've been very critical about Madden the past 7 years, but I will honestly say, I am really enjoying Madden 15 so far. The graphics the gameplay, lighting, camera angles, all kind of shocked me the first game I played. The game really looks like your are watching a CBS NFL game broadcast. Really liking the presentation, great foundation to build upon for future games. Need to play some more games to get deeper into the game, but I was thinking to myself, as silly as it sounds, maybe NFL2K5 can finally rest in peace in the back of my mine and be replaced with Madden 15??? So far it looks like EA is finally are trying to get Madden football in the right direction.
This is the first Madden since the ps2 days that I don't despise the way the player movement feels on the left stick. The super twitchy change of direction isn't there, and I love it!
My only complant so far is it seems like in the 4th qtr (AP default) the cpu becomes mighty qb and completes better thwen 80% of the passes after holding them to around 60% for 3 qtrs. Anyone else noticing this in there gameplay?
I really want to play this new Madden, but honestly I'm not going to pay $60 for it. If I can find a deal for $40 then I will bite.....
Last Football game I loved was NFl 2K, never really could get into the Madden series, BUT I miss playing football and I hear this version is much better than the past. Man I miss the video rental days as I would just go to Blockbuster and rent this title, also RedBox rents games but not for Xbox One/PS4.
Maybe I might buy the EA ACESS and have the game playable for 6hrs if it's still even possible?
On Xbox One all I really play is Battlefield 4, TitanFall, Watch Dogs and then my Wii U with the family.
This is far and away the best football video game title I've ever played. However, I would love to choke the person that designed the play calling menu, along with the individual that designed the lightning fast hurry up offense. Outside of those two things, I tip my hat to EA.
Best Madden I've ever played hands down. No debate in my opinion. It's just so beautiful & fun, on both sides of the ball for the first time ever. Good job EA
I think everything has already been covered, but here's my quick initial impressions:
I really wish they had left last year's Zoom cam in. I love how the game looks on Zoom this year, but it's just not a good camera for me play wise. Standard is better, but it's just so far away. I guess I'm going to have to pick either Zoom or Standard and hope I adjust.
Gameplay seems really good so far. I played the Browns against the Rams and their D-line flat out dominated me (as they should).
I love the matchup stick.
I prefer the traditional play-call screen, but I don't hate the new one as much as I thought I would.
Interceptions still seem to happen a bit too often.
For the first time, I'm trying to play 15-minute quarters. Feels really good so far.
The game definitely looks better, more polished than M25.
Makes me chuckle a little when I hear a song that's also in MLB 14.
I agree, had xbox one ea pass, bought ps4 version, had both systems on at the same time, ps4 is alot brighter, colors seem to pop more(if that makes any sense) not sayin xb1 is bad looking, ps4 jus looks better.........not a fanboy at all, love but systems
Funny you mention that bro. I was at Gamestop today and this guy walks in with his XBONE and 20 games. I ask him "let me guess, you're trading all that in for a PS4" he says "Yup, I made the mistake everyone else did, it was hard to leave everything on the 360 (achievements, friends), but I played Madden on Xbone then went to a friends with a PS4 to play Madden and that was the last straw."
Funny cause I was meeting a friend at gamestop, he was going to buy a Xbone for the same reason this dude did. Needless to say my buddy walked out with a PS4 (last one in stock, they had 15+ Xbones).
Now to finish my impression of Madden 15 (PS4). I love it so far. The playcalling this year is very impressive. I love the whole system and how detailed it is. Menu's are smooth, gameplay is smooth (very noticeable over the Xbone). Presentation is pretty sick too. Couple bugs I've seen is Fantasy Draft is pretty screwed up when it comes to drafting. McCoy, AP, Charles and the top RBs were there still in round 4. Game Prep isn't needed, just a complete waste imo, unless I'm missing something. Should of taken that time to let us edit draft classes instead. Roughing the passer gets called if a lineman BUMPS into him in any way. I still don't understand why the CPU goes for a onside kick when down 31-3 with 2min left.
Overall, it's Madden. It's the ONLY option we have, but it's not bad this year. I enjoy it but hopefully they will give us the option to edit draft classes. Then I'll be a happy camper! Hope you enjoy it!