Madden NFL 15 News Post

Madden NFL 15 is now available in stores. Be sure to read our review if you haven't gotten the game. If you have, leave your own impressions of your first play sessions in the comments below!

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 361 jwagner82 @ 08/28/14 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by dhuelsman8
Maybe it's just me, or if anyone has any tips for me, it would be great, but I am having a hard time making any sort of money in CFM. I like to rebuild teams, so I picked the Titans, and am always in the negative in team value, thus I am not able to resign any players come the offseason. And this was after an 8-8 year. Anyone know anything that could help me out or if they are having the same issue?
Have you tried turning the salary cap off, re-signing players (obviously, not anyone that would push you over the cap) and then turning it off after? I don't know if this works but it might. I'm re-building the raiders, and I was at 18m cash and 42m cap space, so I picked up 18m worth of players, and waited til the end of preseason to pick the rest up and they didn't seem to damage the $ number in the top corner.
# 362 SageInfinite @ 08/28/14 10:18 AM
I think route based passing would really help the game more than this "inaccuracy system" they added this year, or if they added it on top of this inaccuracy system, it'd be awesome.
# 363 l8knight1 @ 08/28/14 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
I think route based passing would really help the game more than this "inaccuracy system" they added this year, or if they added it on top of this inaccuracy system, it'd be awesome.
Try leading your receivers more, especially down the field as opposed to just inside or outside. Has worked wonders for me, especially this version.
# 364 Swamp Swagger @ 08/28/14 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by Quint75
Amen and Amen! Getting teary eyed just thinking about it...

Same here

# 365 johnnyg713 @ 08/28/14 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
I think route based passing would really help the game more than this "inaccuracy system" they added this year, or if they added it on top of this inaccuracy system, it'd be awesome.
Completely agree. Don't want to turn this into a wish list thread but the passing game really needs to be addressed next year. The secondary play is very well done. A little too overpowered? Sure, but I can deal with it. Since the team is definitely going the sim approach with madden, route based passing is a must and will balance out the defense. I love how defenders break on the ball and attack it while in the air. From what I've seen, receivers still wait for the ball to come to them.
# 366 TheBleedingRed21 @ 08/28/14 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
I think route based passing would really help the game more than this "inaccuracy system" they added this year, or if they added it on top of this inaccuracy system, it'd be awesome.
The inaccuracy system is great! On default All Pro head to head online, I was Buccaneers playing the Lions. The dude would not route blocking in so I got a ton of pressure and Stafford was missing everything. When he had time, he still was not the MOST accurate.

It works, but if you let a QB have tons of time, he is pro, he will not miss 5-15 yards most of the time. Usually when bad passes happen in the NFL, it is due to the QB having to get rid of the ball before he is ready due to a rush or tight coverage.

Last night in the same game, the throwing windows were TIGHT. Squeezing the ball in looked great.

To add: I like the idea of what you said WITH the inaccuracy system.
# 367 freekbird @ 08/28/14 11:16 AM
I have barely played any of the maddens since xbox360 came out (even though I bought them all day one and I played pre-last gen Maddens for hours upon hours) I would buy them, start playing the first day being all excited, then lose interest very quickly...I simply havent liked their franchise/cfm modes, which are the meat of the game for me. And even though I said I wouldnt, I bought 15 on tuesday because....football.

First off, gameplay is excellent and DEFINITELY the best its ever been (as it should be...finally) There are still little things here and there but its a video game and it meets realistic expectations. Though the play calling is awful this year...please let me change it back.

As far as the CFM...i knew sim stats were messed up, I knew the new confidence rating had some kinks...I did not expect what I got:

I simmed a season as my beloved Panthers who went 5-11, which is whatever, you never know in the NFL, dont care about that....but the stats...wow.

In preseason they kept 4 QBs and 5 TEs but cut all but 2 DTs...other things were weird too, I dont know what mushroom aided logic was used here...

Newton - 2019 passing yards...missed no games...7 TDs 17 INTs

he also led the team in rushing with around 600 yards, noone had more than 3 rushing TDs

the leading receiver (Avant for some reason)had less than 600 yards and 0 TDs. Benjamin as the #1 had less than 500 and 2 TDs (tied for team lead) and finished the year with 1 confidence

not quite as insane but troubling was defense, where the team that last year had more sacks than any team since 06 finished with around 20, lead by a backup DE with 7. Gano also kicked 54% of his FGs

The reigning coach of the year must have a really really awful system...

League stats of course were not much better, Brady led the NFL with 3600 yards and the most TDs were 27...2 people broke the NFL sack record including someone with 29...4 kickers had over 50 FG attempts and many more had over 40.

Then to the off season...they let Cam walk in favor of Christian Ponder, not that I really blame them with those stats but he was still rated high...

In the draft they only drafted 2 players because they traded all the other picks in order to have 17 (!) picks in next seasons draft.

I know these things are known, maybe theres no reason to complain about them yet again but its just mind blowing...did noone play this mode before they released it...I live near tiburon, just send me a game early and Ill test it for free...its unacceptable and much worse than I gathered from other threads.

EA, take a hint from NBA2k15 which is giving us fully customizable myGM mode....hell, I would be grinning from ear to ear for the next year if you gave us NFL Head Coach with new rosters and Madden 15's game play....why cant you just do that?

Sorry about the rant, just want people that havent gotten it yet that love dynasty modes to know what they are getting into...cant believe I let EA take my money yet again...is it October yet? NBA2k is looking pretty sweet...
# 368 SageInfinite @ 08/28/14 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by l8knight1
Try leading your receivers more, especially down the field as opposed to just inside or outside. Has worked wonders for me, especially this version.
More so talking about the AI. I see them throw some inaccurate passes(no slider adjustments yet), but still alot of balls being thrown at receivers and not spots on the field. Just doing the cover 2 drill in the skills trainer you can see the problems with passing.
# 369 SageInfinite @ 08/28/14 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by johnnyg713
Completely agree. Don't want to turn this into a wish list thread but the passing game really needs to be addressed next year. The secondary play is very well done. A little too overpowered? Sure, but I can deal with it. Since the team is definitely going the sim approach with madden, route based passing is a must and will balance out the defense. I love how defenders break on the ball and attack it while in the air. From what I've seen, receivers still wait for the ball to come to them.
With realistic movement the game would open up so much more. Better than 25 though. Again the defense seems over powered because the movement and some of the reactions are not realistic.

Also even though the offense has always been favored in Madden, they still didn't give receivers and qbs any enhancements to combat the new defense. Route based passing(throwing to spots on the route, back shoulder throws), and maybe signature(or varied route running) route running, body catches(to shield defenders away) definitely could've opened up this game and gave it a great balance.

Good step forward for Madden though.
# 370 SageInfinite @ 08/28/14 11:40 AM
When they add back or fix the QB styles and throw animations, I'll be pleased. If they removed the Tim Tebow throws it'd be the icing on the cake.
# 371 dhuelsman8 @ 08/28/14 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by jwagner82
Have you tried turning the salary cap off, re-signing players (obviously, not anyone that would push you over the cap) and then turning it off after? I don't know if this works but it might. I'm re-building the raiders, and I was at 18m cash and 42m cap space, so I picked up 18m worth of players, and waited til the end of preseason to pick the rest up and they didn't seem to damage the $ number in the top corner.
It's worth a shot, but if I can't use the salary cap space I have already ($51 million), what good is it to turn it off. It's just very confusing and having to gut an already average team isn't fun.
# 372 HealyMonster @ 08/28/14 11:52 AM
As a presentation "homer", I bought the game strictly based on the improved presentation elements of the game. I feel as though presentation is the key to submersion in any sports game. The best sports games ever all have 1 thing in common and it is solid presentation.

My feeling about gameplay and all that pretty much fall in line with the majority of ppl on OS. Better, not great, but also no reason for anarchy against ea. Good showing this year, some things need to be worked out, but also much improved over what we have been getting over the last decade or so
With that said presentation review

First the overlays pop up and go away too quick. Way too quick ruins the point of having them, I've mentioned that several times already no need to dwell on it

My own hypothesis is that the overlays are linked to the animation. So for instance at the start of the game they show a quick cut of the returner, and overlay pops, the overlay goes away as soon as that animation goes away. Same with the kicker. Even the lineups, everything pops up and before you even know what you are looking at, they disappear. I'm not hopeful that this can be patched as I think it's linked to things like the animations, so we may be stuck with it like this until they update the animations which may take a few years.

Even with the overlays going away too quick, they look great. All the overlays, the score bar, the pre game interface, halftime interface, all are really good looking elements. It feels like a cbs broadcast and just everything goes well together. What stats and info I can read on them seems relevant, so it's major major improvement over what we've had.

The only element that seems out of place to me is the intro to the game where the stadium transforms from metal to the actual stadium. Nothing else in the game does this, and it's not something you would see in a broadcast. You go from the preface intro where they highlite 2 players you feel like your about to watch a real nfl game, to that, it's like oh, yes this is a video game. It comes off as a lazy design decision. They could have the real stadium fly in, or show stadium shots without that element and it would work better. With that said, it's not horrific, it just kills a little of the immersion and broadcast legitimacy that the rest of the presentation package is trying to accomplish.

Commentary is OK. It's not the best ever, but not the worst. It is great for madden. Certainly there are thing you'd like to hear more of, some more sidebar things, but for what we have had over the years, this really isn't a bad job. It is what it is, and for the most part, it accomplishes what it needs to.

One thing about the commentary, both the main game commentary and the halftime commentary is that nobody ever mentions the score. At no time during the game or highlights does someone mention the score of game. This is so odd and puzzling to me. It would be nice if the score and some specific stats were mentioned.

The halftime show is another thing that is "ok". The main guy Larry Ridley isn't that great, but again, it is what it is, it's better than anything we've had last 10 years. He doesn't mention the score, the cameras for the replays shown are not too good, but in the end it isn't horrific. He guy does say some cheesy stuff, that takes away from the immersion " let's roll those moving pictures" just seems like they could have worked a little harder and smarter on it.

I really dislike the transition from the the halftime show to the 2nd half. I dislike it, because there isn't one. Sometimes it'll go from the highlite right to the kickoff screen with no transition.

I like the crowd reaction to things for the most part, and obviously some work needs to be done on the "living worlds" but the crowd seems to respond to what's going on during the game most of the time.

Some other bugs in the presentation are that sometimes the replay will start, then the screen wipe of the teams logo or "prime time" logo will pop, with the replay running in the background. This again, just takes the user out of their immersion in the game.

If next year, they offer broadcast view replays, make the overlays stay up significantly longer, and tone the halftime show to better recap the play on the field they will have a heck of a presentation package on their hands.

While good, I feel the presentation team left a lot of plays on the field. The way everything is presented I feel like they feel they "did a good enough job" unfortunately some of the things they messed up make the work they did on implementing them pointless (overlays). Even though I'm highly critical, I do respect the strides they have made, and they are on the right track. Can't say how much I did the overall look of the presentation. Really sharp.
# 373 xylocaine @ 08/28/14 12:07 PM
During evenly matched online games, you can really feel how powerful the defense is this year due to the low scoring matches. Only problem with this during the short online games is that one turnover and you are done since you sometimes only have to ball once or maybe twice a half. It's not a bad thing just way different than last year.
# 374 PacMan3000 @ 08/28/14 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by HealyMonster
As a presentation "homer", I bought the game strictly based on the improved presentation elements of the game. I feel as though presentation is the key to submersion in any sports game. The best sports games ever all have 1 thing in common and it is solid presentation.

My feeling about gameplay and all that pretty much fall in line with the majority of ppl on OS. Better, not great, but also no reason for anarchy against ea. Good showing this year, some things need to be worked out, but also much improved over what we have been getting over the last decade or so
With that said presentation review

First the overlays pop up and go away too quick. Way too quick ruins the point of having them, I've mentioned that several times already no need to dwell on it

My own hypothesis is that the overlays are linked to the animation. So for instance at the start of the game they show a quick cut of the returner, and overlay pops, the overlay goes away as soon as that animation goes away. Same with the kicker. Even the lineups, everything pops up and before you even know what you are looking at, they disappear. I'm not hopeful that this can be patched as I think it's linked to things like the animations, so we may be stuck with it like this until they update the animations which may take a few years.

Even with the overlays going away too quick, they look great. All the overlays, the score bar, the pre game interface, halftime interface, all are really good looking elements. It feels like a cbs broadcast and just everything goes well together. What stats and info I can read on them seems relevant, so it's major major improvement over what we've had.

The only element that seems out of place to me is the intro to the game where the stadium transforms from metal to the actual stadium. Nothing else in the game does this, and it's not something you would see in a broadcast. You go from the preface intro where they highlite 2 players you feel like your about to watch a real nfl game, to that, it's like oh, yes this is a video game. It comes off as a lazy design decision. They could have the real stadium fly in, or show stadium shots without that element and it would work better. With that said, it's not horrific, it just kills a little of the immersion and broadcast legitimacy that the rest of the presentation package is trying to accomplish.

Commentary is OK. It's not the best ever, but not the worst. It is great for madden. Certainly there are thing you'd like to hear more of, some more sidebar things, but for what we have had over the years, this really isn't a bad job. It is what it is, and for the most part, it accomplishes what it needs to.

One thing about the commentary, both the main game commentary and the halftime commentary is that nobody ever mentions the score. At no time during the game or highlights does someone mention the score of game. This is so odd and puzzling to me. It would be nice if the score and some specific stats were mentioned.

The halftime show is another thing that is "ok". The main guy Larry Ridley isn't that great, but again, it is what it is, it's better than anything we've had last 10 years. He doesn't mention the score, the cameras for the replays shown are not too good, but in the end it isn't horrific. He guy does say some cheesy stuff, that takes away from the immersion " let's roll those moving pictures" just seems like they could have worked a little harder and smarter on it.

I really dislike the transition from the the halftime show to the 2nd half. I dislike it, because there isn't one. Sometimes it'll go from the highlite right to the kickoff screen with no transition.

I like the crowd reaction to things for the most part, and obviously some work needs to be done on the "living worlds" but the crowd seems to respond to what's going on during the game most of the time.

Some other bugs in the presentation are that sometimes the replay will start, then the screen wipe of the teams logo or "prime time" logo will pop, with the replay running in the background. This again, just takes the user out of their immersion in the game.

If next year, they offer broadcast view replays, make the overlays stay up significantly longer, and tone the halftime show to better recap the play on the field they will have a heck of a presentation package on their hands.

While good, I feel the presentation team left a lot of plays on the field. The way everything is presented I feel like they feel they "did a good enough job" unfortunately some of the things they messed up make the work they did on implementing them pointless (overlays). Even though I'm highly critical, I do respect the strides they have made, and they are on the right track. Can't say how much I did the overall look of the presentation. Really sharp.
As a presentation guy, I appreciate this review. Great analysis.
# 375 TombSong @ 08/28/14 12:11 PM
It seems the same thing happens every year. The game is proclaimed the "best madden ever" and most are wowed by the texture upgrade, and presentation adjustments. Because the game plays a bit different "Mostly due to ratings adjustments" It gives the illusion the game is somehow "new." Once your mind catches up to the trick after playing 10 or more games you soon discover its the same stuff recycled. Some of us immediately see it and others ignore it and parrot the mantra, "Best Madden Ever"

I am still seeing the same stuff in madden 15 I have seen in every madden the past years. Bad pursuit angles, warping, sliding, missed blocking assignments(worse this year than last), suction blocking/tackling, animations negating user input, bad animations, QB contain don't work or is bugged(I have seen DE's get sucked right back into a block or for some strange reason loop inside, thus loosing "contain"(always the left DE)), pre-play controls are a hot mess(too many button presses to accomplish one task) stank(buggy) play call menu, still can't send more than one man in motion.

I played my first online game last night and it was no different from last year. Guy used the Browns and he could scramble around and wing it into coverage with manziel and make completions. Sometimes my "warp enabled" defenders would make a play but I still sa man times my defenders would just stand there and watch WR's catch balls right in front of them.

The defense has no situation awareness. A QB can be running full speed toward the LOS and they just stand in place making no move toward the QB. Its like they can't react until the QB has actually crossed the LOS. Players 10 or more yards away(even the other side of the field)
are reacting to juke moves, WTF ? There are times when I am running the ball, I try to go left but the cpu seems to take control of my running back and steers him right then does a juke move that gets him stuck on my linemen, WTF ?

There is a WHOLE lot I want to say, but talking about this stuff here ain't gonna bring about any "real change" in this game.
# 376 KingV2k3 @ 08/28/14 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by RexDEAFootball
The CFM stats issue is being worked on as we speak. I have total faith the team down in Austin will get this resolved. Appreciate the feedback, really happy you guys are enjoying the game.
Hopefully, they can also address the wack roster moves that have been detailed across the forum as CCM progresses into multiple seasons...

As a LOOOOOONG time hardcore player, this game is still on the (unprecedented) "No Buy" list unless / until BOTH the stat engine and the aformentioned roster issues are addressed...

That being said:

Much thanks for popping in and addressing the community!

# 377 alterno69 @ 08/28/14 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by HealyMonster
As a presentation "homer", I bought the game strictly based on the improved presentation elements of the game. I feel as though presentation is the key to submersion in any sports game. The best sports games ever all have 1 thing in common and it is solid presentation.

My feeling about gameplay and all that pretty much fall in line with the majority of ppl on OS. Better, not great, but also no reason for anarchy against ea. Good showing this year, some things need to be worked out, but also much improved over what we have been getting over the last decade or so
With that said presentation review

First the overlays pop up and go away too quick. Way too quick ruins the point of having them, I've mentioned that several times already no need to dwell on it

My own hypothesis is that the overlays are linked to the animation. So for instance at the start of the game they show a quick cut of the returner, and overlay pops, the overlay goes away as soon as that animation goes away. Same with the kicker. Even the lineups, everything pops up and before you even know what you are looking at, they disappear. I'm not hopeful that this can be patched as I think it's linked to things like the animations, so we may be stuck with it like this until they update the animations which may take a few years.

Even with the overlays going away too quick, they look great. All the overlays, the score bar, the pre game interface, halftime interface, all are really good looking elements. It feels like a cbs broadcast and just everything goes well together. What stats and info I can read on them seems relevant, so it's major major improvement over what we've had.

The only element that seems out of place to me is the intro to the game where the stadium transforms from metal to the actual stadium. Nothing else in the game does this, and it's not something you would see in a broadcast. You go from the preface intro where they highlite 2 players you feel like your about to watch a real nfl game, to that, it's like oh, yes this is a video game. It comes off as a lazy design decision. They could have the real stadium fly in, or show stadium shots without that element and it would work better. With that said, it's not horrific, it just kills a little of the immersion and broadcast legitimacy that the rest of the presentation package is trying to accomplish.

Commentary is OK. It's not the best ever, but not the worst. It is great for madden. Certainly there are thing you'd like to hear more of, some more sidebar things, but for what we have had over the years, this really isn't a bad job. It is what it is, and for the most part, it accomplishes what it needs to.

One thing about the commentary, both the main game commentary and the halftime commentary is that nobody ever mentions the score. At no time during the game or highlights does someone mention the score of game. This is so odd and puzzling to me. It would be nice if the score and some specific stats were mentioned.

The halftime show is another thing that is "ok". The main guy Larry Ridley isn't that great, but again, it is what it is, it's better than anything we've had last 10 years. He doesn't mention the score, the cameras for the replays shown are not too good, but in the end it isn't horrific. He guy does say some cheesy stuff, that takes away from the immersion " let's roll those moving pictures" just seems like they could have worked a little harder and smarter on it.

I really dislike the transition from the the halftime show to the 2nd half. I dislike it, because there isn't one. Sometimes it'll go from the highlite right to the kickoff screen with no transition.

I like the crowd reaction to things for the most part, and obviously some work needs to be done on the "living worlds" but the crowd seems to respond to what's going on during the game most of the time.

Some other bugs in the presentation are that sometimes the replay will start, then the screen wipe of the teams logo or "prime time" logo will pop, with the replay running in the background. This again, just takes the user out of their immersion in the game.

If next year, they offer broadcast view replays, make the overlays stay up significantly longer, and tone the halftime show to better recap the play on the field they will have a heck of a presentation package on their hands.

While good, I feel the presentation team left a lot of plays on the field. The way everything is presented I feel like they feel they "did a good enough job" unfortunately some of the things they messed up make the work they did on implementing them pointless (overlays). Even though I'm highly critical, I do respect the strides they have made, and they are on the right track. Can't say how much I did the overall look of the presentation. Really sharp.
My main problem with the presentation is that ALL the replays are tight shots, after seven games i haven't seen a single wide angle shot of a play, this is pretty bad for me, hard to appreciate a nice play if i can only see a couple of players filling 90% of the screen. has anyone else noticed or is bothered by this? It is kinda ruining the presentation for me, the half time highlights are useless to me because of this.
# 378 TeamHawkins @ 08/28/14 12:59 PM
Tombsong, you said a mouthful. This game is a wonky look-a-like from previous years. After plays, and even times during plays, the way players fall all over the place, and on each other just looks down right comical. Especially weird tackle animations. It effects the running game in a bad bad way. I am a beast at running the football still, even against the telepathy cpu defense, but it still just looks bad altogether.

Screen Plays: Every year, you get a 2 step drop and the defensive line is all over you. You basically have to throw the ball and hope it's caught. Or hope you catch them in a bad defense. Hope the DT doesn't run your RB down in the backfield. This is definitely evident once again vs the annual cheating computer A.I. that has some sort of speed cheat. Defensive Tackles all of a sudden run a 4.3/40 during screen plays.

Super Sim: I was playing in our online league vs the Saints. I'm up 24-7. The sim is also programmed to cheat scores. The Saints scored 28 straight points in one half to beat my Browns after I completely dominated them. The stats and percentages I accumulated throughout the game had no effect on the sim. My friend who was down 24-0 vs the Steelers in his game, Super Simmed the 4th quarter (while live streaming) and his Jaguars score 24 straight points to tie the game vs the Chargers, all in the 4th. Only to lose by 3. The Super Sim is completely senseless to us period. Now if you Super Sim play by play you get slightly better results. But our tests results conclude a senseless feature.

Online League Head to Head: This seems broken. We played a game last night, and after which the game did not register in the league. All stats lost including a monster night from Tashaun Gipson of my Browns with 5 ints. We tried again, and the same thing happened. Head to Head games aren't registering.

Defensive Backs: I've seen a few people notice this issue and I completely agree. Scrambling QB's do not get attacked if they get outside and past the DE, until AFTER they are well downfield. The defender in pursuit is the only player or players that can make a play. Otherwise it's easy yards. Also, too many QB's are scrambling and throwing across their bodies for silly looking completions.

I also noticed on multiple plays inside the 10 yard line the Defensive Backs actually standing BEHIND the goal posts. Absolutely ridiculous. On other plays defenders standing behind a receiver to allow a catch and make no move on the ball. While on other plays they will make a move on the ball. I mean there is no here nor there as to why it's so wonky.

Bad TE or Tackle Blocking: This has been an issue since Madden 2003. Horrible TE blocking while running the football. The animation where cpu defenders blow up the TE or Tackles directly into the RB is ridiculous. This should not be the only way the CPU can stop you, especially when it needs a stop. This is almost 100% guaranteed to happen.

Remember, if you are playing this game straight up, you will notice so much wrong with it, it can frustrate you into not wanting to play it at all, as it has in past years. If you are glitching, nano blitzing, cheesing etc... which most do, then they won't notice these issues or frankly won't care about them. But most people I play with play pretty straight up aside from the many who have to run Hurry-Up Offense with any team they use.

This game is not unplayable, but a hardcore gamer like myself can only tolerate it for a month or two before I'm done. I wish they would really get it together and develop a realistic football game, because I hate not having one for 10 months at a time.
# 379 mt8732 @ 08/28/14 01:24 PM
After about 2 days I'm done. All the stuff u just said above is why. Everybody I've seen say they love this game are all playing on all pro. Please play this game on all madden and then come tell me how much fun u have. I'm fine with the CPU out smarting me or having a better strategy than me and winning but not just cheating its way to a win. The game is so heavily scripted I know what's gunna happen before it does it and it seems like it knows what I'm doing before I do too. It looks pretty and all but its same old game from ea just defense got ramped up because seahawks won super bowl. If broncos would have won they wouldn't have even touched it
# 380 Beasta52 @ 08/28/14 02:21 PM
In CFM the options of selecting a TE as the LONG SNAPPER isn't available which raises the question why even add them to the roster? Let me guess Donny Moore thought he would get some brownie points by doing so. I do commend the effort but it has no bearing to CFM, a low rated player that can not be used for anything wasting a roster spot. Please fix

Update contracts such as A.Dalton, J.Casey, and others who have signed extensions put this into the next Madden roster update along with C.Newton, R.Kerrigan and others whose team's have exercised the 5th year options in the off season.

The CFM cpu drafting is pretty bad especially in the first round. Teams seem to draft with no logic.

Big names leave too early for example Andrew Luck due to programming not having simple logic and priority, Cam Newton because of his contract not reflecting what it is in reality.

The current NFL sack record belongs to Michael Strahan, with 22.5 sacks. Why in cfm are players getting 32, 28 sacks a season, multiply players sim stats is broken.

I have another concern will I.R. work this year? As in when the new updated rosters come out will Sam Bradford be on IR or will it just be listed just for looks. Madden 25 I.R was broken because I would but players on I.R but they would still account for a roster spot on my team.

One more thing please fix player regression.

I am under the impression that the DEV team just doesn't give a crap about CFM as in who is programming and testing the game, heck I would do it for free if its that hard to play and test a $60 game.

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