Madden NFL 15 News Post

Looking at the list of upcoming demos for the week (via PlayStation.Blog), it doesn't appear as though we will see a Madden NFL 15 demo this week and odds are we won't see one next week either.

Things could change, but it doesn't look like we get a Madden demo this year. It could have something to do with EA Access, but that is an Xbox One exclusive. Who really knows, but it certainly doesn't look promising.

We have sent a note to EA Sports and if we get an official response we will update this post.

UPDATE: Just received an official response from EA Sports. Confirmed: No Madden NFL 15 demo.

UPDATE #2: (Polygon received a more detailed response)

Update: While EA initially declined to comment on the reasons for the lack of a Madden 15 demo, an EA representative reached out to Polygon after the publication of this story with the following statement to provide some additional context: "The difficult decision not to do a demo for Madden was strictly a result of the team's commitment to deliver the highest-quality game possible. We chose to put 100 percent of our development resources toward the full game."

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Khanchus @ 08/11/14 09:24 AM
I had feeling, with some people hinting towards a no demo.

Im kinda disappointed for the fact the demo always helped me with the learning curve for each new madden.

Its ok tho, i can tough it out until the 21st. only 10 days away
# 2 eaglepoint @ 08/11/14 09:25 AM
Wow if this is true its complete bull***t and I own both Xbox one &ps4
# 3 ManiacMatt1782 @ 08/11/14 09:28 AM
I can understand it. every company has a bottomline, and those are resourses they feel a better used elsewhere. I would like a demo as much as the next guy, but I understand the business side of things too.
# 4 azdawgpound @ 08/11/14 09:30 AM
so basically we have to drop $65 to see even if we like what ea added or not? least with the ea access they only pay $5 to test madden out for 5 days before release so they can save $60... if they don't like it.
# 5 RogueHominid @ 08/11/14 09:34 AM
Not cool. I think a demo is particularly important with Madden because every year seems to contain several new features and initiatives, pushing questions about implementation to the forefront. If the design approach was more about polishing existing features, then I wouldn't worry so much about implementation, but that's not Madden's strategy, so I want to see the final build in a demo each year to assess the quality of the new features myself.
# 6 Gorilla Glass @ 08/11/14 09:44 AM
Haha - I knew it.

EA more than likely canned the Demo in anticipation of its new Access service and from a business standpoint, it's a smart move.

On the other hand, customers may see it as herding.
# 7 Mauer4MVP @ 08/11/14 09:47 AM
I have no problem with this. With the early access and the crazy Best buy deal, it really is a non issue this year.
# 8 Demoncrom @ 08/11/14 09:53 AM
Looks like I will be waiting for reviews to buy this game this year. After playing the UFC demo I decided not to buy the game and I am glad I did not. Maybe that are trying to avoid that scenario.
# 9 Mintsa @ 08/11/14 09:53 AM
Terrible news. I need a demo. Madden is one of the sports games I need a demo of to test drive the game. I will not blindly buy Madden anymore.
# 10 GingaNinjaUNC @ 08/11/14 09:54 AM
But what about the people without Access, and I'm talking about PS4 and the people on XBO that don't want to have to pay $30 for a taste. I get that there is a cost involved with making a demo, but to just decide it's going to be different this year without telling anyone, just rubs me the wrong way. I played M25, I was disappointed. I want to know if it's worth $60 this year, and if they are so confident this is the best Madden ever, why shouldn't they show us?
# 11 CM Hooe @ 08/11/14 10:04 AM
I'm not necessarily surprised because I feel like the games industry is trying to move away from demos in the general case.

Disappointing, nevertheless.
# 12 aceoye @ 08/11/14 10:13 AM
Yet watch NBA live get one again.. >.<
# 13 GingaNinjaUNC @ 08/11/14 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
The only thing that'd make this better is if they say no demos for any games this year. (Meaning it was a business decision to cut it). Because if it's JUST Madden, then that scares me that the game isn't where it needs to be. And that'll be more than sucky.
But they've already put out a demo for UFC. I know it's not exactly the same because that was their first and not a yearly thing, but at the same time, the UFC demo was pretty lackluster and turned a lot of people away. Every stream they say this is the best Madden ever, so it's just weird that this is the year they would decide to not have a demo.

And if it is a case of no demos for any games, then that scares the hell out of me for NHL, where we have seen ZERO actual gameplay with less than a month til release.
# 14 aholbert32 @ 08/11/14 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by azdawgpound
so basically we have to drop $65 to see even if we like what ea added or not? least with the ea access they only pay $5 to test madden out for 5 days before release so they can save $60... if they don't like it.
No. You dont have to do any of those things. You could:

1) Rent the game when it comes out.
2) Read the impressions thread when the game comes out and see how fellow OSers feel about the game.
3) Watch the hundreds of video clips that will be released after release day.
# 15 murph17 @ 08/11/14 10:19 AM
lame. i know demos aren't the easiest things to put together, but they couldn't have posted one of the demo versions from SDCC or Gamescon?
# 16 aholbert32 @ 08/11/14 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by GingaNinjaUNC
But they've already put out a demo for UFC. I know it's not exactly the same because that was their first and not a yearly thing, but at the same time, the UFC demo was pretty lackluster and turned a lot of people away. Every stream they say this is the best Madden ever, so it's just weird that this is the year they would decide to not have a demo.

And if it is a case of no demos for any games, then that scares the hell out of me for NHL, where we have seen ZERO actual gameplay with less than a month til release.
Thats the only thing that matters. UFC needed a demo because it was their first time out. Also complaints about the demo led to improvements in the actual game.

Madden doesnt need a demo. There is already a built in fanbase and the people who are unsure about the game will either take a chance and buy it or wait until they read reviews.

From a business perspective, I always thought demos did nothing but hurt sales. Typically demos are a stripped down version of the retail game and not a true representation of what the retail version is. The problem is people take it as a true representation.

With UFC, there were a bunch of complaints about missing elements that were in the retail version but taken out of the demo version.
# 17 wingster @ 08/11/14 10:22 AM
But they are talking about releasing a live demo early? These companies are backwards. Nba live sucks. And no I'm not buying that stupid access pass just to play it early
# 18 aholbert32 @ 08/11/14 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by wingster
But they are talking about releasing a live demo early? These companies are backwards. Nba live sucks. And no I'm not buying that stupid access pass just to play it early
Folks lets keep this about Madden. If you want to discuss other games releasing demos, thats fine. But dont use this as an opportunity to bash another game or complain about the exclusive deal...last warning.
# 19 aceoye @ 08/11/14 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by NYGiants4Natic
Remember when back in the days DEMOS was not a thought as you buy the game and you either like it or not or read a review on nintendo power magazine

I say about 95% here will buy Madden even if they get a demo and are not all that impressed. It happens every year.

Most times all you hear from people is ohhh Madden is nice and ohhh wow it feels better. Then 2 weeks pass and EA sucks and I will never spend another dime with them.

Yet a demo with 2 min quarters is suppose to make a break your decision?

How about you rent it when it comes out...Saves you tons if you dont like it
2 minuet quarter is long enough.. some people use madden demos to get a feel for the game to sway their purchase.
# 20 Steve_OS @ 08/11/14 10:39 AM
Just received official response from EA Sports, updated OP.

CONFIRMED: No Madden NFL 15 demo.

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