Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is currently livestreaming Madden NFL 15, detailing the presentation and graphics. (Note: As of 3:30 PM EST, the stream has now ended. We'll effort an archived version soon!)

UPDATE: Click here to watch the archived stream. (It takes some time to load...)

Here are some thoughts on the stream today:
  • The halftime show is definitely improved and of good quality. The problem will be most will find it perfectly skippable, but there aren't any real cases where a halftime show is must-see TV, even in real-life. It's sponsored by Verizon, so there's that.
  • Commentary was ok, you didn't hear much of it due to the dev commentary over the gameplay, but it seemed to flow a bit better. We won't know anything about that until a later date.
  • Coaches have unique body types and head models, so they do look better. Coaches we saw today (Reid, Tomlin mainly) were definitely a step up.
  • Celebrations and such definitely are smoother/more aware of the context they're happening in since they happen within the gameplay itself and not a loaded cut-scene. Still some wonky instances but overall better.
  • The developers talked about equipment a bit. The new uniforms for each team are going to be in, and uniform/helmet degradation are in as well.
  • Switching of cameras was very smooth, definitely a huge improvement there.
  • Sidelines are much busier now, more people on them, etc. They still don't look perfect, but from where we were to where we are now, huge improvement.
  • Overall the presentation is quite good in-game this year, it definitely has a new layer of polish on it that wasn't there last year. It's not perfect, but clearly its taken yet another leap ahead this season.
What did you think of the stream?

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 221 charter04 @ 07/31/14 10:31 AM
I know it's already been said but, I really hope they fix the replays. They are too short at times and some don't replay the important things. Like the Knile Davis fumble. The replay cut straight to the guys trying to recover and didn't even show who got the ball. Things like that need to be worked on before the retail.

There were some positives for sure. I still like the direction it's going. I don't want to be just negative but, I think it's important to point those things out so they might have time to fix.
# 222 jmurphy31 @ 07/31/14 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by charter04
I know it's already been said but, I really hope they fix the replays. They are too short at times and some don't replay the important things. Like the Knile Davis fumble. The replay cut straight to the guys trying to recover and didn't even show who got the ball. Things like that need to be worked on before the retail.

There were some positives for sure. I still like the direction it's going. I don't want to be just negative but, I think it's important to point those things out so they might have time to fix.
Or the touchdown in the end zone that was later reviewed.

On the original replay it basically shows a zoom in of the goal post
# 223 DNMHIII @ 07/31/14 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by charter04
I know it's already been said but, I really hope they fix the replays. They are too short at times and some don't replay the important things. Like the Knile Davis fumble. The replay cut straight to the guys trying to recover and didn't even show who got the ball. Things like that need to be worked on before the retail.

There were some positives for sure. I still like the direction it's going. I don't want to be just negative but, I think it's important to point those things out so they might have time to fix.
I hate to be negative also and I'm really hoping the retail release is solid, it's just so frustrating though watching a clip and seeing legacy issues and seeing the details of new features being poorly implemented almost to the point that it feels like they jus put it in the game to talk about something new but don't even care how it looks or how it works. Years and years of this over and over again, just makes you wonder why they can't get even something as simple as a replay done correctly before showing off the presentation off the game.

How the customer can look at clip of presentation/gameplay and immediately pick out something that isn't right or even close to looking right while a company is trying to sell you on how great it is shows what a huge disconnect actually still remains IMO.
# 224 Aggies7 @ 07/31/14 11:01 AM
Still holding out hope that since this wasn't a CFM this is the generic halftime show. Then when in CFM they at least run scores of other games and maybe playoff updates late in the year.

But from what I saw, it's good to see it's not silent during the halftime highlights like it was back at E3.

I maybe in the minority here but I think tackling looks improved. And I don't care about tackling cone I am just talking about the gang tackling and animations look better.
# 225 ABR173rd @ 07/31/14 11:03 AM
My biggest question along with one of my bigger gripes regarding CFM-

How does the presentation incorporate the new draft picks in regards to storyline- are the commentators going to acknowledge the new rookie QB's and in their future seasons acknowledge their accolades?

Am I going to get the same Drew Brees intro regarding commentary every season until he retires or will they reference his previous season and statistics?
# 226 Bootzilla @ 07/31/14 11:05 AM
My observations/questions.

Coverage issues could very well be tied to really poor defensive play calls by the user. 3-4 vs 4 wides???? C'mon.

Like the cpu QB movement in the pocket.

The Alex Smith scramble throw against his body while highly risky, the pass at least made the receiver "effort catch" stumbling forward.

Does the cpu use the coverage adjustments? Protect sticks, shade in/out etc?

I would like to see more wiggle out of the cpu ball carriers, especially someone like J. Charles in one on one situations.

Most of the pockets were pretty clean so I couldn't really judge whether or not accuracy is still too high. Did like how the one ball sailed a little bit on the one A.Smith pass.

Hated the Gerhart TD run. All the lineman standing straight up. Not firing out on the goal line? It's nasty down there. EA has done a poor job replicating these situations.

No huddle is still broken. It is humanly impossible to throw a pass 20 yards down field, with the QB and o-line obviously behind the line of scrimmage, and have a player tackled, the ball spotted and everyone in position and the ball snapped in 4 seconds. There needs to be some additional run off or make it take longer. It's really stupid as is.

Are we sure the second game was player vs player? I thought you couldn't flip camera angles in two player games....

Shady McCoy did seem a bit more slippery than other backs.

Drops a little high. Probably how they're going about creating better stats. Would like to see some bobbles or slightly off reaches that are harder to haul in.

# 227 GarrisonGrant @ 07/31/14 11:06 AM
Y'all are being a little too picky, too early. For one, the colors looked a little washed out because its on a TWITCH LIVESTREAM lol not your 50 Inch HD FlatScreen at home. Also, the Half time show in the Jags game looked pretty nice. Also, Idk what that guy is talking about Gus Bradley (jags coach) having an improper celebration after a sack. That was Chip Kelly who was upset. They got it right.

I also liked the run game. Last year there were too many times where there was a lane that was possible to break through but you ran into the back of your lineman and got stuck on or tripped. This year it seems pretty smooth when hitting the hole.
# 228 UH53 @ 07/31/14 11:07 AM
It's really hard to listen to them talk about uniform detail and textures when we have the same equipment as in gloves, cleats, sleeves, etc that has been in the game for years now! I don't like hearing them brag about an unfinished project because this is what they're delivering on PRESENTATION!
# 229 SageInfinite @ 07/31/14 11:12 AM
All my excitement, down the drain......welp, it was cool while its lasted...
# 230 Cowboy008 @ 07/31/14 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
How come the halftime show and the entire second half of the Steelers Chiefs game gone?
# 231 charter04 @ 07/31/14 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
I've come to the conclusion. Constructive criticism is good and helpful, BUT too many people here just nitpick over the smallest and dumbest things. If you want your experience to be THAT real, then go to the games or watch the TV, THIS IS A VIDEO GAME PEOPLE!!!!! (Yes, the defense needs to be improved from what we're seeing, [it should be improved in retail], and other things like player movement [should it look more fluid? yes, but not a deal breaker]) but seriously, enjoy the GAME for what it is, a GAME. If I wanted Madden to be as real as some people here want it to be, I'll go play for myself outside or watch the NFL on tv. Sorry, rant over.

Yea your right. They don't seem like the goal is to be authentic to the NFL. They probably won't even charge $60 for it. Your right about playing too. Going out with 4 or five guys like me who are average athletes gives me the exact same feeling as playing an nfl game as a elite player. Let's just be positive all the time so that way we don't hurt any feelings.

I don't understand why some are getting so butt hurt over criticism of madden. It's like we're talking bad about your girl friend that you thought was a 10 but, we're saying is a 6. If it's "just a game" then why is criticism of it seemed to upset some so bad?
# 232 Sheba2011 @ 07/31/14 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by treq21
Yeah, if you already own a next gen system. I dont.
After rewatching it on Youtube I am wondering if they jacked up the brightness settings to show off the jersey and helmet details better. Also I missed the Haltime Show on Twitch so after watching it for the first time I have no complaints with it. It is exactly what I want in a Halftime Show: quick, precise and to the point.
# 233 T5063 @ 07/31/14 11:19 AM
I liked the stat overlays. But most of them disappeared too fast.

It was nice to see that the drive summary is back.
# 234 jmurphy31 @ 07/31/14 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Cowboy008
How come the halftime show and the entire second half of the Steelers Chiefs game gone?
Not sure but I really wanted to rematch how the CPU played the last 2minutes of the first half. It didn't seem right watching it live
# 235 jmurphy31 @ 07/31/14 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by ABR173rd
My biggest question along with one of my bigger gripes regarding CFM-

How does the presentation incorporate the new draft picks in regards to storyline- are the commentators going to acknowledge the new rookie QB's and in their future seasons acknowledge their accolades?

Am I going to get the same Drew Brees intro regarding commentary every season until he retires or will they reference his previous season and statistics?
My guess is probably nothing. It's been the same for years.

I would like to know how they will handle those qb video montages for rookies, generated players, drafted players and traded players
# 236 CM Hooe @ 07/31/14 11:26 AM
I suppose I could be blind, I didn't really anything in this stream that bothered me. Not a whole lot that outright floored me either (except that one run by the CPU-controlled LeSean McCoy, I can't recall a CPU RB ever acting that intelligently or skillfully in Madden).

Would help if they had more enthusiastic presenters, certainly, and IMO they should bring back the slide deck so they can explain what we're about to see in the game and why it matters. Hard to pick up on everything just watching straight gameplay.
# 237 DNMHIII @ 07/31/14 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by GarrisonGrant
Y'all are being a little too picky, too early. For one, the colors looked a little washed out because its on a TWITCH LIVESTREAM lol not your 50 Inch HD FlatScreen at home. Also, the Half time show in the Jags game looked pretty nice. Also, Idk what that guy is talking about Gus Bradley (jags coach) having an improper celebration after a sack. That was Chip Kelly who was upset. They got it right.

I also liked the run game. Last year there were too many times where there was a lane that was possible to break through but you ran into the back of your lineman and got stuck on or tripped. This year it seems pretty smooth when hitting the hole.
Lol......so why was the first twitch livestream color so more vibriant?
# 238 charter04 @ 07/31/14 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
I'm not saying be positive all the time, like I said, constructive criticism is a good thing, it helps things improve. I guess what I'm saying is constructive criticism is good, nitpicking is bad. How's this analogy? It's like your working at your job... constructive criticism is your boss suggesting something and letting you work.. nitpicking is your boss micromanaging you and always over your shoulder until you meet their expectations. If that happens, it's NEVER satisfactory.

What do you consider constructive criticism v nit picking? Your analogy is flawed because I'm not their boss. This type of thing happens to every product that people spend money on and are passionate about. I do think some can go overboard but, everyone wants different things to be authentic. I care more about gameplay than uniforms but, some care a lot about uni's.

EA are the ones claiming that the goal is sim gameplay and authentic NFL everything else. That's the bar they set. Why should I lower it just because they can't deliver? MLB the show, FIFA, NHL, NBA 2k all get closer to the authentic bar that is set. I don't here Rex lowering the bar. That's why I'm on board with him and Clint because they seem to get it. I'm not sure the presentation guys understand how far behind they are from other sports titles.
# 239 charter04 @ 07/31/14 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
I suppose I could be blind, I didn't really anything in this stream that bothered me. Not a whole lot that outright floored me either (except that one run by the CPU-controlled LeSean McCoy, I can't recall a CPU RB ever acting that intelligently or skillfully in Madden).

Would help if they had more enthusiastic presenters, certainly, and IMO they should bring back the slide deck so they can explain what we're about to see in the game and why it matters. Hard to pick up on everything just watching straight gameplay.

I agree about the slide deck. That really helped in the first stream. It's weird that they said people complained about it so they were only doing gameplay. Who complained? Twitter guys?
# 240 friscob @ 07/31/14 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Would help if they had more enthusiastic presenters, certainly, and IMO they should bring back the slide deck so they can explain what we're about to see in the game and why it matters. Hard to pick up on everything just watching straight gameplay.
I actually prefer their "lack" of enthusiasm. Makes the presentation feel more grounded and not like they're some snake oil salesmen

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