Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is currently livestreaming Madden NFL 15, detailing the presentation and graphics. (Note: As of 3:30 PM EST, the stream has now ended. We'll effort an archived version soon!)

UPDATE: Click here to watch the archived stream. (It takes some time to load...)

Here are some thoughts on the stream today:
  • The halftime show is definitely improved and of good quality. The problem will be most will find it perfectly skippable, but there aren't any real cases where a halftime show is must-see TV, even in real-life. It's sponsored by Verizon, so there's that.
  • Commentary was ok, you didn't hear much of it due to the dev commentary over the gameplay, but it seemed to flow a bit better. We won't know anything about that until a later date.
  • Coaches have unique body types and head models, so they do look better. Coaches we saw today (Reid, Tomlin mainly) were definitely a step up.
  • Celebrations and such definitely are smoother/more aware of the context they're happening in since they happen within the gameplay itself and not a loaded cut-scene. Still some wonky instances but overall better.
  • The developers talked about equipment a bit. The new uniforms for each team are going to be in, and uniform/helmet degradation are in as well.
  • Switching of cameras was very smooth, definitely a huge improvement there.
  • Sidelines are much busier now, more people on them, etc. They still don't look perfect, but from where we were to where we are now, huge improvement.
  • Overall the presentation is quite good in-game this year, it definitely has a new layer of polish on it that wasn't there last year. It's not perfect, but clearly its taken yet another leap ahead this season.
What did you think of the stream?

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 261 jpdavis82 @ 07/31/14 01:51 PM
So they have scanned almost the entire league. A couple hundred will be in for 15, the rest will be added "soon". I'm wondering if they may add them in roster updates?
# 262 Cowboy008 @ 07/31/14 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
So they have scanned almost the entire league. A couple hundred will be in for 15, the rest will be added "soon". I'm wondering if they may add them in roster updates?
Would they even be able to do something like that through a patch?
# 263 RickyAC @ 07/31/14 01:55 PM
Watching this full full game footage finally helped me realize why I'm still not excited for Madden: They're digging DEEPER into the Uncanny Valley.

Player models and faces are the best looking they've ever been. The high graphical quality is serving somewhat to highlight just how bad the movement and animation system is. Players too often move like confused robots (which is exactly what they are) but the weird movement didn't stick out as much in Madden 05 when player models also looked like confused robots.

Madden players are not even close to running and moving and gesturing like real people. I know that no video game is ever perfect, but I also JUST watched the gameplay trailers for NHL 15 and FIFA 15 and those game's players at least run/skate/interact physically in a way that looks mostly like how humans really run/skate/interact physically.
# 264 jpdavis82 @ 07/31/14 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by RickyAC
Watching this full full game footage finally helped me realize why I'm still not excited for Madden: They're digging DEEPER into the Uncanny Valley.

Player models and faces are the best looking they've ever been. The high graphical quality is serving somewhat to highlight just how bad the movement and animation system is. Players too often move like confused robots (which is exactly what they are) but the weird movement didn't stick out as much in Madden 05 when player models also looked like confused robots.

Madden players are not even close to running and moving and gesturing like real people. I know that no video game is ever perfect, but I also JUST watched the gameplay trailers for NHL 15 and FIFA 15 and those game's players at least run/skate/interact physically in a way that looks mostly like how humans really run/skate/interact physically.
Madden is playing catch up to those games, Rex said they aren't there yet. I'm not sure why it seems like people expect them to somehow get there in one of these videos. Compared to what we've seen in the past, they've made real strides since E3 in just about every way. With that being said, the game isn't going to just magically change a week or two later. Watch the good and bad now, look for improvement in those areas in the future. It's baby steps but they are necessary. What matters is where this game goes from here and if the devs deliver as promised.
# 265 SageInfinite @ 07/31/14 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Madden is playing catch up to those games, Rex said they aren't there yet. I'm not sure why it seems like people expect them to somehow get there in one of these videos. Compared to what we've seen in the past, they've made real strides since E3 in just about every way. With that being said, the game isn't going to just magically change a week or two later. Watch the good and bad now, look for improvement in those areas in the future. It's baby steps but they are necessary. What matters is where this game goes from here and if the devs deliver as promised.
What's up with them removing QB sig styles? I thought this team wasn't going to be removing features?
# 266 jpdavis82 @ 07/31/14 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
What's up with them removing QB sig styles? I thought this team wasn't going to be removing features?
Has it been confirmed that they did?
# 267 charter04 @ 07/31/14 02:29 PM
Just to throw something positive out there: I love the new ability to switch camera angles in game. I also love the new zoom and defensive camera's.
# 268 jpdavis82 @ 07/31/14 02:30 PM
People can say that if the license wasnt exclusive that another company would have a much better game with better halftime etc... Why hasn't the same company made a halftime show that blows this one away since 2005? This halftime is VERY close to the current nba version of halftime.
# 269 Kramer5150 @ 07/31/14 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
People can say that if the license wasnt exclusive that another company would have a much better game with better halftime etc... Why hasn't the same company made a halftime show that blows this one away since 2005? This halftime is VERY close to the current nba version of halftime.
why do you feel the need to bring NBA up in regards to a halftime show?

I don't give a diddly poo what the NBA game does in regards to a halftime show...I care what the only NFL game brings in regards to a halftime show...and the FACT remains,it's STILL not up to par with what that "other game" did.
# 270 drlw322 @ 07/31/14 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Has it been confirmed that they did?
No but it seems like it from all the videos. Can you ask them it seems like they respond to u more promptly
# 271 greenegt @ 07/31/14 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by charter04
Just to throw something positive out there: I love the new ability to switch camera angles in game. I also love the new zoom and defensive camera's.
Looking forward to your sliders, my man.
# 272 oneamongthefence @ 07/31/14 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
So they have scanned almost the entire league. A couple hundred will be in for 15, the rest will be added "soon". I'm wondering if they may add them in roster updates?
There is more than 1600 active players on the roster during regular season. That's not close to almost. Its a bigger number than we have had in the past though. Hopefully they're in last gen too.
As far as the live stream game looks better but not as polished as it was in the last one.
# 273 jpdavis82 @ 07/31/14 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by oneamongthefence
There is more than 1600 active players on the roster during regular season. That's not close to almost. Its a bigger number than we have had in the past though. Hopefully they're in last gen too.
As far as the live stream game looks better but not as polished as it was in the last one.
No he said they have almost the entire league scanned but only a couple hundred are going in now.
# 274 jmurphy31 @ 07/31/14 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
People can say that if the license wasnt exclusive that another company would have a much better game with better halftime etc... Why hasn't the same company made a halftime show that blows this one away since 2005? This halftime is VERY close to the current nba version of halftime.
The eagles/jags was better than the chiefs/steelers and e3 one.

Dead audio space aside I wish EA would of just used a similar halftime show as NBA live. It had a ton of stuff in there.

Of course add in CFM stuff during a season would be much appreciated.

People bring up 2k footballs halftime for a few reasons.
- it looked like what you saw on TV. Replay wise and presentation
- people probably associate the halftime with the weekly sports center that league stats, stories, draft prospects.
# 275 SageInfinite @ 07/31/14 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Has it been confirmed that they did?
No, but they don't need to confirm it. They've been slowly removing it since 13. QB's seem to now all stand, move, and throw the same.
# 276 TOmuch81 @ 07/31/14 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
No, but they don't need to confirm it. They've been slowly removing it since 13. QB's seem to now all stand, move, and throw the same.

Agreed. Such a shame too.
# 277 charter04 @ 07/31/14 03:29 PM
Just finally watched the Half Time show and I really liked it. I personally like how long it went. It had a nice flow to it. Now they just need to build on it in the coming years.
# 278 Quint75 @ 07/31/14 03:37 PM
Late to the thread, just started watching the video.
First thing I noticed is that the Steeler's jerseys aren't dark enough. At the beginning when they meet before the game, they almost look charcoal in color. How can they get black wrong?
# 279 jpdavis82 @ 07/31/14 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.Smif
So they added pre-play fidgets to linemen but not to the linebackers and defensive backs? I don't understand that, how do you sit down at a table and say we are going to add pre-play fidgets to down linemen but not to linebackers or defensive backups? Is it that much more work? Tired of seeing every linebacker and defensive back in the same pre-play stance, I mean how hard is it to change that!
No all the players have pre play fidgets now. At least they did in the first stream....
# 280 iNolaNightmare @ 07/31/14 04:56 PM
I wish someone would put this on YouTube so I could watch it on mobile.

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