Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is currently livestreaming Madden NFL 15, detailing the presentation and graphics. (Note: As of 3:30 PM EST, the stream has now ended. We'll effort an archived version soon!)

UPDATE: Click here to watch the archived stream. (It takes some time to load...)

Here are some thoughts on the stream today:
  • The halftime show is definitely improved and of good quality. The problem will be most will find it perfectly skippable, but there aren't any real cases where a halftime show is must-see TV, even in real-life. It's sponsored by Verizon, so there's that.
  • Commentary was ok, you didn't hear much of it due to the dev commentary over the gameplay, but it seemed to flow a bit better. We won't know anything about that until a later date.
  • Coaches have unique body types and head models, so they do look better. Coaches we saw today (Reid, Tomlin mainly) were definitely a step up.
  • Celebrations and such definitely are smoother/more aware of the context they're happening in since they happen within the gameplay itself and not a loaded cut-scene. Still some wonky instances but overall better.
  • The developers talked about equipment a bit. The new uniforms for each team are going to be in, and uniform/helmet degradation are in as well.
  • Switching of cameras was very smooth, definitely a huge improvement there.
  • Sidelines are much busier now, more people on them, etc. They still don't look perfect, but from where we were to where we are now, huge improvement.
  • Overall the presentation is quite good in-game this year, it definitely has a new layer of polish on it that wasn't there last year. It's not perfect, but clearly its taken yet another leap ahead this season.
What did you think of the stream?

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 301 jpdavis82 @ 07/31/14 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by jmurphy31
In the nfl more of the halftime is dedicated to other games then the current one. You should know what's going on in your game you're playing it. I would like to know what's going on in games I'm not playing.
I understand but in a play now game, which is what this was, you wouldn't see highlights of other games. We have to wait for CFM and see what needs to improve in this crucial area.
# 302 Darth Aegis @ 07/31/14 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
They're just implementing it at a foundational level right now. It reminds me of red zone halftime more than cbs. The main thing is that it is accurately telling the story of the game, that's what a halftime show is supposed to do.
Not sure I really follow with the red zone thing since they show all the games, but whatever. It might be in the game who knows but im not giving them a pass on this. Its not like there reinventing the wheel or anything. Its the only sports game that doesn't show scores from around there league at some point. I know madden is light yrs behind those other sports titles but theirlittle brother NCAA figured it out and it was a awesome little feature. I know your 100 percent behind EA and thats cool, but I feel like I been walking around with egg on my face for the past 6 yrs.
# 303 GiantsFan2013 @ 07/31/14 09:23 PM
HUNDREDS of new face scans. That's impressive.
# 304 jmurphy31 @ 07/31/14 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I understand but in a play now game, which is what this was, you wouldn't see highlights of other games. We have to wait for CFM and see what needs to improve in this crucial area.
I'll wait for the CFM info but I'm pretty sure it has already be mentioned by developers that even in CFM games it's only your highlights at halftime. Plus there is no end of game recap.
# 305 jpdavis82 @ 07/31/14 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Cutler23
Not sure I really follow with the red zone thing since they show all the games, but whatever. It might be in the game who knows but im not giving them a pass on this. Its not like there reinventing the wheel or anything. Its the only sports game that doesn't show scores from around there league at some point. I know madden is light yrs behind those other sports titles but theirlittle brother NCAA figured it out and it was a awesome little feature. I know your 100 percent behind EA and thats cool, but I feel like I been walking around with egg on my face for the past 6 yrs.
How do you know it doesn't show scores from around the league? We don't know either way, until we see some CFM gameplay.
# 306 Darth Aegis @ 07/31/14 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by jmurphy31
I'll wait for the CFM info but I'm pretty sure it has already be mentioned by developers that even in CFM games it's only your highlights at halftime. Plus there is no end of game recap.
I hope thats not true, but I can see it. Another weak implemented feature.
# 307 Darth Aegis @ 07/31/14 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
How do you know it doesn't show scores from around the league? We don't know either way, until we see some CFM gameplay.
Your right we don't, I didn't say it wasn't,it just needs to be in there in this day in age. Games had it on last gen already hopefully in a week we will know and speculation will be over..
# 308 jmurphy31 @ 07/31/14 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
How do you know it doesn't show scores from around
the league? We don't know either way, until we see some CFM gameplay.
Developers said this was the case. Pretty sure it was in a e3 video, blog, or interview
# 309 oneamongthefence @ 07/31/14 10:13 PM
Maybe with CFM online, it would be hard to implement since games would be played out of order. Also if I have a Monday night game And looking for a playoff spot but I can get in with another team loss, I should know since I obviously wouldn't use my starters for the entire game with risk for injury. Its huge knowing what other scores are around the league inside games and if I have games that are played before mine.
# 310 4thQtrStre5S @ 07/31/14 10:25 PM
I think a lot of what I could comment on has been made already, so I'll touch on a very petty complaint. When choosing the final game they went with the Jags and Eagles, as we know - but there was plenty of mention of people wanting to see the Buccs....As lame as it may be, I am very disappointed they didn't show the Buccs and the new uniforms in game action....
# 311 jpdavis82 @ 07/31/14 10:26 PM
I'm not sure if its the retail build or not but someone has the game on twitter and is posting Vine of it

Vine name is Victionary, the person who has it is mutisland


# 312 Darth Aegis @ 07/31/14 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
How do you know it doesn't show scores from around the league? We don't know either way, until we see some CFM gameplay.
Another thought; if your doing a stream on presentation it makes no sense to me to not show everything involving presentation that's in your new product. That makes me think its not in there. Even if you didn't want to show anything you could of hinted at or mentioned something special in presentation with CRM this year. Who knows maybe EA has something up there sleeve to blow us away and waiting for the grand finale of the CRM news.
# 313 Darth Aegis @ 07/31/14 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I'm not sure if its the retail build or not but someone has the game on twitter and is posting Vine of it

Vine name is Victionary, the person who has it is mutisland


What is it this? Vine? Let us know I truly enjoy your posts on new info on the game
# 314 Cowboy008 @ 07/31/14 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I'm not sure if its the retail build or not but someone has the game on twitter and is posting Vine of it

Vine name is Victionary, the person who has it is mutisland


How can someone have the game already?
# 315 Cowboy008 @ 07/31/14 10:48 PM
If that is indeed the final build of the game why do we have to wait until August 26th if it's finished already?
# 316 vision @ 07/31/14 10:48 PM
In regards to the washed out color, it looked to me like the RGB range in the video output settings on that PS4 was set to "limited" instead of "full". Makes a world of difference. Anyone who hasn't done this on their ps4 should try it.. Depends on your TV.

Gameplay wise, looked pretty decent to me, although I suppose my expectations were low. I have already accepted that the animations are rather stiff.. But it does look better to me than 25. I like that you have to let off the sprint trigger to make a cut.

They do need to tighten the D.. Didn't see much improvement at all. Saw a few impressive looking gang tackles that I didn't see before. Much less flopping around on the ground like rag dolls.

Idk.. I'm not tripping too much, and I'm a sim head. Oh btw, the whole "it's just a game" argument is a bit odd to me. Of course it's a game.. But it's a game with the premise of emulating simulation aspects of football. Not too difficult to understand..
# 317 jpdavis82 @ 07/31/14 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
Especially if the GC's dont even have it????
Even AJ told me today they don't have the retail copies yet so I'm confused too.
# 318 StefJoeHalt @ 07/31/14 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Even AJ told me today they don't have the retail copies yet so I'm confused too.

Is it possible someone from "inside" had a build stolen maybe?
# 319 noshun @ 07/31/14 11:47 PM
Whatever happened to Beyond Broadcast presentation? Halftime was skippable...
# 320 Gman 18 @ 07/31/14 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
So they have scanned almost the entire league. A couple hundred will be in for 15, the rest will be added "soon". I'm wondering if they may add them in roster updates?
If I remember correctly, Clint told me they could do that

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