Madden NFL 15 News Post

EA Sports is currently livestreaming Madden NFL 15, detailing the presentation and graphics. (Note: As of 3:30 PM EST, the stream has now ended. We'll effort an archived version soon!)

UPDATE: Click here to watch the archived stream. (It takes some time to load...)

Here are some thoughts on the stream today:
  • The halftime show is definitely improved and of good quality. The problem will be most will find it perfectly skippable, but there aren't any real cases where a halftime show is must-see TV, even in real-life. It's sponsored by Verizon, so there's that.
  • Commentary was ok, you didn't hear much of it due to the dev commentary over the gameplay, but it seemed to flow a bit better. We won't know anything about that until a later date.
  • Coaches have unique body types and head models, so they do look better. Coaches we saw today (Reid, Tomlin mainly) were definitely a step up.
  • Celebrations and such definitely are smoother/more aware of the context they're happening in since they happen within the gameplay itself and not a loaded cut-scene. Still some wonky instances but overall better.
  • The developers talked about equipment a bit. The new uniforms for each team are going to be in, and uniform/helmet degradation are in as well.
  • Switching of cameras was very smooth, definitely a huge improvement there.
  • Sidelines are much busier now, more people on them, etc. They still don't look perfect, but from where we were to where we are now, huge improvement.
  • Overall the presentation is quite good in-game this year, it definitely has a new layer of polish on it that wasn't there last year. It's not perfect, but clearly its taken yet another leap ahead this season.
What did you think of the stream?

Game: Madden NFL 15Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 42 - View All
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Member Comments
# 341 jpdavis82 @ 08/01/14 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by Cutler23
I almost just fell off my desk chair. I needed a good laugh on a Friday.
Thanks for that! Lol
He said it, we'll see what happens from here.
# 342 playajay98 @ 08/01/14 11:19 AM
Really, really tiny gripe..I saw defensive players pointing to their nameplate post play when they were NOT the one to make the play. That's awkward. Other than that, I'm encouraged by what I've seen.
# 343 Darth Aegis @ 08/01/14 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
He said it, we'll see what happens from here.
I know lol. I just think as long as they can replicate it everyone will be happy.No need to create something new here. Sometimes I think ea over thinks things, keep it authentic and remember the little details that make it feel like a authentic presentation broadcast so special Thats all we need dont need tons of fluff.
# 344 kehlis @ 08/01/14 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
If you want your experience to be THAT real, then go to the games or watch the TV, THIS IS A VIDEO GAME PEOPLE!!!!!

This is such a tired rhetoric and needs to go away.

I know your attempting to get smart with others for whatever reason but you fail to see there is zero logic in saying this.

First, I'm willing to bet everyone here does watch the games when they are on and do go to games in person.

I for one play Madden when football isn't on. Now answer me this a quiet pro, how can I go watch a game at 8pm on a Wednesday night rather than play Madden?
# 345 kjcheezhead @ 08/01/14 12:10 PM
That video wasn't impressive at all. The only one I've liked was the first stream with the developers. The rest don't show the touted improvements. Inaccuracies are rare, the defense doesn't appear greatly improved. The stiff animations and sliding is very evident.

It's an improvement, but not that drastic. I see myself getting 4 weeks into a franchise tops before the game just feels stale and boring again. Too many legacy issues still.
# 346 vision @ 08/01/14 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
I dont mean this in a literal sense man. My point I try to make is, yes, the game needs to be and feel Authentic, BUT people ask for too much and are too nitpicky. It's one thing to want authenticity, it's another to ask for things as small as some people ask for. Main Point.. It's a game, why can't people just enjoy it for what it is... a game?

Dude.. you're in an operation sports, hardcore madden football thread.. We know it's a game. We know this. Some folks just want more authenticity to enhance the experience. Not too much to ask.

MLB the show is just a game. But they get the little things right that separate the gamplay experience from the rest. It's arguably the best sports game on the market. If you are satisfied with maddens presentation that's great, but certain people have different standards. It's ok .
# 347 vision @ 08/01/14 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
Yeah, maybe it's just because I have no problems with the game other than a few gameplay issues, so things dont bother me too much. THAT being said, maybe I think the tiny minutia is ridiculous because they should make sure they have solid gameplay down first, which as everyone knows they dont. idk. That's why The Show is so good at authenticity. Their gameplay is so rock solid, they can do the little things. Madden has A LONG WAY to go before their gameplay is rock solid. They shouldn't be focusing on the little things.
True that. Game play is more important. But I think that is a given. Anyway.. see your point.
# 348 jpdavis82 @ 08/01/14 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
Yeah, maybe it's just because I have no problems with the game other than a few gameplay issues, so things dont bother me too much. THAT being said, maybe I think the tiny minutia is ridiculous because they should make sure they have solid gameplay down first, which as everyone knows they dont. idk. That's why The Show is so good at authenticity. Their gameplay is so rock solid, they can do the little things. Madden has A LONG WAY to go before their gameplay is rock solid. They shouldn't be focusing on the little things.

How's this, a list of things Madden needs to completely overhaul.

They just hired the senior cinematographer for NFL FILMS as presentation director and after one cycle you're ready to overhaul presentation? This is the reason this franchise has suffered for years, lack of improvement upon the foundation. If we do what you're suggesting it will take 3-5 more years for this game to get where we want it. I do agree about ratings but you can't overhaul presentation and gameplay year after year and expect to get somewhere. ALL good sports games like FIFA, NHL, The Show, have had years of building upon themselves. Madden has never done that until now. This idea that you can just overhaul everything and the game we want will be there next year is a complete fantasy.
# 349 DNMHIII @ 08/01/14 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by A_Quiet_Pro
Yeah, maybe it's just because I have no problems with the game other than a few gameplay issues, so things dont bother me too much. THAT being said, maybe I think the tiny minutia is ridiculous because they should make sure they have solid gameplay down first, which as everyone knows they dont. idk. That's why The Show is so good at authenticity. Their gameplay is so rock solid, they can do the little things. Madden has A LONG WAY to go before their gameplay is rock solid. They shouldn't be focusing on the little things.

How's this, a list of things Madden needs to completely overhaul.

I think the problem a lot of people have though with the little things being wrong year after year is that most of it is caught almost immediately be people that don't get paid to make sure the little things get done right and that's frustrating especially when it goes on for years and years.

The little things could also be compared to putting square wheels on a car, you just wouldn't do it, but EA gets away with and somehow justifies it to themselves it appears continually IMO.
# 350 HealyMonster @ 08/01/14 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by DNMHIII
I think the problem a lot of people have though with the little things being wrong year after year is that most of it is caught almost immediately be people that don't get paid to make sure the little things get done right and that's frustrating especially when it goes on for years and years.

The little things could also be compared to putting square wheels on a car, you just wouldn't do it, but EA gets away with and somehow justifies it to themselves it appears continually IMO.
its also like, this is their first year, yes, but for instance the replays, they are implemented wrong. Like instead of doing it right, they throw them in and are like "we will improve them." Ive never seen a company implement stuff half way, and always need to improve everything because it isn't done right the first time.

Then theres the stat overlays. They disappear too quick. Its been that way for years when they do have stat overlays. JP tweets them and they say something like in final build it'll be better, but its not getting better. Whats the point of having stat overlays if you can't read them? They put it there just to be there, and not because they wanted good stat overlays.

Halftime show. Replays are bad/wrong. it was implemented this year, they did it wrong. its not like they took last years halftime show and used their replays with a new format. the built the halftime show from scratch, and this was what they came up with. for them to take the stand like "this is year one" is nonsensical.
# 351 PacMan3000 @ 08/01/14 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by HealyMonster
its also like, this is their first year, yes, but for instance the replays, they are implemented wrong. Like instead of doing it right, they throw them in and are like "we will improve them." Ive never seen a company implement stuff half way, and always need to improve everything because it isn't done right the first time.
Hit the nail on the head.

Here's the thing: Far too often, the people behind Madden go about implementing new things in a half-measured way. This causes problems, because instead of doing it to the best of your ability the first time, it's something that's only done halfway and needs additional attention the next year--when they can be using that time to work on something else within that area of the game.

I do think it's understandable that AI logic or other gameplay related issues might take a couple years. But do replays take a couple years to get right? Does the halftime show? How about a playcalling screen that doesn't block the game's presentation?

It's kind of like missing on high draft picks in the NFL. When you hit on them, you can focus your energy on other aspects of your team, and you can get better, much faster, across the board. But when you're missing--or at best just finding average talent, you have to keep wasting time and resources to improve at a position that, if done right the first time, would already be a strength.

I think there's a ton to like in Madden 15--but I think things like replays, halftime, play call screens--these should already be your strength and not a single additional ounce of energy should be spent on them--because they would've already been done right.
# 352 TTD71 @ 08/01/14 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
... ALL good sports games like FIFA, NHL, The Show, have had years of building upon themselves. Madden has never done that until now. This idea that you can just overhaul everything and the game we want will be there next year is a complete fantasy.
FIFA, NHL and The Show had solid foundations and then began steadily improving them...in fact each of those titles had a serious problem with a previous foundation, overhauled themself completely and THEN made consistent and steady improvements to become the gold standards for their respective sports in videogame representations. FIFA was getting pounded by PES for a long time actually...NHL was actually considered worse than NHL2K for a good stretch (though NHL2K was also widely panned)...The Show was well behind MVP baseball for a long time as well.

FIFA still has PES to compete with every year...
NHL and The Show have been largely competition free...
So, its not ONLY competition that drives studios to better games (though in no way does competition ever HURT game progression)...

Until Madden breaks down and sheds all of their legacy issues, they can't get into the conversation with the other good sport simulations.

Of course, I find it quite amusing that I picked up NBA2K14 for my PS4 and was totally blown away by it while fans of the series on last gen systems tell me this version totally sucks and that 2K needs to "get back to basics and fundamentals"...it sounds so much like the conversations between Madden vets that it made me laugh to myself...the more things change for some, the more they stay the same for others I guess!
# 353 greenegt @ 08/01/14 02:34 PM
The new zoom cam has really grown on me. I think I'll end up using that as my main camera for offense.
# 354 NDAlum @ 08/01/14 02:36 PM
Forgive me if this has been answered: will online CFM users get the new presentation features? Or any features at all?
# 355 jpdavis82 @ 08/01/14 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by TTD71
FIFA, NHL and The Show had solid foundations and then began steadily improving them...in fact each of those titles had a serious problem with a previous foundation, overhauled themself completely and THEN made consistent and steady improvements to become the gold standards for their respective sports in videogame representations. FIFA was getting pounded by PES for a long time actually...NHL was actually considered worse than NHL2K for a good stretch (though NHL2K was also widely panned)...The Show was well behind MVP baseball for a long time as well.

FIFA still has PES to compete with every year...
NHL and The Show have been largely competition free...
So, its not ONLY competition that drives studios to better games (though in no way does competition ever HURT game progression)...

Until Madden breaks down and sheds all of their legacy issues, they can't get into the conversation with the other good sport simulations.

Of course, I find it quite amusing that I picked up NBA2K14 for my PS4 and was totally blown away by it while fans of the series on last gen systems tell me this version totally sucks and that 2K needs to "get back to basics and fundamentals"...it sounds so much like the conversations between Madden vets that it made me laugh to myself...the more things change for some, the more they stay the same for others I guess!
That's their focus right now, eliminating exploits and legacy issues. I think if they stay on this path they will be right with FIFA and NHL in the next year or two.
# 356 iLLWiLL @ 08/01/14 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I'm working so I don't have time to respond in detail. To answer your question about Gerhart, aj said different players have different celebration styles and that was supposed to be more reserved, ala Barry Sanders.
I'm sorry, dude. I appreciate your pro-Madden enthusiasm and all.

But sometimes your inability to simply be objective is annoying. Toby Gerhart wouldn't just keep the ball and slowly jog back to the sideline following a TOUCHDOWN. Even more so, his teammates & lineman wouldn't just let him do that, even if Gerhart does have a more laidback personality, his teammates would still be swarming him and slapping him on the helmet and such. Same goes for the Eagles Jordan Matthews TD. A rookie catches a bomb TD over the middle, and he just turns back and jogs back to the sideline...with football in hand! I'm sure the refs are thinking, "Uhh, we're going to need that football, son." Again, all of J-Matt's teammates are just jogging back to the sideline, too! NO EMOTION! Don't try to defend that! Just take it, and accept that this & that shouldn't work this way, etc...
# 357 Desolationmike @ 08/01/14 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBlue76
There is no reason why America's number one sport (by a mile) should be this far behind the 8 ball when it comes to player movement and realistic interactions.
THIS! There's no reason Madden, which receives far more exposure and sales than NHL or FIFA(at least in America) should be behind those games! I understand that maybe this year is the first time their taking presentation seriously, but is it so unreasonable to ask WHY? You would assume the art team is seperate from gameplay so it's not like they need to split resources, beyond that they should be receiving more resources conidering Madden gets far more attention than other EA Sports properties. So why is it that NHL and FIFA are so much better in those departments? Do those teams understand their respective games better? I see no reason why Madden isn't the standard for EA with everything else trying to be on par with it.

That being said I'm excited for Madden this year and plan on doing an in depth CFM with my cousin. I just can't help but be baffled by the fact that EA has Madden, ESPN and a every oppurtunity to make a quality presentation but seemingly refuse to.
# 358 jpdavis82 @ 08/01/14 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by iLLWiLL
I'm sorry, dude. I appreciate your pro-Madden enthusiasm and all.

But sometimes your inability to simply be objective is annoying. Toby Gerhart wouldn't just keep the ball and slowly jog back to the sideline following a TOUCHDOWN. Even more so, his teammates & lineman wouldn't just let him do that, even if Gerhart does have a more laidback personality, his teammates would still be swarming him and slapping him on the helmet and such. Same goes for the Eagles Jordan Matthews TD. A rookie catches a bomb TD over the middle, and he just turns back and jogs back to the sideline...with football in hand! I'm sure the refs are thinking, "Uhh, we're going to need that football, son." Again, all of J-Matt's teammates are just jogging back to the sideline, too! NO EMOTION! Don't try to defend that! Just take it, and accept that this & that shouldn't work this way, etc...
Gerhart is reserved for sure. Yeah teammates would tap him on the helmet, but they do that at other points in the stream, it's not like they didn't do the things you're mentioning at all.

# 359 iLLWiLL @ 08/01/14 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Gerhart is reserved
LMAO! I rest my case. Just like another poster said, you just skirt around the issues.

Like I said -- even if Gerhart IS reserved -- his teammates would be swarming him, giving hi-fives, etc. Instead, he & his teammates are just like, Doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, back to the sidelines.

At least the crowd is more excited than the entire team and their response is appropriate. They show more emotion than the players do.
# 360 jpdavis82 @ 08/01/14 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by iLLWiLL
LMAO! I rest my case. Just like another poster said, you just skirt around the issues.

Like I said -- even if Gerhart IS reserved -- his teammates would be swarming him, giving hi-fives, etc. Instead, he & his teammates are just like, Doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, back to the sidelines.

At least the crowd is more excited than the entire team and their response is appropriate. They show more emotion than the players do.
I said they would be tapping him on the helmet, I was just showing he is reserved too.

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