Madden NFL 13 News Post

While most of the Madden NFL 13 news out of E3 seems to be positive, we now have something that could turn into a very big issue. Especially if you enjoy roster editing or use edited rosters created by others.

There seemed to be some confusion about edited rosters. More specifically, if edited rosters could be used in Connected Careers Mode.

I sent a few messages to Justin Dewiel, Community Manager at EA Sports earlier this afternoon and received the following responses.

You can edit rosters outside of CC. But you can’t bring them into CC.

If you start a new CCM career after one of Donny Moore’s releases you can start with that new roster.

Basically, we have to rely on Donny Moore's roster updates, throughout the season, instead of grabbing updated rosters from the many talented roster editors out there, or simply editing on our own.

Jean Adams, Art Director for Madden NFL 13, mentioned the following, in his presentation blog, which was posted in late April.

Mixing and matching the new NIKE uniforms, cleats, face masks, sleeves and other yet to be released gear will keep me and many gamers out there in edit player for hours.

Hmmm. I somehow doubt many gamers will be playing around much in edit player, if we can't use the edits in anything other than a Play Now session.

Josh Looman, Madden NFL 13 Senior Designer mentioned on Twitter the following glimmer of hope.

We just ran out of time. It will be in there at some point in the future.

Does he mean Madden NFL 14 or could the Madden NFL 13 team add the editing ability in a Title Update or fix the issue before its August 28th release date? I think I speak for everyone, when I say the sooner, the better.

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Platform: PS3 / Wii U / Xbox 360Votes for game: 77 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 Tweeg @ 06/12/12 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by CKW11
So let me get this straight, I could be missing something here and I hope I am.

I usually create myself and put this player on my team's roster, and use him as my QB in Franchise Mode. So from what I'm getting is I won't be able to do this anymore because I can't use an "edited" roster in CCM?

I hope I'm wrong, I could always create myself and do the Superstar side of CCM but I like having control over my team.
Unfortunately, you are all too correct. This will also be the first time in a lonngggggg time..atleast 10 years, that I cannot create a team full of guys to play co-op franchise with a friend. Hell, from what I see, I won't be able to play co-op with a friend period.
# 222 Bigmac612 @ 06/12/12 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by bichettehappens
Well we've still yet to see the Trey Wingo implementation during the draft, or if any of these storylines get touched on in the commentary, but regardless of whether this stuff is in NBA 2K or not... It's never been in Madden and it's a big improvement over how scouting and the draft class was represented during the season. Players choosing to go back for a senior year and you seeing them pop up in next year's class? Getting injured at the combine and seeing their stock fall? Things like that add a lot of realism and immersion for me.
I guess bro...the problem is this..they are advertising this as something you never seen before in a sports game period...but in fact we have...like seriously most of the stuff you mention other games have it or have done it..as far as draft classes go other games have gave us complete control over them...so we can either make our own or roll with theirs..and guess what?? They report on what happens to! Sure they dnt have Trey Wingo or etc reporting on it...oh wait..one game did a few yrs back...but they've been also able to add all of these features and still kept everything intact...

Screw those lame excuses by EA saying they cant do somethin because of bugs or they ran out of time...i can change my player name, #, accessories in my assoc. And it will make the necessary changes with an actual picture of them on their storyline news feed...sooo dnt feed me that bs that it cant be done when one game has done it for some years now..its bs, plain and simple!

this was a mode to appeased the online ppl for their lack of options...period..and you actually didnt make anything better..u just made one mode worse to give off the illusion that things actually got better with the other one...

As far as the new comm. RTP..new lighting..equipment, jerseys etc..i feel that alone was enough for madden 13...but i see Nothing special about this CC...the old franchise with a few updated ish here and there would have certainly been better than this dictatorship of a mode called CC...damn atleast in superstar mode last year i could control the D and kicking game...man this sucks...

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# 223 TrapStar215 @ 06/12/12 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by Tweeg
Unfortunately, you are all too correct. This will also be the first time in a lonngggggg time..atleast 10 years, that I cannot create a team full of guys to play co-op franchise with a friend. Hell, from what I see, I won't be able to play co-op with a friend period.
And I think you are all to correct.
# 224 Jrocc23 @ 06/12/12 05:20 AM
Originally Posted by bpac55
Yep this is a total game killer for me. I am an offline franchise guy and NEVER played an online franchise...and I don't plan on it. I love realism and and being able to customize things how I want them. This includes changing draft classes to represent actual players since the imported drafts are so botched up. Well those days are gone. What a total BS move by EA.

Back in April EA made a big deal about presentation with these photos...

Look at all this new stuff that WE CAN'T PUT ON OUR PLAYERS!!!
But hey we can edit them for 1 play now game vs the CPU...score one for us offline playesr.
Hold on! Please don't tell me that I can't edit the rosters once I am in CC Mode. I have XBOX Live and everything, but I only play Madden for offline franchise, and I love importing draft classes and fixing the players up because they don't resemble their look from NCAA at all. So, basically I can't even fix that? I thought we just had to use default rosters for CC, but once we got in there we could edit the rosters. This will be a deal breaker for me if I am understanding right....
# 225 StanleyStutters @ 06/12/12 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by bichettehappens
If you have online accounts for 2 different profiles then that would work, yes. Might need to buy an individual online pass for Madden ($10) I believe. A pain and an inconvenience, but at least somewhat of a work-around until they implement multi-team control back into the game.
Do you have any confirmation from EA that this would work? From what I've seen it looks like the only way to have two people playing on the same console is Play Now mode.
# 226 HammerOfGod @ 06/12/12 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by Jrocc23
Hold on! Please don't tell me that I can't edit the rosters once I am in CC Mode. I have XBOX Live and everything, but I only play Madden for offline franchise, and I love importing draft classes and fixing the players up because they don't resemble their look from NCAA at all. So, basically I can't even fix that? I thought we just had to use default rosters for CC, but once we got in there we could edit the rosters. This will be a deal breaker for me if I am understanding right....
You can't take an edited roster into CC, and you can't edit once you're in CC. Also, Importing draft classes has been removed from this game.
# 227 bluestreak10 @ 06/12/12 06:15 AM
doesnt really bother me never edited rosters or used anyone's roster download..
# 228 briz1744 @ 06/12/12 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by moneal2001
I posted the idea to bring back custom rosters for CC on the game changers website :http://www.easports.com/gamechangers...mpaignId=27782 everyone needs to go there and vote for it and comment on how badly you want it back.
More people need to do this quick, the idea has 2 votes whilst for examlpe fantsy drafts have over 250
# 229 briz1744 @ 06/12/12 06:54 AM
This is a total kick in the teeth to guys who played offline franchise for years tryin to realistically represent the NFL,to hear all the new bells and whistles being advertised ...get hyped for the new game and then find out they come at the expense of accurate rosters and any player editing whatsoever is gut wrenching.
We can only hope donny moore does a far better job than in the past but I'm not optimistic judging from past efforts and the fact that he's limited by a maximum limit to the number of players in the game unless this has been changed , which I doubt.
Here's hoping this changes 4 M14 or can be patched (hope springs eternal !) And be sure to let EA know how strongly you resent this!
# 230 Jd_Seven @ 06/12/12 07:33 AM
I think this is such a bad move for EA. They will lose many many users who rely on editing rosters for a better, more realistic experience during franchise. Lets face it. EA never has depth charts correctly and some of the ratings can be a little out of place in the eyes of the majority of users. People have many different opinions than to 1 single guy, DM!

I understand it for online in CC, but for offline? COME ON!

I want to play the game how I want to play the game. Seriously, you guys here OS, Steve, need to consider really getting this message across because your boards are filled with franchise roster editing, even franchise gameplay sliders (speculating here, but guessing it's the same deal, no edited sliders during CC)! It isn't some handfull of guys, it's plenty.

If there is any online community that has something to say it, it has to be you guys. You are telling me there is not enough time to implement this feature in now? absurd. They must be at least still a month and a bit away from going gold.

Guys seriously, We need to stop this "Let's hope the next Madden is better" because thats the BS that comes up every single year. Add one feature, take out another. It's cyclic, they will add the old stuff in next year...but remove something else.
# 231 msdm27 @ 06/12/12 07:37 AM
I've already commented a lot in the previous Player Edit thread but I'll give it my last two cents...

* In the recent video where Josh Looman talks about in-season scouting (some awesome tidbits there btw, really makes you excited for the game, until you know, you remember the awgly truth) he mentions that CCM is trying to do something that has never been done before....

OH HE'S SO RIGHT!!! No game has ever completely taken customization options away from their users

People even wonder if some of us care more about this than gameplay... well, immersion is what makes the gameplay matter, is not like I'll play months worth of play now mode. I guess for some people it's all cool as long as they added a "dynamic" twitter feed... Well I say, what good does a dynamic twitter feed if I'll be getting these news "Shafazz Tumbleweeter, the 6'0" 202lbs QB out of San Jose St. looks like a lock in the top 10 of next years draft"

* I could understand the "run out of time", "it was a whole new mode" excuses IF only they hadn't touted PLAYER EDITING as HUGE NEW FEATURE just LAST YEAR!!!!

They said it, again Looman, they stated player editing was a huge desire of the community and they were bringing it back... now they just ran out of time to put it in thise year? CHILD PLEASE!

I just wish I could get where they got this thought process from, I can 99% guarantee NOBODY sent them a letter, request, opened a thread, sent them a tweet, complained.... that read "this player editing feature is a complete gamebreaker, how can we have the ability to edit players in the game I paid for? huge mistake EA"

But hey, EA thought it would be cool
# 232 CT Pitbull @ 06/12/12 07:41 AM
if they have the ability to change this or fix this asap....either in a patch or before the game ships i hope they do so....even if its just allowing us to edit equipment or numbers only....give us back something to show you care...lol..EA is definitely their OWN WORST ENEMY

still cant wait to play the game though...but its ridiculous that they did this ...if you couldnt edit players in CC then CC was NOT READY for this years madden...shouldve stayed with franchise mode for ONE more year till CC was completely finished in josh's words.........."the right way"
# 233 msdm27 @ 06/12/12 07:52 AM
Sorry, just one more thing...

It bugs me that people act as if hardcore gamers was defined by whether you hang in forums or not and "casual" gamers is people that just buy the game and play it.... Guess what, people that don't read the forums and just buy the game to play it ARE NOT STOOPID! They at least know something about the nfl.

Do some people really think the "casual" gamer is gonna be ok when he's starts a CCM as his own player and after 2 years he wants to play as someone else only to find out his original player had to retire after being a 2 year pro? (That is something a casual gamer won't know until he finds out the shocking truth by the time it's too late because EA already has his money)

BTW, imo one of the best ways to help reduce this player edit mess would be to eliminate the DE position as a generic and just turn it into DE/OLB and then the drafting/fa signing/scheme logic wouldn't be so flawed... but hey, how could they possibly ever think of this?
# 234 CatMan72 @ 06/12/12 08:14 AM
So if you are running a "franchise" through CC you can't edit any of the players in that "franchise"?
# 235 BreaksoftheGame @ 06/12/12 08:24 AM
Last year was the first year I didn't buy Madden.....with the inability to play a "franchise" with edited league this will continue.

EA as a company continues to push me away from video games. Customization is key for me.

I would actually like to play more video games but with NCAA basketball not being made (nor the rosters fully editable, jumpshots, class etc....) I continue to find no reason to support EA sports games.
# 236 Jd_Seven @ 06/12/12 08:31 AM
I touched on this in my previous post in this thread, and have not found any information on slider editing in CC looking on. Is it possible? is it allowed in offline CC for my OWN custom sliders?

I just can't find any information regarding this, anyone got a heads up if this is in the same case with the roster editing?
# 237 SeahawksFan89 @ 06/12/12 08:44 AM
Can't imagine they will be able to patch player edit in time, so the best I can hope for is Madden 14.... Until then I'll stick with Madden 12, it may not have a fake twitter feed or Trey, but at least I can play my way with 32 team control and full player customisation.

Just feels like the dev team have gone all out for online and have sacrificed offline gamers in the process....
# 238 Yeats @ 06/12/12 09:12 AM
I usually spend more time editing than I do playing, so this news makes Madden 13 an automatic no-purchase for me. That said, I think I understand what they're trying to accomplish with CC. It sounds innovative. It's too bad editing was removed, but I can see how CC can and will appeal to the 95% of Madden gamers who have no interest in player editing, and who simply want to get on with playing the game.

This trend of developing games specifically with the online gamer in mind has been going on for years. I'm not surprised at all by any of this. And maybe that's why it doesn't bother me: I'm resigned to the fact this is the direction all games are headed.
# 239 Herky @ 06/12/12 09:22 AM
Going back to 2005 I remember how awesome the community has been here with player edits, creation, and various roster tweaks that were done almost monthly. I will have to say I will miss all the hard work people have done in the past on here. I created rosters in 2006 and 2007 in here for PS2 and although it was a lot of work, it was something that I enjoyed doing. Others did a great job with rosters over the years as well.

Last season I created around 55 free agents to fill the pool up with guys who were not in the game. I liked seeing Brett Favre in the FA pool, or having the ability to sign Randy Moss mid-season if I wanted. That may seem obsessive to some, but it made my Madden experience realistic and unique.

Like the poster above, I too spent a lot of time editing rosters. I wouldn't get my "real" franchise started until late September or early October because of the time I would put in to get the rosters where I wanted them.
# 240 TreFacTor @ 06/12/12 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Rawdeal28

whose stupid *** idea was this? WTF makes them think Madden is a 1 player game???

ok hold, let me calm down.

what if i made my Franchise an online franchise. could we play a 2 player franchise that way even though we are on the same console?

im getting this for the 360 so couldnt we take advantage of the fact that u can sign in with 2 different profiles?
Both profiles will need the online pass and Live Gold subs. So you will buy one copy of Madden that has the online pass, and have to buy one additional online pass.

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