NBA 2K10 News Post

The NBA 2K10 patch has been released for the 360. Please post all your impressions here.

The PS3 patch will be released at a later date.

What fixes are in the patch? Click here to find out.

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Member Comments
# 421 Goffs @ 11/07/09 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Keaton
Yeah, I dont try many myselg but got 5 from Toronto...4 Calderon/DeRozan. I like to get an Alley or even two, but 5 isnt funny...alley slider is at 15, have to lower it.
i have played at least 10 games already and i have only seen like 4 alleys from the CPU and i have the alley back at default slider...
# 422 Boilerbuzz @ 11/07/09 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by malek05
wow...what an enormous disappointment this patch is, other than framerate issues I haven't seen any change in...anything. Still see crazy alley oops, the cpu still takes a crazy amount of shots under the basket (though now they do miss a lot, but the problem is that they take to many even if you set inside shots to 0 ). At least they did get rid of the stat overlays raping 90% of my screen during gameplay.
You're trying way too hard to be disappointed.

Originally Posted by malek05
I had been using Nogsters roster's and whatever he did fixed the double team issue, so that was no longer a problem.
Wow. So a roster fixed a bug in the CODE? Amazing!

Unbelievable, actually.
# 423 Boilerbuzz @ 11/07/09 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar

Thanks Simballer and Big Rob!!! This is more what I had in mind !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Lord. Da_Czar is happy? Lock the thread. 2K's work is done!
# 424 Boilerbuzz @ 11/07/09 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by JBH3
You're welcome. The dynamic attendance, IMO, is not so dynamic. There's no way that there should appear to be 18,000 people at the Target Center (which holds 20,500). There were only sparcely placed empty seats. If you're expecting to see vast sections of empty seats in the upper level you're not. Which was especially disappointing since the game I played was the last before the ASB (vs Charlotte), and the T'Wolves were sitting w/ 17 wins playing host a team Bobcats team 4gms under .500. Sorry...that arena should be near empty for two of the bottom5 teams in attendance from 2008-09.
This doesn't surprise me. I think VC panders too much to the leagues when it comes to items related to "image". It's like sports propaganda. Understandable considering 2K is still building up to an EA level of trust and respect with the leagues. Too bad 2K had no respect from the NFL. But, I'll shut up about that.
# 425 malek05 @ 11/07/09 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by franzis
I don't get this.
Good teams usually are made by good players. Good players usually make difficult and clutch shots no matter how good of defense you play. And so a good team, compared to a bad team, isn't supposed to make clutch and difficult shots?
This is the quintessential wrong way to go about good teams and difficulty in sports game. For example, in NBA2k, at least when I play them, the celtics, cavs, and lakers, make every open shot that you do not perfectly contest, and I am not exaggerating when I say "make every open shot", I have never seen Pierce, Allen, and Garnett miss an open shot in this game, and they rarely miss shots that you contest, and i've played them with various teams using various defenses. I have never held these guys to under 60% percent shooting, and I know it is not my defense, because I've played the Heat and forced Wade to go 8-28 and score 20, I've played the Wiz and forced Gilbert to go 5-21 and score 17, I've faced the Spurs and made Tim Duncan go 7-19 with 16 points. But since 2k, imo, has clearly labeled the Celtics, Cavs, and Lakers, as god teams on here, the experience playing them is not even remotely close to playing any other team.

When I play them, entry passes that go into the lane seem to just sale over my players head because Kevin Garnett is there. Passes that are crisp against other opponents turn into cross court lobs that get picked off because Rondo is there. I was hoping for the better teams to play smarter ( take better shots, play better defense, not foul as much, get to the line more ) but the challenge playing them is purely based on them making a high level of shots. They don't out rebound you, they don't get to the line more, they don't really run anything resembling an offense, they block more shots, they are just going to shoot 68% from the field. I don't call that challenging, I call it cheap.
# 426 malek05 @ 11/07/09 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
You're trying way too hard to be disappointed.

Wow. So a roster fixed a bug in the CODE? Amazing!

Unbelievable, actually.

Obviously you don't use Nogsters Rosters, and you haven't read the thread where people say the newest official 2k roster updates seemed to address a lot of the double team problems.

Or maybe your waiting for your mother to go to work so you can sneak upstairs and watch a Shannon Tweed movie on the big HD TV and you have some time to kill.

Thats quite believable, actually.
# 427 franzis @ 11/07/09 11:23 AM
Ok, now I got it ^^^^
However, I just had my first online ranked game post-patch (and vs BOS coincidentally) and there is definitely some lag yet
# 428 Pared @ 11/07/09 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by malek05
Obviously you don't use Nogsters Rosters, and you haven't read the thread where people say the newest official 2k roster updates seemed to address a lot of the double team problems.

Or maybe your waiting for your mother to go to work so you can sneak upstairs and watch a Shannon Tweed movie on the big HD TV and you have some time to kill.

Thats quite believable, actually.
You should just stop at this point.

The patch fixed the double team issue. It was a bug. I was told this directly.

His roster had nothing to do with it.
# 429 Boilerbuzz @ 11/07/09 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by malek05
Obviously you don't use Nogsters Rosters, and you haven't read the thread where people say the newest official 2k roster updates seemed to address a lot of the double team problems.

Or maybe your waiting for your mother to go to work so you can sneak upstairs and watch a Shannon Tweed movie on the big HD TV and you have some time to kill.

Thats quite believable, actually.
Again: the double teaming issue was a code issue fixed in the patch. Rosters didn't fix it. Believe what you want to believe. I'm not the one that's saying the patch only fixed framerate issues. If hundreds of posts verify more fixes than framerate, then your one post ignoring those fixes stands out quite a bit doesn't it?
# 430 Boilerbuzz @ 11/07/09 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Pro Bowler
-There does appear to be less garbage points in the paint by the cpu, but i think it has more to do with less attempts and added contact. There is still major problems with guarded passing lanes not being respected in the paint. The ball appears to magically go around or through the defensive players.(Hopefully this is addressed next year.)
I agree Pro Bowler. I think it's MUCH better, but I think the threading of the needle through a crowd is still a little too effective. Must of the time, I get boned when I force a pass, but there are still some instances where I can put one past a defenders ear that was looking right at my guy. I don't care HOW bad of a defender that player is, he should react to that one.
# 431 drewbaby1414 @ 11/07/09 11:55 AM
No doubt about it though...The game play is greatly improved....I have only been playing this game for the association but it has now turned into a pretty fun 2 player game.

The patch makes a huge difference in player movment, frame rate and AI defense.

I warn anyone who may be in a current association though.....Just like in the movie 2012 my association came to an end...except it was 2015.

If you are not big into stats/simmed stats then it shouldnt be a problem for you. If your like me it's a bit disapointing to start over.

My only fear is that i start up a new association with the offical roster and run into 2015 (and hours of game play later) and have my association turn into the apocolypse.
# 432 Tomba @ 11/07/09 12:02 PM
Impressions post patch...

Framerates on free-throws, replays and stoppage in play action has in most cases disappeared or been lessened. Along with regular gameplay framerate issues which were apparent in some situation in some stadiums when the ball was passed across court shot from the 3 point line of brought in with a lot of defenders waiting for you in the post.

Gameplay fixes include making the cpu play smarter and having them keep possession of the ball longer so that they can pick they're shots more instead of always driving in to score.

Other standout fixes are passing, fast break decisions and player contact inside.
# 433 chibulls12 @ 11/07/09 12:09 PM
I don't know if I'm just imagining things, but I think the passing animations have gotten better. While I still see overhead passes, I think they've been toned down, and when I'm swinging the ball around the perimeter I see alot of those crisp chest passes instead of the awkward overhead that seems to slow ball movement.
# 434 drewbaby1414 @ 11/07/09 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by vc15dunker15
Pared, is the Player Progression fixed on the Association mode?
I simmed 20 seasons with my current associaiton and did notice that the great players in the NBA did have a reduction in their scoring.

Alot of players though still had very high ratings...Kobe retired at 39 with a 98 rating.

Rookies do not progress into ever becoming elite scorers....Controlling all 30 teams is your best bet in getting the true NBA feel.
# 435 Pared @ 11/07/09 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by vc15dunker15
Pared, is the Player Progression fixed on the Association mode?
Progression was addressed, not sure what you're referring to specifically though.

Someone else did mention it was "fixed." Check the first 10 pages or so of this thread... they specifically addressed it. I haven't been able to check myself.
# 436 CWSapp757 @ 11/07/09 01:29 PM
What up whoman. You still doing work on rookie classes man?
# 437 Streets @ 11/07/09 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by drewbaby1414
My only fear is that i start up a new association with the offical roster and run into 2015 (and hours of game play later) and have my association turn into the apocolypse.
Start a new Association with the newest roster update and sim to 2015. Look at the results. That way, before starting over, you can see if it will screw up anyway and just stick with your original Association. If you don't see issues with the newest roster than for you (and most others probably) starting over will be worth it.
# 438 Jukeman @ 11/07/09 02:02 PM
Tenedencies decline and increase fine...

Kobe finish at 90 before he retire, it all depends on how they are performing...

Later in the years, ALOT of STAR generate player's shot tendency increase to 100 but the only average about 20-23ppg...Thats mainly because of the low team's tempo(above 50 is the way to go) so controlling all 30 teams is a must for that...

Progression is even better post patch...

Paul Gasol finished at 70...

Shaq retire at 44(special coding?) eveyone else wont go past 38
# 439 XtremeDunkz @ 11/07/09 02:13 PM
so just glancing through this thread since I was thinking about picking this up today, but come someone clarify somethign for me? I would be playing mainly as the sixers, and ive seen some poeple say there was some kind of problem playing at the wachovia center? What was the problem and is it definitely fixed by the patch? thanks.
# 440 jfsolo @ 11/07/09 02:16 PM
Yes, there are still some things that need VC needs to change in order to more accurately represent fundamentally sound defensive basketball, but after playing a couple of games post patch on default All-Star, I am very happy with the effort.

I'm going to make a few tweaks, and then be locked in for the next few months. Its funny, during all this time I was waiting for the patch, I didn't even think about who I was going to use for my Association. I'll probably pick between the Bulls, Pacers, and T-Wolves.

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