NBA 2K10 News Post

The NBA 2K10 patch has been released for the 360. Please post all your impressions here.

The PS3 patch will be released at a later date.

What fixes are in the patch? Click here to find out.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 441 Onpoint17 @ 11/07/09 02:27 PM
I downloaded the patch last night and played until 3 in the morning. My initial impression of the patch is: WOW!!! This played like a totally different game. Smoother framerate, AI acting smarter on D. Contact in the paint. This is how the game should have shipped out of the box!!!
# 442 baseballguy @ 11/07/09 02:33 PM
Has anyone noticed that on the default settings, jump shooting is much more difficult? Even on wide open looks, I'm having a hard time getting shots to fall.
# 443 JBH3 @ 11/07/09 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by baseballguy
Has anyone noticed that on the default settings, jump shooting is much more difficult? Even on wide open looks, I'm having a hard time getting shots to fall.
Are you using the "X" (360) button or shot stick?

For half of my Wizards team I was having more success, pre-patch, using "X" to shoot.

Now when using "X" I'll shoot 25% from mid-range w/ Caron Butler (84 mid), when I use to knock'em down on the regular. Using All-star w/ the Mid-Range slider at 50 and have had much better results w/ the shot stick...much better.
# 444 Whaaaazuuuuup @ 11/07/09 03:18 PM
is it me or did the patch wear off or something. first game post patch was great!! shooting % and crazy passing and back doors were down for me and the cpu. ever since then, the game has gone back to what it was prior to the patch. the cpu is now hitting ridiculous shots, fastbreaks on every possesion, their trying to block every shot i put up. it's like the game has just done a complete 180 rom what the patch addressed. well, a least walk the dog works now...
# 445 The 24th Letter @ 11/07/09 03:48 PM
The quality of my games have all been good.....of course there are oddities, similar to RL...But things have gotten NO WHERE near pre patch.....
# 446 MikeGiani @ 11/07/09 04:05 PM
So putting the defensive assist back on 50 in the controller settings is the right move?
# 447 DirtyNeedles @ 11/07/09 04:14 PM
anyone bump into this glitch? (post patch)

they did a overlay of the teams upcoming schedule (nba today) my player inbounded the ball and the overlay was still there. I pretty much took the ball from the backcourt to the frontcourt with the schedule still there on the screen! I called a timeout just to make the schedule overlay go away.
# 448 Pared @ 11/07/09 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by MikeGiani
So putting the defensive assist back on 50 in the controller settings is the right move?
The defensive assist is a personal decision. You have to make it for yourself, not us.

With it on, the CPU moves your players into what it thinks is a "better" defensive position. Some don't like that (like myself) so they set it to 0.

Try and see what works best for you.
# 449 RubenDouglas @ 11/07/09 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Whaaaazuuuuup
is it me or did the patch wear off or something. first game post patch was great!! shooting % and crazy passing and back doors were down for me and the cpu. ever since then, the game has gone back to what it was prior to the patch. the cpu is now hitting ridiculous shots, fastbreaks on every possesion, their trying to block every shot i put up. it's like the game has just done a complete 180 rom what the patch addressed. well, a least walk the dog works now...
i posted about that as well. i was happy and truly excited after the first game.. second game and beyond its back to the old pre patched ways, or worse... ever since changing sliders just slightly, the game has downgraded considerably. I was wondering if sliders could be broken or some of my setting files/game slider files?
# 450 NINJAK2 @ 11/07/09 04:50 PM
Man, Online post patch is awesome I must say. It is way more balanced then b4. I exclusively use the sixers online and post patch it was really tough to hang with those elite teams by playing solid ball. Now the difference is really huge imo. Just beat a cheeser online who used the nuggets. He kept turning the ball over on lead passes and failed alleyoops. His shot chart consisted of either a paint shot or a 3 with no midrange j's to speak of. With all the new paint contact animations he had a really tough time scoring inside. Cheesers are really pissed at this patch I bet. good job 2k!!!!
# 451 LionsFanNJ @ 11/07/09 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by RubenDouglas
i posted about that as well. i was happy and truly excited after the first game.. second game and beyond its back to the old pre patched ways, or worse... ever since changing sliders just slightly, the game has downgraded considerably. I was wondering if sliders could be broken or some of my setting files/game slider files?
some people have deleted all their 2k files and game data. That might help.
# 452 tonnyrat @ 11/07/09 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Jesus
Is it difficult to pull up right on the 3pt line? And do kick outs around the top of the key have the offensive player like 3ft befind the line?
yes, yes. kick outs to an open, offensive player will also be closed down by the CPU (who was down doubling someone else) in under .05 seconds with a perfectly timed block.

i just had a Cavs vs. Magic game, 12minutes on Superstar and default sliders. i quit the game in the 4th Q after the Magic shot 75% from 3, 65% from the field, completed 4/5 alley oops to howard out of a half court offsense over a crowded lane. i was shooting 58% from the field. score was CPU/me 110/90 in the 4th quarter w/o me spamming the inside shots. most CPU scores came from the fastbreak where they had pietrus and and rashad bolt 0-60 in .01 secs outrunning everyone on my team all the time.

i'll wait for some new sliders because the only thing i see that's worthwhile in this patch is the fixed custom music options.
# 453 edaddy @ 11/07/09 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by MikeGiani
So putting the defensive assist back on 50 in the controller settings is the right move?
I put mine back to 50 after having it @0..I noticed an increase in fouls by me and alot more physical contact in the paint..anyone els notice fouls increasing with defensive assist..I am loving it thus far
# 454 BroMontana82 @ 11/07/09 05:38 PM
are you guys noticing an insane amount of alley oops by the CPU now? i have the slider set to 10 and they're still throwing them up all the time.
# 455 AndyP @ 11/07/09 05:39 PM
I love the game post-patch but something weird just happened. I went into the menus, looked at the gametrack and when I returned to the gameplay it was like I was in some kind of weird coach mode. I couldn't inbound the ball, I had no control over any of the players although I could still switch control from one player to another, but it still made no difference. Called timeouts, went into the settings and checked that coach mode was turned off but it was still the same.

# 456 BroMontana82 @ 11/07/09 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Whoman
Is it just me or are there a ton of alley oop attempts ? Not successfull alleys but a lot of tried alleys. Just now the Magic attemptrd about 10-12 against me in 3 quarters ... And i allready put the slider down to 15.
yeah i just posted this. i'm trying it even lower.

Edit: i'll try the global tendency slider
# 457 Agame @ 11/07/09 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by sambf12
are you guys noticing an insane amount of alley oops by the CPU now? i have the slider set to 10 and they're still throwing them up all the time.
Played 12 games....full games. Alley oops are fine for my games....How you play D will increase/Decrease number of alley oops. I think the patch is "OFF THE HOOK".
Try playing on All-Star level, change the alley oops back to 50. Put everything at 50 except shooting.>>
Try lowering The CPU shooting a tad... (CPU seems to shoot 53-56% FG% in 12 game avg.)>>
46 41 Insides hot
46 41 Close shot
46 44 Mid shot
47 46 3pt shot
50 48 Lay up
50 48 Dunk
50 48 Dunk in Traffic

I really believe the patch solves most of the problems, We all need to get a little better with are game. Don’t force so quickly on inside shots or Close shots. I hit more Close shots when I work the post up moves. Drive to the hoop with the players who drive strong in the NBA. Kick out once in awhile.

Shooting is the only adjustment needed post patch in my opinion. (Of course I could be wrong)
# 458 RubenDouglas @ 11/07/09 06:26 PM

maybe its just that im focusing on more things now but It seems like theres almost no more foot planting after a player catches a pass. I like to catch a pass and pump fake alot and when I do that, it triggers this very quick ice skating type of animation. it gets you out of that pump fake almost too fast. was this in the game pre patch. is this to give us more control than before? it just feels odd right now. not that its a true negative but it just looks and feels weird as I swear I was used to the old way of things and this new way is throwing me off.

any one else see this?

it almost gives my guys a speed boost towards the hoop or away from it and im hitting all these shots i feel I shouldnt be... try it yourself. pump fake with a player and then quickly move in either direction. you will almost always beat your man with whomever you are guarding.. I may have to safeguard myself from ever pump faking again if thats the case.

edit: I just now had about two minutes of solid FOOT planting on these same types of moves.. this is bizarre. its like im playing two games here INSTANTANIOUSLY
# 459 MistaGamer @ 11/07/09 07:31 PM
What is 2K's problem with letting us us our Coaching Profiles and Playbooks online. It's a real hassle to have to set every single play of my playbook EVERY GAME!!!!

Why is this such a problem to fix??? DAMN
# 460 RubenDouglas @ 11/07/09 08:33 PM
i think i set fouls too high on the sliders. they are at 75 and 80 for the majority. my issue is that alot of the fouls, there is no contact made.. like a "made" up cheat foul occurs. its happened twice now. Is this what getting more FTs and fouls has come to? the events not actually happening but "being called" regardless?

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