NBA 2K10 News Post

The NBA 2K10 patch has been released for the 360. Please post all your impressions here.

The PS3 patch will be released at a later date.

What fixes are in the patch? Click here to find out.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 681 JVal3208 @ 11/30/09 11:51 PM
Behindshadows, what level are you playing on? Post-patch, I personally feel Pro is the most realistic option. Not sure if you play Live or NCAA 10, but it's a much different feel and takes time to get used to. Shot releases matter. Just keep practicing and you'll get it.
# 682 Behindshadows @ 12/01/09 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by JVal3208
Behindshadows, what level are you playing on? Post-patch, I personally feel Pro is the most realistic option. Not sure if you play Live or NCAA 10, but it's a much different feel and takes time to get used to. Shot releases matter. Just keep practicing and you'll get it.
I'm playing on Pro level with Playmakers sliders for now, just to get some 12 minute quarters and some realistic stats.

RayAP19 don't worry buddy, I'm not worried about Pared and CV with their comments on playing real basketball. Because I play in real life and have for over 20 years. And even at 33 I can beat them both on the real court. So they can't tell me about real basketball...lol

I'll let them have fun with their sarcasm and remarks. But it's not realistic to be on a fastbreak with 2 - 1 and then you pass to the open guy only for the ball to fall in front of the rim, like a iron ball instead of going up. That's unrealistic and it's happened numerous times, that is what I'm talking about missing shots, and majority of the shot attempts I'm talking about missing are open jumpers, picks, and driven lane plays. But I guess I don't know how to run plays! Even that has nothing to do with the overall execution, which is not going right.

Also like I said I don't dislike or hate the game it's just certain aspects that drive me nuts, like my defender running out of bounds or just sliding completely away from a player on defense and just letting the cpu score, that happens more than too often.

Either way still playing and will put videos up in a week or so on default sliders and Playmakers, and hopefully Tomba's!
# 683 JVal3208 @ 12/01/09 02:06 AM
I don't know what to say. I'm not having the problems you are having, Behindshadows. My biggest issue has been MISSING shots, with shots dropping at too high of a rate. Turning defensive assist down can help defensive sliding, but it still sucks a lot of the time. The game is different for everyone, you may need to keep practicing and tinkering sliders to your liking. Definitely some annoyances but definitely a very enjoyable game once you get used to it.
# 684 JVal3208 @ 12/01/09 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
Definitely some annoyances but definitely a very enjoyable game once you get used to it.

When you get used to the GAME, not the annoyances.
# 685 Pared @ 12/01/09 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
RayAP19 don't worry buddy, I'm not worried about Pared and CV with their comments on playing real basketball. Because I play in real life and have for over 20 years. And even at 33 I can beat them both on the real court. So they can't tell me about real basketball...lol

I'll let them have fun with their sarcasm and remarks. But it's not realistic to be on a fastbreak with 2 - 1 and then you pass to the open guy only for the ball to fall in front of the rim, like a iron ball instead of going up. That's unrealistic and it's happened numerous times, that is what I'm talking about missing shots, and majority of the shot attempts I'm talking about missing are open jumpers, picks, and driven lane plays. But I guess I don't know how to run plays! Even that has nothing to do with the overall execution, which is not going right.
After watching your videos and having played you online, it's very apparent that you enjoy spamming your way into the paint then get frustrated when the game doesn't allow you to do so. I know I know... "you're only showcasing certain things..." in every video you post.

Here, you're frustrated with players missing open shots... I mean, there's no real comeback to that. You've complained how this game was "arcade" and "not real" and now you're complaining about missing open shots.

Add to that you're using sliders that have the shooting %'s dropped from default. I know I'm not the only one seeing your lack of logic here.
# 686 Behindshadows @ 12/02/09 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
After watching your videos and having played you online, it's very apparent that you enjoy spamming your way into the paint then get frustrated when the game doesn't allow you to do so. I know I know... "you're only showcasing certain things..." in every video you post.

Here, you're frustrated with players missing open shots... I mean, there's no real comeback to that. You've complained how this game was "arcade" and "not real" and now you're complaining about missing open shots.

Add to that you're using sliders that have the shooting %'s dropped from default. I know I'm not the only one seeing your lack of logic here.
You played me once last year on 2k9. My absolutely 1st and only online match. I had the game a few days, you had it for months! Then you just blew me out in the 4th quarter, hell I'll admit that.

But we are talking about 2k10, and your talking about videos of Live 10, not 2k10, because all my videos of 2k10 are still on my HDD and haven't been put up yet! Either way I'm about to put all the sliders back on default tonight and give some more impressions on that, plus I'm starting my Association over.

Again i don't hate the game, but I'm not happy about it right now either. A lot of things I like about it, and more than I don't for now...
# 687 DA KING @ 12/08/09 02:14 PM
where and how can i download this patch? im in afghanistan now...no xbox live here
# 688 jeebs9 @ 12/08/09 03:16 PM
Takes a while to like the game. To see how great it really is. Yes flaws are there. But not enough to say this is a game breaker.
# 689 jeebs9 @ 12/08/09 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
After watching your videos and having played you online, it's very apparent that you enjoy spamming your way into the paint then get frustrated when the game doesn't allow you to do so. I know I know... "you're only showcasing certain things..." in every video you post.

Here, you're frustrated with players missing open shots... I mean, there's no real comeback to that. You've complained how this game was "arcade" and "not real" and now you're complaining about missing open shots.

Add to that you're using sliders that have the shooting %'s dropped from default. I know I'm not the only one seeing your lack of logic here.
I've been playing a few guys just like this. Complained about one thing. But now complain about the new thing. I played a guy before the patch that beat me all the time. Playing unsmart basketball. It was very annoying. But since the patch. I can't lose. He does the samething you just mentioned.
# 690 nuttyrich @ 12/08/09 06:53 PM
Once I downloaded the patch, the game was okay.. but once I used Pared's sliders the difference is night and day. This game is wonderful after the patch and the sliders.

I love this game, and I play at Pro level and the computer beats me 60 % of the time, yes I suck in the post (just learning). It's a joy to play.!

Thanks Pared for the sliders, 2k should be thanking you for all it's happy customers!
# 691 Pared @ 12/09/09 10:53 AM
N/P man. I'm just glad I can help other gamers out.
# 692 ClutchCity @ 12/16/09 01:39 PM
For players that are having trouble with jump shots. Here is what I suggest.There are 2 specific releases in the post patch. The 1st release is the most common one used by most players. When your player is at the top of his jump MAKE SURE YOU RELEASE THE BUTTON OR THE ANALOG. The 2nd release is the quick release it's used by players like Lamar Odom and Gilbert Areneas. When you are shooting with these type of jump shooters you have to flick the analog or tap the the shoot button in order for there releases to be perfect. I know it is difficult to understand, but you will start to notice with a little practice.

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