NBA 2K10 News Post

The NBA 2K10 patch has been released for the 360. Please post all your impressions here.

The PS3 patch will be released at a later date.

What fixes are in the patch? Click here to find out.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 541 BroMontana82 @ 11/09/09 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by drewbaby1414
Also, delete your sliders, settings and profile and start over.
what are the benefits of deleting the sliders and settings?
# 542 The 24th Letter @ 11/09/09 10:15 AM
the cpu hasnt scored more than 50% on me on all star default. I control the center...my only problen pre patch beside defenders jumping out of position and the auto double team was inside defense....and the game has taken a MAJOR step forward there...i can impact any attempt near the paint now...im actually enjoying playing d now...
# 543 ewto16 @ 11/09/09 10:23 AM
Any word on the arrival of the PS3 patch?
# 544 Pared @ 11/09/09 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by drewbaby1414
Loving the contact in the lane!!!...Game is definitly playing much smoother.

Has anyone noticed that the net animations on a made fg are better...not so many swishes...maybe its just me though.

I am playing on 10 min quarters on all star....not making to many adjustments...I put the computer shooting all down between 5-7 pts. I also increase blocks and def awarness for both user/cpu. I raise offensive rebounding for the user as well. On a 10 min quarter game you really want 11-12 offensive boards as it is in the real nba.
Yes, if you're willing to use sliders, you can go up in difficulty.

Originally Posted by drewbaby1414
Hey Pared...I have deleted the ole sliders and settings for new ones that I like.

I have not deleted my profile. Should I delete my profile and what are the benifits?...Thanks..Drew
It's just a fail safe. Some are saying that things are going nuts for them... the settings and profile are two areas where bugs are "saved" that cause issues. They were supposed to be addressed by the patch, but considering it can't hurt and only takes a few minutes to re-setup everything, I think everyone should do it just to be safe.

Originally Posted by sambf12
i'll give this a try. the question i have is, all things being equal, what major differences do you notice between pro, all-star, and superstar in terms of difficulty, shooting percentages etc?

what makes pro the best sim experience compared to other difficulties?
The CPU misses more open shots on Pro than other difficulties. Once you lower fatigue back to where it was pre-patch (around 46/47) you'll see the shooting %'s drop down. Fatigue affects shooting %'s.

The CPU is also more apt to taking a higher % shot on a higher difficulty. Thus, any chance it can get a close "open" look (again, in the CPU's "mind") it will go that route. The CPU is more methodical on Pro. Yes, it runs the plays and such on other difficulties, but against the CPU Pro is the level that is suggested.

Originally Posted by ewto16
Any word on the arrival of the PS3 patch?
Shouldn't be too long as they were both submitted at the same time. Sony drags on stuff like this, but I would guess PS3ers will be getting it this week. I can't imagine them taking THAT much longer than MS.
# 545 spankdatazz22 @ 11/09/09 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by Pared

Also, delete your sliders, settings and profile and start over.

Guys have to stop being stubborn here and come into the game fresh and take the advice being given to you.
Agreed. I can understand some resisting taking a new/fresh approach because they've invested a lot of time in modifying rosters or Associations, but it would need to be understood if you don't you likely won't get all that the patch has to offer in terms of improvements. As well as improvements to the ratings via roster updates. I liked the game pre-patch w/sliders but decided to take a completely fresh approach myself, and deleted everything except my saved replays. I've been playing everything on default All-Pro with all the sliders at base, and only made changes to the quarter length, real free throw %, and turned the controller defensive assist down to 5. While the shooting percentages at times has been a little on the high side, it's never been more than 5% more than what I'd expect, which is more than reasonable with no slider tweaks.

Overall I really love the improvements the patch has brought. For the most part I've been getting extremely enjoyable and competitive games, with enough variety to make me feel things won't always play out as expected. The player contact is beautiful and they've done a great job of individualizing teams and players. You can really see a difference when good defensive players like Kobe play off-ball defense. The overall flow of the game is just so much more improved.

Also wanted to give kudos to the Insider rosters. Although some despise them, I think they've done a more than capable job. Granted I'm not the perfectionist some are, but I think they've done a relatively good job. Last year before the first patch I could only play the game using Nogster/Portland's rosters, but thought the Insider rosters improved as the year went on. This year the differences in the roster changes were made more aware to me when I wasn't able to connect to the network Sunday morning, and had to use an old roster save from memory card. It wasn't a night and day difference, but the difference was definitely noticeable - the game played much better when I was able to connect and get the updated roster. And was nice to see them improving on up****** accessories. Again not perfect, but think overall they're doing a good job.

Still a little early since the patch just released and the PS3 patch hasn't released yet, but given how well-rounded the game has become I don't see why it can't be in the discussion to sports game of the year. I would think most would score it high in the general attributes like Gameplay, Graphics, Presentation, Online, Franchise, Customization options, & extra features. Not many sports games (if any) that match the game as a complete package - imo of course
# 546 Kalon @ 11/09/09 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by ewto16
Any word on the arrival of the PS3 patch?
usually PS3 stuff is done on tues or thur...i definitely expect this week as well. 2k boards are saying tomorrow (10th)
# 547 Whaaaazuuuuup @ 11/09/09 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by jira2004
Are you serious? You do know this is a video game! anyway I play on superstar level with sliders......

I've won some and lost some but this game is The BEST SIM BB ever so far.......

If you are having trouble drop to pro level and give it a go.....but all this complaining is really sad......
lol, nah homey not like that. i'm fully aware this is a video game. but when stuff like your guy leaving his player for no reason to give him a open ucontested shot, that bugs me. sorry it make you feel sad to here me say it, but if 2k is claiming this to be a sim then that's the way it should play. i'm on all star, but the more i bump up the level, the dumber my teammates are. if i set to NEVER DOUBLE TEAM, guest what?...my teammates should never double team. this is the impressions thread, if you don't like to hear this, maybe you should leave...
# 548 jeebs9 @ 11/09/09 11:41 AM
Thats some go adivce Pared. Users should delete all old settings and start from scratch.
# 549 Pared @ 11/09/09 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Whaaaazuuuuup
i'm on all star, but the more i bump up the level, the dumber my teammates are.
.....so don't bump up the level.

Originally Posted by Whaaaazuuuuup
if i set to NEVER DOUBLE TEAM, guest what?...my teammates should never double team. this is the impressions thread, if you don't like to hear this, maybe you should leave...
No one has said this has been an issue post-patch. You have help defense to 0 (in-game settings) and double to never? I tested this specifically once the patch was released and my players never left their man. Ever.
# 550 jeebs9 @ 11/09/09 11:46 AM
^^Thats good to hear^^
# 551 tcrews @ 11/09/09 12:41 PM
I'm sorry that I already asked this once, a few pages ago. One of my questions was answered. And I assure you that I've tried to find info on it on both here and the 2k board before asking. But as a ps3 user I'm not finding this anywhere and have no clue when the patch is coming out. Did they fix the free throws? I haven't really seen this mentioned anywhere. I'm not sure if it's a problem for everyone but on the first FT (maybe it's because I'm using the 2k camera angle? not sure) you have to release it incredibly early, and the second free throw is released at normal timing, but it's substantially later than the initial one. I typically am able to shoot 85-90% from the charity stripe but now I'm lucky to hit 60% because of what 2k would call a "soft hang between free throw attempts"
# 552 Streets @ 11/09/09 12:52 PM
I played an Association with my Rockets and got to the All Star Break only to stop and wait for the patch.

I played 3 games post-patch only to restart with the newest roster update (which really affected Houston).

I've played three games again and now am wondering if I should start over yet again so I can delete everything 2K related on my hard drive before starting. If I don't, will my association become buggy/problematic down the line?
# 553 Streets @ 11/09/09 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Whaaaazuuuuup
lol, nah homey not like that. i'm fully aware this is a video game. but when stuff like your guy leaving his player for no reason to give him a open ucontested shot, that bugs me. sorry it make you feel sad to here me say it, but if 2k is claiming this to be a sim then that's the way it should play. i'm on all star, but the more i bump up the level, the dumber my teammates are. if i set to NEVER DOUBLE TEAM, guest what?...my teammates should never double team. this is the impressions thread, if you don't like to hear this, maybe you should leave...
Try turning the defensive assist strength down. I'm playing on All-Star, defualt sliders and lost to the Blazers and Warriors due to their insane 3 point shooting. What happens is I play off ball and like to roam. When I do that, people rotate off their guys to "assist" me even though I don't want them to. This leads to open threes. With assist strength down, your teammates are more likely to stay with their man even if you sag off your defender. I turned Assist stength to zero and was able to beat Portland and hold them to a reasonable shooting %.
# 554 jeebs9 @ 11/09/09 12:56 PM
Good question....I think a 2k Dev would have to answer that. But it sounds like you should delete everything and start all over.
# 555 iRebound @ 11/09/09 01:02 PM
Dumb question... how do I change the quarter minutes for my player game? I thought you didn't have to restart the mode.
# 556 Kalon @ 11/09/09 01:20 PM
I'm going to restart everything when the patch drops...same for madden...those tackle #s in madden were crazy for CPU in franchise...

on topic i see that tendencies work correctly. i played dallas and terry was bodying me then he fouled out. in the 2 OTs...dirk took the ball and started killing me with that high midrange and pullup 3s...i like that terry had the hot hand and they gave him the ball..and when he was gone they went straight to their superstar and they won...
# 557 elprez98 @ 11/09/09 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by iRebound
Dumb question... how do I change the quarter minutes for my player game? I thought you didn't have to restart the mode.

You don't. Go into Presentation, there's an option to change minute length there.
# 558 Kully @ 11/09/09 02:40 PM
I just hope the 2K devs don't read their forums. Bunch of people there saying it's too hard to score in the paint now.
# 559 Epiffani @ 11/09/09 03:13 PM
-Since the patch dropped, I've been able to hold the CPU to under 50% shooting every game that I've played (superstar default), but I still managed to lose some games even when I shoot over 50% due to being severely out-rebounded; guess I'll chalk that up with the team that I'm using (Hornets.) Honestly, I don't have much beef with the shooting %'s now, as hard as that is for me to believe myself because they were so juiced up out of the box (from everywhere in the half-court), but you can tell they put a major emphasis on toning this area down.

-One thing that they said would be toned down, but I'm not seeing it, is the alley oops. I'm more successful in defending against them, due to my teammates being more aware, but the CPU still attempts to complete too many. Also, with more time with the game, I've still seen my share of broken plays (play art disappearing.) Initially, thought this was completely remedied, but its improved and not completely fixed...

-Add me to the people who are seeing new animations with every game that I play now. Everything from blocks, to layups/(dunks), to hard fouls. This games' depth appears almost limitless sometimes...
# 560 Boge @ 11/09/09 04:02 PM
Is the auto defensive stance still in there? That's what killed the game for me. I hated trying to run down the court to get into defensive position and the game thought I was wanting to guard the point guard, who was bringing the ball up the court, and my player would keep crouching, then standing, then crouching, and it really messed up the player movement on defense.

If I wanted to kind of play in the passing lane a bit, sometimes it would throw me in a defensive stance just as my opponent was cutting to the lane, of course I couldn't catch up because defensive stance is slower.

Also, what's the word about a PC patch? We paid $20 so keep wishing?

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