NBA 2K10 News Post

IGN has posted videos of NBA 2K10.

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
NBA 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 121 brs2305 @ 09/22/09 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by sambf12
pictures aren't always what the real deal is. especially because it might be a poor angle, a weird facial expression etc. have you ever seen a pic and in real life been like "that looks nothing like her" (think college days lol jk) that's why i don't always judge these unless i see multiple shots or play the game for myself. i've seen a lot of pictures that looked good or bad in the past then it was different when i played for better or worse.
Yeah I totally get you. Just look at the totally controversal opinions on here. One guy said LBJ looked like 60 to him, the other one said he looks more like a 19 year old boy.

My main point was actually the logos on court like the "Lakers" one. They had been a visual pain in the *** last year. The same in DC. The "Attack" logo is the same way like 2k9 and looks terrible...

I am very happy they changed it...
# 122 CtSimPlayer @ 09/22/09 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by brs2305
oh and about the graphics...not happy with the faces as of now, although the vid quality is not good either,

but ... I have to compliment 2k for making it happen...crystal clear logos oncourt instead of ugly pixel squish...

If you have a 360 do yourself a favor and download some of the trailers from the marketplace. I did that for the first time this morning, so it was the first time i was seeing the graphics on my tv in hd, and let me tell you it looks sooo wayy much better on your tv than it does on the computer. All my questions about how the graphics are going to turn out this year, are gone after watching the trailer on my tv, granted it is a trailer, but it it looks sooo much sicker than it does on youtube. The computer screen doesn't give the graphics justice at all lol
# 123 BroMontana82 @ 09/22/09 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by brs2305
Yeah I totally get you. Just look at the totally controversal opinions on here. One guy said LBJ looked like 60 to him, the other one said he looks more like a 19 year old boy.

My main point was actually the logos on court like the "Lakers" one. They had been a visual pain in the *** last year. The same in DC. The "Attack" logo is the same way like 2k9 and looks terrible...

I am very happy they changed it...
yeah definitely. i think we'll get a good idea of the faces, logos, etc. as more video is hopefully released. safe to say some players will look terrible and some will look great just like every year!
# 124 brs2305 @ 09/22/09 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by CtSimPlayer
If you have a 360 do yourself a favor and download some of the trailers from the marketplace. I did that for the first time this morning, so it was the first time i was seeing the graphics on my tv in hd, and let me tell you it looks sooo wayy much better on your tv than it does on the computer. All my questions about how the graphics are going to turn out this year, are gone after watching the trailer on my tv, granted it is a trailer, but it it looks sooo much sicker than it does on youtube. The computer screen doesn't give the graphics justice at all lol
Well, I am PS3 guy, but I will check if there is something in the store...
# 125 drewbaby1414 @ 09/22/09 10:10 AM
The only thing that I wasn't digging was the jump hook that was being done in the lane....But that is just minor to me.

What is going to make 2k10 so great is all the features

-36 player attributes and tendencies (love the off hand attribute)
-Association Mode that tracks every stat since the NBA started.
-Association Mode that has every facet of the NBA (restricted FA, 10 day,D lge)
-Total control of Association Mode (all 30 teams)
-New animations (put back slams, hanging on rim/power gorilla dunk
-Dribbling, fadaway, post up, dunk and lay up packages
-Dynamic play by play
-The ever so great file share with draft classes

Now if they fix the simulation engine and give us realistic stats for us junkies then the game will be right on the money!!!
# 126 Nodima @ 09/22/09 10:11 AM
Based on these videos, this game will be amazing. 2K9 was ridiculous, in both good and bad ways. Assuming they cleaned up a lot of the bad things with 2K9, there's no doubt this will be the greatest basketball game ever put out. I can't ----ing wait!
# 127 Melman @ 09/22/09 10:12 AM
Ima be real. As a primarily 2k player I was not thoroughly fasinated with this video. It was short and I know that this game will still be great. Their was some glitchy looking things going on in this short vid. Nothing that hasnt been in prior 2k's but I didnt like the animation of Kobe jumping with the pass. Thats the one thing that stood out from that short vid, I'm cool with that, it's a videogame. The tip dunk by Shaq was cool. Im not really gonna go into the gameplay because it was obvious the people playing the game didnt have the controls down and was not doing anything advanced. 2k is a very complex game with tons of moves you can pull off, these people playing didnt display that.

The actual crowd does sound better and a little more realistic (for 2k's standards). But this is the one area where Live does get 2k. The arena atmosphere in nba 2k10 would be fine in any other instance if Live 10's werent recordings from actual games. I seriously have to wonder if EA just has some kind of lisence that allows them to put real sounds in there game or does 2k not want to copy the real sounds? I'm just tired of 2k making these sound effects in their basement. The organ that they use is not the lakers organ. The Defense chants sound nothing like the real organ chant. Even the "GO Lakers" chant is wrong. Its more like "Here we go Lakers here we Go" (repeat). Seriously if 2k had the authentic sounds and used real crowds that Live uses it would be great. Instead I have to hear "2k beats" in my game and made up knock off arena sounds. Seriously Its like 2k has the "Aldi" brand of arena sounds (Aldi's by the way is a cheap grocery store that has all the knock off foods and cereals, instead of getting fruit loops your getting fruit holes) Now I'm a little concerned about the MSG organ, cause if they couldnt get the Staples Center down then they definatley didnt get MSG's either. They said we can edit and put our own sounds in the game thru the PA. Thats great......maybe I'll figure out a way to get the real sounds and real music that you would hear in a game.

Sounds of the game are just as important as the commentary, Which 2k did do better this year. The commentary is much better and I can hear that Clark and kevin were together this time. They mesh well this time around from what I have heard in the short clip. I just hope it doesnt get stale fast and it is in fact dynamic as they have stated it would be.

Ill wait till I play the demo to judge the gameplay, all in all Im happy I finally saw the game. Oh I forgot to mention the intro. That was nice, glad to see it back in the game. Wish they woulda used the BIG towels that the Lakers use in their intros. But hey that may be asking too much in this day in age. Hopefully one day a videogame will have every little detail that every team has. But BIG ups to there presentation on that. Nice that they're getting more broadcast savy each year.

Despite the negatives I have stated IMO 2k10 will still be a great game and will still be my main NBA game I play this year. I probably will get Live 10 also to compare it, cant wait till Oct 6th!
# 128 CtSimPlayer @ 09/22/09 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by brs2305
Well, I am PS3 guy, but I will check if there is something in the store...

yea i hear u hopefully theres something on psn.
# 129 Nodima @ 09/22/09 10:24 AM
I know the PSN has at least Momentous Trailer #1, but I don't really check for videos since my TV isn't anything to write home about.
# 130 CtSimPlayer @ 09/22/09 10:30 AM
yup i get u, this is the link for the xbox trailers so u can send them straight to your xbox 4 download. Def check it out if you haven't already looks sweet in hd. http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/ga...of=2&bt=0&sb=1
# 131 aga11ah @ 09/22/09 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by nflnutt
2k Fans are ridiculous, never satisfied, Ive played he live demo to death and at the end of the day, its ok not a Nba2k10 killer, Derek Fisher doing Rucker Park Like Crossovers? Come on man please...Im a die hard laker fan when i did a step back crossover with Andrew Bynum that looked like the one I just did with Derek Fisher, I was done. I think everybody would like Ign to cram in ALLL of the upgrades made to Nba2k10 in a 3min Video all the new animations and signature style should be able to fit into a 3min vid. If you want to go buy live then... go buy Live.. you dont have to come on the 2k board and broadcast your future purchase plans.. The problem is this there wont be enough of you "Im jumping to live" people to even make a scratch on 2k10 sales. Laker fans will buy the game just because Kobe is on the box. Looking at the Ign Vids.. 2k Bball looks like Nba Basketball, truth of the matter is theres games where no one gets a dunk. Kobe doesnt dunk every game, someebody doesnt get crossed over and fall to the ground every game, every player doesnt Hop after they make a layup on every play like Live does in the demo. Most of you want to Play Ea Basketball not Nba Basketball, 2k games always play closer to the real thing while Ea just makes their own rules. If thats what you want just admit it and go buy live and get off the 2k board whining this is why 2k doesnt release vids.
[Jay Z voice] "we dont believe you, you need more people"

very bad post. stop playing on rookie or pro man. its very hard to get dunks on superstar, unless you've somehow mastered the sticks already? Fisher's handles are suspect on the higher levels as well, sounds like you are BS'ing. just sayin...

and honestly who cares about which company sales more, that shouldnt concern anyone thats not on the payroll, its all about the better game.. if anyone worries about whos selling more then they are a fanboy, plain and simple. I could careless, I'd love to have two good basketball games though.
# 132 NINJAK2 @ 09/22/09 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by dat swag
About what I expected from 2k..Nothing wowed me. Players still seem to skate...Some of the passes looked a little weird and Shaq and a few other players looked like they had PILLOWS under their jersey's...They looked bloated going up and down the court. The Tip Dunk was very nice and I hope thats something that can be user controlled.

I guess my problem with 2K is I've been waiting for them to take the game to the next level graphically and with physics since they were so far out in front of Live but it seems that their motto iss "if it aint broke..." I was not impressed with the Draft Combine demo but much of that was the awful 2K cam. IMO players don't feel like they have weight to them and there is just too much sliding for my tastes. I think 2k hit its stride with 2K7. Since 2k7 I've felt like I've been playing the exact same game every year but unfortunately the 2K8 and 2K9 games are not as tight as I recall 2K7.

After 10 years of loyal 2K purchases and playing their game this will likely be the first year I don't buy the game...Its a maybe rental at this point.
Did you know you can change the cam at the DC?
# 133 bullfan#1 @ 09/22/09 10:38 AM
Honestly i really dont see whats all the complaint is about wit this game. it look really nice. i didnt have a problem with last years verison just a lil here and there problem but other than that i was good.. but i also did play live and it just somethings about that game i hate.. like how on the hardest level of game i still beat the computer by 30 point.. and by the way i'm not really that good. also hows there no defense what so ever in the game... or how you can do lay up's behing the goal and some how or another it still goes in. i'm going to start writing alot more often everytime i hear someone say i'm not buyin the game because the jordans dont look right i'm going to call them out.
# 134 MelMan1486 @ 09/22/09 10:46 AM
Well for months people have been saying if you like 2k9 you'll like 2k10, so I'm liking 2k10. I didn't expect a totally new game and I'm impressed with some of the improvements.
# 135 nflnutt @ 09/22/09 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by aga11ah
[Jay Z voice] "we dont believe you, you need more people"

very bad post. stop playing on rookie or pro man. its very hard to get dunks on superstar, unless you've somehow mastered the sticks already? Fisher's handles are suspect on the higher levels as well, sounds like you are BS'ing. just sayin...

and honestly who cares about which company sales more, that shouldnt concern anyone thats not on the payroll, its all about the better game.. if anyone worries about whos selling more then they are a fanboy, plain and simple. I could careless, I'd love to have two good basketball games though.
Actually dude, Ive been playing Live since it was Lakers Vs Celtics,, actually Ive been playing EA BBALL since it was Jordan VS BIRD on a Commodore 64 im a vet in this Video sports game BIz. I can get dunks off allday on Superstar.. You dont have to believe me in Jay-Z's voice, Ill use my own voice and say you dont know what your talking about. You totally missed my point.. If you consistently come in here saying your buying LIVe, apparently you want to try to affect the sales of 2k10 which you wont. So if your buying live go to the Live board and tell them, Im getting 2k for free anyway I have 19 tracks on the game I know the developers personally, and all this whining is starting to get a little ridiculous. One of the Momentous trailers from 2k9 used one of my songs. I talk to the people who put their work in to try to make this game the best and you disrespectful 10 year olds who come in here year after year whining is getting a bit tiring.
# 136 Jakeness23 @ 09/22/09 10:51 AM
2K all the way! This game is gonna be siiiicckkk. Not to upset any Live fans, I thought those games were good up until I played 2K for the first time, which was like 2K6 or 7. but anyways, I think 2K will be much better than Live this year (don't rant about the contrary to me, you won't convince me). I'm just here to say, that I CAN NOT WAIT til October 6th!
# 137 Pared @ 09/22/09 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Court_vision

Looks good.
Damn right. Seems like you have to wade through the posts to really find guys that actually see the basketball improvements.

It's sad that these things have to be pointed out for them. Speaks volumes on the individuals saying nothing has changed.

Originally Posted by dat swag
After 10 years of loyal 2K purchases and playing their game this will likely be the first year I don't buy the game...Its a maybe rental at this point.
Say what now? Since when have you been a "loyal 2k purchaser?"

As for the video, here's the way I'd break it down in regards to last year's major complaints:

1) People complaining about control, no solid way to really form an opinion.
2) Balls going through players/lack of collision - Didn't seem to be an issue from that video.
3) CPU not taking jumpers we saw a few, including the CPU passing off in mid-shot to a wide open Gasol as Shaq came up to contest.
4) Lack of help D - It's there this year. Even if this is a low difficulty setting, it's obviously there. Guards sagging off, leaving their men... If you don't see it, then I'm not surprised people aren't seeing any improvement.
5) Layups going through players - None in the video. Players gather and shoot over defenders. Again, collision.
6) More control by the CPU when running an offense. Check.
7) PG's no longer go to the top of the 3 point line and setup plays that seemingly take forever.
8) Kobe posting up on a smaller guard. CPU CONTROLLED KOBE. First time I've seen a SG go in the block in 2k.
9) The commentary is right up there with the best I've ever heard. The flow was incredible, notice that Harlan NEVER cuts out what he's saying as the game goes on... Hopefully there is some ability to do that though on a big play as we saw with the Shaq follow (incredible reaction, by way).

Now this is all from those 3 minutes, and quickly off the top of my head. I've already mentioned I hate the way the two handed overhead passes look... but so far, it's definitely an improvement this year.
# 138 DC @ 09/22/09 11:00 AM
Why people think they are supposed to be WOWED and have their breathe taken away is beyond me. How much of a graphical jump in ONE YEAR do you dudes expect to see? Come on now
# 139 nflnutt @ 09/22/09 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
Damn right. Seems like you have to wade through the posts to really find guys that actually see the basketball improvements.

It's sad that these things have to be pointed out for them. Speaks volumes on the individuals saying nothing has changed.

Say what now? Since when have you been a "loyal 2k purchaser?"

As for the video, here's the way I'd break it down in regards to last year's major complaints:

1) People complaining about control, no solid way to really form an opinion.
2) Balls going through players/lack of collision - Didn't seem to be an issue from that video.
3) CPU not taking jumpers we saw a few, including the CPU passing off in mid-shot to a wide open Gasol as Shaq came up to contest.
4) Lack of help D - It's there this year. Even if this is a low difficulty setting, it's obviously there. Guards sagging off, leaving their men... If you don't see it, then I'm not surprised people aren't seeing any improvement.
5) Layups going through players - None in the video. Players gather and shoot over defenders. Again, collision.
6) More control by the CPU when running an offense. Check.
7) PG's no longer go to the top of the 3 point line and setup plays that seemingly take forever.
8) Kobe posting up on a smaller guard. CPU CONTROLLED KOBE. First time I've seen a SG go in the block in 2k.
9) The commentary is right up there with the best I've ever heard. The flow was incredible, notice that Harlan NEVER cuts out what he's saying as the game goes on... Hopefully there is some ability to do that though on a big play as we saw with the Shaq follow (incredible reaction, by way).

Now this is all from those 3 minutes, and quickly off the top of my head. I've already mentioned I hate the way the two handed overhead passes look... but so far, it's definitely an improvement this year.
Exactly.. Too much whining.. either buy the game or move on to Live.. just that simple
# 140 Goffs @ 09/22/09 11:03 AM
LOL at these guys who says they've been 2k fans since dreamcast days...true fans see whats been done to the game...right now im loving the spacing, the help D, the atmosphere and the commentary (which i hated for years)

graphically this is going to look beautiful when playing on 1920 X 1200 on my PC...i hope they kept the same numbered iff files for the dornas so it should be easy for me to mod those first

on a side note i might be getting this game early come next week heres hoping anyway...this is the same place that got madden a week early as well but didnt bother since i wasnt hunting for madden...

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