NBA 2K10 News Post

IGN has posted videos of NBA 2K10.

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
NBA 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 201 sambowie @ 09/22/09 01:53 PM

Great commentary! (although one or two lines were in last year's game). I loved how Harlan and Kellogg went into a tangent and then when they stopped Harlan caught up the action and said what happened a moment ago.

Great intro! Nice arena animations along with a little pre-game banter about what each team needs to do.

Great arena sounds! Loved how they put in the "DAY-O" crowd chant along with other Staples Center sounds.

Graphics look great! but not all that changed.


Dang! The computer whips the ball around two much and makes amazing passes: DFish's no-look behind the head touch pass to Bryant for a jumper at 1:47 and Bryant passes out of a double-team in mid jumpshot to find Gasol at :42. I had to tweak the shnozzle out of 2K9 before the CP stopped doing hyper-awareness miracle passes that resulted in a layup ev-er-y-time.

Fat Shaq don't dunk on Gasol and Bynum at 2:26.

That lame hook shot animation that players do when ever they are close to the basket regardless of the situation. Thought we left that in 2K7.


Where my demo?!!!

Sprite sucks.

Shaq is fat.
# 202 Super Glock @ 09/22/09 02:40 PM
Enjoyed the video, looking forward to getting my hands on this. Looks like another $120 this year again.
# 203 Epiffani @ 09/22/09 03:14 PM
There were things there in this video to like, along with a few hiccups as the vid went on. What I'm not understanding is all of this "it looks like NBA 2K9.1111222121212". For those who've said this in this thread (too many to quote), exactly what were you expecting to see in a 3 minute gameplay clip (question is pretty straightforward)? Things that I saw/heard that I like:

-The Shaq put back dunk. Kevin Harlan made it that much better with the way he called the play. If you listen, Harlan was getting ready to talk about Lebrons' missed lay up attempt, and all of a sudden, Shaq comes from out of nowhere, and catches the commentators by surprise, completely changing the dynamic of what was about to be talked about. All that's left to be said after wards in regard to the commentary is, what a difference a year make.

CPU running their offensive play sets. Honestly, I'm surprised this isn't getting more pub. Every time I signed onto this website late last year, there was a thread involving how the CPU cheats, and constantly force feed the ball into the paint, and from my recollection, this appeared to be a problem on most difficulty settings (excluding rookie). The Lakers (which was CPU controlled) were going through the motions of their offense, setting things up both inside and outside, taking what the user gives them. I didn't see the CPU force anything on the offensive side; now the user controlled team, that's another story, but it possibly look like that legit games can be had against the CPU this year because of tendencies and playsets.

The spacing. If you pop in NBA 2K9, and compare it with this video, its quite obvious that work was done in this area (unlike past years). This can be contributed to the help d (and yes you can see help D in this brief video), and the player sizes being reduced by a wide margin. The spacing will literally open this game up to things that weren't possible in all of the other 2K b-ball games in the past.

So maybe those who say this looks like NBA 2K9.1111222121212 are talking about strictly from a graphics stand point, and even that is a reach with the players facial expressions constantly changing, along with the non-blurred courts, and no jaggies (video is not even in HD). This brief video showed some things to be excited about if you are "genuinely" (notice my word selection there) looking at this as a possible purchase. Also, @ Varejao preparing to take a dive at the 2:48 mark.

Things that I didn't like:

I would still like to see more fluidity, and natural movements from the CPU while running plays.

The passes still have way too much zip on them, which can lead to alot of PITP.

The Kobe pass out of his shot to Gasol was awkward looking.

The pass off the rim. Kinda funny at this moment in time, until it happens to me.

All in all, when I look at my positives and gripes, I think the upside of the positives far exceeds things that I'm seeing as negative on this video.
# 204 jsquigg @ 09/22/09 04:16 PM
I'm withholding judgment until the demo drops, but I didn't think Live's videos were overly impressive and I had a blast with that demo. I hated both games last year and opted for an extra year of 2k8, but Live 10 is buyable and you can see drastic improvements in this video over 2k9. Spacing is much better, the mid-range game exists, etc. I was really impressed with the 2k commentary as well. My worries with 2k are that it is still a canned animation game in some aspects. The 2k videos look, IMO, more realistic, but because of foot planting and locomotion Live 10 just feels better than any b-ball game I've played before. Hopefully 2k matches that. Tough choice this year....
# 205 plyrically @ 09/22/09 04:17 PM
Shouldn't the stanks at Lakers' Staples be darkened-out?

Like this?

# 206 SageInfinite @ 09/22/09 04:29 PM
The only thing I can say I was hoping to see was the off the ball animations that the other game has. If 2k could add these it'd take it to the next level. It adds so much to to the other games look that if they weren't there, the other game would lose alot of its charm that it has this year.
# 207 tanner99 @ 09/22/09 04:47 PM
i want to see some 2k10 wii previews lol.
# 208 sandman0823 @ 09/22/09 05:39 PM
2k did absolutely nothing to improve their series, it looks like the same game from last year. Live improved year to year. 2k9 last year it was impossible to stop someone off the dribble it took me 10 months to learn how to play solid defense. From the video's it looks like nothing has changed that aspect as Lebron got to the hole at will and Shaq is not the dominant player he used to be no way should he be catching tip dunks and dunking on 3 lakers standing in the paint. Where is the defense.

That Kobe animation off the jump shot looked absolutely disgusting. C'mon 2k I know Mike Wang could not have been all you guys had over there???
# 209 RubenDouglas @ 09/22/09 05:51 PM
nothing? it was 3 minutes...

Ive played these games for years now and one 5 minute sequence could look 100% different than another isolated 5 minute sequence..

why do so many people have concrete statements about their like or dislike? its okay to be neutral... you like it then you hate it.. you hate it then you like. why be so flip floppy?
# 210 Gmoney2002 @ 09/22/09 05:55 PM
Man am I late to this party...Vid was cool only thing that stood out to me, as was mentioned countless times already was the presentation. Crowd and Stadium ambience is MUCH improved from last year. Kevin and Kellogs reaction to Shaqs tip dunk was seamless and sounded excellent. No background reaction from "The Jet" like 2k9 haha.

As others have mentioned, with Rob's statment of 9,000 new animations added, I was surprised to only really catch a few. Since it's only a 3 min vid...it's cool. Perhaps I'll need to watch it again, wait for a larger sample size or just wait till October 6.

Court spacing "appears" to be improved. There will be no way to confirm this until I play myself.

Anyway, looking forward to more...
# 211 Sovartus @ 09/22/09 06:00 PM
Ok, here are a couple of observations from the Gameplay Video. Without picking up a controller i can't speak of the gameplay and what it really feels like so don't attack what I have to say.

I noticed that the game still slides considerably. I looks a lot like the Combine. I noticed that Lebron went through Pau for his lay up and that was one of my major pet peaves with this game in 2k9. It's obvious that they didn't fix the things that would make me want to play this game and I'm a little disappointed so far with what I've seen. The only thing I will say is a plus for 2K this year is that they always have an awesome online league set up.

This year Live really dropped the ball with the online league functionality but I know first hand that they are working on it for 11.

I can see improvements in the presentation for 2K which is what I said they would do in an earlier post this year. I can't say they didn't make the game better than 2K9 because they did. I just don't like the areas they chose to improve. I want full control of my players. I want real physics. I want to see players doing what they would do in real life with and without the ball. It's one thing to run sets but it's a totally different story to have the players acting intelligently independant of the canned things they are programmed to do.

One of the things I hated about 2K9 was that the CPU went for the paint as often as possible. I mean it was frustrating to see it iso it's way into the lane to get the best shooting percentage it could. Now that they have taken the lock on D away, it will be almost impossible to play defense online. Reason being, the lack of control of the players due to animations. You can see where if you get close to an offensive player, your man automatically goes into a defensive stance animation and it slows you down. It appears that he lost a lot of control when it happens.

I will have to play the game to see what is really happening with the game. The guy playing really must be a Lebron fan because he is all about forcing the action with him. I'm not saying that he is a cheeser, but it was cheese-like.

I will go back into wait and see mode now.
# 212 syncinatti @ 09/22/09 06:02 PM
Love the commentary. Not sure if this was in previous versions of the game but at 1:45 the commentators says " Gasol gets a pick by Bynum" love how intricate the new commentary is. However the vid is not long enough to judge gameplay
# 213 HealyMonster @ 09/22/09 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by syncinatti
Love the commentary. Not sure if this was in previous versions of the game but at 1:45 the commentators says " Gasol gets a pick by Bynum" love how intricate the new commentary is. However the vid is not long enough to judge gameplay

Agreed, seems really authentic. I also liked the stadium sounds i was hearing that was awesome.
# 214 Eddie1967 @ 09/22/09 06:08 PM
Very nice indeed. Huge improvements in the commentary and overall atmosphere in the arena. Player movement looks nice and the signature styles are looking better than ever. It's looks like the best got even better. I can't wait for October. Playing in different arenas is going to be so much fun. Very impressive!
# 215 Po Pimp @ 09/22/09 06:16 PM
Obviously as a 2K fan, the video is what I expected it to be and I'm not disappointed. What I really enjoyed was the beefed up presentation. I think this is the year 2K Basketball eclipses NFL 2K5's presentation.

What I didn't like that was already mention was some of the defensive reaction animations and Kobe's pass to Gasol. I believe 2K actually is able to delete animations via patch, so this isn't a big deal. Also, the framerate isn't 60 FPS due to quality of video. Then there was Derek Fisher stopping LeBron. It wasn't so much that he stopped LeBron in his tracks...it was that Fisher didn't try to take a charge. Thats all Derek Fisher does. I hope that's one of his tendencies this year.
# 216 EvanRG @ 09/22/09 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by HOLLIDAY1183
Wow, Hotobu & EvanRG, dial that down a bit. When did things become personal? By the way, we're on a message board.

Never was a "fake 2K supporter" because I never supported any company. That's lunacy, when you consider what all this equipment costs us, TVs consoles etc. I spend $$ on games I like. Period.

Where a lotta ya'll go wrong is when you assume another man's motives for posting a particular view. Heck, I can't even figure the motives of people I know/work with, let alone some anonymous guys typing on a sports gaming site.

I never post concerning someone else's opinion, because it's theirs. In a perfect world you'll be in your living room enjoying 2K10, while I'll be here enjoying 2K10, Live 10 as well as CH2K8 w/BS's edits. We gamers, man, I do this when I take my tie off.

Now, a few more impressions:

I do like how the intro is, feels real dynamic, and like someone said, it really feels like a game is bout to go down. And I disagree with some--though Lebron is off, I think Kobe looks great (and it appears they've fixed his form).

The funny thing is -- I never mentioned anyone by name and didn't single anyone out. You felt the need to respond to me.

All I'm saying is that there are people posting in this thread with no reason other than to try and stir up trouble.

I unintentionally did this in the Live forums so I steer clear of them now that I have a definitive choice for which game I'll be getting -- all I ask is that those who have already made up their mind, steer clear of these threads because we don't need to know why you think Live is so much better.

The idea that people somehow know that 2k10 is "2k9.5" from a 3 minute video over the internet is simply laughable and just makes you less credible as a "game critique."
If your post is going to contain the name LIVE 10 in it, then re-think before posting. period.
# 217 aga11ah @ 09/22/09 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by EvanRG
If your post is going to contain the name LIVE 10 in it, then re-think before posting. period.
well your post just contained it so did you re-think and still post ?
# 218 EvanRG @ 09/22/09 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by aga11ah
well your post just contained it so did you re-think and still post ?
You're so clever.
# 219 plyrically @ 09/22/09 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by plyrically
Shouldn't the stanks at Lakers' Staples be darkened-out?

Like this?

# 220 blingballa333 @ 09/22/09 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by plyrically

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