NBA 2K10 News Post

IGN has posted videos of NBA 2K10.

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
NBA 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 141 rckabillyRaider @ 09/22/09 11:03 AM
I hope that new put back dunk animation by Shaq is a rare occurence. If this was an EA game, the animation would be overused. Gotta admit though, it did look nice and the commentary reaction was perfect.
# 142 Goffs @ 09/22/09 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by rckabillyRaider
I hope that new put back dunk animation by Shaq is a rare occurence. If this was an EA game, the animation would be overused. Gotta admit though, it did look nice and the commentary reaction was perfect.
it was pretty rare to see tip in slams in 2k9...so this was nice to see...playing the combine the tip in dunk didnt happen alot either...i played the combine to death and i probably saw a total of 5 tip in dunks....
# 143 JVal3208 @ 09/22/09 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by And one1
Not looking good.Its looking like NBA2k9.5. That my player mode should be fun tho.
Well if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?

Well 2K9 was nowhere near perfect...but you can see improvements in this video. You can see that the spacing is improved,character models, help defense, computer AI, turbo (Lebron got tired just running around), atmosphere, intros, commentary. Your not going to see all 9000 new animations in a 3 minute video.
# 144 Hotobu @ 09/22/09 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by rckabillyRaider
I hope that new put back dunk animation by Shaq is a rare occurence. If this was an EA game, the animation would be overused. Gotta admit though, it did look nice and the commentary reaction was perfect.
If the Combine is a good indicator you'll probably see 1-2 per game.
# 145 Rocboyz101 @ 09/22/09 11:26 AM
Once again, nba live pops up in a 2k thread..tired of people bashing the newer members and putting them in some sort of stupid group, when some of the older members are doing the same thing..
# 146 ffaacc03 @ 09/22/09 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Nodima
Based on these videos, this game will be amazing. 2K9 was ridiculous, in both good and bad ways. Assuming they cleaned up a lot of the bad things with 2K9, there's no doubt this will be the greatest basketball game ever put out. I can't ----ing wait!
Agree !
# 147 JWiLL02 @ 09/22/09 11:33 AM
This place is hilarious.

This is our IGN gameplay people, when have you EVER been impressed by it in the past? Every year its some guy playing on Pro and attacking the basket every possession, it never fails. I'm pretty sure last year we had videos of a guy trying to rip Fisher with Kendrick Perkins at half court, so why are people expecting to see anything good from these guys?

That being said, this low level AI played a pretty good game. That Kobe pass was uncharacteristically sloppy for a 2k animation, but the basketball play it was a result of was good so it's a little easier to forgive. They took advantage of the Bryant-West mistmatch perfectly and for the most part played in position well.

I can't understand judging graphics from this either. This looks nothing like it will on an HDTV, people should know better than that.

At the end of the day, this is the best I've seen any 2k game look from an IGN gameplay video. I have a feeling once we see some AI vs AI people will be more encouraged.
# 148 youvalss @ 09/22/09 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by LAKE4742
Well, isn't that kind of the point? It really isn't obvious, when Shaq still dunks on 2 defenders. Help D? Barely. Low setting? Maybe. Key word: Maybe.
I think Shaq is still capable of dunking on 2 defenders, nothing wrong with that. LeBron having a hard time to get to the rim was great to see!
# 149 BigTigLSU @ 09/22/09 11:34 AM
Seriously buy the game you like... I dont care what you spend your money on.... I dont care if you like Mc donalds over Burger King so stop telling my the Whooper is soooo much bettter than the Big Mac. What you eat dont make me $h!+. This is getting old...
# 150 BigTigLSU @ 09/22/09 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by youvalss
I think Shaq is still capable of dunking on 2 defenders, nothing wrong with that. LeBron having a hard time to get to the rim was great to see!

People are silly
# 151 NINJAK2 @ 09/22/09 11:39 AM
Shaq still has something left for the people doubting him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmUHvaHPa4Y

he dunks over many 7 footers in this vid..
# 152 Rebel_INS @ 09/22/09 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Rocboyz101
Once again, nba live pops up in a 2k thread..
So can people stop acting shocked about it already? I'm not attacking u personally fam. I'm just saying...ur NOT gonna stop the comparisons. It's the nature of the sport so just accept it and move beyond it...

Anyway...the video wasn't mind blowing or anything but I noticed some great things about it. 1st off, I loved the ambiance in the arena. The crowd sounded and looked very realistic. The scaling down of player models have dramatically opened up the court but I already knew that from playing the combine. Love that players on the bench have on their warm-ups. Obviously that put back dunk was crazy! I liked the fact that AI took mid-range jumpers. That was very rare 2 see in 2K9. I liked the fact that Kobe (AI) backed down the smaller Delonte West and took advantage of his size. I've never seen that done deliberately in 2K. The meat and potatoes of the game (gameplay/control) won't be fully known or understood until u actually get ur hands on them sticks. As I said, the video wasn't incredible or anything but if u know 2K, these are some of the things u should pick up on...
# 153 Rocboyz101 @ 09/22/09 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Rebel_INS
So can people stop acting shocked about it already? I'm not attacking u personally fam. I'm just saying...ur NOT gonna stop the comparisons. It's the nature of the sport so just accept it and move beyond it...
Thing is, I've been warned for doing a similar comparison, but I see people get away with it all the time like its nothing...its w.e though. Comparing the 2 just sparks the immature posts..
# 154 NINJAK2 @ 09/22/09 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by LAKE4742
Not sure that's the best comparison. The Live players weren't attempting a sim style game, at all. The 2K guys were, barely. But, the NPC's actually look more active in the Live vid.
Disagree about player movement, but agree with everything else you said. I think the 2k vid wins by default only for the mere fact that atleast 2k had a cpu opponent running plays along with a noob where as the live vid just had two noobs.
# 155 youvalss @ 09/22/09 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by LAKE4742
A hard time?! He had his way, in the vid, just like Shaq!
Have you seen him dunking one time? And except for the layup at the end did he even get to the rim?
Yeah, he had one....but that's all.
# 156 BigTigLSU @ 09/22/09 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by LAKE4742
A hard time?! He had his way, in the vid, just like Shaq!
I didnt like the lead pass early in the video to Shaq for the easy two but lebron who took about 5 shots in the post only made two.... so I dont consider that having his way... I mean is Lebron not supposed to be able to score?
# 157 ffaacc03 @ 09/22/09 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by youvalss
I think Shaq is still capable of dunking on 2 defenders, nothing wrong with that. LeBron having a hard time to get to the rim was great to see!
I wont go as far as saying that but I can tell that the easy difficulty really does come against preventing such dunks or even contesting it ...

thus, if you really observ the play two guys went to prevent the driving and shaq was in the right position to grab the board and sink it, the other players were either too far or right below the rim ...
# 158 Rebel_INS @ 09/22/09 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Rocboyz101
Thing is, I've been warned for doing a similar comparison, but I see people get away with it all the time like its nothing...its w.e though. Comparing the 2 just sparks the immature posts..
I feel u. I don't know why people get bent outta shape with the comparisons. I think people sometimes take it 2 far but I also think they're somewhat necessary 2 an extent. It's good 4 convo like "who's the best emcee, Biggie, Jay-Z or Nas..."? It also gives u a barometer 2 gauge each game against. Like ok...Live does this great and I'd like 2 see something like that implemented in 2K and vice versa, feel me? Ain't nothing wrong with that. It's just human nature and 2 be told not 2 do something that comes natural 2 u and doesn't hurt anyone isn't cool. However, I agree that the immature, pointless, "fanboy" driven responses are not needed. As in anything I believe if u have a legitimate, valid argument OR comparison, it deserves 2 be heard...
# 159 Melman @ 09/22/09 11:50 AM
Ughh the one thing that erks me with 2k is how they always seem to mess up the Lakers home court......the paint is like a light off blue and they always for some reason make it purple in the paint. This video shows you how Live nailed that and how 2k failed again at this(and they been doin this since xbox days)......I love 2k but they are killing me with this....If I could get Live's courts, arena ambience atmosphere, shoes, with 2ks models and animations and gameplay then we would have the best bball game ever. Commentary is still in the air this year with the improvements to both games.
# 160 ehh @ 09/22/09 11:54 AM
Can't tell all that much from the vids other than the fact it looks a lot like 2K9 to me. The visuals and animations are still beautiful but the same old gameplay problems seem to be present, though it's tough to tell since the user obviously didn't have a clue how to play the game. The Lakers' O seemed to be able to pass anywhere they wanted and get the ball inside very easily, user D better not be AWOL again this year. I personally thought the AI Lakers' offense was crisper and the CPU guys moved better on offense than they do in 2K9 even though some posters are bashing it. It was nice to see Artest with that little pull up J. Shaq's dunk on the putback was sick. Just like in 2K9 the animations on layups and getting to the hoop (LeBron) are amazing.

I'm still leaning towards not getting 2K10, I really need to see if defense will be appearing after a one year absense. Hopefully we get more vids soon.

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