NBA Live 10 News Post

SEPTEMBER 11, 2009 - Electronic Arts announced today that a playable demo of NBA LIVE 10 is now available for download on Xbox LIVE™ Marketplace for all Xbox LIVE Gold Subscribers. Play as the Orlando Magic or the Los Angeles Lakers and re-write, or relive, last year’s NBA Finals match-up. The demo will be available to Xbox LIVE Silver members and on the PLAYSTATION® Network™ on September 17th, 2009.

With a renewed focus on creating an authentic 5 on 5 basketball videogame experience, NBA LIVE 10 introduces a myriad of gameplay improvements to the long running franchise. Computer controlled players will now move and react like their real life counterparts with enhanced player A.I. (artificial intelligence), and authentic, team-specific playbooks. In addition, all new dribbling, passing and shooting systems now give users more control over individual players than ever before seen in the franchise. Gamers can now control every movement as they break down a defender on the perimeter, drive to the basket, and finish at the basket using their left or right hand. From dishing no look passes to releasing a step back shot early or late to avoid a block from a defender, NBA LIVE 10 lets you to create highlight reel plays on your terms.

NBA LIVE 10 also features significant improvements in the franchises overall presentation. Arena specific lighting and crowd behaviors, signature pre-game rituals and celebrations, evolving storylines, and an all new broadcast package are just some of the many enhancements that will ensure that NBA LIVE 10 looks and sounds like a real life NBA game.

Powered by Dynamic DNA, NBA LIVE 10 will use the latest stats, rosters and tendencies for all the players and teams in the NBA*. With data supplied by Synergy Sports Technology – the premier analytics provider for over 25 NBA teams, Dynamic DNA allows NBA LIVE 10 to provide the most authentic basketball simulation experience in a videogame to date.

For more information, please visit http://nba-live.easports.com/home.action.

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Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1161 bls @ 09/23/09 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Again, we keep pointing to the help rotations as a sign of adequate defense. The help defense isn't the issue here. I love the help defense... You should be able to take a lock down defender such as Ron Artest and almost bully the offensive player, not just "stay in front of them." You should be able to take Gasol and move Lewis from deep in the post. Your other points are exactly what I'm referring to as well. Each position has it's own little mini-game that the user should be playing.

Picking off passes is a very hit or miss scenario as well. I've seen a good number go through players.

The best way to describe the defense is adequate. The help defense is spectacular... but aside from that, the one on one man defense needs improvement. It needs involvement. Right now, you stay in front of your man and wait until they do something. That's boring. If you had to pick a side to play, what would you rather do? Not everyone wants to score, score, score.

If you (not being specific here) think I'm belaboring the point, you're reading my comments incorrectly.

I wouldn't call guys out like that so much here, sky. The devs have shown a willingness to take part in these discussions... if they don't respond to general comments, there is definitely a solid reason.

I just want the other side of the ball portrayed as well as the offense was this year. I loved the inclusion of the manual contest without leaving the feet (go back and read my posts when I figured it out and was helping others on the boards)... but it doesn't even really do anything. You can't use it when they are shooting.... which completely defeats the entire purpose of it.
Pared I still don't really get what your saying. From what I see, the one on one defense is spot on to what you see in real life. You can't just go up to the ball handler and just body him all over the court. That's a foul. 95% of the time when contact is made it's the ball handler that made it. The defenders job is to keep the ball handler in front of him. When you see Artest playing defense, he is moving his feet, Battier, he is moving his feet. When contact has been made it's the offensive player into the defensive player which is never called a foul. This allows for the body contact similar to what you see in NBA Live. To me the locomotion/momentum of each player has added a variety to what you see defensive, and what player can guard another.

Improvement, Yes. But as of right now its pretty good to me.
# 1162 Jano @ 09/23/09 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by GSW
good point Born. I agree.

And I dont knwo but when I have Artest or Kobe on me in Live i defintly have to work for my points.

not saying the d is perfect...nothing ever is and it can always be improved.

just saying i can work with it.
Born's not talking about the CPU defense he's talking about the user's AI teammates on D. Some of the AI defenders don't perform like the Lockdown Defenders they are known to be.

Artest and Howards impact aren't that huge in demo when they are not user controlled. I honestly don't feel like I could put Artest on the offense's best player and he'll lock him down.

That's what my beef is, if I'm playing w/ a team that plays good D I shouldn't have control everything myself. My teammates should be able to play good D on their own because they are good defenders.

This won't effect players that control every player like I said earlier, but for those that like to rely on their teammates it can become a problem.

The good thing is all you have to do is make an adjustment and you can start playing good D. But this can scare off some players because most BBall games don't force you to play this way.

This is something I hope is improved in the final version. If its not I hope its something that is worked on for Live 11.
# 1163 lasthour @ 09/23/09 05:16 PM
No the game is not perfect, but right now it feels like basketball. The game should make you have to work a little. The great defenders are better with their feet and upper body strength. Hence, they are harder to penetrate to the rim on.
# 1164 23 @ 09/23/09 05:18 PM
Well that's why we don't know yet because it could very well be in the final, or better yet tuned in the patch.. Or ratings adjustments last of all

Won't jump ahead to live 11 yet
# 1165 ehh @ 09/23/09 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by michaeljordanjr
everytime Carter guards me as Kobe and I juke into him then pull back as a spin he strips the ball this happens 100%. and vc is no arrest the demo has defense issues
So maybe you should stop doing that move?
# 1166 23 @ 09/23/09 05:57 PM
# 1167 RayDog253 @ 09/23/09 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by michaeljordanjr
everytime Carter guards me as Kobe and I juke into him then pull back as a spin he strips the ball this happens 100%. and vc is no arrest the demo has defense issues
Either pull away from the defender, or wait until the body up animation has completed then cross to the opposite direction. Both work in different situations. You can force it to the rim if you have to, but it takes patience and timing.
# 1168 stephensonmc @ 09/23/09 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by JSKYWALKER1
Pared that was not my intent to call Steph out or anyone for that matter and I hope it was not taken that way. Just wanted answers, nothing more. If anyone was offended it was not intended. Peace!!!

"EDIT" After re-reading my post it was too harsh and unwarranted. For that, I apologize to Steph & EA for the comments. Totally uncalled for. Peace!!!

We all want the same thing here. No need to apologize. All good homie.
# 1169 Flightwhite24 @ 09/23/09 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc

We all want the same thing here. No need to apologize. All good homie.
I will go on record and say Steph has responded to all my PM's that I have ever sent him and it should be noted the "MAN" is legit!!!! Did I give/say enough props to get a free copy early??????
# 1170 Jonesy @ 09/23/09 08:44 PM
Great discussion about the defense. Some great points from all parties.

I personally find myself trying to rely to heavily on the defensive assist button like i have done in previous years with both bball titles and I agree with Born that the defensive AI of my teamates needs to improve along with the (excellent imo) offensive AI which is quite good.

I still find playing defense a fun challenge but it does get frustrating at times to have to do "everything for everybody" rather than to be able to just control one defender and focus on stopping my player.
# 1171 Pared @ 09/23/09 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by bls
Pared I still don't really get what your saying. From what I see, the one on one defense is spot on to what you see in real life. You can't just go up to the ball handler and just body him all over the court. That's a foul. 95% of the time when contact is made it's the ball handler that made it. The defenders job is to keep the ball handler in front of him. When you see Artest playing defense, he is moving his feet, Battier, he is moving his feet. When contact has been made it's the offensive player into the defensive player which is never called a foul. This allows for the body contact similar to what you see in NBA Live. To me the locomotion/momentum of each player has added a variety to what you see defensive, and what player can guard another.

Improvement, Yes. But as of right now its pretty good to me.
That's cool. If it works for you, great. More can be done with it, and you'll see next year one way or another.
# 1172 Playmakers @ 09/23/09 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by ehh
If anything I'd say that the AI of offense needs to realize when good D is being played and not force up as many poor shots.

That's kinda realistic since there are some ball hogs in the NBA.....

steph and them should make a slider for ball hog type players and chokers which means Josh Howard would fit both roles.....
# 1173 bigeastbumrush @ 09/23/09 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by bls
Pared I still don't really get what your saying. From what I see, the one on one defense is spot on to what you see in real life. You can't just go up to the ball handler and just body him all over the court. That's a foul. 95% of the time when contact is made it's the ball handler that made it. The defenders job is to keep the ball handler in front of him. When you see Artest playing defense, he is moving his feet, Battier, he is moving his feet. When contact has been made it's the offensive player into the defensive player which is never called a foul. This allows for the body contact similar to what you see in NBA Live. To me the locomotion/momentum of each player has added a variety to what you see defensive, and what player can guard another.

Improvement, Yes. But as of right now its pretty good to me.

Why are people trying to body someone up 5 feet beyond the 3-point line?
# 1174 Playmakers @ 09/23/09 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush

Why are people trying to body someone up 5 feet beyond the 3-point line?
I think what Pared is trying to say is that their are some perimeter defenders that play with a physical style such as using their hands, bumping a guy or even bodying up on a player.

Ron Artest is more of physical perimeter defender as opposed to a guy who has quik feet like Devin Harris out in space.

There are some guys because of reputation who can get away with being more physical on the perimeter than others. Jason Kidd is another guy who uses his size and strength to try and impede a guys progress.

The problem in the demo is that PHYSICAL PLAY is limited inside or outside because the game doesn't have much physicallity or a sense of player weight being utilized.

That might have been corrected already in the final version.....but i think that is what Pared was trying to say from his reading post.

Right now Live rewards you from moving your feet but there are other defensive tactics certain guys use to their advantage because they aren't great defenders based on foot speed alone.

I'd like to see a guy like Harris actually draw charges out in space since he does a great job of beating guys to a spot and then i'd like to see someone like Artest physically stop and offensive player because o his stength not because of his feet because Artest has never been a guy that beats you with foot movement he's always played guys physical and pushed them aound and i think we all know that Bruce Bowen used a combination of both foot movement and physical play.

Maybe in the future they could categorize guys differently as defenders

Physical Defender
Smart Defender
Quick Defender
Kinda like how Madden seperates their defenders by category
# 1175 Pared @ 09/23/09 11:52 PM
Playmakers got it.

No point in beating the topic to death. Again, when it's changed next year, everyone will chant "OMG, this is so amazing!" and change their tune.

As long as the devs see it, that's all that matters.
# 1176 HOLLIDAY1183 @ 09/24/09 12:50 AM
Pared is right IMO. One of the more frustrating things on defense, is that sometimes you don't have enough momentum as you are contesting, and sometimes it seems like you don't bother the shot even though you swear you're all up in the shooter's grill. I think next year we'll see a great improvements here, because I think they've almost nailed the control in terms of shooting. I smile every time I start a drive w/Kobe toward the top of the key, and just pull back for the stepback fade. Just so sweet how you can do these shots ANY time you want.

But yeah, I enjoy playing D in terms of staying in front of your man, and have become quite good at it. But as Pared is saying there should be more here to counter everything the O has at it's disposal...don't think for a second that Wang & Co. prob even already blueprinting some nifty defensive controls for next year.
# 1177 stizz @ 09/24/09 02:12 AM
Just played a game against my brother (huge cheeser) and was pretty much laughing and telling him to play real basketball the whole time. We had 2 games and both scores were something like 30 - 10. He think's Live sucks now, so I'm happy haha.
# 1178 Behindshadows @ 09/24/09 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by goh
Ah my goodness,I think I just flopped with Fisher. Took a normal 3 and Nelson was no where near him but he fell on the floor anyway. Didn't get the call.
I did the same thing and fell in front of the bench. And got the foul call it was hilarious and nice to see at the same time. He screamed and everything.
# 1179 Teddy_Long @ 09/24/09 10:09 AM
hey, which button do i hold with the B button to do a pick and pop?
# 1180 Da_Czar @ 09/24/09 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Teddy_Long
hey, which button do i hold with the B button to do a pick and pop?
tap the right bumper teddy. You don't have to hold you can switch back and forth as you please between the pop and the roll by tapping that rb. Then he will follow your command when you release the b button. if you play with different release times the control is pretty sweet.

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