NBA 2K10 News Post

Gamespot has posted their first look at NBA 2K10.

"The first time you hit the court in NBA 2K10, something might look a bit different. Yes, you'll notice things like the improved player likenesses, including animated faces, better skin textures, and greater lighting effects. But you might also notice a sense of space on the hardwood that simply wasn't present in previous iterations. As developers put it to me, that's because the proportions between player size and the floor had gotten a bit out of whack in older games, resulting in players that were slightly larger than in real life. The team took a look at all of the player models in NBA 2K10 and made size adjustments across the board, with the result of having a slightly more open feel to the play on the court.

Of course, correcting player proportions is just one of the issues addressed in this year's game. As gameplay producer Rob Jones told me, the team wanted to address animations in a comprehensive way this year. To that end, Jones said his mo-cap team captured something in the realm of 9,000 animations during the mo-cap sessions for 2K10. And while not all of those animations were entered into this year's game, a good chunk have either replaced older animations or been added to the game. As he put it, if an animation is pre-NBA 2K9, it had less than a 50 percent chance of making it into NBA 2K10. Part of that new animation philosophy had to do with providing further definition between players. Naturally, a point guard will have access to a different set of moves than a massive center, but developers didn't stop there. They also wanted to capture the differences between how a 7-foot player moves from how a 6-foot-9-inch player gets around the court. As a result, Yao Ming will move like Yao (assuming he ever plays again, that is), Nene will move like Nene, and Steve Nash will do his thing."

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 321 The 24th Letter @ 08/09/09 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by jtdribbles25
Is it really this serious. I can't think of one time ever, I mean EVER, that I could see the jersey "spacing" during gameplay. And if Im looking for that on a replay, I should probably get a life.
# 322 TheFiasco87 @ 08/09/09 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by jtdribbles25
Is it really this serious. I can't think of one time ever, I mean EVER, that I could see the jersey "spacing" during gameplay. And if Im looking for that on a replay, I should probably get a life.

so by your train of thought, imperfections are fine because they cant be seen easily during gameplay. Sorry, but that doesnt make much sense.
# 323 Sovartus @ 08/09/09 03:29 PM
I'm still not impressed. It looks the same as last year and the little additions like combine make no real difference to me.

I have two areas of concern:

Sliding and overwhleming animations that take away player control. When I hear that they collected 9000 new animations, that doesn't sound good to me. That just means that they are adding more animations to that busted engine to cover up issues with the gameplay. Just what we need, take more control away from us and make the gameplay more about watching animations instead of playing the game.

I think 2K10 will be a solid title but I don't see it improving in the one area that needs to most attention. I could be wrong and I'll be the first to admit it if I am.
# 324 CX1329 @ 08/09/09 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Sovartus
Sliding and overwhleming animations that take away player control. When I hear that they collected 9000 new animations, that doesn't sound good to me. That just means that they are adding more animations to that busted engine to cover up issues with the gameplay. Just what we need, take more control away from us and make the gameplay more about watching animations instead of playing the game.

Well, at least that would make 2K10 the best interactive movie ever.
# 325 Illustrator76 @ 08/09/09 05:48 PM
Really glad to here about the player proportions being addressed, honestly I have been saying for years that the court was too small or the players were too big...guess someone finally "got it". Now if they can fix all those damn front rim and straight back down layup misses (this rarely if ever happens in the NBA), I will be a happy camper. Layups should be hitting back rim, glass, etc..., in real life almost every player puts the ball up too STRONG when they miss and I am tired of seeing missed layups barely clear the front rim and then come straight back down, it's just not realistic.
# 326 luv_mist @ 08/09/09 08:12 PM
I believe this article will better explain the desire to implement more animations. I was looking all over for this but couldn't find where I read it on OS so I googled it and it popped up as the first link. A lot of the things they are putting in this game are fantastic. I really am looking forward to both games releasing their full arsenal. I read all of these pages and you guys are still hilarious. Definitely wondering if that commentary will be worth the praise it got. It was suppose to be great for the past 2 or 3 years. I like how the MLB game does the commentary but it's not constant movement like the NBA game.

On another note, I always thought that my television was messed up when I played with the Bulls. Their jersey seems to never get be the right color, no matter how much I try to adjust my television. I hope they fix that. I also think they implemented the in-game faces for use in the pictures for each player. We were moaning about that and they put it in around 2K5 I believe. Of course, EVERYONE hated it. If they rethought it, I think it would be nicer than getting the realistic pictures. It could add so much more replay value within Associations and stuff when we're decades down the line. They also need to make sure that ALL the names are able to be spoken of in the game....unless they make it a clever part of their commentary. That thought to the wishlist later.

At any rate, here's the article by the guy from Bungie talking about the next step in gaming evolution.

Bungie Talks A.I. & Animation
# 327 Sovartus @ 08/09/09 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by sleepytercel
Use a little more sensibility. I'll quote this. In the first look article, it was basically covering everything that we complained about in 2K9. One of the biggest complaints in last years game was the lack of control and canned animations. They even talked about the double team animation and removing the canned animation and replacing it with a new mechanic, which would take new animations to do so. We hate the canned animations, and in order for them to improve the control, they need replaced. We want them to do this. I think we'll have more control than ever before, and the double team mechanic addition is the first step in showing us that.
I understand what you are saying Sleepy, trust me, I do. I could look on the bright side as say that they are trying to give us what we asked for as well but here is my problem.....

This is like putting a band-aid on a band-aid. They covered up gameplay issues with animations, and now they want to cover up the issues those animations caused with more animations? Why not just fix the problem? The engine is tired and ported from original xbox and PS2. Oh well... it is what it is.
# 328 NINJAK2 @ 08/09/09 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Sovartus
I understand what you are saying Sleepy, trust me, I do. I could look on the bright side as say that they are trying to give us what we asked for as well but here is my problem.....

This is like putting a band-aid on a band-aid. They covered up gameplay issues with animations, and now they want to cover up the issues those animations caused with more animations? Why not just fix the problem? The engine is tired and ported from original xbox and PS2. Oh well... it is what it is.
They are also taking out animations as well Sovartus. Animations that possibly could be a cause for some of the issues. I know you claimed to have read the article but did you comprehend the info?
# 329 CoHouse2814 @ 08/09/09 09:18 PM
Of course, correcting player proportions is just one of the issues addressed in this year's game. As gameplay producer Rob Jones told me, the team wanted to address animations in a comprehensive way this year. To that end, Jones said his mo-cap team captured something in the realm of 9,000 animations during the mo-cap sessions for 2K10. And while not all of those animations were entered into this year's game, a good chunk have either replaced older animations or been added to the game. As he put it, if an animation is pre-NBA 2K9, it had less than a 50 percent chance of making it into NBA 2K10. Part of that new animation philosophy had to do with providing further definition between players. Naturally, a point guard will have access to a different set of moves than a massive center, but developers didn't stop there. They also wanted to capture the differences between how a 7-foot player moves from how a 6-foot-9-inch player gets around the court. As a result, Yao Ming will move like Yao (assuming he ever plays again, that is), Nene will move like Nene, and Steve Nash will do his thing.

this is taken from the article: any animations that was pre-2k9 has a 50 chance of making it to 10 and thats means whatever new animations you saw from 2k9 will still be there but animations for 2k8, 2k7, 2k6 has a 50 percent chance you will see it in 2k10.

i would think 2k would keep the basic animations and get rid of the advanced and replace them with 2k9 and the new ones for 2k10
# 330 jfsolo @ 08/09/09 09:32 PM
Anyone who feel like 2K's "engine" is "tired" should probably step away from 2K basketball games for the next few years.

With them coming off of a year in which they moved 2 million units, and notwithstanding the opinion of some OS vets, had very strong gameplay ratings from most of the reviewing sites, its highly unlikely that they're going to make any core changes to their gameplay any time soon.

Everyone who wants them to start from scratch had better hope that Live crushes them in sales and ratings the next couple of years.
# 331 Pared @ 08/09/09 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by jfsolo
... its highly unlikely that they're going to make any core changes to their gameplay any time soon.
# 332 Goffs @ 08/09/09 10:48 PM
so uh...not to sound greedy but are we getting any new info this coming week?
# 333 Sovartus @ 08/09/09 11:58 PM
I comprehended the article.... wow. When people can't say something intelligent they go straight for the character don't they?

At this point, this is a wait and see issue. Yes, the 2K basketball engine is tired in my opinion. Unless they can re-write the movement portion of the engine as well as the physics, I don't see how it can be improved. Maybe I just don't know enough about programming or writing the code that generates the games we play but something tells me that it isn't something they will do easily.

I was very disappointed with 2K9 this year and while it was playable, I couldn't stomach playing it for an entire season. Many who know me around OS know that I wrote 3 post game tutorials for 2K basketball games 2K6, 2K7, and 2K8. I really liked the games and was a major advocate for the 2K series. I am not saying that the 2K game is garbage. It is a very solid title but I have come to expect more from the game and they have not delivered in my humble opinon.

Anyone who has read my posts know that I don't just make ignorant comments that have no substance. I will say to those who are in love with the series, "I'm sorry if I am talking bad about your girlfriend but her and I had great times together for three years and this year I had to leave her alone."

After asking 2k to fix the sliding and physics issues for at least two years and them not to even touch them, bothered me. "Your girl got a make over and a boob job and now many of you are blown away but she still walks walks like a caveman and chews with her mouth open at fancy resturants."

The game has no true physics and it is still to easy to score in the paint. "Your girl is still as loose as ever. No matter how much you try to protect her she still lets any young kid with a nice ride, drive all day long because they can get to the goal so easy."

The animations are in control of the game and it makes controling players very difficult. "Your girl loves her drama and is so animated that you can predict her every move because you have seen her do it so many times. She is as wild as ever and you can't control her. She all over the place and does whatever she wants to do without respect for your wishes."

The game has a ton of coaching options and settings but the defensive AI is very lacking in the game... It is very frustrating to say the least. "Your girl has a lot of options for you and can get you into any club or establishment but she is as dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to guys running game on her."

I stated in another post that I have believed they are moving more toward pushing units instead of appeasing the hardcore sim style players. So yay... they sold a bunch of copies that still doesn't mean a hill of beans to me. I want a game that "plays more like real basketball" not just "look like real basketball". I'm asking for too much I guess...

I try to put it in terms that some of you can understand and I hope this helps you "comprehend" what I'm saying.
# 334 ProfessaPackMan @ 08/10/09 12:50 AM
I don't think anybody was attacking your character at all.

its highly unlikely that they're going to make any core changes to their gameplay any time soon.

Everyone who wants them to start from scratch had better hope that Live crushes them in sales and ratings the next couple of years.
# 335 NINJAK2 @ 08/10/09 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by Sovartus
I comprehended the article.... wow. When people can't say something intelligent they go straight for the character don't they?

At this point, this is a wait and see issue. Yes, the 2K basketball engine is tired in my opinion. Unless they can re-write the movement portion of the engine as well as the physics, I don't see how it can be improved. Maybe I just don't know enough about programming or writing the code that generates the games we play but something tells me that it isn't something they will do easily.

I was very disappointed with 2K9 this year and while it was playable, I couldn't stomach playing it for an entire season. Many who know me around OS know that I wrote 3 post game tutorials for 2K basketball games 2K6, 2K7, and 2K8. I really liked the games and was a major advocate for the 2K series. I am not saying that the 2K game is garbage. It is a very solid title but I have come to expect more from the game and they have not delivered in my humble opinon.

Anyone who has read my posts know that I don't just make ignorant comments that have no substance. I will say to those who are in love with the series, "I'm sorry if I am talking bad about your girlfriend but her and I had great times together for three years and this year I had to leave her alone."

After asking 2k to fix the sliding and physics issues for at least two years and them not to even touch them, bothered me. "Your girl got a make over and a boob job and now many of you are blown away but she still walks walks like a caveman and chews with her mouth open at fancy resturants."

The game has no true physics and it is still to easy to score in the paint. "Your girl is still as loose as ever. No matter how much you try to protect her she still lets any young kid with a nice ride, drive all day long because they can get to the goal so easy."

The animations are in control of the game and it makes controling players very difficult. "Your girl loves her drama and is so animated that you can predict her every move because you have seen her do it so many times. She is as wild as ever and you can't control her. She all over the place and does whatever she wants to do without respect for your wishes."

The game has a ton of coaching options and settings but the defensive AI is very lacking in the game... It is very frustrating to say the least. "Your girl has a lot of options for you and can get you into any club or establishment but she is as dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to guys running game on her."

I stated in another post that I have believed they are moving more toward pushing units instead of appeasing the hardcore sim style players. So yay... they sold a bunch of copies that still doesn't mean a hill of beans to me. I want a game that "plays more like real basketball" not just "look like real basketball". I'm asking for too much I guess...

I try to put it in terms that some of you can understand and I hope this helps you "comprehend" what I'm saying.
If that is your stance, maybe you should stop reading 2k previews. Since you won't believe anything they say about what they are trying to do to improve the game, no amount of info they give you will be enough to convince you otherwise until you actually play it. Because of that, you will continue to have the same pessimistic attitude about every piece of information released about it up until release. That leaves us with nearly 2 months to suffer through your highly intelligent/assume the worst posts until you actually play it.

While 2k said they were adding a bunch of new animations they also said they were taking out a bunch as well, animations that may have played a major part in problems you had with 2k9. I guess it's just better to assume the worst that way you won't be dissapointed. Once your girl has done you wrong she has to work even harder to earn your trust back.

I'm not in the habit of reviewing people's previous post histories before responding to the post I have issues with so my apologies if you feel you were unjustly attacked.
# 336 RayDog253 @ 08/10/09 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Sovartus
I comprehended the article.... wow. When people can't say something intelligent they go straight for the character don't they?

At this point, this is a wait and see issue. Yes, the 2K basketball engine is tired in my opinion. Unless they can re-write the movement portion of the engine as well as the physics, I don't see how it can be improved. Maybe I just don't know enough about programming or writing the code that generates the games we play but something tells me that it isn't something they will do easily.

I was very disappointed with 2K9 this year and while it was playable, I couldn't stomach playing it for an entire season. Many who know me around OS know that I wrote 3 post game tutorials for 2K basketball games 2K6, 2K7, and 2K8. I really liked the games and was a major advocate for the 2K series. I am not saying that the 2K game is garbage. It is a very solid title but I have come to expect more from the game and they have not delivered in my humble opinon.

Anyone who has read my posts know that I don't just make ignorant comments that have no substance. I will say to those who are in love with the series, "I'm sorry if I am talking bad about your girlfriend but her and I had great times together for three years and this year I had to leave her alone."

After asking 2k to fix the sliding and physics issues for at least two years and them not to even touch them, bothered me. "Your girl got a make over and a boob job and now many of you are blown away but she still walks walks like a caveman and chews with her mouth open at fancy resturants."

The game has no true physics and it is still to easy to score in the paint. "Your girl is still as loose as ever. No matter how much you try to protect her she still lets any young kid with a nice ride, drive all day long because they can get to the goal so easy."

The animations are in control of the game and it makes controling players very difficult. "Your girl loves her drama and is so animated that you can predict her every move because you have seen her do it so many times. She is as wild as ever and you can't control her. She all over the place and does whatever she wants to do without respect for your wishes."

The game has a ton of coaching options and settings but the defensive AI is very lacking in the game... It is very frustrating to say the least. "Your girl has a lot of options for you and can get you into any club or establishment but she is as dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to guys running game on her."

I stated in another post that I have believed they are moving more toward pushing units instead of appeasing the hardcore sim style players. So yay... they sold a bunch of copies that still doesn't mean a hill of beans to me. I want a game that "plays more like real basketball" not just "look like real basketball". I'm asking for too much I guess...

I try to put it in terms that some of you can understand and I hope this helps you "comprehend" what I'm saying.
Seriously IMO, you sound way too educated to care this much about a video game. How long did it take you to write that post, and come up with all those very detailed examples?
# 337 DC @ 08/10/09 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Illustrator76
Really glad to here about the player proportions being addressed, honestly I have been saying for years that the court was too small or the players were too big...guess someone finally "got it". Now if they can fix all those damn front rim and straight back down layup misses (this rarely if ever happens in the NBA), I will be a happy camper. Layups should be hitting back rim, glass, etc..., in real life almost every player puts the ball up too STRONG when they miss and I am tired of seeing missed layups barely clear the front rim and then come straight back down, it's just not realistic.
Where the hell have YOU been. When I first came to OS, you were one of the bigger faces. Glad to see that you are alive
# 338 ball4life @ 08/10/09 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by sleepytercel
Don't buy into the Mike Wang rhetoric. Both games have ported engines. Companies can get away with saying they have new engines, but that doesn't tell an entire story. The original NBA Live on the 360 had a new graphics engine, but that game was not rewritten from scratch. The same for Madden 360. It's a marketing ploy to get people to believe that they are really providing something great and fresh, but both games failed. They had the same faults as the earlier versions and also provided the same animations as well. That tells you it's not a rebuilt engine, unless they played copy and paste.

The NBA2K engine is one of the most deepest basketball engines ever created. Other companies have tried to match it, and most have failed. Why would the rewrite it. Game programming has not changed much since the PSOne days. They still rely on strict calculations and percentages, so moving to a better system, does not mean you scrap what you got. You do not get rid of an engine that no one has yet to surpass, but you continue to evolve it. I promise you that the Live 10 engine will be no more sophisticated than 2K's. Do not get mixed up on their marketing tactic.

They know most people don't understand game programming. They know how to throw little words out there that make things sound bigger than what they are. They'll exploit that ignorance and that is where EA always shines, in their marketing. They know people know Wang used to work for 2K, but his presence isn't as huge as we think for 2K. Wang is now a marketing tool. His work with Live still has yet to be seen.
actually nba lice did re-write theirs becuz if they didnt then the gameplay wud not hav benn bad or worst then the last gen systems
# 339 RumbleCard @ 08/10/09 01:43 PM
Before I get too excited I'd like to at least know if the D-League is available to play or for use in Franchise mode. You'd think it would be if they payed for the license. However the mention of it only pertains to the "create a pro" feature. I could see where it might be implemented in a gimmick feature like that but not make it into a much more in depth aspect as franchise.

I seriously doubt that summer league is in Association. It be nice if it was. At the very least I'd like to be able to move my guys up and down from the D-League and if its playable I'd consider it a bonus.

Hopefully we get some kind of clarification on this. I'd guess if we go weeks on end without clarification we can assume that its only available via "create a pro".

Lets not forget that no one and no article said that there would be a D-League or summer league in franchise mode. We're all just assuming that because its in the 'create a pro" mode that its in association. Hopefully you guys are spot on.
# 340 nosaints26 @ 08/10/09 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by RumbleCard
Before I get too excited I'd like to at least know if the D-League is available to play or for use in Franchise mode. You'd think it would be if they payed for the license. However the mention of it only pertains to the "create a pro" feature. I could see where it might be implemented in a gimmick feature like that but not make it into a much more in depth aspect as franchise.

I seriously doubt that summer league is in Association. It be nice if it was. At the very least I'd like to be able to move my guys up and down from the D-League and if its playable I'd consider it a bonus.

Hopefully we get some kind of clarification on this. I'd guess if we go weeks on end without clarification we can assume that its only available via "create a pro".

Lets not forget that no one and no article said that there would be a D-League or summer league in franchise mode. We're all just assuming that because its in the 'create a pro" mode that its in association. Hopefully you guys are spot on.
Well, you can figure that they'd take a page out of CH2K8's book with the ABL and include at least the D-League...they might find it repetitive to have the Summer League and Pre-Season in together. I wouldn't be extremely disappointed if they didn't include D-League, but I think it would be a big addition.

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