NBA 2K10 News Post

Gamespot has posted their first look at NBA 2K10.

"The first time you hit the court in NBA 2K10, something might look a bit different. Yes, you'll notice things like the improved player likenesses, including animated faces, better skin textures, and greater lighting effects. But you might also notice a sense of space on the hardwood that simply wasn't present in previous iterations. As developers put it to me, that's because the proportions between player size and the floor had gotten a bit out of whack in older games, resulting in players that were slightly larger than in real life. The team took a look at all of the player models in NBA 2K10 and made size adjustments across the board, with the result of having a slightly more open feel to the play on the court.

Of course, correcting player proportions is just one of the issues addressed in this year's game. As gameplay producer Rob Jones told me, the team wanted to address animations in a comprehensive way this year. To that end, Jones said his mo-cap team captured something in the realm of 9,000 animations during the mo-cap sessions for 2K10. And while not all of those animations were entered into this year's game, a good chunk have either replaced older animations or been added to the game. As he put it, if an animation is pre-NBA 2K9, it had less than a 50 percent chance of making it into NBA 2K10. Part of that new animation philosophy had to do with providing further definition between players. Naturally, a point guard will have access to a different set of moves than a massive center, but developers didn't stop there. They also wanted to capture the differences between how a 7-foot player moves from how a 6-foot-9-inch player gets around the court. As a result, Yao Ming will move like Yao (assuming he ever plays again, that is), Nene will move like Nene, and Steve Nash will do his thing."

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 281 Clarke_311 @ 08/06/09 07:40 PM
I'm looking forward to this, I love career modes and the "My Player" feature looks like it could be decent. If the commentary's as good as they say it is too, that makes me excited. And all that other stuff too looks promising. Overall, I'm looking forward to this game and can't wait to see what else is new in 2K10!!!
# 282 tbaby5 @ 08/06/09 09:48 PM
the career mode soundsfun and glad to hear they are trying to fix the Defense. but if they dnt fix the basic fundamentals of defense i will cry lol
in 2k9 you can basically walk in the paint with no help D or decent rotating D. If you really try you can score all your points with your star player but not alot of people do that. Passing is ridiculous in traffic..its just the passes they decide to do in situations..lastly animations look great but what the point if you cnt control your player..im sorry but 2k9 was their worst PLAYING basketball game just IMO.
# 283 Klocker @ 08/06/09 09:52 PM
yea they mentioned that lighting is improved but based on that arena screen, the lighting still sucks... but they did well last year adding anti-aliasing (360) and cleaning up the image quality so I have hope they'll fix the lighting to be more dynamic/realistic as well for 2k10
# 284 cam21224 @ 08/06/09 09:57 PM
That read was worth the long wait, no more stuck in a double team animation, spacing on the court, d-league, and 82games.com is why I will be sticking with the big dog on the block again this year.

Can't wait to see some gameplay videos and make my final judgement well to see if my choice may change.
# 285 DubTrey1 @ 08/07/09 12:15 AM
Well, I know 2k will be on the surgery table for the next month or so.... So I will just stay both games have some strong features this year. Plus I loved reading that the D-League is in this year & the floow spacing has been addressed as well as expanding on player tendencies.... But as usual, the bottom line will come down to which game gets the "feel" of the NBA right and nails the gameplay.
# 286 BOSsTOwN @ 08/07/09 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by gamespot
The first time you hit the court in NBA 2K10, something might look a bit different. Yes, you'll notice things like the improved player likenesses, including animated faces, better skin textures, and greater lighting effects. But you might also notice a sense of space on the hardwood that simply wasn't present in previous iterations. As developers put it to me, that's because the proportions between player size and the floor had gotten a bit out of whack in older games, resulting in players that were slightly larger than in real life. The team took a look at all of the player models in NBA 2K10 and made size adjustments across the board, with the result of having a slightly more open feel to the play on the court.
this is what i wanted to hear. since 2k2. I hope they really fix the cpu's off ball D
# 287 TheUndisputedKingLBJ @ 08/07/09 01:02 AM
tabulaRasa you fruit calm down i read the article before i commented .. all i did was point out how bad it was at times you loser
# 288 lkasprzak @ 08/07/09 05:41 AM
It looks incredible cant wait for this.

I dont understand that draft combine mode - can some1 explain this in few words :P

# 289 texbuk84 @ 08/07/09 09:04 AM
what else is their to say.
# 290 DC @ 08/07/09 01:54 PM
I AM disappointed that they are still using real pictures. I just pray that the combining two picture nonsense isn't back
# 291 TMagic @ 08/07/09 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican
I AM disappointed that they are still using real pictures.
# 292 jmood88 @ 08/07/09 02:22 PM
Yeah I want to know too
# 293 DC @ 08/07/09 02:27 PM
They need to use cyberfaces. That way ALL players (included created) will have a profile picture. If they use REAL pictures, the created players probably will just have the silhouette (which is not a good look)

Also jersey trims. Kobe gets traded to the Knicks, he will still have the yellow Lakers trim in his picture.
# 294 Stumbleweed @ 08/07/09 02:27 PM
Because they don't change with updates. If they're wearing a team color jersey, they're in the wrong color after getting traded, if they cut their hair (Melo/AI), you still have the old pics.

Plus I think he's worried about players getting the "retired pic" treatment and stuff like that again (silhouettes and whatnot). If they just used the model's face, none of those things are an issue.
# 295 TMagic @ 08/07/09 02:37 PM

I guess it never was that big of a deal to me.
# 296 B-Wills @ 08/07/09 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican
They need to use cyberfaces. That way ALL players (included created) will have a profile picture. If they use REAL pictures, the created players probably will just have the silhouette (which is not a good look)

If 2k had something like that, we wouldn't have to worry about those blank silhouettes, and I think they could fix the upcoming rookie pictures with it in association mode as well.

I hope they at least give us an option to take a picture of our CAP's face so you can see his face instead of that blank sihouette.
# 297 Eman5805 @ 08/07/09 03:38 PM
What I wanna know is are they gonna use the same no stitching tech they used in MLB 2k10? The commentary was the best part of an otherwise lame sports game. They should be able to replicate it.
# 298 ehh @ 08/07/09 04:20 PM
The faces/headshot thing just like College Hoops would be an awesome thing to put in NBA 2K.
# 299 luda06 @ 08/07/09 04:56 PM
Good news, but I won't really be excited until I know the post game is really fixed up and they removed that left trigger hesitation/stutter move.
# 300 NELL86 @ 08/07/09 05:55 PM
I just seen the new blog for live and all i can say is wow im a go head an say live is back no lets say basketball is back if 2k can make a good game this year 2

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