NBA 2K10 News Post

Gamespot has posted their first look at NBA 2K10.

"The first time you hit the court in NBA 2K10, something might look a bit different. Yes, you'll notice things like the improved player likenesses, including animated faces, better skin textures, and greater lighting effects. But you might also notice a sense of space on the hardwood that simply wasn't present in previous iterations. As developers put it to me, that's because the proportions between player size and the floor had gotten a bit out of whack in older games, resulting in players that were slightly larger than in real life. The team took a look at all of the player models in NBA 2K10 and made size adjustments across the board, with the result of having a slightly more open feel to the play on the court.

Of course, correcting player proportions is just one of the issues addressed in this year's game. As gameplay producer Rob Jones told me, the team wanted to address animations in a comprehensive way this year. To that end, Jones said his mo-cap team captured something in the realm of 9,000 animations during the mo-cap sessions for 2K10. And while not all of those animations were entered into this year's game, a good chunk have either replaced older animations or been added to the game. As he put it, if an animation is pre-NBA 2K9, it had less than a 50 percent chance of making it into NBA 2K10. Part of that new animation philosophy had to do with providing further definition between players. Naturally, a point guard will have access to a different set of moves than a massive center, but developers didn't stop there. They also wanted to capture the differences between how a 7-foot player moves from how a 6-foot-9-inch player gets around the court. As a result, Yao Ming will move like Yao (assuming he ever plays again, that is), Nene will move like Nene, and Steve Nash will do his thing."

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 jmood88 @ 08/06/09 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by tehova
will there be a speedburst/fatigue thing for defense

I hope everything is stamina related, yes even callin for your players to run off screens over and over should make them fatigued.

and how are they gonna combat the timeout spammers
Yeah I really hope they made fatigue actually affect the players, this is the one thing I've been asking for for years.
# 222 DC @ 08/06/09 01:29 PM
They don't want realistic fatigue in the game man
# 223 Greene_Flash03 @ 08/06/09 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by gluck24
i hate how people are complaining about the graphics on 2k10 when they added all these new features and game modes animations to make the game even more realistic... yet all people wanna do is complain about graphics that dont really look all that bad... sure nba lives graphics look great but wait until you see their gameplay... the same thing happens every year everyone is goin down on 2k and jumps on luves bandwagon until the game comes out crappier than the last year... What i hate the most is when they'll be like "Im a 2ksports fan myself but live looks way better" -then obviously ur not a 2k sports fan... HUH
Truth hurts my friend...Doesn't it?

people are just saying the truth man..Don't hate..no disrespect to 2k's graphics, I always liked it, but EA's graphics is better/sharper..
# 224 kgbrolic @ 08/06/09 01:35 PM
I've been looking at these screens and comments... and I dont know about yall... but I cant believe there are people that actually care that much about the D-league. We talking about the D-League. Not the gameplay, not the gameplay, not the gameplay...but the D-league. C'mon, the D-league??? I mean, how silly is that? What are we talking about?? The D-league? When you pick up the controller, you think about the NBA don't ya? But we concerned about the D-league right now... I know, it's strange to me too.


How the hell can you make your skills better with the D-league?
# 225 leo2k2ndc @ 08/06/09 01:37 PM
I say its dissappointing because myself, I like a game to look more like real basketball .. Truth be told I can go without features, The only thing I would really need or want maybe is online games, and online 5 v 5 ... The graphics so far look exactly the same from player models, to the court, and to how the crowd looks in NBA 2K9 ...

This is my honest opinion .
# 226 DC @ 08/06/09 01:38 PM
# 227 jmood88 @ 08/06/09 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by leo2k2ndc
I say its dissappointing because myself, I like a game to look more like real basketball .. Truth be told I can go without features, The only thing I would really need or want maybe is online games, and online 5 v 5 ... The graphics so far look exactly the same from player models, to the court, and to how the crowd looks in NBA 2K9 ...

This is my honest opinion .
If you think the players look the same then that's your opinion but saying the crowds are the same is just wrong, the entire arena is in 3d. The features that were talked about in the article will make the game better so you either weren't getting the game anyway or you just need to stick to watching the NBA instead of playing the games.
# 228 Goffs @ 08/06/09 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by jmood88
Or it would be like me going in a Live thread and saying "I love Live so much but all of this is making me think of picking up that 2k game. 2K HAS THE CROWN THIS YEAR!!1", it's pretty clear that I'm not an EA fan and just saying that I am doesn't make me one.
THIS!! each time i see a post starting with "ive been a big fan of 2k since Dreamcast days" from there its guaranteed nothing positive will be said from there on lol

im really hoping that theres less canimations in this years version...
# 229 TheFiasco87 @ 08/06/09 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by jmood88
If you think the players look the same then that's your opinion but saying the crowds are the same is just wrong, the entire arena is in 3d. The features that were talked about in the article will make the game better so you either weren't getting the game anyway or you just need to stick to watching the NBA instead of playing the games.

I really hope 2k is paying you.............

but as far as the game goes, player models look exactly the same and if you deny that then your kidding yourself. The arena/fans do look improved from last year which is nice.
# 230 jmood88 @ 08/06/09 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by TheFiasco87
I really hope 2k is paying you.............

but as far as the game goes, player models look exactly the same and if you deny that then your kidding yourself. The arena/fans do look improved from last year which is nice.
Yeah they pay pretty well.
# 231 SageInfinite @ 08/06/09 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by jmood88
If you think the players look the same then that's your opinion but saying the crowds are the same is just wrong, the entire arena is in 3d. The features that were talked about in the article will make the game better so you either weren't getting the game anyway or you just need to stick to watching the NBA instead of playing the games.
Idk in the bulls screenshot it still looks like way up at the top is 2d. Doesn't matter to me I'm just saying.
# 232 Goffs @ 08/06/09 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by TheFiasco87
I really hope 2k is paying you.............

but as far as the game goes, player models look exactly the same and if you deny that then your kidding yourself. The arena/fans do look improved from last year which is nice.
You do know these are like early pics (which surprisingly look good this year) if you where here for the early Chris Paul debacle pics from last year (i think) then you would know that the pics will change later on...

sheesh...i for one have no problem with the graphics since i play it on the PC and everything LOOKS and PLAYS better on the PC (please let the PC version have online this year!!)
# 233 Greene_Flash03 @ 08/06/09 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by leo2k2ndc
I say its dissappointing because myself, I like a game to look more like real basketball .. Truth be told I can go without features, The only thing I would really need or want maybe is online games, and online 5 v 5 ... The graphics so far look exactly the same from player models, to the court, and to how the crowd looks in NBA 2K9 ...

This is my honest opinion .
I feel ya man...I'm not gonna say im disappointed though...I expected 2k to have the same graphics this year as last year...I think everybody should wait for the gameplay videos then decide if you're disappointed or not.
# 234 TheFiasco87 @ 08/06/09 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by mrnoobie
You do know these are like early pics (which surprisingly look good this year) if you where here for the early Chris Paul debacle pics from last year (i think) then you would know that the pics will change later on and no im not fooling myself either...

sheesh...i for one have no problem with the graphics since i play it on the PC and everything is ALWAYS better on the PC (please let the PC version have online this year!!)

The recent shots do look ALOT better then that one shaq screen shot they released about a month ago, so yeah 2 month from now things will proubly look alot different.
# 235 MelMan1486 @ 08/06/09 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by TheFiasco87
I really hope 2k is paying you.............

but as far as the game goes, player models look exactly the same and if you deny that then your kidding yourself. The arena/fans do look improved from last year which is nice.
Were the player models ever really "off" to begin with? IMO the player models were great last year so if they are the same as last years I'll be happy.
# 236 Da_Czar @ 08/06/09 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by stateprop
Oh dude you got me thinking man

NBA2K11 Presents Be a Ref Mode

NBA FInals Spurs vs Cavs

In the 4th Quater Cavs are down by 2, Lebron taking the ball out at half court

Clark Kellog: " Wait a minute, isnt Lebron James crab dribbling from half court??"

Kevin Hart: "Yes he is why isnt the ref calling traveling."

Clark Kellog: "Ok Richardson Jefferson is about to defend the crab dribble."

Whistle Blown

Ref: "Foul on Richardson Jefferson."

Clark Kellog: "What is that right? Richard Jefferson was 3 feet away from Lebron im confused."

Richard Jefferson couldn't believe it and throw his hand in the air.

Whistle blown again

Ref: "Technical Foul on Richardson Jefferson."

Clark Kellog: "What Richardson Jefferson just got a technical for just putting his hand in the air?"

Lebron James at the freethrow about to shoot then he was all of sudden stop by the ref.

Ref: "Hey king your shoe is untied, let me get that. Dont want the king tripping now."

Kevin Hart: "WTF is that ref tieing lebron shoelace?"

David Stern is the background counting all his money.

NBA2k11 present be a ref mode where you control the

Hilarious !!!
# 237 TheFiasco87 @ 08/06/09 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by MelMan1486
Were the player models ever really "off" to begin with? IMO the player models were great last year so if they are the same as last years I'll be happy.

Never said they where bad just the same lol. Which your right isnt really a bad thing as long as other parts of the game are improved.
# 238 aholbert32 @ 08/06/09 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by TheFiasco87
I really hope 2k is paying you.............

but as far as the game goes, player models look exactly the same and if you deny that then your kidding yourself. The arena/fans do look improved from last year which is nice.

See thats the problem with screenshots. People here spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to determine if player models are "fixed" based on screen shots. There was like 50 post about Vince Carter's face in the live thread. Someone posted in here that Kobe's nose was off in a screen shot.

In my 19 plus years of playing basketball video games, I dont think a player model or player face has ruined my enjoyment of a game. I'm more concerned about the backdoor cuts, lack of different playbooks and better player tendencies than Kobe's face or Wade's body.
# 239 HeavenlyTouch @ 08/06/09 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Tha_Kid
One person's sim isn't the next person's sim. It's a baseless stance to assume that the default sliders aren't already tuned to be what they consider sim. The sliders are an additional option since you can't please everyone. Honestly, for the last couple years i've found that the game always played best with the default sliders and that slider sets were a placebo. To each his own.

After reading the preview, I still want to know:
  • Will the PC version will have online play (Games for Windows Live) so PC gamers can get in leagues with 360 gamers
  • How has the playcalling system been addressed?
It's not a baseless stance at all, and your attack on my post due to your differing personal opinion was amateurish.

They can consider their default sliders sim, but until you get a group of pro 2k players to sit down together and tell them "this needs to be toned down, this should be higher" on a group consensus, we will still have to tweak sliders to match what we think is "real NBA" ball.

You think the default sliders are good, and yet Pau Gasol, Ilgauskas, and any one above 7 feet can have 5-7 blocks nearly every game?

You can tap steal with Chris Paul running all around the place and strip anyone clean including point guards with good handles.

On 50 sliders you can hit shots from anywhere, the games played have FGs ranging between 55-80 in every game I've played on default sliders.

If we're all forced to use default sliders online in ranked matches, these severely hurt the level of gameplay since those default sliders are meant to be 'NBA simulation', and are far from it. To each his own is not the online ranked match motto, so spare me the "baseless stance".

In fact, your whole post is contradictory. Why give you the option to change sliders if they think their sliders are already simulation?
# 240 Goffs @ 08/06/09 02:32 PM
Your way of aholbert...its all about the shoes, tattoos and armpit hair

Lol anyone remember that thread?

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