Madden 2010 News Post

This was just confirmed in the E3 press conference.

Check out the official website for more details.

"Madden NFL fans...you asked for it, and now you got it - Online Franchise comes to Madden NFL 10. Compete in leagues of 32 teams, featuring real NFL scheduling, to find out who owns the virtual gridiron.

Announced on stage at the EA E3 2009 press conference, Madden NFL 10 Online Franchise features a robust feature set, including live drafts, player transactions, league message boards, and more - all manageable from your console, remotely through a web browser, or via a custom iPod Touch Application. Your Madden NFL 10 Online Franchise is always just a click away.

Don't worry about being tied to your console for your upcoming Online Franchise live draft. You and your friends can all participate simultaneously from your game console or online, via an Internet connection and web browser. Set your depth chart while waiting in line at the grocery store, and it will automatically be updated for your next game. Have access to your Madden NFL 10 Online Franchise 24/7, 365.

Online Franchise is exclusive to the Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3 versions of Madden NFL 10, which will be available in stores on August 14th."

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Member Comments
# 441 tjizzle @ 06/05/09 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90
It has been said many times that there will be something to address this...
Not doubting you, but who, when and where?
# 442 Bgamer90 @ 06/05/09 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by tjizzle
Not doubting you, but who, when and where?
It was said in Ian's twitter (well at least I'm pretty sure he's talking about this since this is the disappointing thing about online franchise currently) and it was also said in the gamespot E3 preview.

Ian basically said that since online franchise is server based, they can make changes to it after the game goes gold and beyond.
# 443 MrStray72 @ 06/05/09 02:55 AM
Sorry if this has been answered already... Just wondering if they will be releasing an application for WindowsOS Mobile phones?
# 444 MrStray72 @ 06/05/09 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by Krioniq
At the very least, if there's no cap, the commissioner can announce a salary cap and enforce it by blocking moves that would put a player's team over the cap. While a bit of extra legwork on the users' end, this is an acceptable workaround until the cap is implemented, IMO.

Trade workarounds can be done in a similar manner to how fantasy football works; announce the trade to the entire league, and allow it to be voted down by other members. Again, not convenient, but an acceptable workaround.

Despite the extra work that it's going to take for it to work, I'm still very much looking forward to online franchise.
This sounds like the only feasible solution to this problem, unless it is corrected later via software update. I wonder if house rules such as this can be managed over the web or on your phone? I can live with the 10 years and lack of draft logic, but the salary cap is absolutely essential to me.
# 445 I Peench @ 06/05/09 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by Kingspadee
I AM a reliable commish - check my link. It just sucks that all this extra stuff needs to be accounted for
I am also a reliable commish and have a franchise going. Either way you shake it, this is one big head ache. I'm hopeful this will be fixed after release.
# 446 GigemAGGIES13 @ 06/05/09 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by TwelveozPlaya21
Guess I won't be buying the game, What the hell is the point of a franchise mode IMO.
Where was this said? I thought one of the blogs stated that it's still in there.
# 447 pfunk880 @ 06/05/09 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by joejccva71
But the thing is someone asked this on his site under comments about importing draft classes and he said "yes".

So now I'm all confused. Can we or can't we?
You can import offline, but not online.
# 448 skudplayr @ 06/05/09 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by judgejudy
or you could:
1. join an online franchise where you know people won't take advantage of the system
2. have a reliable commish who won't allow ridiculous trades. they've already said you can set it up so the commissioner has to approve all signings and trades.
Because, you know, you can always trust the random people you meet on Live, because they never cheat in a play now game let alone in a salary cap free online franchise. Hmmm, I wonder if Billy from Philly, the 16 year old who's masquerading as an adult commissioner of my online franchise will be truthful when he sees Nnamdi Asamaghu (sp?) out in free agency and he wants him yet he doesn't technically have the "cap room." How am I supposed to know who and what the "commish" of the franchise I join is doing.

This is why there is a salary cap in the NFL. "Everything you see on Sunday," eh? Not quite. Why doesn't Roger Goodell just say, "You know what Mr. Jones, I'm not going to have a salary cap, but you just keep it under $100 million. And if you go over...well...you're a bad man!"

And what if someone does go over this make believe salary cap that the commish is instituting? Since there is no built in boundary, there really is nothing that one can do.

# 449 skudplayr @ 06/05/09 05:06 AM
And what about cap penalties? Is the commissioner going to keep tabs on how much the signing bonus was for the 2nd string OLB I cut in week three so that he can add up my penalties at the end of the year? Because if not, then there is no salary cap yet again, because I could just cut anyone at any time without repercussion to sign anyone, at anytime that I want.

It wouldn't matter if I offered a guy a 7 year, $60 million contract even if the commish was counting my salary total. Once I needed to sign someone else, if I were over the cap, I could just cut the old guy and not feel any cap hit, which is completely unrealistic.
# 450 Dynamite @ 06/05/09 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by skudplayr
Because, you know, you can always trust the random people you meet on Live, because they never cheat in a play now game let alone in a salary cap free online franchise. Hmmm, I wonder if Billy from Philly, the 16 year old who's masquerading as an adult commissioner of my online franchise will be truthful when he sees Nnamdi Asamaghu (sp?) out in free agency and he wants him yet he doesn't technically have the "cap room." How am I supposed to know who and what the "commish" of the franchise I join is doing.

This is why there is a salary cap in the NFL. "Everything you see on Sunday," eh? Not quite. Why doesn't Roger Goodell just say, "You know what Mr. Jones, I'm not going to have a salary cap, but you just keep it under $100 million. And if you go over...well...you're a bad man!"

And what if someone does go over this make believe salary cap that the commish is instituting? Since there is no built in boundary, there really is nothing that one can do.


It's simple. I plan to set a cap number, and if that's not followed, I will void out the results of those games, like the NCAA does when a player is declared ineligible. You get three games voided, I boot you and replace you with a legitimate player. Make sense?

This is unfortunate though, because I would much rather not have to okay every single signing and every single trade.
# 451 MoneyMoesh @ 06/05/09 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by skudplayr
And what about cap penalties? Is the commissioner going to keep tabs on how much the signing bonus was for the 2nd string OLB I cut in week three so that he can add up my penalties at the end of the year? Because if not, then there is no salary cap yet again, because I could just cut anyone at any time without repercussion to sign anyone, at anytime that I want.

It wouldn't matter if I offered a guy a 7 year, $60 million contract even if the commish was counting my salary total. Once I needed to sign someone else, if I were over the cap, I could just cut the old guy and not feel any cap hit, which is completely unrealistic.
The lack of no salary cap is a bummer but a good commish could make it work.

The one positive I could see in this is everyone can offer the same contract so it's not like anyone is at a disadvantage. It will also make league members be more active if they dont want to miss out on free agents. I'm not saying that's fair or realistic but I could see the signing of free agents always coming down to CPU logic if it works the way I think.

I do hope it can be patched or fixed before release but I guess it's wait and see at this point.
# 452 Candyman5 @ 06/05/09 09:36 AM
Here is one of my ideas(If it not to late) for online franchise. Just post dome suggestions like: How to set up probowl, how much power should commish have, should there be a Co-Commish, Etc...
Here are some cool Probowl Ideas.

I was wondering about the ProBowl and how they would set it up. Maybe everyone can play it as whatever team they have...For example: NFC team controled teams play on the NFC side and AFC controled teams play on the AFC side. Whoever the starting QB on each side is decided by what team they are....Like if the NFC teams QB was from Redskins then the user that was controling the redskins on the online dynasty would control the qb.If there was a Injury in the middle of the game that knocked out that player then the next QB would be controled by what ever team he plays on. Do that for HB also. I dont know how you would set it up for people without players in the Probowl...Maybe not let them play it or just let them in it and play as anyone.

Maybe there would be a Random for whoever is in the dynasty.
Maybe the two user players that are in the superbowl if anyone. Like if there was two users in the Superbowl, them same two get to play in the Probowl. If there is only one user in the Superbowl then it would only alow one player play the probowl with the other player being the highest ranked team.

Then if is there is no one then it would be the highest advancing players in the playoffs, if no one makes the playoffs it would go by record. Or maybe no one at all gets to play it if no one gets into the Superbowl/Playoffs.

Or just do it like in real life.

I personally never played a Probowl but having a set up like one of the suggestions above would actually make it like a Reward for the players. I would actually play it then.

Maybe also have a League voting also for one player per possition to go. The the winner out of the team vote will go then they wil do that made up voting after.
# 453 bdawkins20 @ 06/05/09 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by pfunk880
You can import offline, but not online.
Regarding the importing of draft classes into an online franchise, I think the lack thereof would detract from the online franchise mode in my opinion, but I am curious if an offline franchise will be able to be turned into an online franchise, whereby before each season you could import the NCAA draft class and then convert to an online franchise. It would be sort of similar to a dynasty I have been in whereby the commissioner takes the dynasty offline when the stage of the offseason comes when you attempt to sway players to remain at school rather than transfer or go pro.
# 454 DirtyBird @ 06/05/09 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by GigemAGGIES13
Where was this said? I thought one of the blogs stated that it's still in there.
If your talking about what i think your talking about then it was said on E3
# 455 Smoke316 @ 06/05/09 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Kingspadee
I was just trying to help out by showing people the idea my community came up with. Don't have to be a prick about it when someone is trying to help others out. I think it's kinda messed up for you to do so
Spade I like your rules . I will probably implement them into mine with a few variations here and there.. but thats a decent set up cant go wrong with that ..thanks for sharing
# 456 splff3000 @ 06/05/09 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Kingspadee
I made a system for my OD

Salary Cap! What to do to stop people from abusing it?
First we need a waiver wire that works. Second we need to set a system that is fair for everyone. Third we need to set a re-signing system that works.

Waiver wire:

The waiver wire will go from worse record and up. This way obviously the player that had the worse year would need more help. Oppose to someone who just went 19-0 they shouldn’t get first dibs on that beast QB.

If multiple teams have the same record we will look at their division record. Who had the worst record in their division. If they are identical we move on. We then will look who had the worst record in their conference. If that is still the same we move on to out of conference record.

If that is still the same then we will look to see who scored less points in the season. If by some chance that is the same then you and that person will play a game to determine who gets the 1st pick. If it is multiple teams well that is so low of a chance we will come to that if needed.

Free Agency:

We will set up a ranking system by rating on how many players you can sign in free agency.

This is still a work in progress but it’d look something like this

90-99 OVR: 1 per team

80-89 OVR: 2 per team

70-79 OVR: 3 per team

60-69 OVR: 4 per team

59-under OVR: no limit

What about Free Agency DURING the Season?

We will have a waiver wire set up so if you’re going to sign a player due to someone getting injured or your releasing someone to get someone else then you must say who you are going after and releasing. You MUST be releasing someone with equal value. You can’t release a 55 OVR player to snag up a 88 OVR player. MUST BE EQUAL VALUE! Does not have to be same rating but in the same range! For the 1st season the waiver wire will be based on last season’s performance. So Lions will get first dibs in the Free Agency during the pre-season.

What if there are a lot of holes I need to fill on my team? I suggest you have a great draft then or go after lower ranked players.

But Spade without a salary cap everyone will just resign their players to long contracts and the free agency will always be weak. Ah read on

Re-Signing Players:

You can not re-sign players during the year. You can only re-sign players at the designated off season time. If your caught re-signing/extending a contract your gone. No explaining or anything – your just gone. Plain and simple!
You can ONLY re-sign players to 3 year contracts. If it is a player that wants more – you must tell me. Failure to do so will result in you getting the axe.

Say you have 8 guys that are going into free agency if you do not resign them. 3 are over 90 4 are over 80 and 1 is 55. Well that is over the free agency limit since your only allowed 1 90-99 player and 2 80-89. So then you can only go after 79 and under players. However if it you resigned 3 80-89 players then you will still be able to go after 1 90-99 player in free agency but you will only be able to go after 2 70-79 players.

All players you are re-signing must go into a thread (we have a designated forum called The Wire) so we can know what you can pursue in Free Agency. Failure to do so – is the axe.

Thanks!! For all the people worrying, I had to do the same type stuff with NCAA OD last year and we had a blast. EA hardly ever does something, this big, right on the first try. A good commish, such as myself and apparently King Spadee, can make it work. There's work arounds for all these things, you just have to join a franchise with a good commish, that's really gonna monitor everything he needs to monitor. I know some of you guys didn't do OD last year on NCAA, but once everyone knew all the qwerks and glitches and what not, it was no problem to find work arounds. My suggestion to you all is to do like I'm gonna do. Wait a few weeks for guys to find all the glitches and cheats( cause there will be some...this is EA remember), then start your OF. By that time, there should be plenty of work arounds for these things. I'm already thinking about workarounds for the no cap deal. I might just tweak King Spadee's ideas, so they fit a little more with my style. The no trade logic is no prob at all since the commish can reject a trade if it's not a fair trade. Most likely, I'll just have the members vote on a trade before I accept or reject it.
I think you guys expect too much sometime. I never expected this to be fully functional right out of the box in the first year. I've been buying EA games far too long to believe that was gonna happen. Now in about year 3 of OF, we will have the epic OF you all want now. It seems like you guys forgot that they had to make 2k1 before they made 2k5. That was probably a bad example, but I'm just saying it's the first year. If any of you played OD last year on NCAA you know all the problems that it had at first. I expect to see something similar this year with OF in Madden. Once we get past that then it should be a good time for everyone. Cheer up guys, this is just the beginning of OF. It can only get better now, right?
# 457 adembroski @ 06/05/09 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by pastapadre
My understanding is that salaries/contracts don't play any role in online franchise. Basically what they're doing as a bridge will probably be to put control in the hands of the commish who'll be able to grant free agents to teams. Using the forums we'd be able to come up with our own system of how to handle free agents then the commish could hand them out. Something like a points system and bidding.

For structured and organized franchises it should be possible to pull off, though certainly not ideal. Its the random franchises people join that could be messy and unsatisfying.
From the PastaPadre forums.
# 458 splff3000 @ 06/05/09 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by SwayGod53
Why can't EA do a waiver wire? We're paying 60 bucks for a game where we have to make our own rule sets???
Hey man, it was the same way with NCAA. It's the nature of the beast. Or rather, the nature of EA. There first implementation of a feature should usually just be called a beta. That's essentially all it is. Then they'll tweak it next year according to feedback from the beta testers(consumers). I'm just hoping next year is the real thing.
# 459 splff3000 @ 06/05/09 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Kingspadee
Why can't EA put in a salary cap and trade logic?

It sucks I know - but like I said at least you can make a setup that is fair for your franchise. I know my rules will not be liked by many but honestly only thing it matters is does it work for me and my group. We had like 4 threads last night on our message board on what to do - and we came up with this.

And as far as Trades go we are going to vote on trades to make sure people are not taking advantage of the CPU
Exactly!!. It's messed up that we have to do all this, but in the end it comes down to are we having fun. As long as me and my members are having fun that's all that matters.
# 460 splff3000 @ 06/05/09 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Kingspadee
I know by year 2 or 3 I will have a core set of guys and just because right now I am starting with 20+ guys in no way will I be frantically searching for new members each year when people drop. I am going for quality over quantity and I know that around year 2 or 3 everyone will have a good grasp of how things work and it will run smoothly
Yep that's how it was with NCAA. We had about 10 core guys and everything was gravy. Now when 10 comes out, I don't have to look for new people because I know the 10 guys I got are good sim style players.

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