Feature Article
Can I Have my Money Back?

As daylight savings kicks in and the snow begins to melt it's starting to become evident that spring is in the air. And what comes with spring? Baseball. Unfortunately being an XBOX 360 owner leaves me few options when it comes to choosing a baseball game. In fact it leaves me with just one option: MLB 2K8.

Living in a city (Pittsburgh) which has woefully attempted to field a winning team for last 15 seasons has made my love for the game of baseball dwindle; not to mention everything else that has gone on with the sport in the last decade and a half. Still, every spring I get an itch, and it's not pollen related. The itch is for some digital baseball on my console.

Last year was the first year I spent with the 2K series, and while I enjoyed it enough to make it through a whole 162 game season, plus playoffs, I knew it could have been better. This is what I was hoping for when I recently started getting geared up for the newest rendition. This is not what I got at all, however.

Upon firing up the game for the first time I quickly realized that something was, well boring. I cannot think of a better way of saying that. The front end is lousy and dull, and everything presentation wise is more or less exactly the same as last year. Aesthetically speaking, I began to feel like I had just paid sixty dollars for a roster update, even though I still had to wait until Opening Day to download an up to date roster.

Commentary was exactly the same, especially after all those games I played last year. Honestly, how many times do I need to hear about, "PFP, Pitchers Fielding Practice", Joe Morgan?

Where is the groundbreaking presentation that placed 2K games above the bar for so many years? Replays and cut screens looked the same, well almost; there was that renowned stuttering issue to enjoy. In addition, animations and every other little nuance was pretty much exactly where I left it at the end of last summer. What a disappointment. How can I possibly be inspired to keep playing a game that got old seven or eight months ago?

Then I began to start disliking features that I liked in the previous year's game. The lineup card you can bring up during the pitcher batter interface was still there, but the writing was so small it was hard to read even when zoomed in. I am gaming on a 42-inch plasma, I should be able to read this stuff; I am still a relatively young guy here!

The one feature I really do like happens to be the 2K beats. This is where you can import any music you like, even streaming from your computer, to the game and have it play for all kinds of circumstances. This should be in every game!

That alone was the bright spot I found though. The game itself played mostly better as the new controls were inventive, and fun. Pitching takes too long to keep me interested though. It's a neat idea it just needs to be tightened up. Waiting for the catcher to give the sign and set up takes a little too long, and then just the act of pitching is pretty drawn out itself.

There is a better variety of hits which is nice, along with the new fielding mechanic being sound.

At the end of the day, however, all the new game mechanics can not make up for what this game lacks. The atmosphere is dull; graphics look bland; player models have taken a step back, physics are pretty weak again; and the overall experience was just lame. Even the lighting and weather just downright atrocious. And this isn’t even getting into all the bugs and problems I have encountered personally, or ones members in the forums have been complaining about. I'm talking about issues that have ranged from games freezing to gameplay errors and mishaps. It's exactly the type of problems I don't want out of a game that has no competition.

Maybe you can play this if you really love baseball and put in the time to tweak the sliders post-patch, I cannot though. Knowing that other games, like GTA, are coming out next month I don't see any reason to try and force myself to like this game.

It is just a boring game. A game I had already mastered last year; a game that I expected so much more out of; and mostly, a game that will sit on my shelf no matter what happens with baseball in this town.

Can I have my money back 2K?

Member Comments
# 1 bigfnjoe96 @ 03/20/08 01:36 PM
While I'll agree that the atmosphere is dull. The lighting engine makes things seem darker than they should. I'm gonna disagree on Player Models. 2K IMO got them correct this year. They are much more toned down then they were last year. They actually look much closer to their counter parts this year
# 2 Amazin @ 03/20/08 02:05 PM
I have to disagree that the game is boring and dull. The new Total Control System makes the game a totally new experience from 2K7. If you want a good accurate game of baseball you have to put time into tweaking the sliders as well as other settings. Name a game, any sport, that plays correctly out of the box and please do not tell me The Show because I have it too and it has plenty of flaws which people seem to just bypass for some reason. After playing 2K8 and going back to The Show I find it very stiff and tedious to try and complete nine innings in The Show, but that's just my opinion. Doesn't really sound like you have put very much time or effort into 2K8 which is a shame. Have fun with GTA while I enjoy a great baseball season.
# 3 MildlyPsycho @ 03/20/08 02:09 PM
Well said Patrick. This was a good read and you make very solid points.
# 4 RandyMoss84 @ 03/20/08 02:26 PM
boring and dull? i think that this game got the feel of baseball down the best, it may seem "boring or dull" to some people but to me this is what a baseball game should be like. Everything that i want to do i can with no problems, I think you guys need to not have such a negative outlook on the games, its better than last year for sure so if u played a whole season last year than what isn't there to like about playing another season with the improvements they added. Don't give me its just a roster update excuse there are countless improvements over last year, makes the game that much better.

"front end is lously and dull"
-what do you want them to do? i kind of like it with the player backgrounds and the player cards, it could be better (i loved ASB04s) but its not lously or dull

"still had to wait til opening day to until opening day to download an up to date roster"
-there was an update available right away that makes the rosters for sure playable and up to date, want more? than yes wait until MLB changes their rosters so 2k can come up with a new one

"commentary was exactly the same"
-jon miller & joe morgan last year is still better than any other baseball game commentary this year (and still better than a lot of other sports games) if i ain't broke don't fix it

"lineup card"
-yeah its small but u should be able to see it on 42" idk how u can't. sometimes i play on a 20 inch n i can use it. anyways u know which are ur players in and whats the dugout and when its zooms in u can easily read it, otherwise go to the pause menu
# 5 Tomba @ 03/20/08 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Amazin
I have to disagree that the game is boring and dull. The new Total Control System makes the game a totally new experience from 2K7. If you want a good accurate game of baseball you have to put time into tweaking the sliders as well as other settings. Name a game, any sport, that plays correctly out of the box and please do not tell me The Show because I have it too and it has plenty of flaws which people seem to just bypass for some reason. After playing 2K8 and going back to The Show I find it very stiff and tedious to try and complete nine innings in The Show, but that's just my opinion. Doesn't really sound like you have put very much time or effort into 2K8 which is a shame. Have fun with GTA while I enjoy a great baseball season.
the amount of offline lag and choppiness is enough for anyone to not have any fun. owning a hdtv and this game is painful on the eyes...
# 6 bigfnjoe96 @ 03/20/08 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Tomba321
Owning a hdtv and this game is painful on the eyes...
.... .... ....
# 7 myghty @ 03/20/08 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
.... .... ....
# 8 awesomepatrol @ 03/20/08 02:51 PM
It's hard to over-emphasize how terrible this game is. Here is some background from where I'm coming from: the only reason whatsoever that I have a console is because post-MVP '05, no more baseball games were made for the PC. I couldn't even get roster updates. And I must say, if I *could* get a roster update for that game, it would be hands down better than this piece of garbage.

So I started with 2k6, which was horrible. But they made some general improvements in 2k7, which made me mildly encouraged for 2k8. But wow, I've never seen such a regression in any sequel, let alone a sports game.

In a word, the game is unplayable. This is a goddamn console; you shouldn't have to deal with a frame-rate that reduces the game to a literal slide-show at least 75% of the time. What's even more impressive is that despite the horrendous frame-rate -- and, yes, even with the so-called profile "fix" -- the graphics are somehow manifestly worse than 2k7. Even the menu system is blurry and unclear. I thought there might be something wrong with my monitor, but when I fired up NHL 08, all of a sudden all was right with the world -- and at smooth frame-rate to boot.

Honestly, I'd rather they cancelled this year's edition and released a roster update for 2k7 than have released this monstrosity.
# 9 CS10029 @ 03/20/08 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by DannyMac910
Wow, another rip on 2k8? Shame on OS again. This site is going down hill.
While appreciate them doing an article. Its a little lame how much effort has been put towards bashing this game.
# 10 boomhauertjs @ 03/20/08 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by awesomepatrol
It's hard to over-emphasize how terrible this game is. Here is some background from where I'm coming from: the only reason whatsoever that I have a console is because post-MVP '05, no more baseball games were made for the PC. I couldn't even get roster updates. And I must say, if I *could* get a roster update for that game, it would be hands down better than this piece of garbage.
Um, you can get roster updates for MVP '05 on the PC. Check out www.mvpmods.com.
# 11 awesomepatrol @ 03/20/08 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by boomhauertjs
Um, you can get roster updates for MVP '05 on the PC. Check out www.mvpmods.com.
I did that for a while, and it was actually kind of cool. But it's an imperfect solution, particularly since it's mostly a hack of a game not designed for wide-spread user modification. On the other hand, it's better than 2k8k, so go figure.
# 12 Birdman18 @ 03/20/08 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by CS10029
While appreciate them doing an article. Its a little lame how much effort has been put towards bashing this game.

Maybe it takes these articles to show people from 2K and EA that we are passionate about the games we buy and we just are NOT going take the pieces of crap they have been dishing out. i give 2k credit for trying to change the way we play the game.. i definitely like using the sticks, but my god, the choppiness makes it unbearable. and no, i wont use the profile fix. i pay hard earned money to play on xbox live, and i feel this game should work with it...hands down no excuses....
# 13 Benz87 @ 03/20/08 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by DannyMac910
Wow, another rip on 2k8? Shame on OS again. This site is going down hill.
Maybe its 2K that is going downhill, not OS.
# 14 Birdman18 @ 03/20/08 03:25 PM
"front end is lously and dull"
-what do you want them to do? i kind of like it with the player backgrounds and the player cards, it could be better (i loved ASB04s) but its not lously or dull

"still had to wait til opening day to until opening day to download an up to date roster"
-there was an update available right away that makes the rosters for sure playable and up to date, want more? than yes wait until MLB changes their rosters so 2k can come up with a new one

"commentary was exactly the same"
-jon miller & joe morgan last year is still better than any other baseball game commentary this year (and still better than a lot of other sports games) if i ain't broke don't fix it

"lineup card"
-yeah its small but u should be able to see it on 42" idk how u can't. sometimes i play on a 20 inch n i can use it. anyways u know which are ur players in and whats the dugout and when its zooms in u can easily read it, otherwise go to the pause menu[/quote]

Dude, if you honestly think they are "hall of fame" broadcasters, then i want to try what you are smokin on!!! they are HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!! i'm not a sony guy at all, honestly, i just use my PS3 as a dvd/blu ray player, but the show has BY FAR better presentation.. this has actually been the low point for any 2K franchise.. presentation has always been an opportunity for 2k.

The rosters out now from 2k still have Johan on the Twins, so yeah, i would say he has to wait for an up to date roster..

most game menus always look dull.. i would much rather them polish the game instead of the game menus themselves..just my opinion..

i game on a 50 sony and i still think they lineup cards font is pretty small.. you can barely see them without zooming in.. i think that might have been the point though.. most managers are kinda old, hence bad eye sight..
# 15 bullpen @ 03/20/08 03:25 PM
The game is 60$ ....I mean....it's not 900$.

You guys have never paied 60$ to see a boring ball game ? Did you ask a refund even though on tv all the previews let you think that all games are awesome ?

I think people should stop bashing the game.

I dont remeber any 2k sports guy putting a gun to my head.

Any of us could have rented the game before buying it.
# 16 CS10029 @ 03/20/08 03:27 PM
I just don't think the game is as bad as people are saying it is. Its not perfect, but its definately solid.
# 17 Birdman18 @ 03/20/08 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by bullpen
The game is 60$ ....I mean....it's not 900$.

You guys have never paied 60$ to see a boring ball game ? Did you ask a refund even though on tv all the previws let you know that all games are awesome ?

I think people should stop bashing the game.

I dont remeber any 2k sports guy putting a gun to my head.

biggest point i can make to that, is we are in a recession here in the US... some people dont have great paying jobs.. some people could barely afford their consoles... so $60 to me, could mean a whole lot more than $60 to you. you might live comfortably, but some of us arent so lucky...
# 18 bullpen @ 03/20/08 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman18
biggest point i can make to that, is we are in a recession here in the US... some people dont have great paying jobs.. some people could barely afford their consoles... so $60 to me, could mean a whole lot more than $60 to you. you might live comfortably, but some of us arent so lucky...
The more reason to rent the game before spending 60$.
# 19 ehh @ 03/20/08 03:31 PM
Let's see, the things he touches on in this article, in order, are...

- Dull presentation
- The commentary is repetitive
- Lack of new replays and cut scenes
- Hard to read batter card
- Throws in that he likes 2K Beats

It takes the author until the NINTH paragraph to even mention the game play. NINTH! And outside of a brief paragraph discussing pitching and the fact that it "takes too long to do" he summarizes the game play as...

There is a better variety of hits which is nice, along with the new fielding mechanic being sound.
A few sentences on the pitching interface and then the above quote is all he has to say about the entire gameplay package in this game. That's it?!

I'm sorry, but this could possibly be the worst article I have ever seen posted on this site. I've said it a hundred times on this site, everyone complained last year that the gameplay was what need to be fixed from 2K7. So 2K goes out and does that and now every tears the other aspects of the games to shreds. Brutal.
# 20 Sportsforever @ 03/20/08 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Birdman18
biggest point i can make to that, is we are in a recession here in the US... some people dont have great paying jobs.. some people could barely afford their consoles... so $60 to me, could mean a whole lot more than $60 to you. you might live comfortably, but some of us arent so lucky...
If $60 means that much to someone, IMO they shouldn't be buying video games or they should be renting before they purchase. Just my opinion though...

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