As daylight savings kicks in and the snow begins to melt it's starting to become evident that spring is in the air. And what comes with spring? Baseball. Unfortunately being an XBOX 360 owner leaves me few options when it comes to choosing a baseball game. In fact it leaves me with just one option: MLB 2K8.
Living in a city (Pittsburgh) which has woefully attempted to field a winning team for last 15 seasons has made my love for the game of baseball dwindle; not to mention everything else that has gone on with the sport in the last decade and a half. Still, every spring I get an itch, and it's not pollen related. The itch is for some digital baseball on my console.
Last year was the first year I spent with the 2K series, and while I enjoyed it enough to make it through a whole 162 game season, plus playoffs, I knew it could have been better. This is what I was hoping for when I recently started getting geared up for the newest rendition. This is not what I got at all, however.
Upon firing up the game for the first time I quickly realized that something was, well boring. I cannot think of a better way of saying that. The front end is lousy and dull, and everything presentation wise is more or less exactly the same as last year. Aesthetically speaking, I began to feel like I had just paid sixty dollars for a roster update, even though I still had to wait until Opening Day to download an up to date roster.
Commentary was exactly the same, especially after all those games I played last year. Honestly, how many times do I need to hear about, "PFP, Pitchers Fielding Practice", Joe Morgan?
Where is the groundbreaking presentation that placed 2K games above the bar for so many years? Replays and cut screens looked the same, well almost; there was that renowned stuttering issue to enjoy. In addition, animations and every other little nuance was pretty much exactly where I left it at the end of last summer. What a disappointment. How can I possibly be inspired to keep playing a game that got old seven or eight months ago?
Then I began to start disliking features that I liked in the previous year's game. The lineup card you can bring up during the pitcher batter interface was still there, but the writing was so small it was hard to read even when zoomed in. I am gaming on a 42-inch plasma, I should be able to read this stuff; I am still a relatively young guy here!
The one feature I really do like happens to be the 2K beats. This is where you can import any music you like, even streaming from your computer, to the game and have it play for all kinds of circumstances. This should be in every game!
That alone was the bright spot I found though. The game itself played mostly better as the new controls were inventive, and fun. Pitching takes too long to keep me interested though. It's a neat idea it just needs to be tightened up. Waiting for the catcher to give the sign and set up takes a little too long, and then just the act of pitching is pretty drawn out itself.
There is a better variety of hits which is nice, along with the new fielding mechanic being sound.
At the end of the day, however, all the new game mechanics can not make up for what this game lacks. The atmosphere is dull; graphics look bland; player models have taken a step back, physics are pretty weak again; and the overall experience was just lame. Even the lighting and weather just downright atrocious. And this isn’t even getting into all the bugs and problems I have encountered personally, or ones members in the forums have been complaining about. I'm talking about issues that have ranged from games freezing to gameplay errors and mishaps. It's exactly the type of problems I don't want out of a game that has no competition.
Maybe you can play this if you really love baseball and put in the time to tweak the sliders post-patch, I cannot though. Knowing that other games, like GTA, are coming out next month I don't see any reason to try and force myself to like this game.
It is just a boring game. A game I had already mastered last year; a game that I expected so much more out of; and mostly, a game that will sit on my shelf no matter what happens with baseball in this town.
Can I have my money back 2K?
Feature Article
Can I Have my Money Back?
Submitted on: 03/20/2008 by
Patrick Williams
Member Comments
# 162
Kramer5150 @ 03/22/08 11:03 PM
The term monopoly (from Greek mono (μονό), alone or single + polο (πωλώ), to sell) can bear two main definitions:
- In Economics, monopoly (also "Pure monopoly") exists when a specific individual or enterprise has sufficient control over a particular product or service to determine significantly the terms on which other individuals shall have access to it. [1] Monopolies are thus characterized by a lack of economic competition for the good or service that they provide and a lack of viable substitute goods. [2] Alternatively (a modern and less common usage), it may be used as a verb or adjective to refer to the process (see Monopolism) by which a firm gains persistently greater market share than what is expected under perfect competition. The latter usage of the term is invoked in the theory of monopolistic competition.
- In political discourse, the term monopoly is frequently invoked as a blanket generalization in criticism of firms with large market share or lack of what's perceived as "fair" competition. [3]
2k's deal only locks out 3rd party,but 1st party is still able to make an MLB game.
That's just it, though, there are plenty of 360 owners on this forum including myself that enjoy the game play 2k8 features this year. I don't have the frame rate issues that others are having. There is no way this game is poor quality for me and others who happen to enjoy the game on this forum.
EA or Sony could have tried to buy the license as well. And as the above poster pointed out, it's not a monopoly when other companies like MS and Nintendo can manufacture other MLB games. If it was a monopoly, you would only have 2k8 as your choice instead of The Show. If you want to talk monopoly, talk about EA and Madden.
Personally, I wouldn't spend $500 for one game and a blue ray player, especially since I have no issues with 2k8 game play wise.
They are patching the game for the frame rate issues, so, it should even make the game better.
I hate when people try to call EA or 2K monopolies. I don't think people understand monopolies.
A lot of people aren't happy unless they are beyotching about something. The whiners are funny with how serious they take this game. Guys, this game is just like anything else in this world...buyer beware. If you go to a restaurant and order a meal that you don't like, they're not just going to give you your money back. Be smart consumers; rent it or borrow it from a friend before you plunk down your money on it or whatever. Sheesh, some guys act like $60 is such a huge amount of money or something.
If you buy a game and aren't happy with it, sell it and don't buy another game that X company puts out. Consider it a learned lesson, simple as that. Either that or lower your standards a little, life is WAY too short to be popping blood vessels over a frickin game.
If you buy a game and aren't happy with it, sell it and don't buy another game that X company puts out. Consider it a learned lesson, simple as that. Either that or lower your standards a little, life is WAY too short to be popping blood vessels over a frickin game.
FYI: Madden wasn't given preferential treatment. That thread was put-up because it was requested by people who were enjoying the game who had grown tired of having the forum flooded with the same complaints every-day (and the 'complaint thread' wasn't opened until 10-days after the game came out, not before). If the forum go-ers here want an all-encompassing thread for complaints then maybe they should try their hand at asking a mod to open one up.
# 168
spankdatazz22 @ 03/23/08 01:28 PM
The litmus test I usually think of when judging sports games is how well does the game emulate the sport. I think it's remarkable that complaints about the game usually fall into one of four categories:
- "The framerate... etc."
- "The graphics took a hit... etc."
- "The Show is perfect and you need to play it... etc."
- "This game is the worst ever created/Brinkman should be embarrassed... etc." [specifics not necessary]
Never really much discussion about how well the game emulates the sport, which apparently it does fairly well. Which is why I think it's ridiculous OS sees fit to post an opinion thread thread as this one. So I don't think people here will request a separate thread for negative posts; when it comes down to it the game can stand on it's own merits. imo of course
I think this game is finally a step in the right direction with hitting and pitching as well as fielding. I love it, I think the hitting with the swing stick is really a great simulation of hitting, much more than moving a cursor and hitting a button.
I find flaws in this game with some freezing and stuttering as well as the presentation being boring, but I find this game is much more a simulation of baseball than what has been offered in the past with the push button controls.
I find flaws in this game with some freezing and stuttering as well as the presentation being boring, but I find this game is much more a simulation of baseball than what has been offered in the past with the push button controls.
# 170
aenggeorge @ 03/23/08 02:06 PM
i lvoe ths game to but hey maybe next year instead of the mogul enjine lets geet the ootp engine!
My point was since 2K was unable to compete with the MVP Baseball series, they went and bought off the MLB to kill their competition. Little did they know at the time what a powerhouse Sony's MLB game would become by now. I love the fact that 2K is losing $ on this deal.
# 175
spankdatazz22 @ 03/23/08 05:27 PM
# 176
Kramer5150 @ 03/23/08 05:47 PM
The point are claiming what 2k did should be considered a monopoly,which is not true.
# 177
Kramer5150 @ 03/23/08 05:53 PM
# 178
Kramer5150 @ 03/23/08 05:55 PM
# 179
Kramer5150 @ 03/23/08 05:58 PM
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