OS Scores Explained Madden NFL 13 Overview (Xbox 360)
Infinity engine; Connected Careers; Scouting
Lack of fantasy draft; Few repeated commentary lines; Player interaction sometimes gets too goofy
Bottom Line
Madden NFL 13 is the best Madden ever made. This is a must buy for any sports gaming fan out there.
out of 10
Madden NFL 13 REVIEW

Madden NFL 13 Review (Xbox 360)

“Chase your dream.”

That’s what my coaches used to tell me. It’s what my friends and family tell me to this day. But what if my dreams and aspirations always involved playing or coaching in the NFL? Sad to say that for myself, and probably most of you, that playing in the NFL just isn’t going to be happening anytime soon. So we do what we do best, we compromise and try and fulfill are dreams within the Madden football series.

Well thanks to the near-complete redesign of the said series, in Madden NFL 13 those dreams may be able to finally come to fruition more than ever. With new animations, the most innovative Madden feature to date – and possibly any sports game ever – Connected Career mode, and the introduction of the Infinity engine, Madden NFL 13 should finally be able to please both the hardcore and casual gamers.

Being skeptical when reviewing the most anticipated sports game of the year is a must. You find yourself looking for wrongs moreso than rights. But after playing Madden for a week, those wrongs don’t tend to come up too often.

The rights all begin with the new Infinity engine, the staple of Madden’s core gameplay. When players interact on the field it seems as close to lifelike as a video game can get. From the gang tackles to the after-the-play stumbles, each collision shows something unseen.

Within the running game lies the engine’s beauty. Now more than ever you must pay attention to your blockers, because without them the halfback would just stumble his way through defenders until he falls down. But again, seeing the way the runner bounces of off would-be tacklers has to put a smile on everyone’s face.

During the run game, line interaction is at its best. When running off the right tackle, often times you’ll see a different player interaction. Also, depending on the skill of the defensive end, you could see an impressive swim move that will instantly lead to a loss of yards.

The line interaction has been much improved all around to be sure. The improvements are more noticeable on the defensive side, as pressuring the quarterback seems easier than ever. In the NFL – and in Madden NFL 13 – the quarterback has around 3 to 5 seconds to get rid of the ball; in past Maddens gamers would have drop backs that could last up to 10 seconds. The pressure put on by the defense is an adjustment, but the end result is well worth it.

With the added defensive pressure, the passing game has become much more precise. The need to hit wideouts at the perfect time is more important than ever. It might take a while to get used to the new timing, which results in multiple interceptions, but once you relearn the passing game, and its welcome addition of hundreds of new passing animations, everything should be just fine.

Staying on the path of the passing game, the defensive AI is almost too smart. At long last, once the ball is thrown each and every defender doesn’t know exactly were it Is going – but there is still an issue. Interceptions are much more frequent than in years past. The AI will jump in front, behind or on top of wherever you’re throwing the ball. Once you get used to the new gameplay, though, the interceptions will drop sightly. It’s still difficult to judge if the increase in picks are due to the gameplay or to the adaptation of the Infinity engine.

When all of these improvements are put together, it creates the feel of a completely revamped way to play on offense. Now more than ever must you have a gameplan with a nice mix of both a ground and air game. Depending on which team you use you may run more often, but in Madden NFL 13 the run seems to actually set up the pass for a good change.

Defense on the other hand, though feels different – and better – still feels like it’s lacking something.

The aforementioned defensive line play is an absolute blast. Though frustrating when your friends and the CPU are sacking you left and right, there isn’t much that can top the pure ecstasy of sacking the quarterback. Unfortunately the amount of sacks is unrealistic to the point where I’m seeing six to seven sacks per team. This is where EA Sports decided to sacrifice a little bit of realism to add in a good amount of fun – after all, it is a video game.

Also new to defensive play is the love-it-or-hate-it ball hawk. When the opponent throws a pass, once you switch to the defender you can hold down Y or triangle to attempt to intercept the ball. In the past the timing had to be done nearly perfect. The change has increased the number of interceptions too much, but it should be one of the first, and easiest, places to patch the game.

Simulation Realism

Now we get to the section that has a reputation for turner gamers off. I’m tired of reiterating how past Maddens have come and failed, so let’s cut to the chase.

The defensive AI has most definitely picked up the slack. Play calling is improved on both sides of the ball. You won’t see the same plays and packages constantly. The offensive AI will do its best to keep you on your toes.

With a nice assortment of plays on offense, the AI has become a worthy opponent. This will be overwhelming for the more casual Madden fans, but the knowledge of when to go into Cover 2 or Cover 3 is more important than ever. This year, in order to know Madden NFL 13 you need to know football. It’s about time I say.

One thing I noticed was that the CPU will start throwing more often when losing. Finally the feeling of having a lead is with you when holding the sticks. With the opponent passing, it gives you a smaller, more successful playbook that gives you the advantage.

But that’s the greener side of things. Each lead that comes with an advantage comes a deficit with its disadvantages. When down, the defense will start to focus a little more on defending the pass. It places you in the position to try and out-gun your opponent, or if you should use up extra time and stick with your gameplan. Ditto for the CPU.

Connected Careers

Though the Infinity engine is a very welcome addition, where Madden gains its replayability is within the new and ever deep Connected Career mode. Gone are the days of Franchise and Superstar modes, as well as the ability to do a fantasy draft. But the subtraction of those takes away absolutely nothing from the game in my mind.

Connected Careers lets you choose between playing as a created, current or legendary coach or player. From there on out the typical gameplay is just as the old modes, but the added depth and immersion takes the NFL experience to the next level. Storylines and Twitter feeds help create your very own NFL, from season-ending injuries to the draft stock of the next Tom Brady. One example was a preseason injury to Alex Smith that led to an EA version of Skip Bayless complaining how Colin Kaepernick couldn’t take the team back to the playoffs. Lo and behold the Niners ended up losing to Pittsburgh in the Super Bowl.

Outside the storylines there will be plenty to do each week. Scouting has been taken to a new level. Earning scouting points allow you to unlock ratings for prospects, giving you a better idea of what you’ll be drafting. And if you don’t scout you might be selecting the next Ryan Leaf.

Experience points are another addition to Madden. You can use those points to upgrade your coach or your player, as well as other players on your roster. If used correctly, your players will slowly progress and earn a higher rating as the season advances.

Progression in general has changed. Potential is gone, but in its place is performance-based progression. Jake Locker only improved his overall rating by two points as he finished his sophomore year with rather unimpressive numbers. The same goes for defensive players – which is an issue. Most gamers don’t prefer to play full 15-minute quarters, so the defensive stats can stil be underwhelming until you figure out the perfect game set up. It slows down the progression for them, which can cause some lower rated players, who will ultimately be good, lose a couple years of the prime.

There are also midseason contract negotiations and a trading block worthy of being called, well, a trading block.

As far as simulated stats go, the hardest of hardcore players won’t be upset. After simulating through five seasons, not once did a running back eclipse the 2,000-yard mark. Maurice Jones-Drew was the closest in 2013, as he gained 1,843 yards on the ground. Other than that, the top running backs typically float around 1,400-1,600 yards. Also, quarterbacks rarely threw for over 5,000 yards as Aaron Rodgers (twice) and Drew Brees (once) were the only times the feat was accomplished.

The Rest of the Best

Presentation has taken another step forward with the addition of Phil Simms and Jim Nantz. The chemistry between the two is undeniable and is actually worth listening in on. I’ll be surprised if people start muting the game this year, at least right off hand. However there are still repeated lines, which was bound to happen anyways. The overlays look freshened up, but nothing to brag about.

But if EA wants to brag, they should start yapping about the game’s atmosphere. I’m a Madden gamer who always muted Mr. Get Away From The Cop Speed to listen to iTunes, but this year I won’t have anything on shuffle unless Chicago makes the Super Bowl. EA Sports went around to each NFL stadium and recorded the crowd. I found myself turning down the TV when playing at CenturyLink Field in Seattle, Wash., before I realized that it only added to the realism.

Quarterback cadences have been added as a nice small detail, but if you don’t play with one of the 15 QBs who have it, you won’t even notice the welcome addition. The Kinect feature is a bit goofy, but in a room full of friends its hard not to have a good time.

Final Thoughts

Honestly, it’s safe to say that this is a very good game. The improvements made to this yearly release are impressive. Past iterations of Madden have done plenty to please and disappoint, but with Madden NFL 13 the disappointments are few and far between.

Though it may not top the charts as Greatest Sports Video Game of All Time, it still does more than enough to keep you playing over and over again. It’s safe to say that Madden football is officially back.

Now go and chase your dreams.

Learning Curve: It might be a bit frustrating at first for the loyal gamers, but after a few games the new gameplay should become second nature.

Control Scheme: Just like the old games.

Visuals: Graphics look solid. Improvements to player and coach faces are a nice touch, as well as the on-field interaction – thanks to the Infinity engine.

Audio: The audio team for Madden is in good hands. This is the best commentary for Madden to date.

Value: If you’ve ever purchased a Madden you better be purchasing this one as well.

Score: 8.5 (Great)

Madden NFL 13 Videos
Member Comments
# 161 Bgamer90 @ 09/03/12 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by BWHORN
You think that someone who gives this game a ""0" is a troll, but someone who gives it a 10" isn't?

A fan who gives the game a perfect 10 is different from a "troll".

How can a fan of a game be a troll of the same game?

Go back to work at Tiburon.
lol, so silly. Grow up.
# 162 Bgamer90 @ 09/03/12 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by BWHORN
<<<<<<< Points to the top of the screen and tells Bgamer90 to look at the user score. ARGUMENT OVER
"Argument's over", yet you keep on posting the same message.
# 163 Old Mr T @ 09/03/12 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Profit89
For sure. I don't trust IGN.
There's definitely something not quite right with many of the review sites.

I've hardly seen any reviews which have mentioned the removal of core gameplay mode co-op, a mode which has been in Madden for about 20 years and is used by many.

The Madden 13 box art states co-op offline and online, but neglects to say that it's impossible to play co-op season/playoffs mode, which is what most co-op gamers want. That's rather naughty by EA.
# 164 cavsfan2 @ 09/03/12 04:31 PM
I would give this game a 7.5 out of 10. It would be a 8.5 if we had more options in ccm. Definetly the best madden of this gen.
Btw is anyone else having a pretty big learning curve with this game. Idk what it is but I'm struggling
# 165 Brianz1234 @ 09/03/12 05:04 PM
This madden is a joke. Not horrible but nowhere close to at least an 7.0. Connected careers is broken. Whenever you start a career as a current coach the Carolina Panthers always sign Ryan Grant and start him. Are you kidding? I saw this and then began checking all the other teams and the jets were starting Chris Ivory. The Vikings were starting McNabb. C'mon are you kidding. This game is always just a money maker for EA. they could care less about the gamers. Same junk as last year. Infinity engine!!!!!??!!!!! Yea ok. The players look like they gt shot with a 12 gauge after taking a kickoff return and being tackled. Infinity inshmitity!!!!! After plays lineman begin to walk away and trip over injured players and fall on them. This game would be a 10.0 on original Xbox. That's about it. Sorry for ramblling but if you haven't bought it you deserve to know.
# 166 lewski19 @ 09/04/12 11:21 AM
i think my biggest issue is mostly that i did not know how much had been changed and removed from offline franchise, if i had i would never have bought the game. i agree with those who say no one can speak for everybody, and i agree that ea is trying to please everybody in terms of gameplay modes. but i just cannot accept the complete degradation that has taken place as far as offline franchise, because for me that is the one and only mode i care about at all. it just frustrates me that i spent this money on a game that i already know i am not going to play, and will probably just take back if the patch does not significantly fix some stuff. unfortunately i know one of the biggest things taken out of the game for me was draft class importing and they have already announced it will not be added back to this years or likely even next years game. it is just sad that in order to cater to online all of those who wish to play offline have been forgotten. it is probably great for online players, but it sucks for me
# 167 bmj2k7 @ 09/05/12 10:01 PM
My problem with madden is graphics, look at the pics above, Tannehill, AP, Vick look amazing but Ryan looks like M10 graphics. And when playing the game, on filed not up close actually looks similar to M10, it should be blowing M10 out the water, and its not bc they only care about the best players in the NFL, average players get no love, and the game dosent look polished. Maybe its time to kill off the cartoony graphics for something well "NEXT GEN" which we havent gotten this GEN!
# 168 bmj2k7 @ 09/05/12 10:12 PM
Why does M2001 look funner than M13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YwdYV-Ikbo&feature=related
# 169 lewski19 @ 09/06/12 02:33 PM
usually the more i play a game the more i get into it. this game, the more i play it the more i hate it.
# 170 btemp @ 09/06/12 03:58 PM
This Madden is slightly above average in terms of OS's rating for what it's worth. On the Xbox 360, discounting Madden 06 because it wasn't even a complete game, Madden has averaged a 8.0 from Madden 07-13. So being a 8.5 is slightly above average (and suggests how useful these reviews actually are - not very).
# 171 apfire21 @ 09/06/12 04:50 PM
I agree with most everyone here. Madden 13 made some improvements, but blew the continuing franchise progression. No editing, are you kidding me. Thats the only reason i buy the game is to play franchise mode and make it mine. EX: When a rookie QB gets drafted and comes out with a lineman helmet and elbow pads i change it to a realistic looking QB.... EA you fell behind again. I've played madden from the 96 version and planned on continuing with the series, but now i wish i wouldn't have invested my money in 2013 version. Why do u always have to fix things that are not broken. I agree with improvments but not a complete overhaul with taking away core values of the game.
# 172 bearschicago @ 09/07/12 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by comen
Ya I like 05 n 06 ps2!! Im sure when I say there will never be a great nfl video game until competition comes back! Its like being crowned the heavyweight champion of the world without ever fighting anyone!!
I still play Madden 05 and 06 on ps2. Both are different but great in it's own way. I still believe 05 with the Madden Manifesto and 06 with my custom sliders are the best Madden's.

However this gen, the best one is Madden 10 as that is the most complete, yet fun Madden.
# 173 kmt789 @ 09/09/12 01:26 AM
I've played Madden 13 and this game was officially the most overhyped thing in the history of human life. I hate it and am very happy to not have bought it.
# 174 BlastX21 @ 09/09/12 02:42 AM
Its interesting that the sizable majority of this forum (and others) is riddled with comments about the game being broken, highly flawed, etc, yet these "official" reviewers' scores seem to never reflect the views of those communities. The current OS board is staunchly anti-Madden.

Like, the official reviews have had Madden at 8 or more the last 4-5 years, which is in sharp contrast to how the users have ranked it.

And reviews such as this one point out almost none of the complaints I see talked about in other threads.

I really don't know why the difference is so great.
# 175 StormJH1 @ 09/11/12 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by sword1986
Big problem with Madden being the only Football game out, is that it must cater to all its fans. The Sim junkies are so last decade ... back in the 90s, early 2000s.

Even John Madden Football, the original was regarded as Simulation Football. straight up, no nonsense game of strategy.

It may be hard to watch, but this is the first ever Madden game:

"Ok sword, what does an old game have to do with today's game."

Think outside the box here ... this game of John Madden Football had no gimmick. its main goal was to simulate football. over the years, you make football games but the main problem is the company develops training incapacity. this is the reason why Madden has like an arcade-cartoonish feel. Concentrating on football and less gimmicks is the way Madden should go. Look at the PS2 Madden, they were going in the right direction. Graphics were terrible, but the main aspect - the FOCUS was Football. NextGen Madden is just about having cool menus and graphics, not about gameplay. They only recently struck gold with gameplay through the Infinity Engine THIS YEAR. They had since 2005 when they decided to take over the NFL license to make moves. My guess is because the license expires, they wont be the only NFL Game in town so they need some sort of edge. if 2K Football comes back, forget about it. Madden would turn into NBA Live in a matter of years (wont say right away cause the Madden franchise is very popular but it'll eventually fade).

If Madden 14 is to be successful, they need to go back and look at John Madden Football from 1988. Focus on the aspects of football, the tackling, the strategy. Make sure the A.I. is efficient then go somewhere else like Connected Careers.
The license battle is obviously a negative because we lack a competitive alternative, but I think people do tend to overhype the impact competition would have had on making EA's version of the game any better. There's a lot of revisionist history about 2k5 and Madden 2005. While 2k5 had some great elements, it was still widely considered to be graphically inferior and lacking in features compared to Madden. (The field textures in 2k5 were particularly poor). Also recall that significantly more people were on PS2 than XBox, and EA games were created for PS2 and ported over, whereas 2k5 was the opposite, IIRC. NFL 2k5 was decidedly less impressive on PS2 than it was on XBox.

I just bought this game today - haven't played yet. I was unimpressed with the demo after a month of playing NCAA, but I got it $10 off at Target and I'm willing to give it a shot because of the visuals, presentation, and the new modes.

IMO, Madden has gotten better, and it started in Madden 10 when they fixed the ratings to be more variable (NHL could sure take a lesson from this). But no current gen Madden game has been as good as Madden 2005 was. And I disagree that the visuals were poor in that game, that game looked terrific in 2004, and it played great.
# 176 b0z1c @ 09/17/12 09:09 AM
changes in MADDEN are nice but 2Ks NBA has really set the bar high for other sports games..especially in presentation
# 177 SongDog33 @ 09/17/12 09:42 AM
You're definitely on par with this review and score, though I DO see a lot of NBA2K12 influence in the main screen layout, the Legends are in the game now, the television broadcast delivery, etc. If Madden was an 8.5, then NBA 2K13 is gonna be a 9.0+.

PSN: SongDog33
# 178 roll2tide @ 09/17/12 11:28 AM
WOW....I just read this for the 1st time today....I can't believe how blatantly and blindly this is just a pro EA review. I don't how MMChris can ever claim objectivity again.
# 179 TajDeni @ 09/17/12 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by bearschicago
However this gen, the best one is Madden 10 as that is the most complete, yet fun Madden.
now i only rented M13 for about a wk, but from the time that i spent with it plus some of the limitations with the game. i would have to agree that M10 is the best Madden this generation.

put it another way, if M10 was the exact same game but also had M13 graphics, i truly believe more ppl would find more positive things to say about M10.
# 180 StormJH1 @ 09/19/12 01:45 PM
Wow. I'm only a week or two into owning this game, but I'm so conflicted on it. The onslaught of positive reviews (almost universally 8.0 or higher) really makes you wonder about the legitimacy of the review industry. This one sports title is such a cash cow for EA, that you'd have to imagine there'd be pressure against being one of the few publications to absolutely trash it. It's one thing to thing to give NHL 2k10 a 6.7, or trash any of the other less popular games, but this is MADDEN.

Even if the reviewers are being honest, I feel like Madden sways them with the shiny new features that we see year to year, except they never seem to realize that most of these features (vision cone, weapons, etc.) are either completely scrapped or completely superseded a year later. I do have to give Madden 13 serious credit for reworking the career mode. There are definite touches of NBA 2k's franchise mode in there.

But the animations in the actual game play can be jarringly bad. Seriously, after coming off two straight months of loving NCAA 13 to death, it's alarming how bad parts of this game are. The passing A.I. is NOT noticeably improved, even if the ball trajectory and precision passing are. Seriously, how many different times have we heard that "gang tackling", "precision passing" and "proper DB/WR interaction" are now in the game? Every year, I hear reviewers and commenters talking about how toned down super-LB's are, but it's still there!

The collision system broke the running game, IMO. When I have Adrian Peterson running full speed into a linebacker, and he just crumples into a heap, I'm sorry, but that' feels like Backbreaker to me. I'm going to keep playing to see if I can "get used" to some of the horrible animations that pull you out of an immersive experience, but I have doubts.

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