OS Scores Explained Madden NFL 13 Overview (Xbox 360)
Infinity engine; Connected Careers; Scouting
Lack of fantasy draft; Few repeated commentary lines; Player interaction sometimes gets too goofy
Bottom Line
Madden NFL 13 is the best Madden ever made. This is a must buy for any sports gaming fan out there.
out of 10
Madden NFL 13 REVIEW

Madden NFL 13 Review (Xbox 360)

“Chase your dream.”

That’s what my coaches used to tell me. It’s what my friends and family tell me to this day. But what if my dreams and aspirations always involved playing or coaching in the NFL? Sad to say that for myself, and probably most of you, that playing in the NFL just isn’t going to be happening anytime soon. So we do what we do best, we compromise and try and fulfill are dreams within the Madden football series.

Well thanks to the near-complete redesign of the said series, in Madden NFL 13 those dreams may be able to finally come to fruition more than ever. With new animations, the most innovative Madden feature to date – and possibly any sports game ever – Connected Career mode, and the introduction of the Infinity engine, Madden NFL 13 should finally be able to please both the hardcore and casual gamers.

Being skeptical when reviewing the most anticipated sports game of the year is a must. You find yourself looking for wrongs moreso than rights. But after playing Madden for a week, those wrongs don’t tend to come up too often.

The rights all begin with the new Infinity engine, the staple of Madden’s core gameplay. When players interact on the field it seems as close to lifelike as a video game can get. From the gang tackles to the after-the-play stumbles, each collision shows something unseen.

Within the running game lies the engine’s beauty. Now more than ever you must pay attention to your blockers, because without them the halfback would just stumble his way through defenders until he falls down. But again, seeing the way the runner bounces of off would-be tacklers has to put a smile on everyone’s face.

During the run game, line interaction is at its best. When running off the right tackle, often times you’ll see a different player interaction. Also, depending on the skill of the defensive end, you could see an impressive swim move that will instantly lead to a loss of yards.

The line interaction has been much improved all around to be sure. The improvements are more noticeable on the defensive side, as pressuring the quarterback seems easier than ever. In the NFL – and in Madden NFL 13 – the quarterback has around 3 to 5 seconds to get rid of the ball; in past Maddens gamers would have drop backs that could last up to 10 seconds. The pressure put on by the defense is an adjustment, but the end result is well worth it.

With the added defensive pressure, the passing game has become much more precise. The need to hit wideouts at the perfect time is more important than ever. It might take a while to get used to the new timing, which results in multiple interceptions, but once you relearn the passing game, and its welcome addition of hundreds of new passing animations, everything should be just fine.

Staying on the path of the passing game, the defensive AI is almost too smart. At long last, once the ball is thrown each and every defender doesn’t know exactly were it Is going – but there is still an issue. Interceptions are much more frequent than in years past. The AI will jump in front, behind or on top of wherever you’re throwing the ball. Once you get used to the new gameplay, though, the interceptions will drop sightly. It’s still difficult to judge if the increase in picks are due to the gameplay or to the adaptation of the Infinity engine.

When all of these improvements are put together, it creates the feel of a completely revamped way to play on offense. Now more than ever must you have a gameplan with a nice mix of both a ground and air game. Depending on which team you use you may run more often, but in Madden NFL 13 the run seems to actually set up the pass for a good change.

Defense on the other hand, though feels different – and better – still feels like it’s lacking something.

The aforementioned defensive line play is an absolute blast. Though frustrating when your friends and the CPU are sacking you left and right, there isn’t much that can top the pure ecstasy of sacking the quarterback. Unfortunately the amount of sacks is unrealistic to the point where I’m seeing six to seven sacks per team. This is where EA Sports decided to sacrifice a little bit of realism to add in a good amount of fun – after all, it is a video game.

Also new to defensive play is the love-it-or-hate-it ball hawk. When the opponent throws a pass, once you switch to the defender you can hold down Y or triangle to attempt to intercept the ball. In the past the timing had to be done nearly perfect. The change has increased the number of interceptions too much, but it should be one of the first, and easiest, places to patch the game.

Simulation Realism

Now we get to the section that has a reputation for turner gamers off. I’m tired of reiterating how past Maddens have come and failed, so let’s cut to the chase.

The defensive AI has most definitely picked up the slack. Play calling is improved on both sides of the ball. You won’t see the same plays and packages constantly. The offensive AI will do its best to keep you on your toes.

With a nice assortment of plays on offense, the AI has become a worthy opponent. This will be overwhelming for the more casual Madden fans, but the knowledge of when to go into Cover 2 or Cover 3 is more important than ever. This year, in order to know Madden NFL 13 you need to know football. It’s about time I say.

One thing I noticed was that the CPU will start throwing more often when losing. Finally the feeling of having a lead is with you when holding the sticks. With the opponent passing, it gives you a smaller, more successful playbook that gives you the advantage.

But that’s the greener side of things. Each lead that comes with an advantage comes a deficit with its disadvantages. When down, the defense will start to focus a little more on defending the pass. It places you in the position to try and out-gun your opponent, or if you should use up extra time and stick with your gameplan. Ditto for the CPU.

Connected Careers

Though the Infinity engine is a very welcome addition, where Madden gains its replayability is within the new and ever deep Connected Career mode. Gone are the days of Franchise and Superstar modes, as well as the ability to do a fantasy draft. But the subtraction of those takes away absolutely nothing from the game in my mind.

Connected Careers lets you choose between playing as a created, current or legendary coach or player. From there on out the typical gameplay is just as the old modes, but the added depth and immersion takes the NFL experience to the next level. Storylines and Twitter feeds help create your very own NFL, from season-ending injuries to the draft stock of the next Tom Brady. One example was a preseason injury to Alex Smith that led to an EA version of Skip Bayless complaining how Colin Kaepernick couldn’t take the team back to the playoffs. Lo and behold the Niners ended up losing to Pittsburgh in the Super Bowl.

Outside the storylines there will be plenty to do each week. Scouting has been taken to a new level. Earning scouting points allow you to unlock ratings for prospects, giving you a better idea of what you’ll be drafting. And if you don’t scout you might be selecting the next Ryan Leaf.

Experience points are another addition to Madden. You can use those points to upgrade your coach or your player, as well as other players on your roster. If used correctly, your players will slowly progress and earn a higher rating as the season advances.

Progression in general has changed. Potential is gone, but in its place is performance-based progression. Jake Locker only improved his overall rating by two points as he finished his sophomore year with rather unimpressive numbers. The same goes for defensive players – which is an issue. Most gamers don’t prefer to play full 15-minute quarters, so the defensive stats can stil be underwhelming until you figure out the perfect game set up. It slows down the progression for them, which can cause some lower rated players, who will ultimately be good, lose a couple years of the prime.

There are also midseason contract negotiations and a trading block worthy of being called, well, a trading block.

As far as simulated stats go, the hardest of hardcore players won’t be upset. After simulating through five seasons, not once did a running back eclipse the 2,000-yard mark. Maurice Jones-Drew was the closest in 2013, as he gained 1,843 yards on the ground. Other than that, the top running backs typically float around 1,400-1,600 yards. Also, quarterbacks rarely threw for over 5,000 yards as Aaron Rodgers (twice) and Drew Brees (once) were the only times the feat was accomplished.

The Rest of the Best

Presentation has taken another step forward with the addition of Phil Simms and Jim Nantz. The chemistry between the two is undeniable and is actually worth listening in on. I’ll be surprised if people start muting the game this year, at least right off hand. However there are still repeated lines, which was bound to happen anyways. The overlays look freshened up, but nothing to brag about.

But if EA wants to brag, they should start yapping about the game’s atmosphere. I’m a Madden gamer who always muted Mr. Get Away From The Cop Speed to listen to iTunes, but this year I won’t have anything on shuffle unless Chicago makes the Super Bowl. EA Sports went around to each NFL stadium and recorded the crowd. I found myself turning down the TV when playing at CenturyLink Field in Seattle, Wash., before I realized that it only added to the realism.

Quarterback cadences have been added as a nice small detail, but if you don’t play with one of the 15 QBs who have it, you won’t even notice the welcome addition. The Kinect feature is a bit goofy, but in a room full of friends its hard not to have a good time.

Final Thoughts

Honestly, it’s safe to say that this is a very good game. The improvements made to this yearly release are impressive. Past iterations of Madden have done plenty to please and disappoint, but with Madden NFL 13 the disappointments are few and far between.

Though it may not top the charts as Greatest Sports Video Game of All Time, it still does more than enough to keep you playing over and over again. It’s safe to say that Madden football is officially back.

Now go and chase your dreams.

Learning Curve: It might be a bit frustrating at first for the loyal gamers, but after a few games the new gameplay should become second nature.

Control Scheme: Just like the old games.

Visuals: Graphics look solid. Improvements to player and coach faces are a nice touch, as well as the on-field interaction – thanks to the Infinity engine.

Audio: The audio team for Madden is in good hands. This is the best commentary for Madden to date.

Value: If you’ve ever purchased a Madden you better be purchasing this one as well.

Score: 8.5 (Great)

Madden NFL 13 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 ridemooses @ 08/27/12 11:18 PM
Damn, fantasy drafts were probably my favorite thing to do. I've been thinking ALL SUMMER about how I was going to build this years team. How hard was it to keep in is my questions? *sigh* I'll still get this game it seems awesome.
# 62 mike24forever @ 08/27/12 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by RG3skins
do they really ban people for that
So after getting banned you created a new user name to ask this question?
# 63 roadman @ 08/27/12 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by comen
Well said, brilliant, and way to speak the truth! Not sure who really cares about the truth on here? I pray for a great game every year but am utterly dissapointed, year after year! I guess I just expect too much?? But it does make me laugh when they say this is the best madden yet, because they say it every year, lol. Even if the game was worse then the year b4, they would still say it was the best ever! Its just about making the big bucks, I think they could care less!! Most of the people that write reviews are bias or get incentives for their high score review! Im not a basher either, I just want more from a nfl football video game! I still play madden everyday but its on my ps2, madden 06!
Maybe OS was biased last year with a 7.5.

Last year they were praised, this year they are full of it.

All in all, it's just one person's opinion.
# 64 SamoanSteelerFromAus @ 08/28/12 12:37 AM
I've only played the demo as the retail hasnt come out here yet but from what i've played I'd give it a 6.5
I think the stupidest mantra i've heard from EA is the " no two plays will ever look or feel the same"
Well i've seen many plays that are literally identical because there is still a surprisingly limited amount of animations EA use and i've seen dreaded ones i've always hated from previous maddens show up in this one more frequently than not - like that horrible wrap up waist tackle that takes seconds to get them to the ground.

Football begins in the trenches and the fact that we're 7 years on the new gen and it doesnt feel authentic is a joke.

Another big thing that I'm still yet to see mentioned is impact and momentum...I mean, when Im sprinting 40 yards down field on a kickoff and then collide into a blocker I feel absolutely nothing. There is no impact whatsoever unless it triggers a pancake animation. Cmon, how many times to people collide a full speed only to have the blocker gently put his arms on the gunner and they all of a sudden become motionless. I wanna see heads fly back, arms flail upwards from colliding and momentum carrying me towards the ball carrier based on the angle I collided with the blocker and my weight/power/speed. This should happen to blitzers smashing into lineman but instead you just get stopped gently and then have to animation your way out of the block. All Pro football 2k8 is the only game that captured leverage off the line, so much so that a nose tackle can travel 4, 5 yards whilst still engaged in a block and then sack the qb - brilliant.

This still just doesn't feel like football, it feels more like a chess game with football players as the pieces.
Madden does not capture the violence and impact of this game and I understand why people rate this high, most of the time it's because we don't have that outside reference point to grade it against because this is what EA has given us every year. I'm glad the engine has been upgraded but I think it will be a few more years until I think its worthy of a rating higher than 7.
# 65 Tweeg @ 08/28/12 01:01 AM
The AI is not a worthy opponent whatsoever in CCM. The game plays completely different than Play Now.
# 66 Redskinsfan26 @ 08/28/12 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by SamoanSteelerFromAus
I've only played the demo as the retail hasnt come out here yet but from what i've played I'd give it a 6.5
I think the stupidest mantra i've heard from EA is the " no two plays will ever look or feel the same"
Well i've seen many plays that are literally identical because there is still a surprisingly limited amount of animations EA use and i've seen dreaded ones i've always hated from previous maddens show up in this one more frequently than not - like that horrible wrap up waist tackle that takes seconds to get them to the ground.

Football begins in the trenches and the fact that we're 7 years on the new gen and it doesnt feel authentic is a joke.

Another big thing that I'm still yet to see mentioned is impact and momentum...I mean, when Im sprinting 40 yards down field on a kickoff and then collide into a blocker I feel absolutely nothing. There is no impact whatsoever unless it triggers a pancake animation. Cmon, how many times to people collide a full speed only to have the blocker gently put his arms on the gunner and they all of a sudden become motionless. I wanna see heads fly back, arms flail upwards from colliding and momentum carrying me towards the ball carrier based on the angle I collided with the blocker and my weight/power/speed. This should happen to blitzers smashing into lineman but instead you just get stopped gently and then have to animation your way out of the block. All Pro football 2k8 is the only game that captured leverage off the line, so much so that a nose tackle can travel 4, 5 yards whilst still engaged in a block and then sack the qb - brilliant.

This still just doesn't feel like football, it feels more like a chess game with football players as the pieces.
Madden does not capture the violence and impact of this game and I understand why people rate this high, most of the time it's because we don't have that outside reference point to grade it against because this is what EA has given us every year. I'm glad the engine has been upgraded but I think it will be a few more years until I think its worthy of a rating higher than 7.
I don't understand how you can rate the retail game after playing the demo.
# 67 SamoanSteelerFromAus @ 08/28/12 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by Redskinsfan26
I don't understand how you can rate the retail game after playing the demo.
Yeah I probably should of expressed how I'm assuming the aforementioned issues will be in the retail version. My rant also feels justified to me seeing as we pay $90 + for it here.
# 68 TjJunior @ 08/28/12 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by Tyrant8RDFL
Nailed it.

How this game received a 8.5 when so many of the fundamentals are off is beyond comprehension. I guess when you say its the best Madden this gen you tend to think it deserves a 8.5, but you can't look at it that way. You have to look at it as a product of the NFL, and how well does EA translate the authenticity of the sport, along with presentation, and features.

The game is not authentic where it matters most. Line interaction. Madden fails big time in this area. Its not authentic with how LB's attack the run. It is not authentic where you RB runs into his offensive lineman and collapses like he has been shot, and the list goes on and on.

The presentation is still way below standards. The computer A.I calls a horrible game in the closing minutes.

CCM which is a nice addition , but major features were sacrificed for it, so it is still greatly incomplete. They even admitted its the beginning of something special, and things had to be removed for it, which again means it is incomplete.

Listen I'm not bashing the game. I will buy it , but I'm just stating that there are way too many important elements of the game that are not done correctly in madden.

Can Madden be fun, yes it can, but this game is not a 8.5 by any stertch. It is a 7 at best.

A 7 mean its a good game. 8.5 means it's a excellent game, and Madden 13 is not a excellent game.

For Madden to be a excellent game. It has to have a realistic pocket. Realistic line interaction. Realistic WR and Db interaction. A Realistic QB passing game. I just named a few of the elements of the game, and madden is not realistic in any of these areas, so how can it be a 8.5 when a few of the very important aspects of the sport are not translated accurately in the game?

Didn't MLB the show receive a 8.5, and that game is as close as it gets to be a perfect duplication of the sport. MLB The Show gets a 8.5 then Madden in no way gets a 8.5

If it gets a 8.5 or a 7, its getting bought and recognized regardless. If its for a wierd glitch or precision passing, its being bought and talked about. Me Im gonna play it and enjoy it no matter what some guy on a website says. No offense to the reviewer, I just value my opinion much more. Line interactions, realistic wr/db interaction, and a realistic passing game have not been accurately done in any football game to date. APF 2k8 has been the closest to having all three aspects down, and its still only average. Can't knock them for something that no one has done great.
# 69 DetroitStyle @ 08/28/12 02:47 AM
I think we need to redefine "game breaking". Freezing issues found in NCAA '12 or transfer failed issues in NCAA '11 - game breaking. Duplicate numbers in madden '13 - not game breaking. OS should insta-ban people who throw around BS and call it game breaking. Game breaking means you are physically unable to play the game due to a software malfunction. Anything beyond that is a mental malfunction that you need to get over IMO.

Now, for the review I thought it was very fair and well written. All of the advertised features seem to have delivered, for the most part, and when compared to previous maddens this is certainly the best of this console generation.

Stop reading deeply into the arbitrary rating. If anyone was even around, which most complainers were NOT, they would have remembered reading the announcement of the new review procedures. What was the one thing to take away from it? That you should NOT focus on the number score!

Anyway, the amount of fire and brimstone unleashed upon the madden release by OSers never ceases to amaze me. Even long before I joined and was just lurking it wasn't even this bad. I mean, this year with the season ticket release the backlash by the community has been bloody biblical. Now with the official release today I worry about what's yet to come...
# 70 TjJunior @ 08/28/12 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by BlackRome
You guys crack me up when it comes to Madden. The nit picking is insane.

Yet games like the Show and NBA2k have entire portions of the game not working. No problem.

Yet every year those games are the best ever and Madden doesn't compete. Really.

Just on a competitive level and finding out how good you really are. I'll always give Madden one thing. Online is going to work. 2k and the show. Out the box. Not likely.

If you really got into Madden. Not just looking for the crossing route a slant or a screen pass. There is a deep game of football in there.

But hey. Keep worrying about the halftime show and the announcers.

I came to play football. Not watch a halftime show.

I don't get it either. Its like folks harp on EA not respecting the fundamentals of their respected sport, when games like NBA 2k has horrible passing, but is praised. NHL has had horrible skating for years, sports game of the year. The show and APF I give due credit because they represent the fundamentals better than any other sports games in my eyes. Im not talking about cameras and equipment either. Player movement, actions/reactions/interactions, the way situations are handled are done so well in those titles.
# 71 TjJunior @ 08/28/12 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by DetroitStyle
I think we need to redefine "game breaking". Freezing issues found in NCAA '12 or transfer failed issues in NCAA '11 - game breaking. Duplicate numbers in madden '13 - not game breaking. OS should insta-ban people who throw around BS and call it game breaking. Game breaking means you are physically unable to play the game due to a software malfunction. Anything beyond that is a mental malfunction that you need to get over IMO.

Now, for the review I thought it was very fair and well written. All of the advertised features seem to have delivered, for the most part, and when compared to previous maddens this is certainly the best of this console generation.

Stop reading deeply into the arbitrary rating. If anyone was even around, which most complainers were NOT, they would have remembered reading the announcement of the new review procedures. What was the one thing to take away from it? That you should NOT focus on the number score!

Anyway, the amount of fire and brimstone unleashed upon the madden release by OSers never ceases to amaze me. Even long before I joined and was just lurking it wasn't even this bad. I mean, this year with the season ticket release the backlash by the community has been bloody biblical. Now with the official release today I worry about what's yet to come...
If that makes a broken game then add APF, NBA 2K, NCAA, and MLB 2K12 to the list cause they all have duplicate numbers.
# 72 TjJunior @ 08/28/12 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by maddenfan2324
if you are one of those people that enjoy playing offline franchise then this game isnt for you. Granted they added a ton of new equipment accesories but what the point if you arent allowed the ability to edit your team in coach mode!? all the videos on connected careers talks about letting you play the game "your way" when in fact your playing the game in set rules and boundaries that dont let you do anything. The game basically sux. if you like creating yourself and using him in your franchise then dont get this game. the only way you can create yourself is in create a player...and lets be honest, who wants to be one player for seasons on end...i give this years madden a 3.5 and that is only cuz the infinity engine..which isnt even all that cuz you get players doing some ******** and awkward movements...smh wtf EA!!!!!

I don't care about franchise, ccm, editing equipment, adding new cleat colors, halftime shows, or any other window dressing. On the field in between the lines is the primary concern for me. I just play exhibition games all day, if I want a different expirence, I play Max Payne or something. Never get the hang up folks have with game modes. I suppose Im easy to please.
# 73 Moegames @ 08/28/12 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by BlackRome
You guys crack me up when it comes to Madden. The nit picking is insane.

Yet games like the Show and NBA2k have entire portions of the game not working. No problem.

Yet every year those games are the best ever and Madden doesn't compete. Really.

Jut on a competitive level and finding out how good you really are. I'll always give Madden one thing. Online is going to work. 2k and the show. Out the box. Not likely.

If you really got into Madden. Not just looking for the crossing route a slant or a screen pass. There is a deep game of football in there.

But hey. Keep worrying about the halftime show and the announcers.

I came to play football. Not watch a halftime show.

Totally agree... this is what it boils down too...you can go into MLB The Show, NBA 2k forums,etc,etc and you will ALWAYS see the nitpicking from certain individuals. We gotta keep in mind in this world we live in that we are not all the same in rational thinking... some people are super picky, some are very selfish....some are just down right mean and others are just too damn judgmental and expect perfection...that is life and that is how some people are.

When it comes to the NFL in America... a LOT of people love the sport with all their heart..so i can understand why some want this and that to be in the game...i love NFL Football with all my heart too! I just happen to be one of those more rational, more understanding and more forgiving when it comes to video games because i know damn well that there will NEVER EVER be a video game that produces AI Logic that is on the level of human intelligence and that will satisify all my expectations..i never played a game that did that for me to this day and i am a die hard gamer that's been gaming for over 28 years. I some times see people in here expecting a perfect playing game of football and that just flat out baffles me and quite frankly..its hilarious but again..we are all different folks and we all want the game to suit our personal preferences. There are things i wish that were in the game that are not int his years game..there are things that i wish that were not in this years game that are...but at the end of the day..i look at Madden 13 for what it is and that is it is one heck of an improvement over any madden this generation..period. So i cant sit here and whine and cry like a baby because some things are missing or some AI logic does not act like it should in real life scenarios...that's just silly and i don't got time to sit around and dissect a damn video game because i am too much of a gamer that just wants to play a fun and exciting NFL Football video game and Madden 13 finally delivered that......regardless of its downfalls and bugs and some faults in its Logic.

Some of you guys need to examine yourselves, sit back and really think what you expect in a video game..some of you peeps are just totally irrational about it..i can only imagine how you deal with other things in life...no wait..i rather not imagine that lol but i have a good idea what kind of people some of these people are when it comes to life's problems and issues and when things do not go their way....i am just glad that i turned out to be a type of gamer that accepts the fact that no video game will ever match human logic 1:1....especially in a complicated sport like NFL Football...its a complicated sport and to sit and bash the game is down right selfish after the nice turnaround we got this year.

I give props to EA and they should be "PROUD" of their product this year regardless of its bugs and glitches and shortcomings. They put in work this year finally and when i see people put in effort..there is absolutely no way in hell i am going to overlook that and give them a hard time and not give them praise for their efforts...that's just not how i roll, i have a genuine respect when is see developers do all they can to make the game feel "fresh" again and try to make the game fun and exciting finally...and they done that but most imporrtant of it all is that they listen to us and take our suggestions and use them..there are not many developers that do this..some of you guys cant appreciate that?...Thats wrong..just wrong... I would feel too selfish to bash them..i simply cant see how some of you just are so rude and disrespectful towards the effort put into Madden 13 this year...personally i find it very selfish and mean.

I am not saying we shouldn't point out bugs, flaws,etc and discuss constructive criticism..that is what WE NEED and there is nothing wrong with being a bit upset about things that are bugged or missing..i am upset there is no half time show..i am upset that zoom cam is too low, upset with some AI logic that's not the way i wish it could be,etc..but the positives outweigh the negatives and that is how i look at games, people, life, etc...maybe some of you guys should try it..you will live life much happier and the best part of it all...you will begin to enjoy gaming in a way you never knew you could....you are truly missing out.

This is what some of you guys do..the split second you get the game..you put it under the microscope and dissect the game searching for bugs and flaws and bad AI Logic...you put yourself in a habit that is keeping you from enjoying video games for what they are...i feel sorry for some of you...it's gotta suck to be that way. Sure past madden's were dull and unexciting..i will admit that..but this year is different and that needs to be recognized.
# 74 La Verite @ 08/28/12 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by TjJunior
I don't care about franchise, ccm, editing equipment, adding new cleat colors, halftime shows, or any other window dressing. On the field in between the lines is the primary concern for me. I just play exhibition games all day, if I want a different expirence, I play Max Payne or something. Never get the hang up folks have with game modes. I suppose Im easy to please.
You pay $60 to play exhibition? Going by the reviews, I'm so glad that I am renting it.
# 75 Bleak5170 @ 08/28/12 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by inkcil
The review doesn't mention any of the bugs being reported...most notably the depth chart bug in CCM or the DB play-action bug or CPU AI at end of games not going for the tie/win...hopefully that means these things were ironed out for the retail release even though they were in the season pass release?
Wow. I was actually stoked for Madden this year, (after taking a hiatus for a few seasons), but the game has some serious issues with major bugs and features which have been completely removed. And you mentioned none of this! 8.5 for a game which is kind of broken in so many ways? I don't get it.
# 76 Bulls321974 @ 08/28/12 07:10 AM
What do I think of Madden 13? The quirky and robotic animations are reason no. 1 why I won't buy Madden for the seventh straight year now...
# 77 La Verite @ 08/28/12 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by Moegames
Totally agree... this is what it boils down too...you can go into MLB The Show, NBA 2k forums,etc,etc and you will ALWAYS see the nitpicking from certain individuals. We gotta keep in mind in this world we live in that we are not all the same in rational thinking... some people are super picky, some are very selfish....some are just down right mean and others are just too damn judgmental and expect perfection...that is life and that is how some people are.

When it comes to the NFL in America... a LOT of people love the sport with all their heart..so i can understand why some want this and that to be in the game...i love NFL Football with all my heart too! I just happen to be one of those more rational, more understanding and more forgiving when it comes to video games because i know damn well that there will NEVER EVER be a video game that produces AI Logic that is on the level of human intelligence and that will satisify all my expectations..i never played a game that did that for me to this day and i am a die hard gamer that's been gaming for over 28 years. I some times see people in here expecting a perfect playing game of football and that just flat out baffles me and quite frankly..its hilarious but again..we are all different folks and we all want the game to suit our personal preferences. There are things i wish that were in the game that are not int his years game..there are things that i wish that were not in this years game that are...but at the end of the day..i look at Madden 13 for what it is and that is it is one heck of an improvement over any madden this generation..period. So i cant sit here and whine and cry like a baby because some things are missing or some AI logic does not act like it should in real life scenarios...that's just silly and i don't got time to sit around and dissect a damn video game because i am too much of a gamer that just wants to play a fun and exciting NFL Football video game and Madden 13 finally delivered that......regardless of its downfalls and bugs and some faults in its Logic.

Some of you guys need to examine yourselves, sit back and really think what you expect in a video game..some of you peeps are just totally irrational about it..i can only imagine how you deal with other things in life...no wait..i rather not imagine that lol but i have a good idea what kind of people some of these people are when it comes to life's problems and issues and when things do not go their way....i am just glad that i turned out to be a type of gamer that accepts the fact that no video game will ever match human logic 1:1....especially in a complicated sport like NFL Football...its a complicated sport and to sit and bash the game is down right selfish after the nice turnaround we got this year.

I give props to EA and they should be "PROUD" of their product this year regardless of its bugs and glitches and shortcomings. They put in work this year finally and when i see people put in effort..there is absolutely no way in hell i am going to overlook that and give them a hard time and not give them praise for their efforts...that's just not how i roll, i have a genuine respect when is see developers do all they can to make the game feel "fresh" again and try to make the game fun and exciting finally...and they done that but most imporrtant of it all is that they listen to us and take our suggestions and use them..there are not many developers that do this..some of you guys cant appreciate that?...Thats wrong..just wrong... I would feel too selfish to bash them..i simply cant see how some of you just are so rude and disrespectful towards the effort put into Madden 13 this year...personally i find it very selfish and mean.

I am not saying we shouldn't point out bugs, flaws,etc and discuss constructive criticism..that is what WE NEED and there is nothing wrong with being a bit upset about things that are bugged or missing..i am upset there is no half time show..i am upset that zoom cam is too low, upset with some AI logic that's not the way i wish it could be,etc..but the positives outweigh the negatives and that is how i look at games, people, life, etc...maybe some of you guys should try it..you will live life much happier and the best part of it all...you will begin to enjoy gaming in a way you never knew you could....you are truly missing out.

This is what some of you guys do..the split second you get the game..you put it under the microscope and dissect the game searching for bugs and flaws and bad AI Logic...you put yourself in a habit that is keeping you from enjoying video games for what they are...i feel sorry for some of you...it's gotta suck to be that way. Sure past madden's were dull and unexciting..i will admit that..but this year is different and that needs to be recognized.
I appreciate what your saying because it was well thought out but I have to share a random post I read which is also true.

" If you're happy with the game then great - lucky you - but please don't dismiss others who aren't and categorise them as whiners or serial complainers. When a feature/gameplay mode that they've been using for the last x amount of years is removed it can be very frustrating."

# 78 PJ33 @ 08/28/12 08:21 AM
The OL/DL play is exactly the same. I've played 10 games of it so far and have noticed nothing different from any other year.
# 79 TheBrooklynBaller @ 08/28/12 08:34 AM
The consensus from what I'm reading is that the retail version of the game isn't that much better, the changes aren't apparent and the options in CCM derail most of the fun. So I went from 50/50 to about 25/75... I'm still reading everyone's comments but damn so far it's not looking good for a football game this year.
# 80 roadman @ 08/28/12 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by La Verite
You pay $60 to play exhibition? Going by the reviews, I'm so glad that I am renting it.
I think you need to take some of your own advice, though, don't you agree?

If you like the game, lucky you and just leave it at that.

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