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Originally Posted by Tyrant8RDFL |
Nailed it.
How this game received a 8.5 when so many of the fundamentals are off is beyond comprehension. I guess when you say its the best Madden this gen you tend to think it deserves a 8.5, but you can't look at it that way. You have to look at it as a product of the NFL, and how well does EA translate the authenticity of the sport, along with presentation, and features.
The game is not authentic where it matters most. Line interaction. Madden fails big time in this area. Its not authentic with how LB's attack the run. It is not authentic where you RB runs into his offensive lineman and collapses like he has been shot, and the list goes on and on.
The presentation is still way below standards. The computer A.I calls a horrible game in the closing minutes.
CCM which is a nice addition , but major features were sacrificed for it, so it is still greatly incomplete. They even admitted its the beginning of something special, and things had to be removed for it, which again means it is incomplete.
Listen I'm not bashing the game. I will buy it , but I'm just stating that there are way too many important elements of the game that are not done correctly in madden.
Can Madden be fun, yes it can, but this game is not a 8.5 by any stertch. It is a 7 at best.
A 7 mean its a good game. 8.5 means it's a excellent game, and Madden 13 is not a excellent game.
For Madden to be a excellent game. It has to have a realistic pocket. Realistic line interaction. Realistic WR and Db interaction. A Realistic QB passing game. I just named a few of the elements of the game, and madden is not realistic in any of these areas, so how can it be a 8.5 when a few of the very important aspects of the sport are not translated accurately in the game?
Didn't MLB the show receive a 8.5, and that game is as close as it gets to be a perfect duplication of the sport. MLB The Show gets a 8.5 then Madden in no way gets a 8.5
If it gets a 8.5 or a 7, its getting bought and recognized regardless. If its for a wierd glitch or precision passing, its being bought and talked about. Me Im gonna play it and enjoy it no matter what some guy on a website says. No offense to the reviewer, I just value my opinion much more. Line interactions, realistic wr/db interaction, and a realistic passing game have not been accurately done in any football game to date. APF 2k8 has been the closest to having all three aspects down, and its still only average. Can't knock them for something that no one has done great.