OS Scores Explained Madden NFL 13 Overview (Xbox 360)
Infinity engine; Connected Careers; Scouting
Lack of fantasy draft; Few repeated commentary lines; Player interaction sometimes gets too goofy
Bottom Line
Madden NFL 13 is the best Madden ever made. This is a must buy for any sports gaming fan out there.
out of 10
Madden NFL 13 REVIEW

Madden NFL 13 Review (Xbox 360)

“Chase your dream.”

That’s what my coaches used to tell me. It’s what my friends and family tell me to this day. But what if my dreams and aspirations always involved playing or coaching in the NFL? Sad to say that for myself, and probably most of you, that playing in the NFL just isn’t going to be happening anytime soon. So we do what we do best, we compromise and try and fulfill are dreams within the Madden football series.

Well thanks to the near-complete redesign of the said series, in Madden NFL 13 those dreams may be able to finally come to fruition more than ever. With new animations, the most innovative Madden feature to date – and possibly any sports game ever – Connected Career mode, and the introduction of the Infinity engine, Madden NFL 13 should finally be able to please both the hardcore and casual gamers.

Being skeptical when reviewing the most anticipated sports game of the year is a must. You find yourself looking for wrongs moreso than rights. But after playing Madden for a week, those wrongs don’t tend to come up too often.

The rights all begin with the new Infinity engine, the staple of Madden’s core gameplay. When players interact on the field it seems as close to lifelike as a video game can get. From the gang tackles to the after-the-play stumbles, each collision shows something unseen.

Within the running game lies the engine’s beauty. Now more than ever you must pay attention to your blockers, because without them the halfback would just stumble his way through defenders until he falls down. But again, seeing the way the runner bounces of off would-be tacklers has to put a smile on everyone’s face.

During the run game, line interaction is at its best. When running off the right tackle, often times you’ll see a different player interaction. Also, depending on the skill of the defensive end, you could see an impressive swim move that will instantly lead to a loss of yards.

The line interaction has been much improved all around to be sure. The improvements are more noticeable on the defensive side, as pressuring the quarterback seems easier than ever. In the NFL – and in Madden NFL 13 – the quarterback has around 3 to 5 seconds to get rid of the ball; in past Maddens gamers would have drop backs that could last up to 10 seconds. The pressure put on by the defense is an adjustment, but the end result is well worth it.

With the added defensive pressure, the passing game has become much more precise. The need to hit wideouts at the perfect time is more important than ever. It might take a while to get used to the new timing, which results in multiple interceptions, but once you relearn the passing game, and its welcome addition of hundreds of new passing animations, everything should be just fine.

Staying on the path of the passing game, the defensive AI is almost too smart. At long last, once the ball is thrown each and every defender doesn’t know exactly were it Is going – but there is still an issue. Interceptions are much more frequent than in years past. The AI will jump in front, behind or on top of wherever you’re throwing the ball. Once you get used to the new gameplay, though, the interceptions will drop sightly. It’s still difficult to judge if the increase in picks are due to the gameplay or to the adaptation of the Infinity engine.

When all of these improvements are put together, it creates the feel of a completely revamped way to play on offense. Now more than ever must you have a gameplan with a nice mix of both a ground and air game. Depending on which team you use you may run more often, but in Madden NFL 13 the run seems to actually set up the pass for a good change.

Defense on the other hand, though feels different – and better – still feels like it’s lacking something.

The aforementioned defensive line play is an absolute blast. Though frustrating when your friends and the CPU are sacking you left and right, there isn’t much that can top the pure ecstasy of sacking the quarterback. Unfortunately the amount of sacks is unrealistic to the point where I’m seeing six to seven sacks per team. This is where EA Sports decided to sacrifice a little bit of realism to add in a good amount of fun – after all, it is a video game.

Also new to defensive play is the love-it-or-hate-it ball hawk. When the opponent throws a pass, once you switch to the defender you can hold down Y or triangle to attempt to intercept the ball. In the past the timing had to be done nearly perfect. The change has increased the number of interceptions too much, but it should be one of the first, and easiest, places to patch the game.

Simulation Realism

Now we get to the section that has a reputation for turner gamers off. I’m tired of reiterating how past Maddens have come and failed, so let’s cut to the chase.

The defensive AI has most definitely picked up the slack. Play calling is improved on both sides of the ball. You won’t see the same plays and packages constantly. The offensive AI will do its best to keep you on your toes.

With a nice assortment of plays on offense, the AI has become a worthy opponent. This will be overwhelming for the more casual Madden fans, but the knowledge of when to go into Cover 2 or Cover 3 is more important than ever. This year, in order to know Madden NFL 13 you need to know football. It’s about time I say.

One thing I noticed was that the CPU will start throwing more often when losing. Finally the feeling of having a lead is with you when holding the sticks. With the opponent passing, it gives you a smaller, more successful playbook that gives you the advantage.

But that’s the greener side of things. Each lead that comes with an advantage comes a deficit with its disadvantages. When down, the defense will start to focus a little more on defending the pass. It places you in the position to try and out-gun your opponent, or if you should use up extra time and stick with your gameplan. Ditto for the CPU.

Connected Careers

Though the Infinity engine is a very welcome addition, where Madden gains its replayability is within the new and ever deep Connected Career mode. Gone are the days of Franchise and Superstar modes, as well as the ability to do a fantasy draft. But the subtraction of those takes away absolutely nothing from the game in my mind.

Connected Careers lets you choose between playing as a created, current or legendary coach or player. From there on out the typical gameplay is just as the old modes, but the added depth and immersion takes the NFL experience to the next level. Storylines and Twitter feeds help create your very own NFL, from season-ending injuries to the draft stock of the next Tom Brady. One example was a preseason injury to Alex Smith that led to an EA version of Skip Bayless complaining how Colin Kaepernick couldn’t take the team back to the playoffs. Lo and behold the Niners ended up losing to Pittsburgh in the Super Bowl.

Outside the storylines there will be plenty to do each week. Scouting has been taken to a new level. Earning scouting points allow you to unlock ratings for prospects, giving you a better idea of what you’ll be drafting. And if you don’t scout you might be selecting the next Ryan Leaf.

Experience points are another addition to Madden. You can use those points to upgrade your coach or your player, as well as other players on your roster. If used correctly, your players will slowly progress and earn a higher rating as the season advances.

Progression in general has changed. Potential is gone, but in its place is performance-based progression. Jake Locker only improved his overall rating by two points as he finished his sophomore year with rather unimpressive numbers. The same goes for defensive players – which is an issue. Most gamers don’t prefer to play full 15-minute quarters, so the defensive stats can stil be underwhelming until you figure out the perfect game set up. It slows down the progression for them, which can cause some lower rated players, who will ultimately be good, lose a couple years of the prime.

There are also midseason contract negotiations and a trading block worthy of being called, well, a trading block.

As far as simulated stats go, the hardest of hardcore players won’t be upset. After simulating through five seasons, not once did a running back eclipse the 2,000-yard mark. Maurice Jones-Drew was the closest in 2013, as he gained 1,843 yards on the ground. Other than that, the top running backs typically float around 1,400-1,600 yards. Also, quarterbacks rarely threw for over 5,000 yards as Aaron Rodgers (twice) and Drew Brees (once) were the only times the feat was accomplished.

The Rest of the Best

Presentation has taken another step forward with the addition of Phil Simms and Jim Nantz. The chemistry between the two is undeniable and is actually worth listening in on. I’ll be surprised if people start muting the game this year, at least right off hand. However there are still repeated lines, which was bound to happen anyways. The overlays look freshened up, but nothing to brag about.

But if EA wants to brag, they should start yapping about the game’s atmosphere. I’m a Madden gamer who always muted Mr. Get Away From The Cop Speed to listen to iTunes, but this year I won’t have anything on shuffle unless Chicago makes the Super Bowl. EA Sports went around to each NFL stadium and recorded the crowd. I found myself turning down the TV when playing at CenturyLink Field in Seattle, Wash., before I realized that it only added to the realism.

Quarterback cadences have been added as a nice small detail, but if you don’t play with one of the 15 QBs who have it, you won’t even notice the welcome addition. The Kinect feature is a bit goofy, but in a room full of friends its hard not to have a good time.

Final Thoughts

Honestly, it’s safe to say that this is a very good game. The improvements made to this yearly release are impressive. Past iterations of Madden have done plenty to please and disappoint, but with Madden NFL 13 the disappointments are few and far between.

Though it may not top the charts as Greatest Sports Video Game of All Time, it still does more than enough to keep you playing over and over again. It’s safe to say that Madden football is officially back.

Now go and chase your dreams.

Learning Curve: It might be a bit frustrating at first for the loyal gamers, but after a few games the new gameplay should become second nature.

Control Scheme: Just like the old games.

Visuals: Graphics look solid. Improvements to player and coach faces are a nice touch, as well as the on-field interaction – thanks to the Infinity engine.

Audio: The audio team for Madden is in good hands. This is the best commentary for Madden to date.

Value: If you’ve ever purchased a Madden you better be purchasing this one as well.

Score: 8.5 (Great)

Madden NFL 13 Videos
Member Comments
# 141 JasonZimmerman @ 08/31/12 11:02 AM
I like to play in broadcast view. It looks great, and for me it's easier. And I like to edit player apperances. They FINALLY FINALLY got Soldier Field exact and now I can't do either!!! Unless I want to play games that don't mean anything! EA...F OFF!!!
# 142 ddRick @ 08/31/12 11:12 AM
"there isn’t much that can top the pure ecstasy of sacking the quarterback."

Whatever. I can't stand playing the D-line... it seems so boring to me. I don't think anything is more satisfying than playing a receiver one on one and picking it off.... that takes skill, not just running straight for the QB and swimming around a blocker. I hate the stupid ball hawk feature though... now anybody can get picks and takes the skill out. But playing a FS from the start and jumping routes or getting matched up one on one with a slot receiver and getting picks is much better than getting sacks.
# 143 Armor and Sword @ 08/31/12 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by treq21
Everyone complains that "Madden is stale...they really need to change it" or " i feel like i am playing madden12.5"

So then EA changes some things up and people STILL aren't happy because "now I cant find anything", and, my favorite. "Madden is absolutely BROKEN this year"

Madden users are the hardest people to please in all of gaming. just play the game and have fun and enough with all the hand wringing.

I agree.

And then I also have to sit and wait for a patch to make CCM a mode I am pumped to play....playable offline. I am an offline gamer....period.

CCM from respected OS'ers here is not playable in it's current state. It is a complete trainwreck out of the box.

On a positive note EA knows this (probably knew it before release hence why the patch is so quick) and are getting a major patch out quickly to get this all worked out.

I hope the patch takes care of the issues. I love the gameplay and new play by play (the new replays are just superbly bad though) and want to have an immersive multi year CCM going that functions properly with sliders and AI that fucntion just like in Play Now mode. And also hopefully Zoomed cam working in offline CCM.

In Play Now mode the game kicks major ***.....but I am a offline dynasty/franchise player and it is not playable right now. Once EA get's this patch out....the boards will calm down.

People will be to busy playing.
# 144 Carrondine @ 09/01/12 08:44 AM
I love the franchise mode of games past and I'm returning the game today. I'm not a Madden "stick jockey" who likes to be the QB...I'm terrible at picking the receivers during games and make no bones about it. I liked to play games with "coach" mode to let the QB do his job. Now to play a franchise "aka: connected careers coaching" you are practically required to play practices in order to progress in step with other teams and you have no option for you to do to anything other than play as the QB and select the receivers on every play. In other words, you can't be a good "coach" without being VERY good on the sticks. In fact, ALL games in career mode have no option other than to force you to make all QB throwing decisions. Only the non-career mode games allow you to play in coach mode. Your career is significantly stunted unless you play as the QB picking the receivers on every down. I've already found this game's coaching career mode laborious at best and I could not get out of pre-season before my interest lagged. This game comes across as the developer Stick Jockeys forcing non-stick jockeys to train to become Stick Jockeys. The Coach mode is not much more than enforced Madden boot camp... I become totally frustrated every time I've played the game. If you are like me and don't want to have to control the QB on every stinking down, stay with Madden 12, don't waste your money. I'm actually going back to Madde2 12 myself since it is a more enjoyable game. Madden 13 is for Stick Jockeys only.
# 145 Old Mr T @ 09/01/12 09:01 AM
It would be helpful if reviewers could state that core gameplay modes such as co-op have been removed.
# 146 ultralow36 @ 09/01/12 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by Old Mr T
It would be helpful if reviewers could state that core gameplay modes such as co-op have been removed.
it may not be important to him ...Thats why you should judge the game for yourself....I take all reviews with a grain of salt....I love the game dont care for offline coop..But you care for it..you have to make up your on mind ...

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
# 147 thagamev1 @ 09/01/12 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by PVarck31
Great review. Agree with the score as well.
I agree great review
# 148 ultralow36 @ 09/01/12 11:03 AM
whats so official about it? Its what he thinks of the game...The only official review you should care about is yours....
# 149 Old Mr T @ 09/01/12 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by bucky60
If your reviewing for a magazine, or a MAJOR web site, then that is an official review. It's not some guy in his parents house putting up a facebook status.

And I can't review the game unless I have it. I have to spend money to review the game. Seems a like a catch 22, don't you think? Don't you use reviews to figure out if you want to spend money on it? Are you serious that only each individual can review games? Hard to take you seriously with a post like that.

Exactly, well said.
# 150 walliworld @ 09/02/12 12:40 AM
Best Madden Ever gets a 8.5 rating? LOL
# 151 timgoodman @ 09/02/12 03:38 AM
I have read several reviews of Madden 13 and have also been playing since the night of release. I cannot help but wonder what EA does to get the generally positive and even glowing reviews it does. The game is playable but is still chock full of problems and in many ways is even a step back. At best this game deserves an average score, maybe 4.5 or 5 out of 10. I would not recommend purchase until at least one or two bug fix updates and even then it is really questionable whether it is worth $60.
# 152 lewski19 @ 09/02/12 11:44 AM
i think the people complaining about the complaining need to understand that in many cases the issues offline franchise players have are not based on year-to-year changes. i for one would simply like the options and abilities that were available in career mode for madden in the final game prior to the release of the ps3 and 360. what everybody seems to forget is that the franchise in that version of the game was incredibly deep and customizable (it had stadium creation available without moving a franchise for example, you could build a new stadium for your franchise and not change anything else). EA had promised at the time that they would re-integrate the franchise mode depth that had been installed previously once they got the engine on the new consoles. now here we are 8 years or whatever later, and all they have done is strip down franchise mode even more. anybody that was complaining about franchise mode being stale probably was more likely complaining that franchise mode had never been updated back to what it was on the previous generation of consoles. and, after a long time of hoping, i now believe it never will be.
# 153 lewski19 @ 09/02/12 11:46 AM
in a free market competition drives innovation and when EA got the license exclusively the quality of the product dropped, it is not complicated to figure out why.
# 154 btemp @ 09/02/12 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by BWHORN
That's true. What's difficult to figure out is how they got such great reviews. 8.5 from Operation Sports? "This is the best Madden ever"???
1) Many people who review Madden (see IGN, Gamespot, etc.) are not Madden players. They maybe play Madden a few times with friends or for the review. It's not the equivalent of reviewing a game, say like Mass Effect 3, where the review is based upon hours and hours of play in which the game is "beaten" at least once.

Even people who are frequent Madden players are only reviewing Madden after a few hours/days of play. Many of Madden's problems come out after a week, too quickly for many of the real problems to come out. See Operation Sport's review of NCAA 12 (http://www.operationsports.com/revie...all-12-review/) which received an 8.5 even though it was so broken as to be flat-out unplayable for many.

1a) Some review sites actually farm out some of their reviews to other people on the cheap. So they'll pay some person on the internet say $40 (fictional number) to write a review of a game. This of course does not stop them from putting their name on the review.

2) Reviewers often have different goals and interests. First, they're looking at the game differently than a player. A great example of this is reviews of Diablo 3 which stated they were ignoring the log-in problems players were having because they can't review that. Well, as a player log-in problems have a huge impact on my ability to enjoy the game but many reviewers don't take that stance. I suppose in trying to be "objective" they remove themselves too far from a player's viewpoint (who the review is for). Second, reviewers are individuals who hold unique viewpoints. I play Madden only for franchise, so reviewers who weren't as invested in franchise won't capture the parts of Madden that are important to me (and related problems).

3) Review sites are often, intentionally or not, in the pockets of the companies they review. Because so much of the information and perks they receive is dependent on these companies, they will often , again intentionally or not, kowtow to these companies. A great example of this again is Diablo 3 (http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/diablo-iii) which saw high consumer dissatisfaction coupled with incredibly high reviews. This is not to say that this is always or even often the case but that it is a factor to keep in mind.
# 155 Bgamer90 @ 09/02/12 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by daniel77733
I agree in regards to 2K8 but 2K5??? Yeah right.

Xbox 92/100 average

42 critics...all positives, no mixed or negative reviews. Includes a perfect 100 rating by this very site.

PS2 90/100
37 critics...again, all postives, no mixed or negative reviews.

EA/Tiburon/Madden fans may be sick of seeing, hearing and reading about Madden being compared to 2K5 every year but Madden will always be compared to 2K5 because 2K5 is the game that forced EA to buyout everything and challenge nothing. Eight years and a console generation later, EA/Tiburon still cant match let alone surpass 2K5. EA/Tiburon cant even match or surpass 2K5 despite the fact that its been gone for eight years. Hell, if EA/Tiburon cant even surpass 2K5 or currently, its spirit, EA better pay up for that exclusive license because if they dont and if 2K sports gets the NFL license (exclusive or not) 2K15 is going to crush them just like they did a decade earlier.

Quite simply, ESPN NFL 2K5 will never ever be surpassed unless its by Visual Concepts and 2K sports themselves. Its just not going to happen because quite simply, if it was, it would have already. And for those who know about FlyingFinn's 2K5 editor, he did more with 2K5 than EA/Tiburon have done in eight years.

Sad, so sad.
Comparing metacritic ratings like that is very flawed. A game from 8 years ago wouldn't get the same review scores if it released today.

People have said that Madden 13 is better than 2005 (calling Madden 13 the "best Madden ever") yet Madden 2005 has a better metacritic rating (Madden 2005 has a 91% while Madden 13 currently has an 82%).

Heck, I guess there's no better game than Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 then. The game has a metacritic rating of a 97.

Why can't devs make a game that's better than a skateboarding game that came out in 2001?
# 156 CalmLikeABomb @ 09/03/12 02:25 AM
I don't understand why any poster can speak for all of us, and say that this is a terrible game. Okay you are all entitled to your opinion. Just please know that there are many of us, who are not delusional, who are having a lot of fun with Madden 13. I can say for the first time in many years, I am having fun playing a football game. Sure some things need to be worked on. That can be said of any video game in this current generation. This has become of the age of "the patch". Once again I will say, in my opinion I give this game overall a solid 9. To everyone who read through these posts know this, not everyone hates it. Many of us are having a blast playing it.
# 157 Armor and Sword @ 09/03/12 10:26 AM
Gameplay wise in Play Now mode......I love this game on the field with the new engine and passing system. It is a ton of fun, and unpredictable.

I give gameplay a 8.5/10

Presentation 5/10 - impressions thread states my reasons.

CCM mode - I have yet to venture in. I play offline....nothing is right yet with progression and sliders and I want my Zoomed cam patched in for offline play, injury bugs, sim stat engine looks like a mess,....oh you all know the rest. Patches are needed...as usual.

I can't deny what I feel about it on the field in Play Now. The game plays really solid with a great slider set.

A full review will not happen till CCM is patched. Ultimately that mode decides If I keep this game or go begrudgingly go back to 12 to resume my year 3 Franchise. I am all about franchise mode in sports games (like 99% of all of you here).
# 158 Bgamer90 @ 09/03/12 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by daniel77733

Madden 13 is NOT the best Madden ever. Reviewers are just saying that because EA advertises on the respective site or pays them off plain and simple. Every review I have read about M13 mentions NOTHING about the flaws and problems or even the lack of editing and other features that existed just a year ago.
In terms of gameplay, I don't see how someone couldn't say Madden 13 isn't the best Madden ever.

People have complained about issues like suction in the past when yet Madden 2005 had TONS of it. It's nothing but nostalgia for the most part.

The reason im comparing the metacritic scores is for a few reasons. First, this site and the review for M13 said that its the best Madden ever despite the fact that its not even the best Madden ever.
It's not a "fact". It's a opinion. If you don't agree, then that's fine.

What people are failing to realize is that eight years later and on far superior console, EA/Tiburon cant even surpass their OWN game released eight years ago so how the hell would they ever be able to surpass a game thats considered by the majority to be the greatest football game of all time? The sad part is that 2K was going to get even better but obviously, seeing that become a reality was taken away.
Many people feel that Madden 13 has surpassed Madden 2005 in gameplay so I don't know what you are trying to say.

Review scores are just numbers.

Second, you would think that no matter what game it is, it would receive at least ONE negative or ONE mixed review but 2K5 didnt. Despite the technology, games are worse now then they were eight years ago because its all focused on everything but what it should be - and thats "how does the game play"? Are there any problems that prevent the gameplay from being as good as it should be? Even Madden NFL 2005 only received one mixed review and no negatives for both Xbox and PS2. To me, Madden NFL 2005 was the second best football game of all-time.
Heh, you are comparing reviews from completely different people with different opinions. You honestly think the same people who reviewed Madden back in 2004 are reviewing this year's Madden?

Third, eight years later, 2K5 has stood against the test of time and has kicked its ***. Still, far better presentation. Far better commentary. Better gameplay. A LOT more FUN to play. Far less problems, bugs, glitches than today's Madden.
I agree that 2K5 has better presentation but in terms of gameplay, I feel Madden 13 is better. I can't go back to canned animations. I know other people feel the same.

If you don't, then that's fine.

The reason why everyone (including me) compares Madden to 2K5 every year is because 2K5 was the game that forced EA to not only cut its price from $50 to $30 THREE MONTHS LATER, but it also forced them to buyout the NFL license.
No, the NFL wanted the exclusive license at the time. The NFL went to 2K as well. 2K could have had the exclusive license if they put up more money than EA.

Eight years later, 2K5 shouldnt even be discussed but the reason it is, is because it still hasnt been surpassed.
Or maybe people who were big 2K fans can't move on until another 2K NFL game is made?

If people feel it's better than that's fine but it's REALLY obvious that there will still be people bringing up 2K5 until a new 2K NFL game gets made.

And dont know about Tony Hawk but I'll use a different example. Dont know what the metacritic rating for it is but the original Metal Gear Solid on PSone is STILL the best in the series and that will never change. Why? Because everything about it played great, story, characters, bosses, etc. ...everything was as close to perfection as you're going to get.
No, it got its high ratings during the time because the game was impressive DURING ITS TIME. The game wouldn't be thought of in the same way today.

That's why comparing reviews from 8+ years ago to now is flawed. What was impressive back then isn't really that impressive now.

They fixed the gameplay and made it arguably the best its ever been this year but then, screwed up EVERYTHING else. It doesnt make any sense. If you already have an awesome franchise mode, just add to it. Dont shoot and chop its head off. Just add to it.
You thought the franchise mode in previous maddens this gen were awesome? I disagree.

It's just a shame that eight years later, as a consumer, as a fan. I'm not seeing or playing that yet when I should be. And there will be a lot of people who disagree with me and thats fine but when you seriously think about it, 2K5 and Madden NFL 2005 should have been crushed already yet neither have been and are still the best two football games of all time.
Again, that's your opinion.

Madden 13 easily crushes Madden 2005 in my opinion.

The majority of issues people are saying about Madden 13's gameplay were 10 times greater in Madden 2005.
# 159 Bgamer90 @ 09/03/12 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by BWHORN
<<<<<<< Points to the top of the screen and tells Bgamer90 to look at the user score. Argument over.
User scores don't mean anything either. Especially when you have trolls that will give the game a "0" and people on the other side of the spectrum that will give the game a "10".
# 160 Bgamer90 @ 09/03/12 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by daniel77733
My opinion and the majority of reviews and when other people say that Madden 13 ISNT the best Madden ever so when that happens, it becomes fact by default.

What number of reviews said that Madden 13 isn't the best Madden ever?

And, if they didn't say it, did they just leave it out or did they straight up say "Madden 13 isn't the best Madden ever"?

And no, even then it wouldn't become a "fact". It would just be a popular opinion.

Madden 13's gameplay probably has surpassed 2005 but at the same time, thats not saying much because look how long it took them to do so. 13 still has problems gameplay wise and its not even me saying it...its everyone else here who lists all the problems.
Of course Madden 13 has problems. No sports game will ever not have any problems.

Now, im not expecting the reviewers to be the same but what I am expecting are the reviews to be fair and impartial. And most importantly, detail the problems in the game. Reviews for 2K5 and 2005 did just that where as I havent seen one review mention the problems for M13. Thats just unacceptable because its false advertising and leading people who purchase the game to believe that it plays perfect on and off the field but thats not the case. There in itself is the problem.
The majority of reviews I've read stated problems with the game. Maybe not in depth but the majority of them haven't been all positive.

2K5's gameplay is STILL better to me. The tackling alone is far better. And I have seen A LOT of the same animations in M13. The one that repeats every time is the tackle from behind where the defender's arm is on the ball carrier's back. Happens a LOT. But fair enough, to each his/her own.
Tackling in 2K5 is canned so I would have to disagree. I also haven't seen any of the same tackling animations (since again, tackling in Madden 13 isn't canned). Some tackles may look similar to others depending on the situation but none of them have been exactly the same.

If I wasnt ready to move on, I wouldnt havent purchased Madden 13, or 12, or 11 or 10. I'm more than ready, willing and able to move on. The problem is that thus far, Madden 13 isnt worth moving on to.
I never said you weren't ready to move on. I said many others aren't ready to move on.

Also, if you bought Madden 10 and 11 and enjoyed those games, Madden 13 is definitely worth moving on to in terms of gameplay.

I understand your point in regards to comparing games from years ago but the difference between other games is that 2K5 was the last football game to go head to head with madden which is why its always compared.
2K8 doesn't count then?

In some ways, 13 is better than 2005 but when you go by the overall package, 2005 is better for so many reasons. But like you said, to each his/her own.
I disagree. But yep... it's just our opinion.

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