Everybody's Golf News Post

The next installment in the Hot Shots Golf franchise will be titled Everybody's Golf, coming to PlayStation 4 for $39.99 on August 29. Check out the announcement trailer here. The team will be conducting a Closed Online Test towards the end of May.

Anybody can play golf with basically only three button clicks. Now you can experience golf with a variety of character customizations, fishing, and karting across the courses. You can develop your skills with the challenge mode and compete with other players globally through the online mode.

What type of golfer are you? A casual weekend golfer? A semi-pro? Maybe you’re one of those golfers who spends more time picking out your outfit than you spend practicing your swing? Or maybe you’re not a golfer at all, but you’ve been playing Hot Shots Golf for years!

No matter your play style, we’re pleased to invite golfers and gamers of all skill levels to play the next installment in the Hot Shots Golf franchise — Everybody’s Golf. And what better way to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the franchise than to launch the next iteration of the series this summer.

Not only does Everybody’s Golf boast the same three-click shot mechanic our fans have come to love, but the series returns with new features such as more character customization, robust online modes,* and other fun activities including fishing, buggy racing and treasure hunting in the open world environment. How you enjoy the game is up to you.

Below is a list of bonus items below that you’ll receive when you pre-order the game at PlayStation Store

Instantly downloadable upon pre-order purchase:
  • Everybody’s Golf Original Avatar
Available on Day 1:
  • The 20th Anniversary Course
  • Rabbit Mascot Costume x1
  • Unique shirt x2
  • Premium Kart x1
  • PS Dynamic Theme x1

Game: Everybody's GolfReader Score: Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 0 - View All
Member Comments
# 201 WooCRISPY @ 08/31/17 12:42 PM
Hmm... Was thinking about making an "Everybody's Golf: Highlights" topic since we're already using this one for discussions but I am not sure how many threads we need... Thoughts?

With how the game saves replays I know all of us will have some amazing shots and scores to share...

Side-Note: Anyone bag an Official Hole-In-One or Albatross yet? I haven't come close at all!
# 202 bcruise @ 08/31/17 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by WooCRISPY
Hmm... Was thinking about making an "Everybody's Golf: Highlights" topic since we're already using this one for discussions but I am not sure how many threads we need... Thoughts?

With how the game saves replays I know all of us will have some amazing shots and scores to share...

Side-Note: Anyone bag an Official Hole-In-One or Albatross yet? I haven't come close at all!
At least one or two of them could be locked since most all of us are posting impressions in here...I think a highlight thread's a good idea.

I haven't had an official ace/albatross yet either, but I did have a homing shot hole in one with tornado cups that I recorded manually. It would have still gone in regardless of the hole size/type because it struck the pin.

I'll post it if we get that thread going.
# 203 swimfunk @ 08/31/17 01:18 PM
Has anyone found a way to play with friends without seeing their strokes? I played a 4some with friends online and it took nearly an hour and a half. I can't believe a golf game doesn't have this option.
# 204 Alfie @ 08/31/17 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by WooCRISPY
Hmm... Was thinking about making an "Everybody's Golf: Highlights" topic since we're already using this one for discussions but I am not sure how many threads we need... Thoughts?

With how the game saves replays I know all of us will have some amazing shots and scores to share...

Side-Note: Anyone bag an Official Hole-In-One or Albatross yet? I haven't come close at all!
I managed my first hole in one in my first 18 hole tourney while playing on Rank 2 yesterday. I believe it was official tourney but will check my stats/profile today to make sure.
# 205 bcruise @ 08/31/17 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by swimfunk
Has anyone found a way to play with friends without seeing their strokes? I played a 4some with friends online and it took nearly an hour and a half. I can't believe a golf game doesn't have this option.
Play on the open course. Just get your friends to join on you through the communication/friend info menu so you'll all be in the same room. Then you can all hit your shots and see each other playing in real time (I think you can see how many strokes they're taking and their hole score will pop up on the screen once they hole out).

However, I don't think there's a way to see everyone's entire score for a round. Just yours.
# 206 Alfie @ 08/31/17 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by swimfunk
Has anyone found a way to play with friends without seeing their strokes? I played a 4some with friends online and it took nearly an hour and a half. I can't believe a golf game doesn't have this option.
I would assume that has to be a pre-requisite for online gameplay else how are you going to have online tourneys with 4 or more people? It's time consuming already when 2 are playing and anyone more you can't realistically play a round of golf if you have to watch everyone take shots.

Edit: Maybe that will be patched when online tourneys functionality is made available sometime in the future.
# 207 Alfie @ 08/31/17 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I only care about course. Thought I was supposed to get that.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
Yup and that's the reason I pre-ordered. If you're lucky BB will send you code for complete digital version of the game which you can sell. Apparently there was a glitch with BB pre-order for EG and lot of folks ended up with 2 copies of the game - hard copy and digital instead of game and codes for free DLC.
# 208 cdub71323 @ 08/31/17 02:37 PM
Are they supposed to release more courses throughout the year or are the two DLC courses the only ones?
# 209 countryboy @ 08/31/17 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Alfie
Yup and that's the reason I pre-ordered. If you're lucky BB will send you code for complete digital version of the game which you can sell. Apparently there was a glitch with BB pre-order for EG and lot of folks ended up with 2 copies of the game - hard copy and digital instead of game and codes for free DLC.

I put in the code and it said I have Disc version installed and need to delete it before downloading.

I don't know if it will work or not but if someone wants to try the code they are welcome to it


Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
# 210 swimfunk @ 08/31/17 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Play on the open course. Just get your friends to join on you through the communication/friend info menu so you'll all be in the same room. Then you can all hit your shots and see each other playing in real time (I think you can see how many strokes they're taking and their hole score will pop up on the screen once they hole out).

However, I don't think there's a way to see everyone's entire score for a round. Just yours.
Cool, thank you!! I will try this tonight and see if it works.
# 211 WooCRISPY @ 08/31/17 03:46 PM
Not sure if someone else already posted it, but I just unlocked Fishing.

# 212 aukevin @ 08/31/17 04:14 PM
Is fishing just for fun or is there a benefit to it? I only have played one night, last night, and I didn't see much point to the Home area. As you open different courses do you have to walk to them in the Home area or do you just keep going to the tournament tent to play?
# 213 WooCRISPY @ 08/31/17 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by aukevin
Is fishing just for fun or is there a benefit to it? I only have played one night, last night, and I didn't see much point to the Home area. As you open different courses do you have to walk to them in the Home area or do you just keep going to the tournament tent to play?
Fishing seems like it's a side activity but there are "Secret" VS Characters in the game so I wouldn't doubt that one or two are tied to fishing somehow.

You don't walk to any of the courses, the Home Area is just used for all of the Offline stuff. To the left of the Tournament Signup you can play any new courses you unlock in Solo Play. When you play Online you leave the Home Area and you walk around the actual course.
# 214 bcruise @ 08/31/17 07:41 PM
As others said, it's fun because it's a sim golf engine with an anime exterior, and has been for a very long time.

If you doubt the sim part, here's a list of things I have to consider before each shot that the game doesn't spell out for me:

Landing zone/wind/height/weather: You are shown a grid in the area where your ball would stop rolling on a 100% swing IF you were hitting straight there with no wind/elevation, but that's all. It's up to you to plan for wind and elevation changes, which often means moving up or down a club or two and pushing that landing grid far away from where you actually want to aim (the first time you come up 20 yards short of an uphill green on a 100% shot, you'll understand - we've all been there). Not to mention you need to know your carry distance so you don't end up plopping a ball into a lake just behind your landing zone with a low iron.

Oh, and rain matters. Big time.

Ball lie: Affects the percentage of your actual power potential that you'll get on your swing - which means that even if you max out the meter from the rough you might only get 60% of the distance you were expecting. And in certain situations you might even get over 100% (the dreaded "flyer"). And you aren't going to know how much you'll get until the impact - perfect impact does not = max % here. The game always tells you what the percentage range on a shot is (except for flyers), so you can do some math with the meter and figure out where you want to stop it.

Sway: This one's new to the series (or at least new to the front-end), and I believe it plays into the "control" level of your golfer. On impact a circle appears in the lower left club display that shows how well you struck the ball. if it's far off to the left or right, you can probably expect an unintentional hook or slice and the ball not going where you aimed. There's no way to control this other than the control rating - and that's only going to get better by leveling the club or using the Pin-Hole club (and sacrificing some distance). So, there's pretty much always going to be some degree of unknown in where the ball's going, especially on the lower irons and woods that are hard to build control on. This one aspect in the game is causing me to play a lot more cautiously than I did in previous installments of the series.

Putting: The tools are there, but putting is and always will be the hardest part of this game to master. You'll get the grid with the moving dots showing the slope of the green and the height change to the hole, but beyond that it's all guesswork. Often times you'll need to change to a more/less powerful meter on longer/uphill/downhill putts with the square button. Rain matters here too, btw.

Wanted to say something about impact, too. Getting perfect impact is what opens up a lot of the goofy stuff in the game - shots that run up the pin and drop in the cup, home in on the hole, etc. Through 344 rounds holes (I thought that seemed a tad high to be rounds) I have 43.8% perfect impact. So...if I was trying for that crazy stuff all the time, where would my shots be going for the other 56% ? Probably not where I'd want them to. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that the fun stuff has its place, but I don't feel like it takes over the game. You still need to play smart in order to score well.
# 215 Flightwhite24 @ 08/31/17 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
As others said, it's fun because it's a sim golf engine with an anime exterior, and has been for a very long time.

If you doubt the sim part, here's a list of things I have to consider before each shot that the game doesn't spell out for me:

Landing zone/wind/height/weather: You are shown a grid in the area where your ball would stop rolling on a 100% swing IF you were hitting straight there with no wind/elevation, but that's all. It's up to you to plan for wind and elevation changes, which often means moving up or down a club or two and pushing that landing grid far away from where you actually want to aim (the first time you come up 20 yards short of an uphill green on a 100% shot, you'll understand - we've all been there). Not to mention you need to know your carry distance so you don't end up plopping a ball into a lake just behind your landing zone with a low iron.

Oh, and rain matters. Big time.

Ball lie: Affects the percentage of your actual power potential that you'll get on your swing - which means that even if you max out the meter from the rough you might only get 60% of the distance you were expecting. And in certain situations you might even get over 100% (the dreaded "flyer"). And you aren't going to know how much you'll get until the impact - perfect impact does not = max % here. The game always tells you what the percentage range on a shot is (except for flyers), so you can do some math with the meter and figure out where you want to stop it.

Sway: This one's new to the series (or at least new to the front-end), and I believe it plays into the "control" level of your golfer. On impact a circle appears in the lower left club display that shows how well you struck the ball. if it's far off to the left or right, you can probably expect an unintentional hook or slice and the ball not going where you aimed. There's no way to control this other than the control rating - and that's only going to get better by leveling the club or using the Pin-Hole club (and sacrificing some distance). So, there's pretty much always going to be some degree of unknown in where the ball's going, especially on the lower irons and woods that are hard to build control on. This one aspect in the game is causing me to play a lot more cautiously than I did in previous installments of the series.

Putting: The tools are there, but putting is and always will be the hardest part of this game to master. You'll get the grid with the moving dots showing the slope of the green and the height change to the hole, but beyond that it's all guesswork. Often times you'll need to change to a more/less powerful meter on longer/uphill/downhill putts with the square button. Rain matters here too, btw.

Wanted to say something about impact, too. Getting perfect impact is what opens up a lot of the goofy stuff in the game - shots that run up the pin and drop in the cup, home in on the hole, etc. Through 344 rounds (most of those 9-holers, probably) I have 43.8% perfect impact. So...if I was trying for that crazy stuff all the time, where would my shots be going for the other 56% ? Probably not where I'd want them to. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that the fun stuff has its place, but I don't feel like it takes over the game. You still need to play smart in order to score well.

I've played this more in 3 days than the whole time TG2 has been out. Not knocking TG2 but this game is money. Having a blast.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 216 Chairman7w @ 08/31/17 09:31 PM
Love it - having a blast.

Between this, TGC2, Madden, F1 2017, and in a couple weeks NBA 2k18 and Project Cars 2... I'm in Video Game Heaven.
# 217 Alfie @ 08/31/17 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
As others said, it's fun because it's a sim golf engine with an anime exterior, and has been for a very long time.

If you doubt the sim part, here's a list of things I have to consider before each shot that the game doesn't spell out for me:

Landing zone/wind/height/weather: You are shown a grid in the area where your ball would stop rolling on a 100% swing IF you were hitting straight there with no wind/elevation, but that's all. It's up to you to plan for wind and elevation changes, which often means moving up or down a club or two and pushing that landing grid far away from where you actually want to aim (the first time you come up 20 yards short of an uphill green on a 100% shot, you'll understand - we've all been there). Not to mention you need to know your carry distance so you don't end up plopping a ball into a lake just behind your landing zone with a low iron.

Oh, and rain matters. Big time.

Ball lie: Affects the percentage of your actual power potential that you'll get on your swing - which means that even if you max out the meter from the rough you might only get 60% of the distance you were expecting. And in certain situations you might even get over 100% (the dreaded "flyer"). And you aren't going to know how much you'll get until the impact - perfect impact does not = max % here. The game always tells you what the percentage range on a shot is (except for flyers), so you can do some math with the meter and figure out where you want to stop it.

Sway: This one's new to the series (or at least new to the front-end), and I believe it plays into the "control" level of your golfer. On impact a circle appears in the lower left club display that shows how well you struck the ball. if it's far off to the left or right, you can probably expect an unintentional hook or slice and the ball not going where you aimed. There's no way to control this other than the control rating - and that's only going to get better by leveling the club or using the Pin-Hole club (and sacrificing some distance). So, there's pretty much always going to be some degree of unknown in where the ball's going, especially on the lower irons and woods that are hard to build control on. This one aspect in the game is causing me to play a lot more cautiously than I did in previous installments of the series.

Putting: The tools are there, but putting is and always will be the hardest part of this game to master. You'll get the grid with the moving dots showing the slope of the green and the height change to the hole, but beyond that it's all guesswork. Often times you'll need to change to a more/less powerful meter on longer/uphill/downhill putts with the square button. Rain matters here too, btw.

Wanted to say something about impact, too. Getting perfect impact is what opens up a lot of the goofy stuff in the game - shots that run up the pin and drop in the cup, home in on the hole, etc. Through 344 rounds (most of those 9-holers, probably) I have 43.8% perfect impact. So...if I was trying for that crazy stuff all the time, where would my shots be going for the other 56% ? Probably not where I'd want them to. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that the fun stuff has its place, but I don't feel like it takes over the game. You still need to play smart in order to score well.

Couldn't have put it better and would like to add that there is an additional strategy layer on top of what @bcruise mentioned when you face off against AI opponents (vs matches) where the winner is decided on points. You literally have to figure out how to plan and execute your shots so you get more points than your opponent. I learned this lesson the hard way when I lost a couple of holes despite hitting a par and a birdie and despite doing almost everything right. And at higher levels the margin of error is nearly non-existent with AI opponents making you pay for each and every error.

Oh and did I mention that you also need to determine the type of clubs and balls you want to select depending on the course, conditions and your opponent? I foolishly opted for clubs with more power but struggled as I lost control since getting "perfect impact" was nearly impossible. There are so many layers to the game - gameplay, strategy etc. - that once you think you've the game figured out, you get struck out by a curve ball.
# 218 Alfie @ 08/31/17 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I put in the code and it said I have Disc version installed and need to delete it before downloading.

I don't know if it will work or not but if someone wants to try the code they are welcome to it


Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
You could've sold the code and made a few bucks.
# 219 Alfie @ 08/31/17 09:58 PM
Folks, does anyone know where do I pick up the item available in "Home Area/Hub" on Rank 3? Apparently I suck at finding stuff in the home area. Took ages to find extra "Power Up" on Rank 2 and have spent half an hour finding the new item on Rank 3 as well.
# 220 WooCRISPY @ 08/31/17 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by Alfie
Folks, does anyone know where do I pick up the item available in "Home Area/Hub" on Rank 3? Apparently I suck at finding stuff in the home area. Took ages to find extra "Power Up" on Rank 2 and have spent half an hour finding the new item on Rank 3 as well.
I got you fam.


Just hit Rank 5. Man, this is definitely where the difficulty picks up. The new course has some really REALLY tiny fairways so with the 'sway' mechanic it can seem like RNG sometimes.

I can already tell that leveling your control is going to be HUGE for the harder courses. Having your contact off just a tiny bit can be the difference between a fairway and O.B.

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